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iOS Kodi_20.3_TS_LeTi.ipa Not Working through Trollstore - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: iOS Kodi_20.3_TS_LeTi.ipa Not Working through Trollstore (/showthread.php?tid=376381)

Kodi_20.3_TS_LeTi.ipa Not Working through Trollstore - ccolemantcb - 2024-02-22

I’m using an iPhone 14p on 16.4.1, Jailbroke with Dopamine. I have Serotonin and Trollstore 2 installed and have had success using both… until now. I downloaded the Kodi_20.3_TS_LeTi.ipa file from IPALibrary (https://ipalibrary.me/kodi/) and was able to sideload the file with Trollstore. When I go to open the app, all it does is open to a black screen. The app triggers my earbuds when I open it (that little click and hum that usually happens before audio connects), and once upon opening it the app asked if I would like to let Kodi access devices on my network or something, which I said no too. Then it went right back to the black screen. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

RE: Kodi_20.3_TS_LeTi.ipa Not Working through Trollstore - kambala - 2024-02-22

Team Kodi doesn't upload builds to that website, all official releases can be found here: https://mirrors.kodi.tv/releases/darwin/ios-arm64/

RE: Kodi_20.3_TS_LeTi.ipa Not Working through Trollstore - ghgdd1 - 2024-04-01

Watch out:
