Issue viewing more than one program?
I have had the Vbox fully set up for a week and im loving it, but i have noticed an issue today and wondered if i need to configure somthing else.

I have 3 Kodi installations but i can only seem to watch 1 program at a time from the addon.
So today had cbeebies (i know) in the living room but my kitchen machine wont play any other channel. eg bbc itv. you dont get any error from the client, it just wont play anything.
But if i select to play cbeebies channel (that still playing in front room) it plays fine on both?

I have checked the vbox gatway in the streaming status and it only has tuner 2 running to both ip address for cbeebies, and if i turn one off this then shows in the streaming section.
Their are no recordings running also.
Is their any logs i can check to see whats happening?

Its like tuner 1 is not activiting for some reason and will be a bit of an issue trying to view on multiple kodi installs.

also what is PCR Sharing Support which is currentaly off on the vbox?
and what is channel list Exposure by UPnP Enabled?

cheers for any help before i bother their support
Hi @dhallam
1. Are you trying to watch different channels on the same device or 3 different devices (3 different IP address)?
--- If you are running multiple Kodi on the same device - we disable this by default and you can change this by unchecking the limit 1 channel per device option in the UPnP setup
2. Can you make sure that you can watch the 2nd channel on one of the devices (for example make sure that your can watch cbeebies and then zap to BBC1)
--- Please try to look at 2 different channels from 2 different frequencies (this will force the 2nd tuner to kick in)
--- Please look in the tuner setup page that your BER level is at 0.00
3. PCR - should say disabled, this feature is used when the broadcaster shares a single audio and video sync PID for all channels
4. UPnP exposure of channel list - should stay enabled, the VBox is a UPnP server and this enables UPnP

And feel free to drop us an email for additional support :-)
Thanks for the swift repily

1. the channels were on diffrent devices with diffrent ip addresses.

but today i have been playing around and both tuners are being used, and are now playing all channels on both so i will test further.

Also i noticed today on one device i could record from the addon guide but on the front room one i could not record or add any timers. Then i tries 10 mins later and was working fine again.

also will keep and eye on this.

But the vbox is excellent, and from having local tuners im supprised how quick the tv loads from the vbox vs the local tuners that took ages.


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Issue viewing more than one program?0