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When kodi display's movies and tv shows the articles is in front of the title
( think that's the word English is not my native language)
So I mean:

The murder mystery, instead of murder mystery the

Is there a setting where I can change that?

best regards,

(2023-04-07, 13:19)stapper56 Wrote: Is there a setting where I can change that?
Not that I am aware of.
But there is a setting that allows you to ignore articles in the library...
The murder mystery will be sorted under m in the library when enabled or t when disabled.
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Well maybe it's a thing for the developers to think about.
I think it's handy if you have a lot of movies so the movies are more divided.
(2023-04-08, 07:28)stapper56 Wrote: Thanks,

Well maybe it's a thing for the developers to think about.
I think it's handy if you have a lot of movies so the movies are more divided.

I actually agree. I haven't tried it yet since I've fixed some other issues I was addressing but when I tried the "Ignore Articles" it was oddly doing the opposite. Every movie that started with "The" were all in one spot when it should have been ignoring the articles. It was weird. - Just checked and its working again. 

I'd like to see the ability to put movies that start with numbers after A-Z. And the possibility of turning off, "continuous scroll." When you get to the last movie, going backwards in the alphabet is the only option. But I'm sure just as many want the option to go back and forth between A and Z. lol Too many people with too many wants. Can't please everybody. 

@Karellen is there not something that could be typed into advancedsettings.xml? You've seen my struggle recently so I think we both know, I probably should stay away from anything related to putting code in.  Laugh  But just curious.
That's what I referred to, when you catalogue something in this case movies the word THE in unimportant.
If I have a movie for example "the great train robbery" I want that movie to appear under the G als Great train robbery, the.
That way, I know I have to go for the G and the T will not be filling up with the word THE which is unimportant.

The T will display meaningful titles and will not become a long list of a word that has no meaning.

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