Halo2 not appearing xlink games
i can see halo2 in my program files, however when selecting xlink kai the game does not appear? game is backed up on hdd. any suggestions on how to make it appear?
(stjoel11 @ nov. 12 2004,15:22 Wrote:i can see halo2 in my program files, however when selecting xlink kai the game does not appear? game is backed up on hdd. any suggestions on how to make it appear?
ehh xlink doesn't look for games you have on your harddrive. No

and you should post in the xlink kai fourm instead.
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if all your other games are showing up this then where you would want to ask such a question
(senergy @ nov. 12 2004,15:56 Wrote:if all your other games are showing up this then  where you would want to ask such a question
xlink kai discussion and support :nuts:
  • ASRock ION 330 OpenELEC XBMC Frodo.
  • 47" LG HDTV1080p, AC3/DTS Receiver.
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well, i can see my other games in xbmc kai x link that are system link related, however halo 2 does not appear in the games list within xbmc. i dont think it appiles to x link but to the xbmc recogninzing halo2 as a system link game. i think that would be the cause anyway.
(stjoel11 @ nov. 12 2004,16:01 Wrote:well, i can see my other games in xbmc kai x link that are system link related, however halo 2 does not appear in the games list within xbmc. i dont think it appiles to x link but to the xbmc recogninzing halo2 as a system link game. i think that would be the cause anyway.
forgot to say that it shows here for me. that was yester day though.
check if halo 2 is listed in the ui on the pc first.
i know a bug fixed kai xlink for halo 2 was released before.
check http://www.xbox-scene.com for mor info.
  • ASRock ION 330 OpenELEC XBMC Frodo.
  • 47" LG HDTV1080p, AC3/DTS Receiver.
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Halo2 not appearing xlink games0