Req (1) Add reboot button; (2) Add playlist caching (5, fixed or last used).
1. I always find myself forgetting to reboot Kodi after configuring IPTV Simple to use a different playlist.
Could you please add a button "OK + Reboot" for people like me? If possible, with Echo "IPTV Simple is now rebooting Kodi to apply your new settings..."?

2. To keep tabs on things I don't use that many playlists, just the default one named "ÏPTV_Simple.m3u", 3 additional categories-based profiles (among them News and Videos) named according to the said categories, and one playlist for testing newly discovered streams or epgs named "Testing.m3u", a total of 5 playlists.
Could you please save people like me from having to retype the paths each time they switch playlists by caching the full file paths and providing a drop-down selecting list for them?

Thanks in advance and keep the good work.
You could try

That you can add your multiple playlists too and then enable / disable each as needed.

It also automatically restarts IPTV simple when you run a merge
Thanks @matthuisman , it sounds as a good solution provided the following condition is met: IPTV Merge does not reformat the streams to a syntax only Kodi can read.

This is exactly what the similar official add-on service.iptvmanager does, and thoughPL it works elegantly and falwlessly in Kodi I don't like the fact that I cannot play the streams in VLC or PlaylistEditor TV. Or anything beyond Kodi for that matter. I want to be able to revisit and modify my playlists outside Kodi.
Still, it does not exactly match my feature request. I want to be able to go to IPTV Simple settings and switch effortlessly between 5 playlists, not to merge them into one single list. Your add-on accepts the one-playlist-only limitation of IPTV Simple by merging several sources into a single playlist. I don't want a long, presumably slow-loading, and certainly not easily maintainable playlist.
Like I said, you could add 5x playlists into IPTV merge and then just enable / disable which you want (you do that via context menu)
That does what you want - switches between multiple playlists.

IPTV Merge only reads the playlists you give it - it doesn't modify the originals.

I dont like your chances of having IPTV Simple remembering previous lists or having some sort of multi-select.

"exactly match my feature request" / "i want"
Unfortunately, life doesn't work this way once we are over 3 years old Smile

Failing the above - write your own addon that does EXACTLY what you want.
it wouldn't be hard
(2022-06-16, 11:13)matthuisman Wrote: .......
IPTV Merge only reads the playlists you give it - it doesn't modify the originals.

Then it is (for me) clearly preferable to the Team Kodi offcial plugin.iptvmanager.
plugin.iptvmanager was neither authored or maintained by team kodi. It is however in the official repo.

Both the above plug-in and iptvmerge offer solutions to the multiple playlists problem. There are not any plans to support this natively in the iptvsimple addon itself.

The idea of all PVR addons is that they communicate with a backend server that manages the channel lists, I.e. there is something else that is not the PVR addon that does any required aggregations.
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Got it.
Still, this obviates only request No. 2. It does not obviate the need for a control "Apply changes now" (per reboot) in case one changes the path to the playlist in IPTV Simple itself.
(2022-06-23, 09:26)DiMag Wrote: @phunkyfish 
Got it.
Still, this obviates only request No. 2. It does not obviate the need for a control "Apply changes now" (per reboot) in case one changes the path to the playlist in IPTV Simple itself.

There is no support for dynamic drop down lists in settings dialogs I’m afraid. So this cannot be done.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
Yes, I understood that. I have therefore limited my FRs to the introduction of an "APPLY CHANGES" button with action Reboot().

It may be a trivial request. But I have found myself to forgetting to do a reboot much too often.
It should automatically reload the settings if they are changed from Kodi 19. What do you mean by reboot? You mean reboot kodi? I’m afraid a binary addon would never be allowed to reboot kodi.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
(2022-06-25, 23:35)phunkyfish Wrote: It should automatically reload the settings if they are changed from Kodi 19. 

If it is so then a reboot button is indeed redundant. I thought it would be needed. Many (if not all) guides on IPTV Simple specifically point out to not forget to reboot Kodi after re-setting the iptv source file else any changes made are not applied.
Many of those guides were written for older versions of kodi and were never updated.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here

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(1) Add reboot button; (2) Add playlist caching (5, fixed or last used).0