XBOX Kodi not importing movies unless I select a specific folder
Kodi running on Xbox Series S.

I have movies on 2 external hard drives, movies are in individual folders.

If I scan any one folder for content, it finds the movie fine and adds it.

However when I scan the whole drive for content the scanning process just sits at 0% in the top right hand corner for 20 seconds, but doesn't find/add anything. I selected to scan for movies, with movies in individual folders.

Same results with both hard drives and both USB ports.

I have TV shows in a folder. Selecting the folder as a source found all the various TV shows within it fine.

It seems to just be an issue with scanning a whole drive.

Content also plays fine when selected manually.

Any ideas on fixes?
(2023-04-07, 21:09)J3d8 Wrote: It seems to just be an issue with scanning a whole drive.

Normally you set a root folder from which the movie folders are scanned.
But perhaps you can provide a debug log (wiki) from the whole scanning process, so we can see what is going on.
Thank you - the log file is here:
There's a problem with a mountpoint, the log says "removable drive F doesn't exist".
(2023-04-07, 21:09)J3d8 Wrote: Kodi running on Xbox Series S.

I have movies on 2 external hard drives, movies are in individual folders.

If I scan any one folder for content, it finds the movie fine and adds it.

However when I scan the whole drive for content the scanning process just sits at 0% in the top right hand corner for 20 seconds, but doesn't find/add anything. I selected to scan for movies, with movies in individual folders.

Same results with both hard drives and both USB ports.

I have TV shows in a folder. Selecting the folder as a source found all the various TV shows within it fine.

It seems to just be an issue with scanning a whole drive.

Content also plays fine when selected manually.

Any ideas on fixes?
Did you ever find a fix for this? My Series X basically doesn't scan an entire drive without crashing so I'm having to add stuff manually in smaller chunks, as in 'Movies 1', 'Movies 2', etc folders, rather than one central Movies folder. Very annoying to not be able to do update my library smoothly. I often resort to adding new movies one by one manually rather than scanning the drive.

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Kodi not importing movies unless I select a specific folder0