Doctor Who (2005) Season 14 episodes are not found
Imdb lists the new show as 2023.
The first in this new series ends with BBC video credits as MMXXIV which translates into 2024, and with new cast the restart would seem appropriate.
The season restart back to one is due to the Disney+ co-production. They thought that having Disney+ start on season 14 would have confused newcomers.

But from a BBC viewpoint, as it continues straight on from the previous series (and indeed the original 60's-90's version) it makes more sense to be still in the same show grouping.

One of those ones that be argued either day, and looks like one scraper has gone one way the other, the other...
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Kodi Blog Posts
Even the BBC are listing Doctor Who (2005) as ended - Doctor Who (2005–2022).
I have five specials from Sonarr (using TVDB) named:

How would I rename them to work with Kodi's TMDB scraper?
(2024-05-12, 21:14)viking2 Wrote: How would I rename them to work with Kodi's TMDB scraper?
As shown here...
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(2024-05-12, 20:07)Hitcher Wrote: Even the BBC are listing Doctor Who (2005) as ended - Doctor Who (2005–2022).
Although I get that that is the official word on it, I can't help but find it nonetheless preposterous.
The last special with Jodie Whittaker introduced...
There's no solution of continuity, no reason except, maybe, a commercial one (Disney's involvement).
The community should know better.

IMHO, clearly.
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(2024-05-12, 21:20)Karellen Wrote:
(2024-05-12, 21:14)viking2 Wrote: How would I rename them to work with Kodi's TMDB scraper?
As shown here...
Yes, I saw this, but it is not clear to me. I tried this:

However, only the first one (2005.S00E210) got the correct title
2005.S00E161 =>2005.S00E210

EDIT: Never mind, my mistake, I got it to work; I had to keep the first one in the Doctor Who (2005) Folder, and move the other four to  the Doctor Who (2024) Folder.
What a mess this will be as more regular and specials are added....
(2024-05-12, 22:18)viking2 Wrote: 2005.S00E161=>2005.S00E210
In TMDB, they are two different shows. So if you have all these episodes in one show, it won't work.

It looks to me as if you want to follow TMDB, so S00E161 goes into this show as S00E210...

The other 4 "2024" episodes, go into a new tv show in your library based on this...

Is that what you have done?
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(2024-05-12, 22:32)Karellen Wrote:
(2024-05-12, 22:18)viking2 Wrote: 2005.S00E161=>2005.S00E210
In TMDB, they are two different shows. So if you have all these episodes in one show, it won't work.

It looks to me as if you want to follow TMDB, so S00E161 goes into this show as S00E210...

The other 4 "2024" episodes, go into a new tv show in your library based on this...

Is that what you have done?
Yes, I forgot to move the other four to Doctor Who (2024) and then it worked. I had edited my post but I guess our posts crossed. Thank you, as always, for your help.
(2024-05-12, 22:39)viking2 Wrote: Thank you, as always, for your help.
You are welcome.
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In conclusion, I am using Sonarr (TVDB) to download the shows to Doctor Who (2005) and I then rename and move them to Doctor Who (2024) so that Kodi (TMDB) can recognize them.

However, I usually use Sonarr to track if I have deleted the show (typically after watching it) or if it was never downloaded. Now this will not be possible because I move & rename the shows and Sonarr looses track of them.  I use Kodi to see if I have watched the show (before it is deleted).
Is there a workaround...?

I have heard of "Track" but I have never used it. Would that work in this case? Would it work both with the "regular" shows downloaded by Sonarr (TVDB) and Kodi (TMDB) as well as the moved shows? I guess that it could track if I watched it, even if later deleted, but it would not be able to track if the show was deleted?
UPDATE: tvdb have made it a new series after the EIDR listed it as such.

So you can rename the folder Doctor Who (2023), remove it from Sonarr, and add as a new show Doctor Who (2023).

If you're using tmdb scraper it will get scanned as Doctor Who: Video Commentaries so simply use refresh information, then select manual, change the search term to Doctor Who (2023), search and select Doctor Who (2024) and you're done.
Thanks @Hitcher
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(2024-05-13, 23:43)Hitcher Wrote: UPDATE: tvdb have made it a new series after the EIDR listed it as such.

So you can rename the folder Doctor Who (2023), remove it from Sonarr, and add as a new show Doctor Who (2023).

If you're using tmdb scraper it will get scanned as Doctor Who: Video Commentaries so simply use refresh information, then select manual, change the search term to Doctor Who (2023), search and select Doctor Who (2024) and you're done.
Thank you, but that didn't work for me Sad .
I created a folder "Doctor Who (2023)" and placed a regular episode at this path: Doctor Who (2023)\Season 01\Doctor Who 2023 S01.E01 Space Babies xxx. After refreshing (w. TMDB), as I understood your explanation, Kodi displays the show as "1. The Star Beast with Commentary (S01E01)" instead of "1. Space Babies (S01E01)".

Note that I didn't get an option to select "Doctor Who (2024)" after the search was done. I only had "Doctor Who: Video Commentaries (2023)" and "Tales of the Tardis (2023)". I selected "Doctor Who: Video Commentaries (2023)". Maybe I couldn't see "Doctor Who (2024)" because I still use Kodi v18.9..?

EDIT: I was able to get it to work. After the Search, I selected Manual again, and manually typed in "Doctor Who (2024)". It then found the episodes in my "Doctor Who (2023)" folder.

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Doctor Who (2005) Season 14 episodes are not found0