Consistent 25-Item display on recently added items even with filters active
In my experience with Kodi's recently added items feature, I've observed an area that could benefit from enhancement to ensure a more consistent and user-friendly browsing experience. Presently, the 'unwatched' filter displays the last 25 unwatched items from the database, which is effective. However, as I progress through this list and watch a movie, the subsequent display, upon refreshing the 'unwatched' filter, doesn't consistently show the most recent 25 unwatched movies.

My suggestion involves refining this functionality so that the 'unwatched' filter consistently displays the most recent 25 unwatched items. For instance, if I've watched one or more movies from the initial 25 unwatched items the display should refresh to show the latest unwatched movies, even if it means including previously unseen movies beyond the initial 25.

This enhancement would ensure a more predictable and user-centric experience within Kodi. Users relying on the 'unwatched' filter would always see the most recent unwatched content, promoting better navigation and utilization of the media library.

Implementing this refinement would align with Kodi's commitment to user convenience and would greatly improve the browsing experience for users managing their watched and unwatched content. Your consideration of this feature request to maintain a consistent display of 25 items within the 'unwatched' filter would be highly appreciated. Thank you for your attention to this improvement suggestion.
where are you observing this behavior? i assume not the home widgets, are you going to videos -> recently added?

you can achieve what you want with a smart playlist, sort date added, limit 25, filtering watched - it would only drop below 25 when there are less than 25 unwatched movies

that smart playlist could also be added to the home widgets on most skins


Yes this way (Library Node Editor) I can achieve what I originally wanted. The downside for this is that it is not easily accessible.
The smart playlist option is also working but it has the same downside is that it is also not easily accessible.

So the current behavior for the recently added category seems like:
all movies -> limit 25 -> select only unwatched (toggle)

but the desired behavior would be:
all movies -> select only unwatched (toggle) -> limit 25

Unfortunately it seems that with the Library Node Editor cannot change the behavior of the built-in recently added category (or I was not trying hard enough Smile)

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Consistent 25-Item display on recently added items even with filters active0