Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod - MB1968 - 2018-03-11
Hi guys,
I need a litte help...
I would like to see detailed MPAA icons for my movies in the dialogue (i) screen.
These are my top menu settings for the movie library:
MPAA Detailed Icon - Colored
MPAA Icon - Detailed
These settings work fine for my tv shows library (detailed colored rectangular mpaa icons are visible), but don't seem to work for my movie library. The space reserved for the mpaa icon remains empty.
Do I need to install an extra icon pack, or are my settings not correct?
Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod - MB1968 - 2018-03-12
@Latss, can you do the following check please? Check if you can see the banner on top of the dialogue screen. You only need to check this for series without clearlogo. When clearlogo is missing, the banner won't appear on top.
RE: Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod - latts9923 - 2018-03-12
You have a German MPAA rating entered for that movie. You need to bring up the context menu and click "Edit Data". Then change the MPAA rating info to "Rated PG-13" (for Avatar). I've had to do the same thing with some of my movies.
I'll check on the banner problem.
Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod - MB1968 - 2018-03-12
@Latts. Not German but Dutch;
Thanks for the tip. I'll use a db editor tool for this on my Windows machine. That's the fastest way to change the ratings.
RE: Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod - Jumpy73 - 2018-03-12
(2018-03-11, 18:28)Angelinas Wrote: You mess some code, I just add one line more with condition for tvshow.....I didnt change code for movie.
In mine changes all content have cast (Movie,tvshow,set...)
You are right, I mess some code Now I copied the code in the right side of the .xml file
(2018-03-11, 18:28)Angelinas Wrote: *******************************************************************
This is only for Song widget from playlist...with animation. Just add this line don't delete old code after <include name="widgets_common">
Code: <control type="group">
<animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="180,0" time="900" delay="1000" tween="cubic" easing="out" reversible="false" condition="Control.IsVisible(8006)+!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Art.DiscArt))">Conditional</animation>
<animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="0,-180" time="900" delay="1000" tween="cubic" easing="out" reversible="false" condition="Control.IsVisible(8006)+!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Art.DiscArt))">Conditional</animation>
<control type="image">
<texture diffuse="cdart_diffuse.png" background="true" fallback="DefaultTVGuide.png">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Art.DiscArt)]</texture>
<aspectratio align="center" aligny="center">keep</aspectratio>
<animation effect="rotate" start="0" end="-360" center="auto" time="40000" delay="2000" loop="true" reversible="false" condition="true">Conditional</animation>
Thank you so much... it works wery well but it would be better if the animation would be the same as default
I asked you for this new requirement just only because I think adding this customization could be a structural improvement of Kodi and not only an answer to my particular needs
The Playlist is a common instrument in Kodi and it is extensively used by Kodi users.
If you agree I will ask @latts9923 Latts9923 for adding these customizations in his skin-mod by default. For this reason the animation included into the your piece of code should be equal to the default animation and not different.
Do you think it could be possible?
Try to make another question, already posted in this thread but with no luck... I hope you will have the answer for this...
The music albums score is available through a 5-ranked scale while, currently, the colored stars used in kodi for ranking (main menu widget view, right list view and I don't know somewhere else) are based on a 10-ranked scale. Is it possible to adjust the value in order to represent it in the right values scale?
ex. If I have a music album score 4.2 (votes 246) basis 5, would it be possible to adjust the value to 8.4 (votes 246) basis 10?
In the programming languages I know you can code the following simple statement "variable_out = variable_in / 5 * 10", where variable_in = album rating in 1-5 scale and variable_out = album rating in 1-10 scale. In such a way you can pilot the scoring stars through the variable_out and obtain the purpose.
Sincerely I don't know if the programming language of Kodi can give the possibility to do math calculations, but if so, it would be very easy to solve the problem
Thanks in advance for your valuable support
RE: Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod - Angelinas - 2018-03-13
litle mess in rating for album.....
Best you can see is this example.
add this variable in Includevariable.xml
Code: <variable name="value_rating_star_di">
<value condition="String.IsEmpty(ListItem.Rating)"></value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,0.1)">0.2</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,0.2)">0.4</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,0.3)">0.6</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,0.4)">0.8</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,0.5)">1.0</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,0.6)">1.2</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,0.7)">1.4</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,0.8)">1.6</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,0.9)">1.8</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,1.0)">2.0</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,1.1)">2.2</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,1.2)">2.4</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,1.3)">2.6</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,1.4)">2.8</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,1.5)">3.0</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,1.6)">3.2</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,1.7)">3.4</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,1.8)">3.6</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,1.9)">3.8</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,2.0)">4.0</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,2.1)">4.2</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,2.2)">4.4</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,2.3">4.6</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,2.4)">4.8</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,2.5)">5.0</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,2.6)">5.2</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,2.7)">5.4</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,2.8)">5.6</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,2.9)">5.8</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,3.0)">6.0</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,3.1)">6.2</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,3.2)">6.4</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,3.3">6.6</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,3.4)">6.8</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,3.5)">7.0</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,3.6)">7.2</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,3.7)">7.4</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,3.8)">7.6</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,3.9)">7.8</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,4.0)">8.0</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,4.1)">8.2</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,4.2)">8.4</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,4.3">8.6</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,4.4)">8.8</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,4.5)">9.0</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,4.6)">9.2</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,4.7)">9.4</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,4.8)">9.6</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,4.9)">9.8</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsEqual(ListItem.Rating,5.0)">10.0</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,5.0)">$INFO(ListItem.Rating)</value>
<variable name="value_colorratingstars_di">
<value condition="!Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,0.5)">$INFO[Skin.String(colorratingstars09)]</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,0.5) + !Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,1.0)">$INFO[Skin.String(colorratingstars19)]</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,1.0) + !Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,1.5)">$INFO[Skin.String(colorratingstars29)]</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,1.5) + !Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,2.0)">$INFO[Skin.String(colorratingstars39)]</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,2.0) + !Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,2.5)">$INFO[Skin.String(colorratingstars49)]</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,2.5) + !Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,3.0)">$INFO[Skin.String(colorratingstars59)]</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,3.0) + !Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,3.5)">$INFO[Skin.String(colorratingstars69)]</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,3.5) + !Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,4.0)">$INFO[Skin.String(colorratingstars79)]</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,4.0) + !Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,4.5)">$INFO[Skin.String(colorratingstars89)]</value>
<value condition="Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.Rating,4.5)">$INFO[Skin.String(colorratingstars100)]</value>
and change in dialogmusicinfo.xml label in star
Code: <!--Punkt in star-->
<control type="label">
or you can add in low view list texture for ratting
Add image for rating when you focus list - row372;LowListview.xml (add for slim list too)
Code: <control type="image">
<texture fallback="$VAR[value_styleratingstars,,0.0.png]">$VAR[value_styleratingstars]$VAR[value_rating_star_di,,.png]</texture>
<aspectratio align="left" aligny="center">keep</aspectratio>
Rating for this album is 4 (Four)
Here is animation same like MarcosQui original
Code: <animation type="Conditional" reversible="false" condition="Control.IsVisible(8006)+!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Art.DiscArt))">
<effect type="slide" start="0,0" end="0,-180" time="0" delay="0" tween="cubic" easing="out" />
<effect type="fade" start="0" end="100" time="0" delay="600" />
<effect type="slide" start="0,0" end="180,0" time="300" delay="600" tween="cubic" easing="out" />
RE: Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod - latts9923 - 2018-03-14
Thanks for the code for widgets discart and album rating. If it's OK with you I will implement those into the Multi-Mod.
RE: Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod - Jumpy73 - 2018-03-14
(2018-03-14, 17:56)latts9923 Wrote: @Angelinas
Thanks for the code for widgets discart and album rating. If it's OK with you I will implement those into the Multi-Mod. If I remember right, the new album rating code would be useful for widget view and for right list view too
Please find below also the @Angelinas code for solving the issue on cast list when TV Series are included into Playlist. As far as I understand, for Movies included into Playlist no extra code is needed (I kindly ask @Angelinas to confirm)
Code: <variable name="value_widgetscast">
<value condition="!String.StartsWith(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(widgets),movie) + !String.StartsWith(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(widgets),tvshow) + !String.IsEmpty(Container(510).ListItem.TVShowTitle)">plugin://$INFO[Container(510).ListItem.TVShowTitle]&downloadthumbs=true</value>
The last but not least... Thanks a lot to @latts9923 and @Angelinas for your support
RE: Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod - The Warrior - 2018-03-15
Does anyone have a dummy version of what I need to do in order to get IMDB/Rotten Tomatoes/Metacritic ratings to work? I have a fresh build of Aeon MQ7 but can't seem to get the ratings to show. I also tried updating the OMDB api key but that didn't seem to work either.
RE: Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod - latts9923 - 2018-03-16
@The Warrior
Try removing the file Kodi\userdata\addon_data\script.module.simplecache\simplecache.db.
RE: Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod - The Warrior - 2018-03-16
Thanks latts I'll definitely try that out. Thanks for the tip!
Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod - MB1968 - 2018-03-17
@Latss: I found a small bug in the music section. The title for the song that is playing is invisible on the left side of the screen. Check the second row on the picture.
RE: Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod - latts9923 - 2018-03-17
I am unable to reproduce this problem.
RE: Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod - Angelinas - 2018-03-17
Just play one song from left list and move focus to right list...playing song don't have color.
Code: <itemlayout height="35" width="590">
<control type="label">
<label>[COLOR=orange]$INFO[ListItem.Duration,, - ][/COLOR]$INFO[ListItem.Label]</label>
<focusedlayout height="35" width="590">
<control type="image">
<texture diffuse="shadow_mask_v.png">grey.png</texture>
<animation effect="rotate" center="auto" start="0" end="180" time="0" condition="true">Conditional</animation>
<control type="label">
<label>[COLOR=black]$INFO[ListItem.Duration,, - ]$INFO[ListItem.Label][/COLOR]</label>
<control type="label">
<label>[COLOR=black]$INFO[ListItem.Duration,, - ]$INFO[ListItem.Label][/COLOR]</label>
list 777 from IncludesMusic.xml need to have include insted of colordiffuse.
RE: Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod - latts9923 - 2018-03-17
Thanks for the clarification...I'll check it again when I get home.