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OS X ViMediaManager - Media Manager for Mac OS X! - Printable Version

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- SpoBo - 2011-09-20

MariusTh86 Wrote:I'm not entirely certain what you mean by changing a movie into a different movie, but when scraping a movie, if it finds existing images, it won't overwrite them with new ones in case you want to keep them.
For example a movie was automatically scraped as "Drive Angry" and it downloaded the images for it. But this was wrong ... it wasn't driving angry. So do a manual lookup and select "Driven". So now it has the info for Driven but still the old images it downloaded for Drive Angry.

So what I suggest is to overwrite the images in the following way:
Check if metadata exists for the movie I'm about to override.
Read IMDB & movieDBID.
Check if selected IMDB/movieDBID match from the movie that was selected through manual lookup.
If they match -> leave images intact.
If they don't -> a new movie was selected so we can overwrite the images.

But there is a bigger issue with posters & fanart (fanart saved as poster). Check my last post, edit 3. Sorry about all the chatter lol :p

- MariusTh86 - 2011-09-20

DrPepper Wrote:where do i need to look for that xml file ?

It's in the same folder as the movie. there's not 'set.xml' file, just your general movie xml file with SET information.

- MariusTh86 - 2011-09-20

SpoBo Wrote:Just tested it. Works like a charm Big Grin

edit: Just noticed that when I change a movie to a different movie the poster & fanart aren't changed.

Is this deliberate to prevent the tool from overwriting manually added posters & fanarts? Perhaps it's useful to automatically overwrite the images if the IMDB and TMDB ID's for the movie change. But this is no big deal because swapping posters & fanart takes only a couple of seconds now :p

edit2: Ok rather serious bug. Poster AND fanart are now downloaded to the exact same filename after upgrading. So there is only 1 imagefile in my directory called "moviename-poster.jpg". There should be a "moviename-fanart.jpg" as well I think :p So I went into preferences and changed the values around a bit to just use "poster.jpg" and "fanart.jpg". <- IGNORE, check edit 3.

edit3: Other bug then I thought. The fanart is *always* routed to the poster image. Settings now: poster.jpg & fanart.jpg. After that I restarted the app. I download the fanart and it writes the poster.jpg. So this isn't right Smile

so in short, there's no poster image, just a fanart image that is called 'poster.jpg'? does this only happen when scraping for a new movie? or when just downloading art through the metadata window or the tool button on the main window?

- DrPepper - 2011-09-20

I have 2 in there .

here's the first one : http://pastebin.com/eJy20GYX

and the second one : http://pastebin.com/ZWNCrD4n

hope this helps

- MariusTh86 - 2011-09-20

DrPepper Wrote:I have 2 in there .

here's the first one : http://pastebin.com/eJy20GYX

and the second one : http://pastebin.com/ZWNCrD4n

hope this helps

Are you sure that that's the entire file?
I'm not sure about the first line ("root@ubuntu:...") which shouldn't be in there, but the file also seems to cut off unexpectedly at "</streamdetails>" and "</fileinfo>" instead of "</streamdetails></fileinfo></movie>".
If they really are missing from the file, then that's why it's an invalid XML file. try writing the missing tags, and make sure the file begins with "<?xml" instead of "root@ubuntu".

- SpoBo - 2011-09-20

MariusTh86 Wrote:so in short, there's no poster image, just a fanart image that is called 'poster.jpg'? does this only happen when scraping for a new movie? or when just downloading art through the metadata window or the tool button on the main window?
There is a poster image if the last image I downloaded for that movie was the poster. But the fanart image is always saved as the poster image.

I tested it through the tool in the main window and though the edit metadata window.

if I do it through the manual search then it's done correctly.

- DrPepper - 2011-09-20

root@ubuntu is just the name of my server , i copied that with since i did a cat from the command line. so nothing to do with the file. but you are right it does end abnormally.

but as i said , there are 2 files inside the folder that are nfo's. question is if that's the error . have you tried making a set ? and do you get the same error ?

1 nfo i have is named the same as the movie , another nfo i have is named movie.nfo , don't know where it comes from...

- MariusTh86 - 2011-09-20

DrPepper Wrote:root@ubuntu is just the name of my server , i copied that with since i did a cat from the command line. so nothing to do with the file. but you are right it does end abnormally.

but as i said , there are 2 files inside the folder that are nfo's. question is if that's the error . have you tried making a set ? and do you get the same error ?

1 nfo i have is named the same as the movie , another nfo i have is named movie.nfo , don't know where it comes from...

Well, it doesn't need duplicates so I believe you can throw one away and still have it work correctly.
And there was indeed another bug in my code, which I then zapped with my bug zapping ray gun, so it shouldn't come back to bite you in the ass anymore in the next beta! Big Grin

- MariusTh86 - 2011-09-20

SpoBo Wrote:There is a poster image if the last image I downloaded for that movie was the poster. But the fanart image is always saved as the poster image.

I tested it through the tool in the main window and though the edit metadata window.

if I do it through the manual search then it's done correctly.

Thanks, that narrowed it down, I indeed had it set to use the poster name instead of the fanart name per accident, that's what happens when you copy similar lines of code but forget to correct them afterwards Wink

- demosthien - 2011-09-21

MariusTh86 Wrote:Does your app show studio logo's?
Yes it does, but you'll have to download them separately from this thread: (or similar threads)
Once you've downloaded the logo's pack, put the pictures inside a folder named "Studios" in the same location as ViMediaManager or in the following path: ‘~/Library/Application Support/ViMediaManager/Studios/‘.

Can't seem to find this path/folder at all: ‘~/Library/Application Support/ViMediaManager

Will try out putting the logos into a folder the same location as the app.

- MariusTh86 - 2011-09-21

demosthien Wrote:Can't seem to find this path/folder at all: ‘~/Library/Application Support/ViMediaManager

Will try out putting the logos into a folder the same location as the app.

Since I don't use this path for anything else yet, I haven't set up my app to create it yet.
If you create a folder named "ViMediaManager" in your user's applications support folder, and a folder named "Studios" inside of that, it should pick up on it.

Feature request. :-) - demosthien - 2011-09-21

At the moment only metadata for one movie/show at a time can be fetched. How about a "Fetch For All" (metadata) option? So VMM just moves it's way through the files in the active module (movie/TV Shows/Anime) one by one. That way anyone with a large library or a lot of non-VMMed files could just set it and go make a coffee.

The problem I see with this is if;

a. there is no listing on the database/s,
b. a conflicted read occurs when the app can't identify the correct movie/show from a couple of similar ones and needs a manual search, or
c. an incorrect identification occurs.

For a. and b. the app could just skip these movies/shows (ensuring they're colour coded grey) and move to the next one in line until it completes the rest. Then it could display a message saying that "X movies/shows were not fully identified and will require personal attention." As they're grey it would be simple job to manually find and run the search for them.

But c. is trickier... It would require a manual check of the library. This is difficult because after VMM has changed the name of the movie/show in it's own list it there is nowhere you can see the path/filename. I expect most people have already got their files correctly named so they can see what the movie/show in Finder etc.

Maybe adding the path/filename to the main information window (just under the movie/show title?) would help here as users could then just work their way down the list (arrow key styleez) comparing the downloaded database information with the path/filename. If they find inconsistencies they can manually re-fetch the metadata.

It might be worth adding a pop-up warning on use of this action to notify the user that some files may be incorrectly identified and will require them to manually check each one etc.

- i814u2 - 2011-09-21

demosthien Wrote:At the moment only metadata for one movie/show at a time can be fetched. How about a "Fetch For All" (metadata) option? So VMM just moves it's way through the files in the active module (movie/TV Shows/Anime) one by one. That way anyone with a large library or a lot of non-VMMed files could just set it and go make a coffee.

The problem I see with this is if;

a. there is no listing on the database/s,
b. a conflicted read occurs when the app can't identify the correct movie/show from a couple of similar ones and needs a manual search, or
c. an incorrect identification occurs.

For a. and b. the app could just skip these movies/shows (ensuring they're colour coded grey) and move to the next one in line until it completes the rest. Then it could display a message saying that "X movies/shows were not fully identified and will require personal attention." As they're grey it would be simple job to manually find and run the search for them.

But c. is trickier... It would require a manual check of the library. This is difficult because after VMM has changed the name of the movie/show in it's own list it there is nowhere you can see the path/filename. I expect most people have already got their files correctly named so they can see what the movie/show in Finder etc.

Maybe adding the path/filename to the main information window (just under the movie/show title?) would help here as users could then just work their way down the list (arrow key styleez) comparing the downloaded database information with the path/filename. If they find inconsistencies they can manually re-fetch the metadata.

It might be worth adding a pop-up warning on use of this action to notify the user that some files may be incorrectly identified and will require them to manually check each one etc.

This option already exists. Please check the file menu.

EDIT: also, from what I can tell (to try and answer your other questions) it pretty much just chugs along and ignores issues. I usually end up with a few that are still in a status of not having information and then I just manually search those. A couple times I had some that worked just by clicking on download metadata, so it must have been a connection issue at that point. So, aside from the message at the end, it appears to do what you were suggesting.

If it doesn't, post back so we can help troubleshoot.

- cbr600ds2 - 2011-09-21

I'm on a newish 2011 MBP and its slower loading up the movies list and downloading trailers. In fact, I can wait 5 minutes and the trailer progress bar never seems to move from the either 100% or 0% part. It doesn't spit out an error message at this juncture.

The unhandled exception error I get is when downloading more fanart for a movie. It doesn't seem to happen to everyone just every so often. More of an annoyance really.

and I guess I'll stick with 10 to help out with debug.

- i814u2 - 2011-09-21

cbr600ds2 Wrote:I'm on a newish 2011 MBP and its slower loading up the movies list and downloading trailers. In fact, I can wait 5 minutes and the trailer progress bar never seems to move from the either 100% or 0% part. It doesn't spit out an error message at this juncture.

The unhandled exception error I get is when downloading more fanart for a movie. It doesn't seem to happen to everyone just every so often. More of an annoyance really.

and I guess I'll stick with 10 to help out with debug.

I'm on a similar laptop (slight model variations aside), and it takes 5-6 seconds to load the list of 247 items, across AFP share on my NAS.

Downloading trailers I can't speak to as much at this point. I've only downloaded one or two and it went just fine. A mass trailer download would be nice, but I'm still not sure if I'm even going to have trailers or not. I suppose if it's that easy, I would just because I have the space to do so. *shrug*

I forget, does your un-handled exception occur when you retry an item, or only randomly?