RE: [RELEASE] Last.FM Playlist Generator Script - Auto Generate Similar Music Playlists - kiboy6 - 2013-02-02
As a long time user of this great script just wanted to say how excited I am by the new love it's getting.
Looking forward to the perfection-seeking tweaking that is to come ![Smile Smile](
Thanks guys!
RE: [RELEASE] Last.FM Playlist Generator Script - Auto Generate Similar Music Playlists - gliko8 - 2013-02-06
(2013-01-26, 00:56)gliko8 Wrote: Hey,
Another question, is there any way to enable Hebrew search in the script?
I can find the artist in lastfm and get recommendations but the script can't find nothing.
sorry for the re-post.
can it be done? is supporting Hebrew and other languages in search and recommendations. does the script can support other lang search?
Thanks again for a great script!
RE: [RELEASE] Last.FM Playlist Generator Script - Auto Generate Similar Music Playlists - ErlendSB - 2013-02-06
Can you post a log file showing what the addon is searching for?
I guess we need to add unicode support somewhere.
RE: [RELEASE] Last.FM Playlist Generator Script - Auto Generate Similar Music Playlists - gliko8 - 2013-02-06
(2013-02-06, 15:25)ErlendSB Wrote: Can you post a log file showing what the addon is searching for?
I guess we need to add unicode support somewhere.
This is what in XBMC log file after start playing an Hebrew song.
as you can see.. the song name is in gibberish:
16:16:06 T:48296 NOTICE: Thread CFileCache start, auto delete: false
16:16:06 T:48216 NOTICE: Thread PAPlayer start, auto delete: false
16:16:06 T:39816 NOTICE: [LFM PLG(PM)] onPlayBackStarted waiting: 2 seconds
16:16:06 T:39816 NOTICE: [LFM PLG(PM)] onPlayBackStarted waiting: 2 seconds
16:16:08 T:46416 NOTICE: [LFM PLG(PM)] onPlayBackStarted started
16:16:08 T:46416 NOTICE: [LFM PLG(PM)] áçåìöú ôñéí started playing
16:16:09 T:46416 NOTICE: [LFM PLG(PM)] Count: 0
16:16:12 T:46416 NOTICE: [LFM PLG(PM)] None found
RE: [RELEASE] Last.FM Playlist Generator Script - Auto Generate Similar Music Playlists - heldchen - 2013-02-07
(removed due to user stupidity reading first instead of last posts, duh!)
[RELEASE] Last.FM Playlist Generator Script - Auto Generate Similar Music Playlists - gliko8 - 2013-02-09
(2013-02-06, 16:23)gliko8 Wrote: (2013-02-06, 15:25)ErlendSB Wrote: Can you post a log file showing what the addon is searching for?
I guess we need to add unicode support somewhere.
This is what in XBMC log file after start playing an Hebrew song.
as you can see.. the song name is in gibberish:
16:16:06 T:48296 NOTICE: Thread CFileCache start, auto delete: false
16:16:06 T:48216 NOTICE: Thread PAPlayer start, auto delete: false
16:16:06 T:39816 NOTICE: [LFM PLG(PM)] onPlayBackStarted waiting: 2 seconds
16:16:06 T:39816 NOTICE: [LFM PLG(PM)] onPlayBackStarted waiting: 2 seconds
16:16:08 T:46416 NOTICE: [LFM PLG(PM)] onPlayBackStarted started
16:16:08 T:46416 NOTICE: [LFM PLG(PM)] áçåìöú ôñéí started playing
16:16:09 T:46416 NOTICE: [LFM PLG(PM)] Count: 0
16:16:12 T:46416 NOTICE: [LFM PLG(PM)] None found
Any news on Unicode support?
Can I do something locally on my machine?
Can I give you more details?
RE: [RELEASE] Last.FM Playlist Generator Script - Auto Generate Similar Music Playlists - ErlendSB - 2013-02-09
I'm having trouble with this one.
It seems to be working for me with artist names like: Røyksopp
One thing you could do is give me the url to the api.
Uncomment (remove the #) at line 110 in
print Base_URL
When you restart the addon and start playing the same track, the log will contain something like:
I'm not sure, but the databases might handle these characters differently. I'm using mysql and I have not had any problems with nordic characters yet.
Let me know what the api url looks like, and also how you would spell out the artist name in plain text, and I'll do some more testing.
[RELEASE] Last.FM Playlist Generator Script - Auto Generate Similar Music Playlists - jhnnsrs - 2013-02-16
i took the liberty to modify your addon to an standalone application that can
be called by xbmc.
It also includes full unicode support. So artists like Sigur Rós will not fail ![Wink Wink](
Thought you might find it usefull ![Wink Wink](
PHP Code: import random # Will Populate the hell out of you import json import socket import re, time import urllib, urllib2
class bcolors: HEADER = '\033[95m' OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKGREEN = '\033[92m' WARNING = '\033[93m' FAIL = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m'
def disable(self): self.HEADER = '' self.OKBLUE = '' self.OKGREEN = '' self.WARNING = '' self.FAIL = '' self.ENDC = ''
class LastFMPlaylist(): def __init__ (self): self.delay = 1 self.add_limit = 3 self.search_limit = 240 self.api = "62c8ee5856ab5f3424315a83ddb29e80" self.allAddedSongs = [] self.timer = None self.artist = "Not working" self.title = "Hallo" self.newSongs = [] self.prepend = bcolors.OKGREEN + "[LastFM-Populater]" + bcolors.ENDC+ " " self.prepend2 = bcolors.HEADER + "[LastFM-Populater]" + bcolors.ENDC+ " " self.prepend3 = bcolors.WARNING + "[LastFM-Populater]" + bcolors.ENDC+ " " self.prepend4 = bcolors.FAIL + "[LastFM-Populater]" + bcolors.ENDC+ " " print self.prepend3 + "Version 1.02 with Socket and Unicode Support" print self.prepend3 + "Feedback is very welcome" def startTitleSearch(self): '''Gets currently Played Song from XBMC''' time.sleep(self.delay) jdata ='{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.GetItem", "params": { "properties": ["title","artist"], "playerid": 0 }, "id": "AudioGetItem"}' decoded = self.getJson(jdata) # CHECKS IF IT IS PLAYING MUSIC if decoded.has_key('result') and decoded['result'] != None and decoded['result'].has_key('item'): if self.title != decoded['result']['item']['title']: print self.prepend + "Currently Playing: " + decoded['result']['item']['artist'][0] + ' - ' + decoded['result']['item']['title'] self.artist = decoded['result']['item']['artist'][0] self.title = decoded['result']['item']['title'] answer = self.dumbUnavailable(self.fetchSimilarTracks(self.artist,self.title)) self.allAddedSongs += answer print self.prepend + "Total amount of Songs added: " + str(len(self.allAddedSongs)) # AND IT GOES ON self.addToPlaylist() self.printPlaylist() else: print self.prepend4 + "Falty Reiteration of already Played Artist" else: print self.prepend4 + "Falty JSON Object from XBMC"
def fetchSimilarTracks(self, artist,title): '''Gets similar Artists Song''' print self.prepend + "Search LastFM for Artist" ## Build our post data dict data = { 'api_key' : unicode(self.api), 'method' : u'track.getSimilar', 'artist' : artist, 'track' : title, 'limit' : unicode(str(self.search_limit)) } ## Encode the unicode using an appropriate charset data = dict([(key, value.encode('utf-8')) for key, value in data.iteritems()])
## Urlencode it for POSTing data = urllib.urlencode(data)
## Build a POST request, get the response url = '' request = urllib2.Request(url, data) hallo = urllib2.urlopen(request) WebHTML = print self.prepend + "Search Done" # Gets Array with [ TRACK, MATCHVALUE, ARTIST] similarTracks = re.findall("<track>.+?<name>(.+?)</name>.+?<match>(.+?)</match>.+?<artist>.+?<name>(.+?)</name>.+?</artist>.+?</track>", WebHTML, re.DOTALL ) return similarTracks def checkWanted(self, artist, title,matchValue,album,duration): '''Check for Wanted Status SHOULD RETURN FALSE IF NOT MET ''' # CAN BE PRETTY MUCH ANY CRITERIA YOU WANT if matchValue <= 0.00005: return False # CHECKS AGAINST ALREADY ADDED SONGS for item in self.allAddedSongs: if item[0] == artist and item[1] == title: # IS EQUAL TO NOT THE SAME SONG AGAIN return False return True def printPlaylist(self): print self.prepend2 + "Added Songs: " for item in self.allAddedSongs: print self.prepend2 + " " + item[0] + " - " + item[1] print self.prepend + "Total Songs Added: " + str(len(self.allAddedSongs)) def addToPlaylist(self): for item in self.newSongs : link = item[3] addRequest = u'{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Playlist.Add", "params": { "item": {"file": "' + link + u'"}, "playlistid": 0 }, "id": 1}' #print addRequest #addRequest = '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "JSONRPC.Introspect", "params": { "filter": { "id": "Playlist.Add", "type": "method" } }, "id": 1 }' self.getJson(addRequest) def getJson(self,string): try: string = string.encode('utf8') gsocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s = gsocket.connect(("localhost", 9090)) # Whatever structure you need to send goes here: #jdata = json.dumps({"username":"...", "password":"..."}) gsocket.send(str(string)) response = gsocket.recv(2048) json_query = unicode(response, 'utf-8', errors='ignore') json_response = json.loads(json_query) return json_response except: print self.prepend4 + "JSON ERROR" def dumbUnavailable (self, similarTracks): songsAdded = 0 songsToAdd = [] # Shuffles the Result random.shuffle(similarTracks) for track, matchValue, artist in similarTracks: track = track.replace("+"," ").replace("("," ").replace(")"," ").replace(""","''").replace("'","''").replace("&","&") artist = artist.replace("+"," ").replace("("," ").replace(")"," ").replace(""","''").replace("'","''").replace("&","&") #Query LastFM for TRACK track = unicode(track, 'utf-8', errors='ignore') artist = unicode(artist, 'utf-8', errors='ignore') json_response = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "AudioLibrary.GetSongs", "params": { "properties": ["title", "artist", "album", "file", "thumbnail", "duration", "fanart"], "limits": {"end":1}, "sort": {"method":"random"}, "filter": { "and":[{"field":"title","operator":"contains","value":"%s"},{"field":"artist","operator":"contains","value":"%s"}] } }, "id": 1}' % (track, artist) json_response = self.getJson(json_response) # separate the records if json_response.has_key('result') and json_response['result'] != None and json_response['result'].has_key('songs'): nur = 0 for item in json_response['result']['songs']: artist = item["artist"][0] trackTitle = item["title"] album = item["album"] trackPath = item["file"] thumb = item["thumbnail"] duration = int(item["duration"]) fanart = item["fanart"] if (self.checkWanted(artist,trackTitle,matchValue,album,duration) != False or nur != 0): songsToAdd.append([artist,trackTitle,album,trackPath,thumb,duration,fanart]) #if file is wanted add to list songsAdded += 1 nur += 1 if (songsAdded >= self.add_limit): break self.newSongs = songsToAdd return songsToAdd class SocketListen(): def __init__(self): ''' Initialisierung ''' self.Encoded = 0 = socket.gethostname() self.port = 33902 self.socket = socket.socket() self.socket.bind((,self.port)) self.buffersize = 1024 self.prepend3 = bcolors.WARNING + "[LastFM-Populater]" + bcolors.ENDC+ " " self.awaitConnection() def awaitConnection(self): '''Waits for server Connection with Setup details''' ## CONNECTION PROCESS STILL DUE self.socket.listen(5) p = LastFMPlaylist() while 1: print self.prepend3 + "Awaiting new Connection" self.ClientConnection, self.ClientAddr = self.socket.accept() response = self.ClientConnection.recv(self.buffersize) p.startTitleSearch() start = SocketListen()
RE: [RELEASE] Last.FM Playlist Generator Script-Auto Generate Similar Music Playlists - ErlendSB - 2013-02-16
Wow! Great job!
LastFM-Populater eh ![Smile Smile](
I will definitely check this out. Hats off to you good Sir for cleaning up the code. This should be the base for a new version.
I'm curious about the socket communication. Is this a requirement for service addons?
There has been requests for turing this into a service addon, and to me this seems like it.
Am I right in guessing that skins can use your code to enable/disable the addon easily?
Anyway, well done!
[RELEASE] Last.FM Playlist Generator Script - Auto Generate Similar Music Playlists - jhnnsrs - 2013-02-16
I used sockets because this script runs outside of xbmc (i wanted this script to integrate with some sort of home automation i'm
currently developing).
In XBMC itself i have a small XBMC.player class that activates the script via a socket call everytime the song changes.
as an addonI guess, you would not need the sockets at all as well use XBMC.executeJSON instead of the JSON calls
Unfortunately i have no glue whatsoever how to develop addons in xbmc right now. so that will be your tasty piece of cake ![Tongue Tongue](
one could also get rid of the re part by calling lastfm for JSON objects
Last.FM Playlist Generator Script - Auto Generate Similar Music Playlists - gliko8 - 2013-04-17
I'v been very busy lately and couldn't get back to you on the Hebrew search issue.
i have checked the script with a friend and we managed to figure out the problem.
it seems that api cant query for tracks in hebrew, only artists.
we have add another loop to the script that checks for similar artists if similar tracks are return count=0:
PHP Code: """ Script for generating smart playlists based on a seeding track and api Created by: ErlendSB """
import os import random import httplib, urllib, urllib2 import sys, time import threading, thread import xbmc, xbmcgui, xbmcaddon from urllib import quote_plus, unquote_plus import re from os.path import exists from os import remove if sys.version_info < (2, 7): import simplejson else: import json as simplejson
__settings__ = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='script.lastfmplaylistgeneratorPM') __addonversion__ = __settings__.getAddonInfo('version') __cwd__ = __settings__.getAddonInfo('path')
def log(message): xbmc.log(msg=message) class MyPlayer( xbmc.Player ) : countFoundTracks = 0 addedTracks = [] currentSeedingTrack = 0 firstRun = 0 dbtype = 'sqlite3' timeStarted = time.time() SCRIPT_NAME = "LAST.FM Playlist Generator" allowtrackrepeat = __settings__.getSetting( "allowtrackrepeat" ) preferdifferentartist = __settings__.getSetting( "preferdifferentartist" ) numberoftrackstoadd = ( 1, 3, 5, 10, )[ int( __settings__.getSetting( "numberoftrackstoadd" ) ) ] delaybeforesearching= ( 2, 10, 30, )[ int( __settings__.getSetting( "delaybeforesearching" ) ) ] limitlastfmresult= ( 50, 100, 250, )[ int( __settings__.getSetting( "limitlastfmresult" ) ) ] timer = None
#apiPath = "" apiPath = "" def __init__ ( self ): if not os.path.exists(xbmc.translatePath("special://userdata/advancedsettings.xml")): self.dbtype = 'sqlite3' else: from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree advancedsettings = ElementTree() advancedsettings.parse(xbmc.translatePath("special://userdata/advancedsettings.xml")) settings = advancedsettings.getroot().find("musicdatabase") if settings is not None: for setting in settings: if setting.tag == 'type': self.dbtype = setting.text else: self.dbtype = 'sqlite3' xbmc.Player.__init__( self ) xbmc.PlayList(0).clear() self.firstRun = 1 BASE_RESOURCE_PATH = os.path.join( __cwd__, "resources" ) process = os.path.join( BASE_RESOURCE_PATH , "") removeauto('lastfmplaylistgeneratorpm') addauto("if os.path.exists('" + os.path.normpath(process).replace('\\','\\\\') + "'):#lastfmplaylistgeneratorpm\n\tos.remove('" + os.path.normpath(process).replace('\\','\\\\') + "')","lastfmplaylistgeneratorpm") xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification(" + self.SCRIPT_NAME+",Start by playing a song)") def startPlayBack(self): print "[LFM PLG(PM)] onPlayBackStarted started" if xbmc.Player().isPlayingAudio() == True: currentlyPlayingTitle = xbmc.Player().getMusicInfoTag().getTitle() print "[LFM PLG(PM)] " + currentlyPlayingTitle + " started playing" currentlyPlayingArtist = xbmc.Player().getMusicInfoTag().getArtist() self.countFoundTracks = 0 if (self.firstRun == 1): self.firstRun = 0 #print "firstRun - clearing playlist" album = xbmc.Player().getMusicInfoTag().getAlbum() cache_name = xbmc.getCacheThumbName(os.path.dirname(xbmc.Player().getMusicInfoTag().getURL())) print "[LFM PLG(PM)] Playing file: %s" % xbmc.Player().getMusicInfoTag().getURL() thumb = "special://profile/Thumbnails/Music/%s/%s" % ( cache_name[:1], cache_name, ) duration = xbmc.Player().getMusicInfoTag().getDuration() fanart = "" listitem = self.getListItem(currentlyPlayingTitle,currentlyPlayingArtist,album,thumb,fanart,duration) xbmc.PlayList(0).clear() #xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Playlist.Clear", "params": { "playlistid": 0 }, "id": 1}') xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.ActivateWindow(10500)') xbmc.PlayList(0).add(url= xbmc.Player().getMusicInfoTag().getURL(), listitem = listitem) #trackPath = xbmc.Player().getMusicInfoTag().getURL() #xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Playlist.Add", "params": { "item": {"file": "%s"}, "playlistid": 0 }, "id": 1}' % trackPath) self.addedTracks += [xbmc.Player().getMusicInfoTag().getURL()] #print "Start looking for similar tracks" self.fetch_similarTracks(currentlyPlayingTitle,currentlyPlayingArtist)
def onPlayBackStarted(self): print "[LFM PLG(PM)] onPlayBackStarted waiting: " + str(self.delaybeforesearching) +" seconds" if (self.timer is not None and self.timer.isAlive()): self.timer.cancel() self.timer = threading.Timer(self.delaybeforesearching,self.startPlayBack) self.timer.start()
def fetch_similarTracks( self, currentlyPlayingTitle, currentlyPlayingArtist ): apiMethod = "&method=track.getsimilar&limit=" + str(self.limitlastfmresult)
# The url in which to use Base_URL = self.apiPath + apiMethod + "&artist=" + urllib.quote_plus(currentlyPlayingArtist) + "&track=" + urllib.quote_plus(currentlyPlayingTitle) print Base_URL WebSock = urllib.urlopen(Base_URL) # Opens a 'Socket' to URL WebHTML = # Reads Contents of URL and saves to Variable WebSock.close() # Closes connection to url #xbmc.executehttpapi("setresponseformat(openRecordSet;<recordset>;closeRecordSet;</recordset>;openRecord;<record>;closeRecord;</record>;openField;<field>;closeField;</field>)"); #print WebHTML similarTracks = re.findall("<track>.+?<name>(.+?)</name>.+?<match>(.+?)</match>.+?<artist>.+?<name>(.+?)</name>.+?</artist>.+?</track>", WebHTML, re.DOTALL ) random.shuffle(similarTracks) foundArtists = [] countTracks = len(similarTracks) print "[LFM PLG(PM)] Count: " + str(countTracks) if countTracks==0: apiMethod = "&method=artist.getsimilar&limit=" + str(self.limitlastfmresult) Base_URL = self.apiPath + apiMethod + "&artist=" + urllib.quote_plus(currentlyPlayingArtist) print Base_URL WebSock = urllib.urlopen(Base_URL) # Opens a 'Socket' to URL WebHTML = # Reads Contents of URL and saves to Variable WebSock.close() similarArtists = re.findall("<artist>.+?<name>(.+?)</name>.+?</artist>", WebHTML, re.DOTALL) #random.shuffle(similarArtists) countArtists = len(similarArtists) print "[LFM PLG(PM)] Artists Count: " + str(countArtists) for artist in similarArtists: json_query = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "AudioLibrary.GetSongs", "params": { "properties": ["title", "artist", "album", "file", "thumbnail", "duration", "fanart"], "limits": {"end":1}, "sort": {"method":"random"}, "filter": {"field":"artist","operator":"contains","value":"%s"} } , "id": 1}' % (artist)) json_query = unicode(json_query, 'utf-8', errors='ignore') json_response = simplejson.loads(json_query) if json_response.has_key('result') and json_response['result'] != None and json_response['result'].has_key('songs'): count = 0 for item in json_response['result']['songs']: count += 1 artist = item["artist"] trackTitle = item["title"] album = item["album"] trackPath = item["file"] thumb = item["thumbnail"] duration = int(item["duration"]) fanart = item["fanart"] #log("[LFM PLG(PM)] Found: " + str(trackTitle) + " by: " + str(artist)) if ((self.allowtrackrepeat == "true" or self.allowtrackrepeat == 1) or (trackPath not in self.addedTracks)): if ((self.preferdifferentartist != "true" and self.preferdifferentartist != 1) or (eval(matchValue) < 0.2 and similarArtistName not in foundArtists)): listitem = self.getListItem(trackTitle,artist,album,thumb,fanart,duration) xbmc.PlayList(0).add(url=trackPath, listitem=listitem) #xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Playlist.Add", "params": { "item": {"file": "%s"}, "playlistid": 0 }, "id": 1}' % trackPath) self.addedTracks += [trackPath] xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh") self.countFoundTracks += 1 if (artist not in foundArtists): foundArtists += [artist] if (self.countFoundTracks >= self.numberoftrackstoadd): break #for artist in similarArtists: #print artist for similarTrackName, matchValue, similarArtistName in similarTracks: #print "Looking for: " + similarTrackName + " - " + similarArtistName + " - " + matchValue similarTrackName = similarTrackName.replace("+"," ").replace("("," ").replace(")"," ").replace(""","''").replace("'","''").replace("&","and") similarArtistName = similarArtistName.replace("+"," ").replace("("," ").replace(")"," ").replace(""","''").replace("'","''").replace("&","and") json_query = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "AudioLibrary.GetSongs", "params": { "properties": ["title", "artist", "album", "file", "thumbnail", "duration", "fanart"], "limits": {"end":1}, "sort": {"method":"random"}, "filter": { "and":[{"field":"title","operator":"contains","value":"%s"},{"field":"artist","operator":"contains","value":"%s"}] } }, "id": 1}' % (similarTrackName, similarArtistName)) json_query = unicode(json_query, 'utf-8', errors='ignore') json_response = simplejson.loads(json_query) # separate the records if json_response.has_key('result') and json_response['result'] != None and json_response['result'].has_key('songs'): count = 0 for item in json_response['result']['songs']: count += 1 artist = item["artist"] trackTitle = item["title"] album = item["album"] trackPath = item["file"] thumb = item["thumbnail"] duration = int(item["duration"]) fanart = item["fanart"] log("[LFM PLG(PM)] Found: " + str(trackTitle) + " by: " + str(artist)) if ((self.allowtrackrepeat == "true" or self.allowtrackrepeat == 1) or (trackPath not in self.addedTracks)): if ((self.preferdifferentartist != "true" and self.preferdifferentartist != 1) or (eval(matchValue) < 0.2 and similarArtistName not in foundArtists)): listitem = self.getListItem(trackTitle,artist,album,thumb,fanart,duration) xbmc.PlayList(0).add(url=trackPath, listitem=listitem) #xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Playlist.Add", "params": { "item": {"file": "%s"}, "playlistid": 0 }, "id": 1}' % trackPath) self.addedTracks += [trackPath] xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh") self.countFoundTracks += 1 if (similarArtistName not in foundArtists): foundArtists += [similarArtistName]
if (self.countFoundTracks >= self.numberoftrackstoadd): break if (self.countFoundTracks == 0): time.sleep(3) #self.firstRun = 1 log("[LFM PLG(PM)] None found") xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification(" + self.SCRIPT_NAME+",No similar tracks were found)") return False xbmc.executebuiltin('SetCurrentPlaylist(0)') def getListItem(self, trackTitle, artist, album, thumb, fanart,duration): listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(trackTitle) if (fanart == ""): cache_name = xbmc.getCacheThumbName( str(artist) ) fanart = "special://profile/Thumbnails/Music/%s/%s" % ( "Fanart", cache_name, ) listitem.setProperty('fanart_image',fanart) listitem.setInfo('music', { 'title': trackTitle, 'artist': artist, 'album': album, 'duration': duration }) listitem.setThumbnailImage(thumb) #log("[LFM PLG(PM)] Fanart:%s" % fanart) return listitem
def addauto(newentry, scriptcode): autoexecfile = xbmc.translatePath('special://home/userdata/') #autoexecfile = "special://masterprofile/" if exists(autoexecfile): fh = open(autoexecfile) lines = [] for line in fh.readlines(): lines.append(line) lines.append("import time" + "#" + scriptcode + "\n") lines.append("time.sleep(2)" + "#" + scriptcode + "\n") lines.append(newentry + "#" + scriptcode + "\n") fh.close() f = open(autoexecfile, "w") if not "import xbmc\n" in lines: f.write("import xbmc" + "#" + scriptcode + "\n") if not "import os\n" in lines: f.write("import os" + "#" + scriptcode + "\n") f.writelines(lines) f.close() else: f = open(autoexecfile, "w") f.write("import time" + "#" + scriptcode + "\n") f.write("time.sleep(2)" + "#" + scriptcode + "\n") f.write("import os" + "#" + scriptcode + "\n") f.write("import xbmc" + "#" + scriptcode + "\n") f.write(newentry + "#" + scriptcode + "\n") f.close()
def removeauto(scriptcode): autoexecfile = xbmc.translatePath('special://home/userdata/') #autoexecfile = "special://masterprofile/" if exists(autoexecfile): fh = open(autoexecfile) lines = [ line for line in fh if not line.strip().endswith("#" + scriptcode) ] fh.close() f = open(autoexecfile, "w") f.writelines(lines) f.close() BASE_RESOURCE_PATH = os.path.join( __cwd__, "resources" )
process = os.path.join( BASE_RESOURCE_PATH , "") p=MyPlayer() while(1): if os.path.exists(process): if (xbmc.abortRequested): os.remove(process) print "[LFM PLG(PM)] deleting pid" xbmc.sleep(500) else: break
Skiping songs - scrolling - 2013-05-27
I've been using this add-on for awhile now. Lately I've noticed that when I start up this add-on it'll play the first song than skip the next 4 or 5 songs. I'm not sure what's happening here. I'm using Frodo 12.2. Any help would be appreciated thanks
Last.FM Playlist Generator Script - Auto Generate Similar Music Playlists - salfab - 2013-06-23
I suggest you commit unzipped files on your github account, si I would then contribute in any way I can ![Smile Smile](
I would gladly add support for opt-in feature for the playlist generation to be album-based instead of track-based, for instance.
or even push the envelope further and use the recommended artists instead of similar artists, for instance.
anyway... I'd be glad to help, and then github would allow you to accept or reject my changes : your call ![Smile Smile](
EDIT: ooh ! I hadn't looked correctly : it *is* committed properly
Last.FM Playlist Generator Script - ErlendSB - 2013-06-23
Salfab: Brilliant! Feel free to contribute in any way you can.
I'm currently using spotify for music and not using this addon much myself, so if someone's willing to keep maintaing it, that's great!
[RELEASE] Last.FM Playlist Generator Script - Auto Generate Similar Music - olivine - 2013-07-03
I somehow cannot get this add-on to work on my set-up (installed from Mortstart's repo, on Frodo on linux). I followed the instructions I found: start script ("would you like to exit party mode?" [no]), start playing a track, but no new tracks ever show up in the playlist. Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance for any help/advice.