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Artwork Downloader - Printable Version

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- Martijn - 2011-12-27

Jeroen Wrote:I think you mean 256*256 right?

Uhm yes indeed. Small typo Wink

- Martijn - 2011-12-30

New test version:

When switching from the stable 1.0.3 to the 1.0.4RCx version (won't be visible in xbmc) delete all your extrafanart before running.

- Omegatron - 2011-12-30

Martijn Wrote:New test version:

When switching from the stable 1.0.3 to the 1.0.4RCx version (won't be visible in xbmc) delete all your extrafanart before running.

At the moment it starts the addon but downloads only 2 images per tv-show and 2 per movie. While there are more for those movies and shows. is this a setting? how do i get more fanart?

Im using the latest version of artwork downloader you added here.

- Martijn - 2011-12-30

Ajedi Wrote:At the moment it starts the addon but downloads only 2 images per tv-show and 2 per movie. While there are more for those movies and shows. is this a setting? how do i get more fanart?

Im using the latest version of artwork downloader you added here.

Could you show me your full debug log while running it?
Remember this is just a beta Wink

- Omegatron - 2011-12-30

Martijn Wrote:Could you show me your full debug log while running it?
Remember this is just a beta Wink

sure i can me a debug log, do you want me to start from scratch again? removing all downloaded fanart?

- Martijn - 2011-12-30

Ajedi Wrote:sure i can me a debug log, do you want me to start from scratch again? removing all downloaded fanart?

No not necessary. Just another run would be fine without removing anything

- Omegatron - 2011-12-30

Martijn Wrote:No not necessary. Just another run would be fine without removing anything


there ya go, let me know what you think thanks!

- Martijn - 2011-12-30

Ajedi Wrote:http://paste.ubuntu.com/787968/

there ya go, let me know what you think thanks!

## - Extrafanart Max = 2

Well there's your problem. Change the setting in add-on settings Smile

I'm just glad it had run without failure Big Grin

- Omegatron - 2011-12-30

Martijn Wrote:## - Extrafanart Max = 2

Well there's your problem. Change the setting in add-on settings Smile

I'm just glad it had run without failure Big Grin

I never doubt your skill Wink

could you tell me were this setting is? cant seem to find it.

- Martijn - 2011-12-30

Ajedi Wrote:I never doubt your skill Wink

could you tell me were this setting is? cant seem to find it.

Still think it's strange you got setting on 2
When in programs -> hit 'C' while on the add-on -> limit artwork -> change the maximum extrafanart.
(or something like that.

- Omegatron - 2011-12-30

Martijn Wrote:Still think it's strange you got setting on 2
When in programs -> hit 'C' while on the add-on -> limit artwork -> change the maximum extrafanart.
(or something like that.

the addon says maximum extra fanart 20. when i slide the bar to right it goes to 100. Maybe the 20=2 and 100=10?

anyway i set it to 100 and started the addon again. i let you know

- Martijn - 2011-12-30

Ajedi Wrote:the addon says maximum extra fanart 20. when i slide the bar to right it goes to 100. Maybe the 20=2 and 100=10?

anyway i set it to 100 and started the addon again. i let you know

I just set it to 20 and it does 20 extrafanart.
A 100 will take almost forever Wink

- Omegatron - 2011-12-30

Martijn Wrote:I just set it to 20 and it does 20 extrafanart.
A 100 will take almost forever Wink

mine is was on 20 but only took 2 :S

I cant find a setting anywhere that says 2.....do you know where to look?

- Martijn - 2011-12-30

Ajedi Wrote:mine is was on 20 but only took 2 :S

I cant find a setting anywhere that says 2.....do you know where to look?

Haven't touched that part of the code in ages.
So what happened when you set it to 100?
Did it strip it down to 1?

- Omegatron - 2011-12-30

Well i it looks ok but for example.

I have the tv-show "Wilfred (US). If you check thetvdb.com it has 10 fanarts.

When i had it on 20 fanart it only downloaded 2 fanarts. Now its on 100 fanarts and it downloaded 6 fanarts.

its set on minimum fanart of 720p. all fanart for this specific show are 1080p

So does its scrape the fanarts from thetvdb.com aswell i wonder....