RE: Artist Slideshow - Random genre fanart - OlegArh - 2020-08-01
(2020-07-31, 17:58)pkscout Wrote: (2020-07-31, 14:10)OlegArh Wrote: (2020-07-29, 17:55)pkscout Wrote: The artist fanart is displayed randomly already. I'd really need to see a debug log (with both Kodi and AS debug logging on) if you're seeing things in the same order every time. I'm pretty sure that shouldn't happen.
I had version 3.2.1 installed, reinstalled to version 3.2.4 Beta. Now on Blues genre fan art is displayed together (Rock, Blues, and so on) Is this the plan? I've apparently not been making myself clear. Artist Slideshow knows absolutely NOTHING about genre art. It shows art attached to an artist or a fallback slideshow, that's it. Whatever you are seeing is because the when the artist is playing there are images in the artist folder that either you put there or were downloaded.
Thanks for the answer.
So, while displaying genre fanart in the absence of an image of the artist has not yet been implemented? :-(
It seemed to me that in version 3.2.1 genre fan art was displayed
RE: [split] pkscout's Estuary mod (with Artist Slideshow Support) - MrPatate - 2020-08-01
(2020-07-25, 22:00)pkscout Wrote: (2020-07-25, 16:29)MrPatate Wrote: Hello and Thanks for this addon.
I use a skin which is no up to date from sometimes now and i want to use your addon, for this i modify thé musicvisualisation.xml of the skin and i was able to have slide show of artist fanarr on music payer screen.
When i came back to the home screen thé slide show stop and i have thé warning message from the addon update on black background.
I think i must made change on an other XML file but don't know witcj and how.
I using kodi 18.7 on and android tv (shield tv) with eminance 2.0 mod skin,but i was not able to have more result.
Could someone give me the step to Enable slideshow on home screen to !? There was a change to how the addon provides images to the skin between AS 2.x and 3.x. There is example code in the Artist Slideshow wiki on how to do support for the 3.x version.
Thanks for your help and the link to the wiki.
I try to make the change on musicvisualisation.xml of the skin, i copy tge three control on the XML and remoce thé old one.
But i have the same problem, artist slideshow work well when i'm one music player, but when i come home it display thé notice.png and i have no slideshow.
This is my XML (code line 25 to 49)
xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- visualisation -->
<onload condition="System.HasAddon(script.artistslideshow)">RunScript(script.artistslideshow)</onload>
<control type="visualisation" id="2">
<visible>Skin.HasSetting(OSDVisualisation.ShowFanart) | [!Skin.HasSetting(musicvis.fanartfallback) + [!System.HasAddon(script.artistslideshow) | !Skin.String(MusicVisualisation, artistslideshow)]] | [Skin.String(MusicVisualisation, fanart) + [!System.HasAddon(script.artistslideshow) | !Skin.String(MusicVisualisation, artistslideshow)] + String.IsEmpty(Player.Art(fanart))]</visible>
<control type="image">
<texture background="true">$INFO[Player.Art(fanart)]</texture>
<visible>String.IsEmpty(Skin.String(MusicVisualisation)) | Skin.String(MusicVisualisation, fanart)</visible>
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="65" time="0" condition="Skin.HasSetting(OSDVisualisation.ShowFanart)">Conditional</animation>
<animation effect="zoom" start="110" end="130" center="auto" time="10000" tween="sine" easing="inout" pulse="true" condition="Skin.HasSetting(ArtistSlideshow.Animate)">Conditional</animation>
<animation effect="slide" start="-30,-30" end="30,30" time="6000" tween="sine" easing="inout" pulse="true" condition="Skin.HasSetting(ArtistSlideshow.Animate)">Conditional</animation>
<control type="image">
<animation effect="fade" start="0" end="100" time="400">WindowOpen</animation>
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="300">WindowClose</animation>
<texture background="true">$INFO[Player.Art(fanart)]</texture>
<control type="image">
<animation effect="fade" start="0" end="100" time="400">WindowOpen</animation>
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="300">WindowClose</animation>
<texture background="true">$INFO[Window(Visualisation).Property(ArtistSlideshow.Image)]</texture>
<control type="multiimage">
<imagepath background="true">$INFO[Window(Visualisation).Property(ArtistSlideshow)]</imagepath>
<!-- <control type="image" id="7997"> -->
<!-- <aspectratio>scale</aspectratio> -->
<!-- <include>FullscreenDimensions</include> -->
<!-- <texture background="true">$INFO[Window(home).Property(Imagecfa2)</texture> -->
<!-- <visible>Skin.String(MusicVisualisation, pixelated)</visible> -->
<!-- <animation effect="fade" start="100" end="65" time="0" condition="Skin.HasSetting(OSDVisualisation.ShowFanart)">Conditional</animation> -->
<!-- <animation effect="zoom" start="110" end="130" center="auto" time="10000" tween="sine" easing="inout" pulse="true" condition="Skin.HasSetting(ArtistSlideshow.Animate)">Conditional</animation> -->
<!-- <animation effect="slide" start="-30,-30" end="30,30" time="6000" tween="sine" easing="inout" pulse="true" condition="Skin.HasSetting(ArtistSlideshow.Animate)">Conditional</animation> -->
<!-- </control> -->
<!-- Ajout Control Group -->
<control type="group">
<visible>Skin.String(MusicVisualisation, albumswall)</visible>
<control type="panel" id="9032">
<viewtype label="Wall">icons</viewtype>
<scrolltime tween="cubic" easing="inout">600</scrolltime>
<itemlayout height="192" width="192">
<control type="image">
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="65" time="0" condition="Skin.HasSetting(OSDVisualisation.ShowFanart) + Visualisation.Enabled">Conditional</animation>
<texture background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Icon]</texture>
<focusedlayout height="192" width="192">
<control type="image">
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="65" time="0" condition="Skin.HasSetting(OSDVisualisation.ShowFanart) + Visualisation.Enabled">Conditional</animation>
<texture background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Icon]</texture>
<!-- Ajout Control Group -->
<control type="group"> <!--OnScreen Info-->
<visible>[!Skin.HasSetting(Hide.PlaybackInfos) + Player.ShowInfo] + ![Window.IsVisible(AddonSettings) | Window.IsVisible(SelectDialog) | Window.IsVisible(VisualisationPresetList)]</visible>
<control type="image"> <!--Set Panel-->
<texture colordiffuse="FanartFade">common/white.png</texture>
<control type="group"> <!--Next Up Info-->
<control type="label">
<label>• • • $LOCALIZE[19031]</label>
<control type="image">
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="left">keep</aspectratio>
<texture background="true" fallback="osd/cd.png">$INFO[Skin.String(musiccdart.location)]$INFO[MusicPlayer.offset(1).Artist]$INFO[MusicPlayer.offset(1).Album,/,.png]</texture>
<control type="image">
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="right">keep</aspectratio>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<!-- <control type="image"> -->
<!-- <centertop>50%</centertop> -->
<!-- <width>200</width> -->
<!-- <height>135</height> -->
<!-- <left>15</left> -->
<!-- <top>315</top> -->
<!-- <aspectratio>keep</aspectratio> -->
<!-- <texture colordiffuse="ListLabel">$VAR[Player_UserRatingStar,indicator/musicrating/,.png]</texture> -->
<!-- <visible>Skin.HasSetting(showuserratings)</visible> -->
<!-- </control> -->
<control type="group"> <!--Song Info Panel-->
<!-- <control type="image"> -->
<!-- <left>70</left> -->
<!-- <top>280</top> -->
<!-- <width>300</width> -->
<!-- <height>117</height> -->
<!-- <aspectratio>keep</aspectratio> -->
<!-- <texture border="5" background="true">$INFO[Skin.String(artworklocation)]$INFO[MusicPlayer.Artist,,/logo.png]</texture> -->
<!-- </control> -->
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="center">keep</aspectratio>
<texture colordiffuse="ListLabel">$VAR[Player_UserRatingStar,indicator/musicrating/,.png]</texture>
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="left">keep</aspectratio>
<texture colordiffuse="LineLabel" fallback="indicator/fallback_audio.png">$INFO[MusicPlayer.Codec,indicator/audio/,.png]</texture>
<control type="label"> <!--Song Info Text-->
<scrollsuffix> • </scrollsuffix>
<control type="image" id="9965">
<aspectratio align="center">keep</aspectratio>
<texture border="5" background="true" fallback="extras/icons/blank.png">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.Player.Art.ClearLogo)]</texture>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<scrollsuffix> • </scrollsuffix>
<label>[COLOR=$VAR[HighlightColor2]]$INFO[MusicPlayer.Album][/COLOR]$INFO[MusicPlayer.Year, • ,]</label>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<scrollsuffix> • </scrollsuffix>
<label>[COLOR=$VAR[HighlightColor2]]$INFO[MusicPlayer.TrackNumber,,. ][/COLOR]$INFO[Player.Title]</label>
<control type="label">
<scrollsuffix> • </scrollsuffix>
<label>$INFO[musicplayer.discnumber,$LOCALIZE[427] ]</label>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[Player.Time][COLOR=$VAR[HighlightColor2]] / [/COLOR]$INFO[Player.Duration]</label>
<control type="label">
<label>[COLOR=$VAR[HighlightColor2]]$INFO[MusicPlayer.Bitrate][/COLOR] kbps • [COLOR=$VAR[HighlightColor2]]$INFO[MusicPlayer.Samplerate][/COLOR] kHz [CR][COLOR=$VAR[HighlightColor2]]$INFO[MusicPlayer.BitsPerSample][/COLOR] [LOWERCASE]Bits[/LOWERCASE] • [COLOR=$VAR[HighlightColor2]]$INFO[MusicPlayer.Channels][/COLOR] [LOWERCASE]$LOCALIZE[31528][/LOWERCASE] </label>
<control type="group"> <!--CD Art Display-->
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="right">keep</aspectratio>
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="left">keep</aspectratio>
<animation effect="slide" end="240,0" time="1500" reverisble="true" condition="!String.IsEqual(MusicPlayer.Cover,DefaultAlbumCover.png)">Conditional</animation>
<animation effect="slide" end="0,0" reverisble="true" time="1500" condition="String.IsEqual(MusicPlayer.Cover,DefaultAlbumCover.png)">Conditional</animation>
<animation effect="rotate" end="-360" center="auto" time="4800" loop="true" reversible="false" condition="!Player.Paused">Conditional</animation>
<texture background="true" fallback="osd/cd.png">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.Player.Art.DiscArt)]</texture>
<visible>!Skin.HasSetting(osdmusic.showfakedisc) + Skin.HasSetting(osdmusic.showdisc)</visible>
<control type="image" id="88888">
<aspectratio align="left">keep</aspectratio>
<animation effect="slide" end="240,0" time="1500" reverisble="true" condition="!String.IsEqual(MusicPlayer.Cover,DefaultAlbumCover.png)">Conditional</animation>
<animation effect="slide" end="0,0" reverisble="true" time="1500" condition="String.IsEqual(MusicPlayer.Cover,DefaultAlbumCover.png)">Conditional</animation>
<animation effect="rotate" end="-360" center="auto" time="4800" loop="true" reversible="false" condition="!Player.Paused">Conditional</animation>
<texture background="true" fallback="osd/blank.png">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.Player.Art.DiscArt)]</texture>
<visible>Skin.HasSetting(osdmusic.showfakedisc) + Skin.HasSetting(osdmusic.showdisc)</visible>
<control type="label">
<visible>String.IsEqual(Control.GetLabel(88888),osd/blank.png) + Skin.HasSetting(osdmusic.showfakedisc) + Skin.HasSetting(osdmusic.showdisc)</visible>
<label>$INFO[MusicPlayer.Artist, ,]</label>
<animation effect="rotate" end="-360" center="495,252" time="4800" loop="true" reversible="false" condition="!Player.Paused">Conditional</animation>
<control type="label">
<visible>String.IsEqual(Control.GetLabel(88888),osd/blank.png) + Skin.HasSetting(osdmusic.showfakedisc) + Skin.HasSetting(osdmusic.showdisc)</visible>
<label>$INFO[MusicPlayer.Album, ,]</label>
<animation effect="rotate" end="-360" center="495,252" time="4800" loop="true" reversible="false" condition="!Player.Paused">Conditional</animation>
<control type="label">
<label>[UPPERCASE]$INFO[MusicPlayer.Property(Album_Label)] [/UPPERCASE]</label>
<control type="image">
<animation effect="fade" time="300">Visible</animation>
<animation effect="fade" time="300">Hidden</animation>
<aspectratio align="right">stretch</aspectratio>
<visible>!String.Contains(Player.Art(thumb),DefaultAlbumCover.png) + Skin.HasSetting(osdmusic.showdisccase)</visible>
<control type="image">
<animation effect="fade" time="300">Visible</animation>
<animation effect="fade" time="300">Hidden</animation>
<aspectratio align="right">stretch</aspectratio>
<texture diffuse="osd/cdcover_mask2.png" >$INFO[Player.Art(thumb)]</texture>
<bordertexture border="28">osd/cd_shadow2.png</bordertexture>
<visible>!String.Contains(Player.Art(thumb),DefaultAlbumCover.png) + !Skin.HasSetting(osdmusic.showdisccase)</visible>
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="right">keep</aspectratio>
Sorry I don't know how to past code in forum
RE: Artist Slideshow - Random genre fanart - pkscout - 2020-08-01
(2020-08-01, 10:36)OlegArh Wrote: (2020-07-31, 17:58)pkscout Wrote: (2020-07-31, 14:10)OlegArh Wrote: I had version 3.2.1 installed, reinstalled to version 3.2.4 Beta. Now on Blues genre fan art is displayed together (Rock, Blues, and so on) Is this the plan? I've apparently not been making myself clear. Artist Slideshow knows absolutely NOTHING about genre art. It shows art attached to an artist or a fallback slideshow, that's it. Whatever you are seeing is because the when the artist is playing there are images in the artist folder that either you put there or were downloaded.
Thanks for the answer.
So, while displaying genre fanart in the absence of an image of the artist has not yet been implemented? :-(
It seemed to me that in version 3.2.1 genre fan art was displayed Genre art is not now nor has it ever been supported in AS. The only thing I can figure is that at some point you had a skin that did genre art in the background.
RE: [split] pkscout's Estuary mod (with Artist Slideshow Support) - pkscout - 2020-08-01
(2020-08-01, 16:11)MrPatate Wrote: (2020-07-25, 22:00)pkscout Wrote: (2020-07-25, 16:29)MrPatate Wrote: Hello and Thanks for this addon.
I use a skin which is no up to date from sometimes now and i want to use your addon, for this i modify thé musicvisualisation.xml of the skin and i was able to have slide show of artist fanarr on music payer screen.
When i came back to the home screen thé slide show stop and i have thé warning message from the addon update on black background.
I think i must made change on an other XML file but don't know witcj and how.
I using kodi 18.7 on and android tv (shield tv) with eminance 2.0 mod skin,but i was not able to have more result.
Could someone give me the step to Enable slideshow on home screen to !? There was a change to how the addon provides images to the skin between AS 2.x and 3.x. There is example code in the Artist Slideshow wiki on how to do support for the 3.x version.
Thanks for your help and the link to the wiki.
I try to make the change on musicvisualisation.xml of the skin, i copy tge three control on the XML and remoce thé old one.
But i have the same problem, artist slideshow work well when i'm one music player, but when i come home it display thé notice.png and i have no slideshow.
If you're using a skin that also shows images from AS on the home screen, that's a different XML file you also need to modify. It could be Home.xml, although sometimes those are built using includes, so the actual file you need to edit could be something else.
RE: [split] pkscout's Estuary mod (with Artist Slideshow Support) - MrPatate - 2020-08-01
(2020-08-01, 19:52)pkscout Wrote: (2020-08-01, 16:11)MrPatate Wrote: (2020-07-25, 22:00)pkscout Wrote: There was a change to how the addon provides images to the skin between AS 2.x and 3.x. There is example code in the Artist Slideshow wiki on how to do support for the 3.x version.
Thanks for your help and the link to the wiki.
I try to make the change on musicvisualisation.xml of the skin, i copy tge three control on the XML and remoce thé old one.
But i have the same problem, artist slideshow work well when i'm one music player, but when i come home it display thé notice.png and i have no slideshow.
If you're using a skin that also shows images from AS on the home screen, that's a different XML file you also need to modify. It could be Home.xml, although sometimes those are built using includes, so the actual file you need to edit could be something else.
Thanks for your reply but I don't know coding. I try to find Home.xml, and in this file I do not see any "reference" of artistslideshow..... So I not sure what I can do more than this (also check Includes_Home.xml to find artistslideshiw on it but no more).
However, if I find any line refering to artistslideshow, I don't know what to do this it.......
RE: [split] pkscout's Estuary mod (with Artist Slideshow Support) - pkscout - 2020-08-02
(2020-08-01, 20:54)MrPatate Wrote: (2020-08-01, 19:52)pkscout Wrote: (2020-08-01, 16:11)MrPatate Wrote: Thanks for your help and the link to the wiki.
I try to make the change on musicvisualisation.xml of the skin, i copy tge three control on the XML and remoce thé old one.
But i have the same problem, artist slideshow work well when i'm one music player, but when i come home it display thé notice.png and i have no slideshow.
If you're using a skin that also shows images from AS on the home screen, that's a different XML file you also need to modify. It could be Home.xml, although sometimes those are built using includes, so the actual file you need to edit could be something else.
Thanks for your reply but I don't know coding. I try to find Home.xml, and in this file I do not see any "reference" of artistslideshow..... So I not sure what I can do more than this (also check Includes_Home.xml to find artistslideshiw on it but no more).
However, if I find any line refering to artistslideshow, I don't know what to do this it....... What skin are you using? My suggestion is you contact the skin author about updating the skin. Check the skin support forum area to see if there is a thread for your skin.
RE: [split] pkscout's Estuary mod (with Artist Slideshow Support) - MrPatate - 2020-08-02
(2020-08-02, 01:09)pkscout Wrote: (2020-08-01, 20:54)MrPatate Wrote: (2020-08-01, 19:52)pkscout Wrote: If you're using a skin that also shows images from AS on the home screen, that's a different XML file you also need to modify. It could be Home.xml, although sometimes those are built using includes, so the actual file you need to edit could be something else.
Thanks for your reply but I don't know coding. I try to find Home.xml, and in this file I do not see any "reference" of artistslideshow..... So I not sure what I can do more than this (also check Includes_Home.xml to find artistslideshiw on it but no more).
However, if I find any line refering to artistslideshow, I don't know what to do this it....... What skin are you using? My suggestion is you contact the skin author about updating the skin. Check the skin support forum area to see if there is a thread for your skin.
I'm using Eminence 2 mod skin; already try to post the problem on kodi forum on the dedicated tread, but it seems the author (Alanon) actually don't continue support (for the moment, we don't see any comment of Alanon since mounth now).
RE: Artist Slideshow addon (with skin and addon integration) - Lockzar - 2020-08-30
Hello there !
Is there a way to choose the amount of artist images ? (love the script so much, i'd love more images displaying trought a whole song :p)
and mybe manually select those images ? (i think artwork beef was/still doin that so well )
RE: Artist Slideshow addon (with skin and addon integration) - pkscout - 2020-08-31
(2020-08-30, 15:59)Lockzar Wrote: Hello there !
Is there a way to choose the amount of artist images ? (love the script so much, i'd love more images displaying trought a whole song :p)
and mybe manually select those images ? (i think artwork beef was/still doin that so well ) Artist Slideshow will load every single image in the appropriate artist folder to display. I have at least a couple of artists with well over 100 images, and I know they all load. Whether there's time to get through them all in 1 song is another story. If you have TheAudioDB and enabled, AS will download any artist image they have with no limit. And you can add your own images to the artist's folder of images too. Basically, there is no limit, so there is no need to have an option to choose more images. You just need to source them from somewhere.
RE: Artist Slideshow addon (with skin and addon integration) - Lockzar - 2020-09-08
Havent touch Kodi for a long time, but im pretty sure i have FanartTV + AudioDB checked.
AS shows id say 3 to 5 imgs, and since i dont see any image in my server artists's folders, i guess its downloading these on the fly each time, or into Kodi's cache ?
So how do u manage those 100 images for an artist, using someting else to download images into ur artists folders then say to AS to check artists folder ?
Sry aint no expert here, recently felt in love with Kodi for music, thanks for the help ^^
RE: Artist Slideshow addon (with skin and addon integration) - pkscout - 2020-09-09
(2020-09-08, 01:33)Lockzar Wrote: Havent touch Kodi for a long time, but im pretty sure i have FanartTV + AudioDB checked.
AS shows id say 3 to 5 imgs, and since i dont see any image in my server artists's folders, i guess its downloading these on the fly each time, or into Kodi's cache ?
So how do u manage those 100 images for an artist, using someting else to download images into ur artists folders then say to AS to check artists folder ?
Sry aint no expert here, recently felt in love with Kodi for music, thanks for the help ^^ I think you will find the wiki page for Artist Slideshow explains all the options. You can set AS so that it looks at a different folder instead of the default one, so if you use something else to download images or have a bunch already, you'll be able to use them. There's a link in my sig to all my addons. If you click on the AS one, there will be a link to the wiki page.
RE: Artist Slideshow addon (with skin and addon integration) - Mr-HyscH - 2020-09-12
Is it possible to add support for Artist or album information at botton of screen? Like a rss feed that runs with information from LastFm or other sources.
RE: Artist Slideshow addon (with skin and addon integration) - pkscout - 2020-09-12
(2020-09-12, 11:55)Mr-HyscH Wrote: Hello!
Is it possible to add support for Artist or album information at botton of screen? Like a rss feed that runs with information from LastFm or other sources. That would be up to the skin. AS already provides (depending on the sources you select) the artist's bio, albums, and similar artists. The skin author just has to decide to support that. If you just want information on the current song (which often includes the current artist and album), you can press the 'i' key (or whatever key on your remote is mapped to the INFO action) to bring up whatever information the skin author decided to show.
RE: Artist Slideshow addon (with skin and addon integration) - Jeffers24 - 2020-09-13
(2020-09-12, 11:55)Mr-HyscH Wrote: Hello!
Is it possible to add support for Artist or album information at botton of screen? Like a rss feed that runs with information from LastFm or other sources.
The skin I use AEON NOX Silvo has this feature, see pic below:-
RE: Artist Slideshow addon (with skin and addon integration) - peat - 2020-09-24
I have a problem with artist slideshow stopping after playing a few tracks. I first suspected a skin issue (Arctic Horizon) but after testing i nailed it down to only happen while hearing music trough the amazon media plugin. This plugin plays music from your prime music or unlimited account. However, it uses the videoplayer to play audio (paplayer has no cache and stutters). When starting playback the first track shows artwork, but when the next track loads it mostly stops AS. Sometimes it plays more than one track with artwork and fails later but it seems it mostly fails after the first song change. Here is the relevant log snippet from starting the first track until AS stops:
2020-09-24 01:09:13.506 T:11693 NOTICE: Trying to open: samplerate: 44100, channelMask: 12, encoding: 4
2020-09-24 01:09:13.525 T:11693 NOTICE: CAESinkAUDIOTRACK::Initializing with: m_sampleRate: 44100 format: AE_FMT_FLOAT (AE) method: PCM stream-type: PCM-STREAM min_buffer_size: 22688 m_frames: 1418 m_frameSize: 8 channels: 2
2020-09-24 01:09:36.661 T:11693 NOTICE: Trying to open: samplerate: 44100, channelMask: 12, encoding: 4
2020-09-24 01:09:36.685 T:11693 NOTICE: CAESinkAUDIOTRACK::Initializing with: m_sampleRate: 44100 format: AE_FMT_FLOAT (AE) method: PCM stream-type: PCM-STREAM min_buffer_size: 22688 m_frames: 1418 m_frameSize: 8 channels: 2
2020-09-24 01:09:38.374 T:11683 NOTICE: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: plugin://
2020-09-24 01:09:38.375 T:11835 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
2020-09-24 01:09:38.446 T:11835 ERROR: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: Key system request: com.widevine.alpha
2020-09-24 01:09:39.060 T:11835 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
2020-09-24 01:09:39.061 T:11835 NOTICE: Opening stream: 1001 source: 256
2020-09-24 01:09:39.476 T:11835 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86018
2020-09-24 01:09:39.506 T:11835 NOTICE: CDVDAudioCodecFFmpeg::Open() Successful opened audio decoder aac
2020-09-24 01:09:39.540 T:11835 NOTICE: Creating audio thread
2020-09-24 01:09:39.543 T:11848 NOTICE: running thread: CVideoPlayerAudio:rocess()
2020-09-24 01:09:40.247 T:11848 NOTICE: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86018, channels: 2, sample rate: 44100, no pass-through)
2020-09-24 01:09:40.313 T:11693 NOTICE: Trying to open: samplerate: 44100, channelMask: 12, encoding: 4
2020-09-24 01:09:40.334 T:11693 NOTICE: CAESinkAUDIOTRACK::Initializing with: m_sampleRate: 44100 format: AE_FMT_FLOAT (AE) method: PCM stream-type: PCM-STREAM min_buffer_size: 22688 m_frames: 1418 m_frameSize: 8 channels: 2
2020-09-24 01:09:40.440 T:11835 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(video):ut MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
2020-09-24 01:09:41.381 T:11851 NOTICE: [Artist Slideshow] script version 3.2.2 started
2020-09-24 01:09:41.382 T:11851 NOTICE: [Artist Slideshow] debug logging set to True
2020-09-24 01:09:41.400 T:11851 NOTICE: [Artist Slideshow] music playing
2020-09-24 01:15:43.957 T:11835 NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
2020-09-24 01:15:43.957 T:11835 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: eof, waiting for queues to empty
2020-09-24 01:15:43.957 T:11835 NOTICE: Closing stream player 1
2020-09-24 01:15:43.960 T:11835 NOTICE: CDVDMessageQueue(audio)::WaitUntilEmpty
2020-09-24 01:15:43.960 T:11835 NOTICE: Waiting for audio thread to exit
2020-09-24 01:15:43.961 T:11848 ERROR: Got MSGQ_ABORT or MSGO_IS_ERROR return true
2020-09-24 01:15:43.961 T:11848 NOTICE: thread end: CVideoPlayerAudio::OnExit()
2020-09-24 01:15:43.961 T:11835 NOTICE: Closing audio device
2020-09-24 01:15:44.354 T:11835 NOTICE: Deleting audio codec
2020-09-24 01:15:46.143 T:11683 NOTICE: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: plugin://
2020-09-24 01:15:46.144 T:11902 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
2020-09-24 01:15:46.177 T:11902 ERROR: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: Key system request: com.widevine.alpha
2020-09-24 01:15:46.802 T:11902 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
2020-09-24 01:15:46.802 T:11902 NOTICE: Opening stream: 1001 source: 256
2020-09-24 01:15:47.283 T:11902 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86018
2020-09-24 01:15:47.312 T:11902 NOTICE: CDVDAudioCodecFFmpeg::Open() Successful opened audio decoder aac
2020-09-24 01:15:47.320 T:11902 NOTICE: Creating audio thread
2020-09-24 01:15:47.321 T:11915 NOTICE: running thread: CVideoPlayerAudio:rocess()
2020-09-24 01:15:48.035 T:11915 NOTICE: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86018, channels: 2, sample rate: 44100, no pass-through)
2020-09-24 01:15:48.101 T:11693 NOTICE: Trying to open: samplerate: 44100, channelMask: 12, encoding: 4
2020-09-24 01:15:48.121 T:11693 NOTICE: CAESinkAUDIOTRACK::Initializing with: m_sampleRate: 44100 format: AE_FMT_FLOAT (AE) method: PCM stream-type: PCM-STREAM min_buffer_size: 22688 m_frames: 1418 m_frameSize: 8 channels: 2
2020-09-24 01:15:48.224 T:11902 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(video):ut MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
2020-09-24 01:15:49.105 T:11851 NOTICE: [Artist Slideshow] script stopped