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Release Kanzi: Amazon Alexa skill for Kodi - Printable Version

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RE: Kanzi: Amazon Alexa skill for Kodi - plains203 - 2020-07-15

(2020-07-07, 21:55)JonnyDunk Wrote: My Kanzi skill has been deploying for over an hour now. Anyone have any idea how to resolve?

It should have timed out.

RE: Kanzi: Amazon Alexa skill for Kodi - C0nvert - 2020-07-16

Hey Guys.
Can someone explain me how i can Setup the nginx reverse proxy?

I already have my SSL Certificates for my Domain.
what i need to write into my site-enable/kanzi.conf ??

RE: Kanzi: Amazon Alexa skill for Kodi - XayOn - 2020-07-27

Any chances on adding support for tls1.2? I can't connect to my reverse-proxied docker with recent letsencrypt certificates.

RE: Kanzi: Amazon Alexa skill for Kodi - rokster - 2020-10-17

I've spent hours trying to get this to work with my new Fire TV Cube. I can smell victory but can't quite reach it! I'm up to the deploying stage (currently trying without AWS cache bucket but getting same result as when I was trying with the cache bucket) -

lexigram deploy kanzi

 √ Check config file
 √ Validate config file
 √ Check skill directory
 √ Remove old repo code
 √ Download latest source code
 √ Extract source code
 √ Extract source code - Part 2
 √ Update skill data
 × Update slot values
   → Kodi server configuration settings are wrong. Please double-check kodi.config to make sure it is setup properly.
   Deploy skill


::: 2020-10-17 14:35:17 :::
Error: Error talking to Kodi.

Changes made to kodi.config

# Set skill_id to enable verification of requests by Flask-Ask.
skill_id = amzn1.ask.skill.########-####-####-####-############

# The Kodi webserver only supports HTTP, but if you've set up a reverse HTTPS
# proxy you can change this to https.
scheme   = http
address  = myname.ddns.net
port     = 8080
# If using a reverse proxy you might need to add an extra bit to the url
# before "jsonrpc" (don't use slashes before or after).
subpath  =
username = kodi
password = ########

Note that if I perform ask deploy from the kanzi folder I get the following

-------------------- Update Skill Project --------------------
Skill Id: amzn1.ask.skill.########-####-####-####-############
Skill deployment finished.
Model deployment finished.
[Warn]: Lambda deployment skipped, since AWS credentialsfor profile: [default] is missing. CLI lambda functionalities can be enabled by running `ask init` again to add 'aws_profile' to ASK cli_config
Your skill is now deployed and enabled in the development stage.
Try invoking the skill by saying “Alexa, open {your_skill_invocation_name}” or simulate an invocation via the `ask simulate` command.

I'm clearly missing something here and have seen numerous posts from others who seem to have got to this stage. I have reached the same stage on a MacBook Pro and a Windows 10 machine (starting from fresh on each on numerous occasions). I'm assuming this whole process should work for Kodi sideloaded onto a Fire Cube in the same manner as a Firestick?

Any clues or suggestions would be very much appreciated. I'm at a complete dead end but feel I must be pretty close now...

RE: Kanzi: Amazon Alexa skill for Kodi - Abreiv - 2020-11-13

Hi everybody,

I've got an issue when I have deploy the skill :
Each time I try to deploy the skill I got an error the first time (after a lexigram init-skill kanzi) :

After this error, if I do a lexigram deploy kanzi again, this time it's work though the end without error.
I always see 32 Utterance Conflicts on the skill on developer.amazon.com

It's real problem or not ?

Any help would be appreciate, sorry for my english


RE: Kanzi: Amazon Alexa skill for Kodi - Abreiv - 2020-11-14

(2019-07-21, 10:36)sowl Wrote: Hi

Thanks for this amazing skill.
I am using this skill on my fire tv.It is working fine. Only issue I am facing is the UI interface.. Whenever i am asking fire tv to perform any task it show that text in UI. Is it possible to remove that as sometime it will keep showing display interface and in background already started.

How to completely remove display interface from skill.

Have you find a solution about that ?
Same to me with Fire Cube.

RE: Kanzi: Amazon Alexa skill for Kodi - Hermesdj - 2020-11-19

Good morning everyone ,
I am struggling make kanzi works , i had previously set it on a raspberry , and was working ok  using aws , now i moved on synology and docker.
the guide start with :
npm install -g lexigram-cli  ,is this process to be done on the docker machine too  ? or i just have to do only the docker page ?
i have kodi setting ok and as far as i understand the docker version works on locan network so no needs to publish kodi over the internet , so i set up the docker and published a folder at https://kanzi.xxx.synology.me/
which i think should be the address that is eequired in the guide at this point :

-e URL_ENDPOINT=https://server.com/kanzi/ \

but the structure is /docker/kanzi/config and then inside i have 1 folder named keys and  1 called kanzi again , where the https has to point to?

RE: Kanzi: Amazon Alexa skill for Kodi - Hermesdj - 2020-11-20

(2019-01-09, 02:45)CHBMB Wrote: Would appreciate if you could take a minute or two to review the steps below and see if you can spot where I'm going wrong.  

I'm running Solus Linux on my desktop and installed nvm from the package manager.  After that I followed the directions to install the correct version of node.
Hi , i see you were able to succeed , i am trying the same , the main difference is , may i use the same machine "docker" to host the first part ? or i need a dedicated instance ?

RE: Kanzi: Amazon Alexa skill for Kodi - Hermesdj - 2020-11-22

@m0ngr31  sorry , can you PM me  please ?

RE: Kanzi: Amazon Alexa skill for Kodi - Method007 - 2020-11-28

I'm stuck at

"Deploy Skill"
- Deploying skill slot and data intents

Then I get the error "Error deploying.  Please try again"

Anyone run into this and get it solved?

RE: Kanzi: Amazon Alexa skill for Kodi - Unrender - 2020-12-22


I'm sorry but I'm stuck at this point since yesterday:

✔ Check config file
✔ Validate config file
✔ Check skill directory
✔ Remove old repo code
✔ Download latest source code
✔ Extract source code
✔ Extract source code - Part 2
✔ Update skill data
✖ Update slot values
   → Kodi server configuration settings are wrong. Please double-check kodi.config to make sure it is setu…
   Deploy skill

- I've checked again and again kodi.config and I think it's okay.
- I've tried to launch "lexigram deploy kanzi" from outside local network (using a mobile connection) as I've read on few posts, but I have the same error each time.

I use an old netbook for OpenElec 7.0.1 (Kodi 16.1). Is that a problem to use an 'old' release of Kodi ?

Any idea please ?

Thank you.


Edit : Tried with another computer and it worked... don't know why, but it worked Smile

RE: Amazon Echo skill for Kodi - ghofrane - 2020-12-22

(2016-01-12, 20:38)m0ngr31 Wrote: Okay, I've updated the skill with a few new tricks and updated the README file to hopefully be a little more helpful.

please could i use Alexa Voice Control without using an alexa echo on kodi

RE: Kanzi: Amazon Alexa skill for Kodi - vedovivo - 2021-01-17

hello to everybody

i'm from italy and i'm try to install KANZI and  KOKO, but actually i'm not able to go on.
i'm block at the step Hosting Setup -> AWS Lambda

this is my situation :
kodi webserver and all parameters = set
DDNS IP = created
router fowarding = set (it works, i can reach kodi webserver from outsime my network)
AWS accout =  created
IAM user = created
aws_access_key_id = get
aws_secret_access_key = get
S3 bucket  = created
alexa developer console accout = created
start the installation from lexigram
i create a folder where there are all my file kodi.config and sub folder KOKO/KANZI
step configutation = OK
set additional configuration = i do not understand if all info are mandatory ...i do not have all the data (ex:device ID,no owncloud ecc)  so i left blank some doubt in this file.
Hosting Setup
i have an AWS account so i jump to the AWS Lambda step.
here i 'm block :
when i lunch function lexigram generate-function kanzi i get
   → Configuration file is not valid. Please update it with the correct information.
but i do not know what i have to fix.

i'm at disposition if  further information are needed.

i do not know if i'm the first italian that try to run these skill, if some other italian just do it please write to me.
Can some one help me ?
thanks a lot

RE: Kanzi: Amazon Alexa skill for Kodi - Forkapicture - 2021-02-07

(2021-01-17, 18:20)vedovivo Wrote: ...
when i lunch function lexigram generate-function kanzi i get
   → Configuration file is not valid. Please update it with the correct information.

Same here. This project seems to be dead. Would love to get it working. Deployed with 2 different Machines many times with the same result. Don't think it's actually the Config file.

RE: Kanzi: Amazon Alexa skill for Kodi - masinad - 2021-02-14

Got it working like it should in docker-compose. I write here how I did it so people can follow.

version: "2.1"
    image: linuxserver/kanzi
    container_name: kanzi
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=Europe/Tallinn
      - INVOCATION_NAME=kodi
      - URL_ENDPOINT=https://kanzi.myhost.xx/
      - /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/kanzi/config:/config
      - 9988:8000
    restart: unless-stopped
kanzi.XX nginx vhost config:
 proxy_set_header   Host $host;
 proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
 proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
 proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Server $host;
 proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Host $server_name;
satisfy any;
deny all;

language = en
deep_search = yes
playlist_max_items = 100
unwatched_shows_max_results     = 100
unwatched_episodes_max_results  = 100
unwatched_movies_max_results    = 100
loglevel = INFO
logsensitive = yes
skill_id =
slot_items_max = 100
scheme   = http
address  =
port     = 80
subpath  =
username = kodi
password = kodi
cache_bucket =
s3_cache_aws_access_key_id =
s3_cache_aws_secret_access_key =
owncloud_cache_url =
owncloud_cache_user =
owncloud_cache_password =
read_timeout = 120
read_timeout_async = 0.01
shutdown =
timezone = Europe/Tallinn