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Release Nebula 4.x for Kodi 16.x Jarvis - Printable Version

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RE: Nebula 4.x for Kodi 16.x Jarvis - semool - 2016-03-02

Thanks for the fixes.
I found another one.
I have readded "Last added Episodes" and "Last added Movies" to the HomeScreen.
Last added Movies looks like before but Episodes looks like this: https://imgur.com/NOYMQDE
In the old Version it has show the Series Cover for the Episodes.

RE: Nebula 4.x for Kodi 16.x Jarvis - Tgxcorporation - 2016-03-03

(2016-03-02, 21:00)semool Wrote: Last added Movies looks like before but Episodes looks like this: https://imgur.com/NOYMQDE

Which addon are you using?
With the latest episodes from Kodi Library everything is ok.


RE: Nebula 4.x for Kodi 16.x Jarvis - semool - 2016-03-03

Hmmm i dont have any other addon installed for this.

RE: Nebula 4.x for Kodi 16.x Jarvis - Tgxcorporation - 2016-03-04

Just use this:

Select Widget 1 -> Default Widgets -> Recent episodes.


RE: Nebula 4.x for Kodi 16.x Jarvis - semool - 2016-03-04

Yes thats it. I not using the widget from the default Section.

RE: Nebula 4.x for Kodi 16.x Jarvis - semool - 2016-03-05

With the latest GIT Versions of the Skin its horrible slowed down.
When i first enter the Movies or Series Category i see 4-6 seconds only the Background Wallpaper and then he render all the Thumbs.
Going Back to Home Screen and enter Movie/series again it goes faster.
Same thing when i enter the Addon Browser or the Settings.
In the log i see alot of python errors from skin.helper.service

I have totaly reset my Firetv an reinstalled Kodi 16 and only the Skin. Same thing.
When i switch to Confluence Skin all is fast again without any wait times.

I turned on Debug Log.
When i first open the Programs Window:
16:23:24 T:18446744072505684184 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10001
16:23:24 T:18446744072505684184 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
16:23:24 T:18446744072505684184 DEBUG: CAndroidAppDirectory::GetDirectory: apps
16:23:24 T:18446744072505684184 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyPrograms.xml) ------
16:23:24 T:18446744072505684184 INFO: Loading skin file: MyPrograms.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY <---- At this line the Log stops for ~4 seconds and the GUI shows only Background
16:23:31 T:18446744072505684184 DEBUG: CAndroidAppDirectory::GetDirectory: apps
16:23:31 T:18446744072505684184 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://sources/executable/)
16:23:31 T:18446744072505684184 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://sources/executable/]

Second open a little bit later without lag:
16:24:00 T:18446744072505684184 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10001
16:24:01 T:18446744072505684184 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
16:24:01 T:18446744072505684184 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyPrograms.xml) ------
16:24:01 T:18446744072505684184 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://sources/executable)
16:24:01 T:18446744072505684184 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://sources/executable/]

After some time when i open again the first message with KEEP_IN_MEMORY comes back with lag.
Same behavior at all other Windows.
The MYSQL and NFS queries are fast, i think this is not the Problem:
int CVideoDatabase::RunQuery(const string&) took 71 ms for 338 items query: select * from movie_view
virtual bool CImageLoader:Big GrinoWork() - took 129 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/3/3b85fa5b.jpg

RE: Nebula 4.x for Kodi 16.x Jarvis - Tgxcorporation - 2016-03-05

Probably something is going wrong with the skin.helper.service. Where are those errors?

RE: Nebula 4.x for Kodi 16.x Jarvis - semool - 2016-03-05

This are errors directly after Kodi start but i think they only have effects on Music?
I have deletet all data in skin.helper.service userdata dir so he must recreate them, but the errors are still the same.

17:57:53 T:18446744072519747368  NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> Kodi_Monitor: onDatabaseUpdated: video
17:57:53 T:18446744072519747368  NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> Video database changed - type: unknown - resetAll: True, refreshing widgets....
17:57:53 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR: Skin Helper Service --> MusicBrainz ERROR (servers busy?) - temporary disabling musicbrainz lookups (fallback to theaudiodb)
17:57:53 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
17:57:53 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:   File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.skin.helper.service/resources/lib/ArtworkUtils.py", line 689, in getMusicBrainzId
17:57:53 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:     MBalbums = m.search_release_groups(query=single_urlencode(try_encode(album)),limit=1,offset=None, strict=False, artist=single_urlencode(try_encode(artist)))
17:57:53 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:   File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.skin.helper.service/resources/lib/musicbrainzngs/musicbrainz.py", line 954, in search_release_groups
17:57:53 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:     return _do_mb_search('release-group', query, fields, limit, offset, strict)
17:57:53 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:   File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.skin.helper.service/resources/lib/musicbrainzngs/musicbrainz.py", line 718, in _do_mb_search
17:57:53 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:     clean_query = util._unicode(query)
17:57:53 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:   File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.skin.helper.service/resources/lib/musicbrainzngs/util.py", line 25, in _unicode
17:57:53 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:     unicode_string = string.decode(encoding, "ignore")
17:57:53 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR: TypeError: decode() argument 1 must be string, not None

17:58:55 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR: Skin Helper Service --> ERROR in getArtworkFromCacheFile special://profile/addon_data/script.skin.helper.service/musicart/Der kleine Nils.xml  --> no element found: line 1, column 0
17:58:55 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
17:58:55 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:   File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.skin.helper.service/resources/lib/ArtworkUtils.py", line 501, in getArtworkFromCacheFile
17:58:55 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:     root = xmltree.fromstring(f.read())
17:58:55 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:   File "/home/jenkins/workspace/Android-ARM/tools/depends/xbmc-depends/arm-linux-androideabi-android-17/lib/python2.6/xml/etree/ElementTree.py", line 964, in XML
17:58:55 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:   File "/home/jenkins/workspace/Android-ARM/tools/depends/xbmc-depends/arm-linux-androideabi-android-17/lib/python2.6/xml/etree/ElementTree.py", line 1254, in close
17:58:55 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR: ExpatError: no element found: line 1, column 0

17:59:19 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR: Skin Helper Service --> ERROR in createNFO --> cannot serialize [u'ba0d6274-db14-4ef5-b28d-657ebde1a396'] (type list)
17:59:19 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
17:59:19 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:   File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.skin.helper.service/resources/lib/ArtworkUtils.py", line 489, in createNFO
17:59:19 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:     xmlstring = xmltree.tostring(tree.getroot(), encoding="utf-8")
17:59:19 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:   File "/home/jenkins/workspace/Android-ARM/tools/depends/xbmc-depends/arm-linux-androideabi-android-17/lib/python2.6/xml/etree/ElementTree.py", line 1009, in tostring
17:59:19 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:   File "/home/jenkins/workspace/Android-ARM/tools/depends/xbmc-depends/arm-linux-androideabi-android-17/lib/python2.6/xml/etree/ElementTree.py", line 663, in write
17:59:19 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:   File "/home/jenkins/workspace/Android-ARM/tools/depends/xbmc-depends/arm-linux-androideabi-android-17/lib/python2.6/xml/etree/ElementTree.py", line 707, in _write
17:59:19 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:   File "/home/jenkins/workspace/Android-ARM/tools/depends/xbmc-depends/arm-linux-androideabi-android-17/lib/python2.6/xml/etree/ElementTree.py", line 705, in _write
17:59:19 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:   File "/home/jenkins/workspace/Android-ARM/tools/depends/xbmc-depends/arm-linux-androideabi-android-17/lib/python2.6/xml/etree/ElementTree.py", line 813, in _escape_cdata
17:59:19 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:   File "/home/jenkins/workspace/Android-ARM/tools/depends/xbmc-depends/arm-linux-androideabi-android-17/lib/python2.6/xml/etree/ElementTree.py", line 777, in _raise_serialization_error
17:59:19 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR: TypeError: cannot serialize [u'ba0d6274-db14-4ef5-b28d-657ebde1a396'] (type list)

18:00:18 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR: Skin Helper Service --> ERROR in getArtworkFromCacheFile special://profile/addon_data/script.skin.helper.service/musicart/Ed Sheeran.xml  --> no element found: line 1, column 0
18:00:18 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
18:00:18 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:   File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.skin.helper.service/resources/lib/ArtworkUtils.py", line 501, in getArtworkFromCacheFile
18:00:18 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:     root = xmltree.fromstring(f.read())
18:00:18 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:   File "/home/jenkins/workspace/Android-ARM/tools/depends/xbmc-depends/arm-linux-androideabi-android-17/lib/python2.6/xml/etree/ElementTree.py", line 964, in XML
18:00:18 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR:   File "/home/jenkins/workspace/Android-ARM/tools/depends/xbmc-depends/arm-linux-androideabi-android-17/lib/python2.6/xml/etree/ElementTree.py", line 1254, in close
18:00:18 T:18446744072544449160   ERROR: ExpatError: no element found: line 1, column 0

RE: Nebula 4.x for Kodi 16.x Jarvis - semool - 2016-03-05

I have tested your Chroma Skin.
All working good and fast.
Anything in the actual Nebula Git version is wrong.

RE: Nebula 4.x for Kodi 16.x Jarvis - Tgxcorporation - 2016-03-06

Should be fixed now.

I had to remove the custom times options for auto theme. Too much performance hit.



RE: Nebula 4.x for Kodi 16.x Jarvis - semool - 2016-03-06

Yes thats it. All is working fast again Big Grin
Thanks for the fast fix.

RE: Nebula 4.x for Kodi 16.x Jarvis - semool - 2016-03-09

Can you add a skin setting for selecting Studio Icons white/colored?
It gives an coulored Version of the Logos which shows a way better than the white one: https://github.com/XBMC-Addons/resource.images.studios.coloured

RE: Nebula 4.x for Kodi 16.x Jarvis - Tgxcorporation - 2016-03-09

(2016-03-09, 14:32)semool Wrote: Can you add a skin setting for selecting Studio Icons white/colored?
It gives an coulored Version of the Logos which shows a way better than the white one: https://github.com/XBMC-Addons/resource.images.studios.coloured

It's already in my to-do list.


RE: Nebula 4.x for Kodi 16.x Jarvis - semool - 2016-03-09

Wonderful LaughCool

RE: Nebula 4.x for Kodi 16.x Jarvis - Omar_c - 2016-04-18

Hello everyone, I switched to this skin after the misadventures of Xperience with the latest updates and the bootloop on sadface. Installed last night and I must say it is very beautiful. I was wondering if there's a way to see in the home instead of the full factory of TV series and films an image of a film or a TV show that I have. Sorry for the bad English translated with Google translate

Sent from my bacon