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Release Headless Kodi Docker Container - Printable Version

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RE: Headless Kodi Docker Container - matthuisman - 2023-03-15

I don't think you can do that via web interface.
Your best to do that on a regular Kodi instance

RE: Headless Kodi Docker Container - bossanova808 - 2023-03-15

The content settings for your sources is actually stored in the DB.

So just set up your sources on a with-head Kodi, makes sure you have the same scrapers (and settings for those) in your docker install, and it will then query the DB for the scraper to use etc., and 'just work'.

Obviously check your logs for the docker for a few days to make sure it's all working as planned.  And make sure if you have clean-on-scan set that you have a correct sources.xml in place or it will wipe your library.

RE: Headless Kodi Docker Container - nolos - 2023-07-10

I installed this but it's trying to connect to the nick121 db instead of myvideo121.  Is that pre-nexus code still in there?  My current kodi connects to the MyVideo121 and the MyMusic82 DBs.  I want to make sure it's using the same sql code as the current kodi version so it doesn't ruin my database.  Thanks!

RE: Headless Kodi Docker Container - bossanova808 - 2023-07-11

It's like any other Kodi install - it will use the DB you tell it to in your advancedsettings.xml

To confirm what it is actually using, check the kodi.log file and towards the top you'll see something like:

2023-07-09 13:01:18.773 T:165     debug <general>: connect replacing configured host db with resolved host
2023-07-09 13:01:18.784 T:165      info <general>: MYSQL: Connected to version 11.0.2-MariaDB-1:11.0.2+maria~ubu2204
2023-07-09 13:01:18.820 T:165      info <general>: Running database version kodi_music_82
2023-07-09 13:01:18.820 T:165     debug <general>: connect replacing configured host db with resolved host
2023-07-09 13:01:18.856 T:165      info <general>: Running database version kodi_video_121

RE: Headless Kodi Docker Container - 3chainz - 2023-07-26

Just found this, as I've been using the (now deprecated) linuxserver.io headless image (and, yes, kodi 18.x).  Is there a guide or any advice for how to migrate from that old docker container to this one?  I already have the separate MariaDB container from Linuxserver.io for use with their old kodi-headless container.  Thanks!

RE: Headless Kodi Docker Container - matthuisman - 2023-11-01

Omega 21.0b1 image now available  Blush

RE: Headless Kodi Docker Container - nfserver - 2023-12-06

Firstly - thanks so much Matt - slyguy repo is absolutely awesome!!  I'm long overdue to put some $$ up for support but will do that today Smile

Secondly - I've followed your Kodi Headless setup and I can get the interface to run and I can see my media folders but everytime I go into Movies or TV Shows menu I get the "Just a Sec..." message and then "Attemption websockets reconnect" and then eventually "Lost websockets connection"

Do you know what I am doing wrong?  I haven't changed anything in the setup at all, the media folders are HDDs on the same server as the docker container and I haven't changed any port numbers.  Any help/nudge in the right direction would be tops!!  All I want to do is make my library update on the headless server so all my instances of Kodi in the house are up to date.  MariaDB is working and has been for a while, but I just can't seem to crack this Kodi Headless part...

RE: Headless Kodi Docker Container - matthuisman - 2023-12-06

use chrome webtools to see what request is failing. I suspect a request to /jsonrpc
If thats the case, maybe check the logs. Kodi could be crashing for some reason.
make sure the headless can access the db etc

RE: Headless Kodi Docker Container - HeresJohnny - 2023-12-10

I'm running the Omega b1 on Unraid, very nice, thank you! Just a hint for those who gear towards energy efficency... the Library Watchdog add-on is basically active all the time consuming CPU cycles. It might be better to use an alternative that runs on a timer like Library Auto Update.

*edit* Oh, I see that Omega b2 hast just been released, so there's a chance that the docker image will be updated shortly :-)

RE: Headless Kodi Docker Container - matthuisman - 2023-12-10

It's already updated 😉

RE: Headless Kodi Docker Container - denogginizer - 2024-01-16

Love the Kodi Headless Docker container, but having one issue...

The vfs.rar-temp has to be manually cleaned on a regular basis as it fills up with files like "2.3G    rarfolderf4qXbB", so I end up with 100gb of data per week filling my SSD.

I manually cleaned it about 7 days ago and it now looks like this:

kodi_headless/temp/addons/vfs.rar-temp# du -s -h
101G    .

Am I doing something wrong here?

Compose looks like this:

version: '3.3'
        image: matthuisman/kodi-headless:Nexus
        container_name: kodi-headless
        restart: always
            - /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-865e9bc7-b641-472e-be84-xxx7988dxxxe/AppData/kodi_headless:/config/.kodi
            - PUID=1000
            - PGID=100
            - TZ=America/Detroit
            - 8060:8080
            - 9060:9100
            - 9777:9777/udp

RE: Headless Kodi Docker Container - BlaBla1973 - 2024-01-24

(2023-12-10, 19:36)matthuisman Wrote: It's already updated 😉
First: thx for the docker Smile

I have a problem with docker kodi Omega, the database number it creates is 124.
My kodi Omega (nerds/shield) uses129 after the last update.
Is it possible for the docker kodi to use database 129 as well?

RE: Headless Kodi Docker Container - matthuisman - 2024-01-25

i only update docker on Beta/RC's/Releases
When omega b3 is released, itll get updated

RE: Headless Kodi Docker Container - BlaBla1973 - 2024-01-25

(2024-01-25, 02:28)matthuisman Wrote: i only update docker on Beta/RC's/Releases
When omega b3 is released, itll get updated

Okay clear, then I'll just wait or is there an "easy" way to do it yourself?

RE: Headless Kodi Docker Container - matthuisman - 2024-01-25

you need to clone the repo. bump the version / commit. then build and publish the docker container and then switch your deployment to use that