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Random Trailer Screensaver - Printable Version

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- warsnake - 2012-03-08

I'm still hoping for an addon that will let us use the stream from http://www.randomtrailers.com as a screensaver.

RE: Random Trailer Screensaver - djcorvus - 2012-05-12

I typed in "xbmc trailer screensaver" into google and found this exact thread as the top match.
This is exactly what I'm looking for. I'm very disappointed that it doesn't exist though. Sad

Is there a way to auto-play a smart playlist every time you start up XBMC?

RE: Random Trailer Screensaver - warsnake - 2012-05-15

Is anyone still looking into this?

RE: - layziefj - 2012-06-06

(2012-03-05, 22:38)BiggBadWolf Wrote: I have manually created playlists of all my movie trailers that i have stored locally ... I simply opened up VLC Media Player , added the SMB:\\Share\movie-trailer.ext to the playlist - saved it as a mpu - then used winscp to transfer it to the userdata\playlists\video folder on xbmc computer.

Sounds like a good idea, i will try this

RE: - schumi2004 - 2012-06-06

(2012-06-06, 08:28)layziefj Wrote:
(2012-03-05, 22:38)BiggBadWolf Wrote: I have manually created playlists of all my movie trailers that i have stored locally ... I simply opened up VLC Media Player , added the SMB:\\Share\movie-trailer.ext to the playlist - saved it as a mpu - then used winscp to transfer it to the userdata\playlists\video folder on xbmc computer.

Sounds like a good idea, i will try this
Are we talking about streaming trailers or local trailers as well ?

RE: Random Trailer Screensaver - warsnake - 2012-06-21

Bumping this again, in the hope that someone with knowledge of all this programming stuff picks this up.
I hope it is possible to make http://www.randomtrailers.com into a screensaver or even a youtube channel with the moest recent trailers will do for me.

RE: Random Trailer Screensaver - harrrrrry - 2012-09-29

Take it no one has managed this in a while? would be a great feature!

RE: Random Trailer Screensaver - warsnake - 2012-10-01

it seems not many people are looking into screensaver / visualisation coding.

still hoping for someone to pick this up.


RE: Random Trailer Screensaver - IzeDJ - 2013-01-10

I forgot my old login... anyway...

I've written a python script that starts a hacked together visual basic fullscreen player (relies on WMP) which reads out xbmc's video database for now and starts a random movie at a random time for a random amount of seconds.

This basically works fine and plays every video windows mediaplayer can run.

If anyone is interested i'll post the (bad!) sourcecode for the app so far and a compiled version + the python script after i get home from work in ~ 10 hours

RE: Random Trailer Screensaver - mad-max - 2013-01-11

Just one question:
Why WMP and not XBMC?

RE: Random Trailer Screensaver - krijeck - 2013-01-13

any news on that? I would be intrested in this as well but what I would like to see as screensaver is a movie playing a fireplace for example.
so that youtube video or a video from my library in endless loop.

would be nice I think....

RE: Random Trailer Screensaver - IzeDJ - 2013-01-15

@mad-max cause it's basically a screensaver Big Grin

sorry i didn't have much time in the last few days... i'll try to polish the app and script a bit later today and then i'll upload it including the sourcecode

RE: Random Trailer Screensaver - warsnake - 2013-01-21

@ IzeDJ:

does it play the trailers of the movies you have in your library? or does it just play a small piece of the movies that are in your library as in the movie quiz?

Is there any way to make a youtube channel into a screensaver, because there are some movietrailer youtube channels

RE: Random Trailer Screensaver - warsnake - 2013-04-04

Hope I can bring this back into someone's attention.

@IzeDJ can you still try and post the sourcecode for the app?

RE: Random Trailer Screensaver - kzeleny - 2013-05-25

I have put together an addon that will play random trailers from the users library. You can set how many trailers you want to play, you can also filter by genre.

You can download and install from zip file here https://drive.google.com/?authuser=0&pli=1#folders/0B8fAq-uHc6gMODlvSVdUZ19hUEE

I did managed to get random trailers to start from a screen saver but it seems to crash XBMC when I do this. I may be able to get this working but it is not a high priority for me now, since I find it more useful to play them on demand rather than screensaver.

Let me know what you think.