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pvr.mythtv add-on - Printable Version

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RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - janbar - 2014-10-03

(2014-09-24, 22:43)HappyMan Wrote: Just curious, are these fixes included in the latest Helix build?

If not, what is the process to get them into the build, or next build (I am happy to help however I can). Smile

Thank you janbar, you're a life saver!

Hi, now the latest Helix build contains previous release (1.9.20). Count every months the repos is updated. If you can build yourself you will have lastest. Also I provide the gotham package for ubuntu on my ppa. Else making addon is easy with linux. What is your platform ?

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - rbuehlma - 2014-10-08

Hi Janbar,

after updating to MythTV 0.28 and Helix, your new add on now works much better for me. One issue I still have, is that German special characters (ä,ö,ü...) are not displayed in the EPG. This did work fine with the old plugin but I guess this is something which was accessed on the database directly.

This is how it looks when i use wget against mythtv:

wget "http://localhost:6544/Guide/GetProgramGuide?StartTime=2014-10-08T19:51:00&EndTime=2014-10-08T19:51:00&StartChanId=1004&NumChannels=1" -O - -S -q
  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Date: 8 Oct 2014 10:58:28
  Server: MythTV/0.28-pre-2253-g940dfc1-dirty Linux/3.13.0-36-generic UPnP/1.0
  Connection: Keep-Alive
  Keep-Alive: timeout=10
  Accept-Ranges: bytes
  Cache-Control: no-cache="Ext", max-age = 5000
  ETag: "d6c5cbe39faae44063a70efc37fa282638a7f386"
  X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge
  Content-Type: text/xml
  Content-Length: 1395
  transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ProgramGuide xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="1.0" serializerVersion="1.1"><StartTime>2014-10-08T19:51:00Z</StartTime><EndTime>2014-10-08T19:51:00Z</EndTime><StartChanId>1004</StartChanId><EndChanId>1004</EndChanId><NumOfChannels>1</NumOfChannels><Details>false</Details><Count>1</Count><AsOf>2014-10-08T10:58:28Z</AsOf><Version>0.28.20140924-1</Version><ProtoVer>83</ProtoVer><Channels><ChannelInfo><ChanId>1004</ChanId><ChanNum>3</ChanNum><CallSign>SRF info</CallSign><IconURL>/Guide/GetChannelIcon?ChanId=1004</IconURL><ChannelName>SRF info</ChannelName><Programs><Program><StartTime>2014-10-08T19:50:00Z</StartTime><EndTime>2014-10-08T20:00:00Z</EndTime><Title>SRF Börse</Title><SubTitle></SubTitle><Category>News</Category><CatType></CatType><Repeat>false</Repeat><VideoProps>0</VideoProps><AudioProps>0</AudioProps><SubProps>0</SubProps><Recording><RecordedId>0</RecordedId><Status>0</Status><Priority>0</Priority><StartTs xsi:nil="true"></StartTs><EndTs xsi:nil="true"></EndTs><RecordId>0</RecordId><RecGroup></RecGroup><PlayGroup></PlayGroup><StorageGroup></StorageGroup><RecType>0</RecType><DupInType>1</DupInType><DupMethod>1</DupMethod><EncoderId>0</EncoderId><EncoderName></EncoderName><Profile></Profile></Recording><Artwork><ArtworkInfos/></Artwork></Program></Programs></ChannelInfo></Channels></ProgramGuide>

The Title of the show contains a "ö" which is not displayed in xbmc.

By just looking at the code, I could not find the problem. I would have to debug, but maybe you already know the purpose?

Thanks & regards

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - kapitan-iglu - 2014-10-11

Hi janbar,
I'm using mythtv cmyth plugin for months but with some issues (xbmc randomly crashes/stops playing on channel switch, etc.). Today I look here if there is something new about mythtv pvr addon and I find yours new addon. So I compiled it from git immediately, installed and configured.

Livetv and playing recorded shows works well. I have problem with EPG and channel names. I have turned off old cmyth addon, then activated new pvr.mythtv addon, then I restarted xbmc and rebuild PVR database. All channels are now named "Channel 20xy" and no EPG information is present.

Channel names and EPG worked with cmyth version (if this matters).

My configuration:
Master backend: mythtv 0.27 (without tuner)
Slave backend: mythtv 0.27 (with two tuners)
Frontend: xbmc 13.2, pvr.mythtv 1.9.22

What am I doing wrong?
Thank you for any suggestions!

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - janbar - 2014-10-12

(2014-10-11, 22:10)kapitan-iglu Wrote: Hi janbar,
I'm using mythtv cmyth plugin for months but with some issues (xbmc randomly crashes/stops playing on channel switch, etc.). Today I look here if there is something new about mythtv pvr addon and I find yours new addon. So I compiled it from git immediately, installed and configured.

Livetv and playing recorded shows works well. I have problem with EPG and channel names. I have turned off old cmyth addon, then activated new pvr.mythtv addon, then I restarted xbmc and rebuild PVR database. All channels are now named "Channel 20xy" and no EPG information is present.

Channel names and EPG worked with cmyth version (if this matters).

My configuration:
Master backend: mythtv 0.27 (without tuner)
Slave backend: mythtv 0.27 (with two tuners)
Frontend: xbmc 13.2, pvr.mythtv 1.9.22

What am I doing wrong?
Thank you for any suggestions!

Have you compiled the Gotham branch ?

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - janbar - 2014-10-12

(2014-10-08, 12:59)Natronch Wrote: Hi Janbar,

after updating to MythTV 0.28 and Helix, your new add on now works much better for me. One issue I still have, is that German special characters (ä,ö,ü...) are not displayed in the EPG. This did work fine with the old plugin but I guess this is something which was accessed on the database directly.

This is how it looks when i use wget against mythtv:

wget "http://localhost:6544/Guide/GetProgramGuide?StartTime=2014-10-08T19:51:00&EndTime=2014-10-08T19:51:00&StartChanId=1004&NumChannels=1" -O - -S -q
  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Date: 8 Oct 2014 10:58:28
  Server: MythTV/0.28-pre-2253-g940dfc1-dirty Linux/3.13.0-36-generic UPnP/1.0
  Connection: Keep-Alive
  Keep-Alive: timeout=10
  Accept-Ranges: bytes
  Cache-Control: no-cache="Ext", max-age = 5000
  ETag: "d6c5cbe39faae44063a70efc37fa282638a7f386"
  X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge
  Content-Type: text/xml
  Content-Length: 1395
  transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ProgramGuide xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="1.0" serializerVersion="1.1"><StartTime>2014-10-08T19:51:00Z</StartTime><EndTime>2014-10-08T19:51:00Z</EndTime><StartChanId>1004</StartChanId><EndChanId>1004</EndChanId><NumOfChannels>1</NumOfChannels><Details>false</Details><Count>1</Count><AsOf>2014-10-08T10:58:28Z</AsOf><Version>0.28.20140924-1</Version><ProtoVer>83</ProtoVer><Channels><ChannelInfo><ChanId>1004</ChanId><ChanNum>3</ChanNum><CallSign>SRF info</CallSign><IconURL>/Guide/GetChannelIcon?ChanId=1004</IconURL><ChannelName>SRF info</ChannelName><Programs><Program><StartTime>2014-10-08T19:50:00Z</StartTime><EndTime>2014-10-08T20:00:00Z</EndTime><Title>SRF Börse</Title><SubTitle></SubTitle><Category>News</Category><CatType></CatType><Repeat>false</Repeat><VideoProps>0</VideoProps><AudioProps>0</AudioProps><SubProps>0</SubProps><Recording><RecordedId>0</RecordedId><Status>0</Status><Priority>0</Priority><StartTs xsi:nil="true"></StartTs><EndTs xsi:nil="true"></EndTs><RecordId>0</RecordId><RecGroup></RecGroup><PlayGroup></PlayGroup><StorageGroup></StorageGroup><RecType>0</RecType><DupInType>1</DupInType><DupMethod>1</DupMethod><EncoderId>0</EncoderId><EncoderName></EncoderName><Profile></Profile></Recording><Artwork><ArtworkInfos/></Artwork></Program></Programs></ChannelInfo></Channels></ProgramGuide>

The Title of the show contains a "ö" which is not displayed in xbmc.

By just looking at the code, I could not find the problem. I would have to debug, but maybe you already know the purpose?

Thanks & regards

No issue from addon side. The strings are collected with charset utf-8 and transfered to XBMC without parasitic encoding. Here i use french translations without issue.
Running cmyth without this issue, i think one way: Is your database initialized with charset utf-8 ?
The db connection of cmyth is initialized with collation utf-8 to support very old MythTV backend (< 0.24). Characters are re-encoded to UTF by this way. But since 0.24 your database should be converted/created using utf-8 charset only.
An other cause could be XBMC theme doesn't use font with european extended characters.
Please let me know.

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - kapitan-iglu - 2014-10-12

(2014-10-12, 00:14)janbar Wrote: Have you compiled the Gotham branch ?

No, I compiled master branch. After recompiling from Gotham branch EPG and channel names are working, thank you!

But I discovered another issue with preview images. Maybe it is related to my master/slave backend architecture. Here is only part of xbmc.log, which is same for every recording (every preview image). Preview recache is then repeated every 10s. URL returned in response is correct. If you need more information let me know.

10:47:31 T:139804809361152   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: GetPreviewIconPath: preview: 2001_1409422200_000
10:47:31 T:139804809361152   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: GetPreviewIconPath: determined localFilename: /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/thumbnail/2001_1409422200_000
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Job fetched: type: 1, local: /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/thumbnail/2001_1409422200_000
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)SendRequest: GET /Content/GetPreviewImage?ChanId=%32%30%30%31&StartTime=%32%30%31%34%2D%30%38%2D%33%30%54%31%38%3A%31%30%3A%30%30%5A HTTP/1.1
                                            Connection: keep-alive
                                            Accept-Charset: utf-8
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: HTTP/1.1 301 Unknown
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Date: 12 Oct 2014 08:47:31
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Server: Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae, UPnP/1.0, MythTV 0.27.20140702-1
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Accept-Ranges: bytes
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Location: http://mythpi:6544/Content/GetPreviewImage?ChanId=%32%30%30%31&StartTime=%32%30%31%34%2D%30%38%2D%33%30%54%31%38%3A%31%30%3A%30%30%5A
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Connection: Keep-Alive
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Content-Type:
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Content-Length: 0
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse:
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetPreviewImage1_32: invalid response
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 1, local: /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/thumbnail/2001_1409422200_000
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 1, local: /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/thumbnail/2001_1409422200_000

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - janbar - 2014-10-12

(2014-10-12, 11:22)kapitan-iglu Wrote:
(2014-10-12, 00:14)janbar Wrote: Have you compiled the Gotham branch ?

No, I compiled master branch. After recompiling from Gotham branch EPG and channel names are working, thank you!

But I discovered another issue with preview images. Maybe it is related to my master/slave backend architecture. Here is only part of xbmc.log, which is same for every recording (every preview image). Preview recache is then repeated every 10s. URL returned in response is correct. If you need more information let me know.

10:47:31 T:139804809361152   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: GetPreviewIconPath: preview: 2001_1409422200_000
10:47:31 T:139804809361152   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: GetPreviewIconPath: determined localFilename: /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/thumbnail/2001_1409422200_000
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Job fetched: type: 1, local: /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/thumbnail/2001_1409422200_000
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)SendRequest: GET /Content/GetPreviewImage?ChanId=%32%30%30%31&StartTime=%32%30%31%34%2D%30%38%2D%33%30%54%31%38%3A%31%30%3A%30%30%5A HTTP/1.1
                                            Connection: keep-alive
                                            Accept-Charset: utf-8
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: HTTP/1.1 301 Unknown
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Date: 12 Oct 2014 08:47:31
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Server: Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae, UPnP/1.0, MythTV 0.27.20140702-1
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Accept-Ranges: bytes
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Location: http://mythpi:6544/Content/GetPreviewImage?ChanId=%32%30%30%31&StartTime=%32%30%31%34%2D%30%38%2D%33%30%54%31%38%3A%31%30%3A%30%30%5A
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Connection: Keep-Alive
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Content-Type:
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Content-Length: 0
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse:
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetPreviewImage1_32: invalid response
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 1, local: /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/thumbnail/2001_1409422200_000
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 1, local: /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/thumbnail/2001_1409422200_000

Yes it is caused by your architecture. Using slave backends you have to register theirs names/IP in your DNS or in your local file "etc/hosts".
Previews are collected using URLs made in master backend: "http://mythpi:6544/...". The host mythpi is unknown from the XBMC client. So add its name/IP in local file etc/hosts.

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - janbar - 2014-10-12

For me the good practice using slave backends is to have your own local DNS or registering all backends (master & slaves) in local file "etc/hosts" from all clients.
Otherwise i could add a patch to rework all URLs collected from master backend (now only previews and artworks), but i think it is an omission from MythTV and backend should transfer URLs using IP address only instead "system local host" names. Indeed "system local host" names are unknown on local area internet network !

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - kapitan-iglu - 2014-10-12

(2014-10-12, 11:49)janbar Wrote:
(2014-10-12, 11:22)kapitan-iglu Wrote:
(2014-10-12, 00:14)janbar Wrote: Have you compiled the Gotham branch ?

No, I compiled master branch. After recompiling from Gotham branch EPG and channel names are working, thank you!

But I discovered another issue with preview images. Maybe it is related to my master/slave backend architecture. Here is only part of xbmc.log, which is same for every recording (every preview image). Preview recache is then repeated every 10s. URL returned in response is correct. If you need more information let me know.

Yes it is caused by your architecture. Using slave backends you have to register theirs names/IP in your DNS or in your local file "etc/hosts".
Previews are collected using URLs made in master backend: "http://mythpi:6544/...". The host mythpi is unknown from the XBMC client. So add its name/IP in local file etc/hosts.

I don't think is caused by host name resolving. "wget <inage url>" and "ping mynthpi" from XBMC client runs successfully (I have all host names in local network defined in local DNS service).

I added entry to /etc/hosts just for confirmation of your theory, but problem remains as before ("invalid response").

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - janbar - 2014-10-12

Quote:I don't think is caused by host name resolving. "wget <inage url>" and "ping mynthpi" from XBMC client runs successfully (I have all host names in local network defined in local DNS service).

I added entry to /etc/hosts just for confirmation of your theory, but problem remains as before ("invalid response").

Yes you re right, slave previews are collected from master. They should transfered from slave instead. I let you know about

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - janbar - 2014-10-12

(2014-10-12, 11:49)janbar Wrote:
(2014-10-12, 11:22)kapitan-iglu Wrote:
(2014-10-12, 00:14)janbar Wrote: Have you compiled the Gotham branch ?

No, I compiled master branch. After recompiling from Gotham branch EPG and channel names are working, thank you!

But I discovered another issue with preview images. Maybe it is related to my master/slave backend architecture. Here is only part of xbmc.log, which is same for every recording (every preview image). Preview recache is then repeated every 10s. URL returned in response is correct. If you need more information let me know.

10:47:31 T:139804809361152   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: GetPreviewIconPath: preview: 2001_1409422200_000
10:47:31 T:139804809361152   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: GetPreviewIconPath: determined localFilename: /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/thumbnail/2001_1409422200_000
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Job fetched: type: 1, local: /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/thumbnail/2001_1409422200_000
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)SendRequest: GET /Content/GetPreviewImage?ChanId=%32%30%30%31&StartTime=%32%30%31%34%2D%30%38%2D%33%30%54%31%38%3A%31%30%3A%30%30%5A HTTP/1.1
                                            Connection: keep-alive
                                            Accept-Charset: utf-8
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: HTTP/1.1 301 Unknown
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Date: 12 Oct 2014 08:47:31
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Server: Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae, UPnP/1.0, MythTV 0.27.20140702-1
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Accept-Ranges: bytes
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Location: http://mythpi:6544/Content/GetPreviewImage?ChanId=%32%30%30%31&StartTime=%32%30%31%34%2D%30%38%2D%33%30%54%31%38%3A%31%30%3A%30%30%5A
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Connection: Keep-Alive
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Content-Type:
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse: Content-Length: 0
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetResponse:
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: (CPPMyth)GetPreviewImage1_32: invalid response
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Failed to read file: type: 1, local: /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/thumbnail/2001_1409422200_000
10:47:31 T:139805387245312   DEBUG: AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: Process: Delayed recache file: type: 1, local: /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/pvr.mythtv/cache/thumbnail/2001_1409422200_000

Yes it is caused by your architecture. Using slave backends you have to register theirs names/IP in your DNS or in your local file "etc/hosts".
Previews are collected using URLs made in master backend: "http://mythpi:6544/...". The host mythpi is unknown from the XBMC client. So add its name/IP in local file etc/hosts.

So, it was confused for me because I resolved slave issues few months ago and i didn't remember how i managed them. I re-read my code and now that's more CLEAR:
All transfers for previews and artworks are delegated to the master backend using the "Content" service. Also any error or reject from backend are reported in log (here "301 Unknown") , but don't care about this: Here your backend hasn't any preview for the recording causing addon cannot download it.
The MythTV behavior is not clear yet. The service allows to transfer previews but it seems to reject remote transfer. Probably requiring a dedicated call to the source slave backend ...
Please let me know if you have none of previews or artworks.

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - kapitan-iglu - 2014-10-12

Hi janbar,
I have another issue related to channel switching. I'm not sure if this problem is in addon or in mythbacked(s). I'll try to explain it, maybe you can figure out what's going on and/or point me somewhere.
  1. start live tv playback
  2. after a while press channel up/dn
  3. playback stops and screen returns back to the "TV channels" list
This happens randomly, not on every channel switch. Also it is not important how the channel was switched (using channel button, from EPG screen or from tv channels list (with live tv playing in background)).

Similar problem I had also with "old" cmyth addon, but in that case xbmc randomly crashes in step 3.

Here is full xbmc log: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=317284

Thank you for any ideas.

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - janbar - 2014-10-12


So master backend uses http "redirection" to transfer remote file. Now addon doesn't support it, but it will do soon. I let you know.
For info the redirection is specified as: "Location: http://mythpi:6544/Content/GetPreviewIm..."

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - kapitan-iglu - 2014-10-12

(2014-10-12, 13:13)janbar Wrote:
(2014-10-12, 11:49)janbar Wrote:
(2014-10-12, 11:22)kapitan-iglu Wrote: But I discovered another issue with preview images. Maybe it is related to my master/slave backend architecture. Here is only part of xbmc.log, which is same for every recording (every preview image). Preview recache is then repeated every 10s. URL returned in response is correct. If you need more information let me know.

Yes it is caused by your architecture. Using slave backends you have to register theirs names/IP in your DNS or in your local file "etc/hosts".
Previews are collected using URLs made in master backend: "http://mythpi:6544/...". The host mythpi is unknown from the XBMC client. So add its name/IP in local file etc/hosts.

So, it was confused for me because I resolved slave issues few months ago and i didn't remember how i managed them. I re-read my code and now that's more CLEAR:
All transfers for previews and artworks are delegated to the master backend using the "Content" service. Also any error or reject from backend are reported in log (here "301 Unknown") , but don't care about this: Here your backend hasn't any preview for the recording causing addon cannot download it.
The MythTV behavior is not clear yet. The service allows to transfer previews but it seems to reject remote transfer. Probably requiring a dedicated call to the source slave backend ...
Please let me know if you have none of previews or artworks.
I'm not sure if I understand correctly, so I checked this:
  • download all preview images from url found in log (so from slave backend "wget http://mythpi:6544/..."), all images was downloaded correctly
  • download all preview images from same url but hostname replaced by master backend ("wget http://wcpc:6544/..."), all images was downloaded correctly
  • started mythfrontend and looked in recorded shows library, all shows has preview images
  • looked in file system storage and for every recording there is preview image (binary equal as those downloaded in step 1 and 2)
What else can I check?

(2014-10-12, 13:45)janbar Wrote: @kapitan-iglu

So master backend uses http "redirection" to transfer remote file. Now addon doesn't support it, but it will do soon. I let you know.
For info the redirection is specified as: "Location: http://mythpi:6544/Content/GetPreviewIm..."

Thank You!

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - janbar - 2014-10-12

(2014-10-12, 13:21)kapitan-iglu Wrote: Hi janbar,
I have another issue related to channel switching. I'm not sure if this problem is in addon or in mythbacked(s). I'll try to explain it, maybe you can figure out what's going on and/or point me somewhere.
  1. start live tv playback
  2. after a while press channel up/dn
  3. playback stops and screen returns back to the "TV channels" list
This happens randomly, not on every channel switch. Also it is not important how the channel was switched (using channel button, from EPG screen or from tv channels list (with live tv playing in background)).

Similar problem I had also with "old" cmyth addon, but in that case xbmc randomly crashes in step 3.

Here is full xbmc log: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=317284

Thank you for any ideas.

Maybe the switch time is too long. Try to increase the tuning delay from settings screen to 10 sec (Advanced tab). By default it is initialized with 5 sec. After this delay the playback is stopped if none of file has been connected.