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HORIZONZ: Discussion and Support Thread - Printable Version

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- xb2iris - 2008-10-06

Tension113 Wrote:Got it all working.. and I didn't even break anything in the process.. Smile I got a few requests about what I did to fix it, so I'll just post it here.. Just copy and replace these into the 720 folder of the skin.. All this does is add Poster and Showcase views to the Adult(kids) section.. Still have yet to do the same for Clips..


Oh and this was the first time I ever tried messing with an Xml file.. So maybe back up your old files.. Smile

great job... i'll check it out closer to Volume 3's release... maybe add it in... did u happen to sort the viewtypes out as well?

- jag0 - 2008-10-06

Currently I'm using it on a macbook pro (with plex). For input I'm using the keyboard.

In the end i will be using it on a mac mini (with plex) and an apple remote. I don't think the apple remote has a stop button. what i think it has is one button which serves as the play/pause button.

What's a possible solution for me?

i REAAAAALY like this skin Smile

- Tension113 - 2008-10-06

Yup, I didn't want to share it until I had that part figured out.. It was actually in there the whole time, I just had to adjust the size of the 'view type' border.. but all is working..

This is the happiest I've been with a skin in a long time.. There was always something missing or something I wasn't thrilled about.. or something that didn't work.. Right now I'm content with this though.. Great job on it..

- frater - 2008-10-06

Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaase release me, let me go Big Grin

- PJ_Hooker - 2008-10-06

Tension113 Wrote:Yup, I didn't want to share it until I had that part figured out.. It was actually in there the whole time, I just had to adjust the size of the 'view type' border.. but all is working..

This is the happiest I've been with a skin in a long time.. There was always something missing or something I wasn't thrilled about.. or something that didn't work.. Right now I'm content with this though.. Great job on it..

Thanks Tension113, my Xbox is now complete. No more kids movie thumbs against a backdrop of vampires!!!

- xb2iris - 2008-10-06

jag0 Wrote:Currently I'm using it on a macbook pro (with plex). For input I'm using the keyboard.

In the end i will be using it on a mac mini (with plex) and an apple remote. I don't think the apple remote has a stop button. what i think it has is one button which serves as the play/pause button.

What's a possible solution for me?

i REAAAAALY like this skin Smile

well... i use a really strange hp remote for my htpc... and it doesn't have a stop button either... asked around and i got told how to map keys using the keymap.xml... so i did... and it worked... i'm sure apple remotes are supported... so, post a thread asking about mapping the stop button to one of the keys on the apple remote... that's if it has any obsolete keys u can use... normally they have numeric keys, which is what i used for different functions... i know using a keyboard... media stops playing if u click the x button... look into it... they should be able to help u map apple remote keys...

Tension113 Wrote:Yup, I didn't want to share it until I had that part figured out.. It was actually in there the whole time, I just had to adjust the size of the 'view type' border.. but all is working..

This is the happiest I've been with a skin in a long time.. There was always something missing or something I wasn't thrilled about.. or something that didn't work.. Right now I'm content with this though.. Great job on it..

no problemo dude... let me know if u finished sorting that clips section as well... would be marvelous if i didn't have to do it Wink

- xb2iris - 2008-10-06

frater Wrote:Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaase release me, let me go Big Grin

hahaha... u again... lol... hopefully i can release soon... should be a good one... have less time, but i've done well thus far... hope u like it when it hits... a few things may change Wink

PJ_Hooker Wrote:Thanks Tension113, my Xbox is now complete. No more kids movie thumbs against a backdrop of vampires!!!

LOL! Yeah, its great his helping out

- frater - 2008-10-06

But I'm not really rushing you to develop at all...
You probably can even go slower than you are doing now...

It's just that more frequent releases gives you a choice. The way you are doing it will always result into "the latest is the greatest" which on itself is a good thing...

But it's also nice to have some feature enabled and lose something else... report it... and then deciding which of the 2 is the most imporant....

As long as users are aware it's all beta beta or maybe even alpha and don't start to whine because something doesn't work... just report it....

Your skin as it is released now is the best one for me... But when I have to resync a subtitle... and only then... I might go to another skin.

But, seriously, why do you wait?
Is it because you like to release something as a finished product? Is it because it takes too much time to publish and you prefer to spend that time developing. Are too many things not working most of the time?

I just would like to know what makes you tick.. No judging whatsoever..

- PJ_Hooker - 2008-10-06

xb2iris Wrote:hahaha... u again... lol... hopefully i can release soon... should be a good one... have less time, but i've done well thus far... hope u like it when it hits... a few things may change Wink

LOL! Yeah, its great his helping out

Perhaps this could be incorporated into the mod?? I know others would appreciate it (Kids section that is)?

- xb2iris - 2008-10-06

frater Wrote:But I'm not really rushing you to develop at all...
You probably can even go slower than you are doing now...

It's just that more frequent releases gives you a choice. The way you are doing it will always result into "the latest is the greatest" which on itself is a good thing...

But it's also nice to have some feature enabled and lose something else... report it... and then deciding which of the 2 is the most imporant....

As long as users are aware it's all beta beta or maybe even alpha and don't start to whine because something doesn't work... just report it....

Your skin as it is released now is the best one for me... But when I have to resync a subtitle... and only then... I might go to another skin.

But, seriously, why do you wait?
Is it because you like to release something as a finished product? Is it because it takes too much time to publish and you prefer to spend that time developing. Are too many things not working most of the time?

I just would like to know what makes you tick.. No judging whatsoever..

resyncing subtitles works, doesn't itHuh...

well... what makes me tick... at the moment, i'm rushing around doing this and that and horizonz finds itself in the middle of the rush... and half of the time, when i mess with something, something else that was working doesn't anymore... if i have a set task, i normally finish that before i do something else... and with requests and bugs popping up, they get added to my list of things to do... and thus, if i release, and an issue someones mentioned isn't quite done... things would feel incomplete for me... knowing i'll have a few more things to add after that release... so, to not let my to do list get too big, i release when i'm happy with what i've done... one or two things in a release isn't quite what i'd like to release... but yeah, horizonz is just my way of getting better at skinning and learning xbmc's ins and outs, so that when i decide to do my own project... i'd be ready...

nyways... also smaller releases take as much time to release as larger ones... and that is time i could use doing something else... one of the reasons aeon never quite got to beta phase, is because of the emence number of requests and suggestions... trying to avoid that if u know what i mean... but yeah... there'll be a release soon... maybe i'll pamper u guys with a screenshot or two... coz a few cool changes are being made...

PJ_Hooker Wrote:Perhaps this could be incorporated into the mod?? I know others would appreciate it (Kids section that is)?

yeah, i'm thinking about it... but as i've not even looked at other sections... i'd be hesitant to do it just yet... but it's a good idea to get the other sections sorted out... but we'll see if i get time after i finish what i'm doing right now...

- markiz - 2008-10-07

xb2iris Wrote:oh ok... i'm completely not sure how to do translations markiz... wish i did, but i've never needed a translation, so i have no idea how to create one... maybe that's something u can look into for us...

I think it's really easy.

Just put a number instead of text, like this

100 reference a text in the strings.xml file. You can find all the english texts in language\English\strings.xml. It starts like this
Quote: <string id="0">Programs</string>
<string id="1">Pictures</string>
<string id="2">Music</string>
<string id="3">Videos</string>
<string id="4">TV Guide</string>

So if you want to make the string "Pictures" in the menu translated. Just put "1" instead of "Pictures".

This is an example frome Home.xml in the PMIII skin
Quote: <control type="label">
<description>weather label</description>

This is how I think it works. It's really easy. Read more here:

- pletopia - 2008-10-07

in plex .. press and hold the menu button (on the apple remote) to stop video

if your using the keyboard .. X stops video

- xb2iris - 2008-10-07

markiz Wrote:I think it's really easy.

Just put a number instead of text, like this

100 reference a text in the strings.xml file. You can find all the english texts in language\English\strings.xml. It starts like this

So if you want to make the string "Pictures" in the menu translated. Just put "1" instead of "Pictures".

This is an example frome Home.xml in the PMIII skin

This is how I think it works. It's really easy. Read more here:

oh, good to know dude... now i understand why only a few things u mentioned before are non-translated... don't know if words like adult and kids are in the strings.xml... that's why they are hardcoded...

pletopia Wrote:in plex .. press and hold the menu button (on the apple remote) to stop video

if your using the keyboard .. X stops video

there we go... nice one

- rectifier - 2008-10-07

As I've started adding my opinion to this specific forum, I've decided to add a few suggetions of my own (Don't know if they've been mentioned before):

I'd love it if some information was displayed on the Movie Wall View?

Also, would much appreciate a means of identifying where you are when traversing libraries? For instance, in PM3, when you move through a list, a letter pops up displaying which letter you are currenly at. Views such as Showcase would benefit greatly by adding this as a feature?

Thanks, these are just a few suggestions for me personally, and I believe others would agree. Thanks so much for the great skin, and all the ahrd work, and especially for the quick replies.

- XBDD - 2008-10-07

I totally agree with rectifier.

A faster file mode would be nice as well. When movie fanart is available, file mode is really slow. Wish it was as fast as the new Info view. It's wicked using that view except it's not in the File Mode. I know, you said it wouldn't fit in there because it would end up being exactly like the showcase view. That makes sense, but if you can, can you please make fanart have a delay so we can move through our files more smoothly. I'm using an xbox, and that killing me.

Thanks so much for dealing with my last request.