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pvr.mythtv add-on - Printable Version

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RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - janbar - 2014-10-15


The commit above is dedicated for backend handling sub-channel.
MythTV handles its own channel number and wrap sub-channel within MythTV channel. So you should have one channel for each existing sub-channel. The table "channel" contains two fields atsc_major_chan and atsc_minor_chan showing the linking.

I think too you shouldn't switch from using backend number / xbmc number without restarting xbmc and then reseting the epg because until now epg database of xbmc use channel number as key.

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - allan87 - 2014-10-15

Sorry, I thought the commit was for passing the subchannel number to XBMC and displaying it.

For your information, the atsc_minor_chan is never displayed, although it is an essential part of the channel number. Where only one channel is transmitted on a frequency, it is still (for example) 4-1 or 5-1.

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - janbar - 2014-10-15

i would like you run the sql query to show which channels have epg info for the next day time:

select distinct channel.sourceid, channel.channum, channel.callsign from program join channel on channel.chanid=program.chanid where starttime > now() and starttime < now() + interval 1 day;

You should see all of those channels in the epg screen too

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - allan87 - 2014-10-15

On the backend? I don't know how to login to sql.

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - janbar - 2014-10-15

(2014-10-15, 23:21)allan87 Wrote: On the backend? I don't know how to login to sql.

On the backend with mythtv user, you can connect by:

mysql -umythtv -pmythtv mythconverg

If you have changed the password replace -pmythtv by -p{password}.
You can then run the query. To exit type "exit".

My sample (we have no too much channel in france Wink )

mythtv@mediacenter:~$ mysql -umythtv -pmythtv mythconverg
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
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Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1506
Server version: 5.5.38-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (Ubuntu)

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Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> select distinct channel.sourceid, channel.channum, channel.callsign from program join channel on channel.chanid=program.chanid where starttime > now() and starttime < now() + interval 1 day;
| sourceid | channum | callsign           |
|        1 | 2817    | 6ter               |
|        1 | 13      | LCP                |
|        1 | 14      | France 4           |
|        1 | 18      | Gulli              |
|        1 | 2819    | RMC DECOUVERTE     |
|        1 | 23      | NRJ Paris          |
|        1 | 5       | France 5           |
|        1 | 769     | CANAL+             |
|        1 | 20      | HD1                |
|        1 | 51      | TF1                |
|        1 | 1       | TF1 HD             |
|        1 | 25      | Chérie 25          |
|        1 | 21      | Cinaps             |
|        1 | 2818    | NUMERO 23          |
|        1 | 3       | France 3           |
|        1 | 10      | TMC                |
|        1 | 22      | IDF1               |
|        1 | 1541    | TF6                |
|        1 | 56      | M6                 |
|        1 | 6       | M6HD               |
|        1 | 11      | NT1                |
|        1 | 19      | France Ô           |
|        1 | 7       | ARTE HD            |
|        1 | 57      | ARTE               |
|        1 | 12      | NRJ12              |
|        1 | 9       | W9                 |
|        1 | 2       | France 2 HD        |
|        1 | 52      | France 2           |
|        1 | 15      | BFM TV             |
|        1 | 16      | i>TELE             |
|        1 | 24      | BFM Business Paris |
|        1 | 8       | Direct 8           |
|        1 | 17      | DirectStar         |
|        1 | 2562    | L'Equipe 21        |
34 rows in set (0.08 sec)

mysql> exit

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - allan87 - 2014-10-16

Here it is. I am puzzled by the order.
| sourceid | channum | callsign |
|        1 | 41_1    | CIII-HD  |
|        1 | 5_1     | CBLT-DT  |
|        1 | 29_2    | TCN      |
|        1 | 7_1     | WKBW-HD  |
|        1 | 2_3     | WGRZ-AT  |
|        1 | 9_1     | CFTO     |
|        1 | 2_1     | WGRZ-HD  |
|        1 | 19_1    | TVO      |
|        1 | 17_2    | Think    |
|        1 | 11_1    | CHCH-DT  |
|        1 | 29_1    | WUTV-HD  |
|        1 | 47_1    | CFMT     |
|        1 | 17_1    | WNED-HD  |
|        1 | 35_1    | CHCJ-DT  |
|        1 | 40_1    | CJMT     |
|        1 | 4_1     | WIVB-HD  |
|        1 | 23_1    | WNLO-HD  |
|        1 | 2_2     | WGRZ-WN  |
|        1 | 49_1    | WNYO-HD  |
|        1 | 57_1    | CITYTV   |
|        1 | 49_2    | GetTV    |
|        1 | 23_2    | Bounce   |
22 rows in set (0.40 sec)
I deleted channels 67-1 to 67-3 from the backend because I normally don't pick them up.

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - jrhamilt - 2014-10-16

I'm having trouble getting this build for Kodi 14.0-ALPHA5 on a Windows 8.1 machine...

1) I installed VS 2013 Express,
2) downloaded the mythtv addons from the master branch in zip format from here:
3) extracted the zip
4) downloaded dependencies using the bat file
5) opened solution in VS

However, when I try to build, it gives me a ton of these build errors:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\um\winsock2.h(882): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'qos.h': No such file or directory

I've done some pretty exhaustive searches to try to resolve the issue, but I really can't find anything applicable.

Any clues on what I need to do to get this to work?

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - MikeB2013 - 2014-10-16

(2014-10-16, 14:15)jrhamilt Wrote: I'm having trouble getting this build for Kodi 14.0-ALPHA5 on a Windows 8.1 machine...

1) I installed VS 2013 Express,
2) downloaded the mythtv addons from the master branch in zip format from here:
3) extracted the zip
4) downloaded dependencies using the bat file
5) opened solution in VS

However, when I try to build, it gives me a ton of these build errors:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\um\winsock2.h(882): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'qos.h': No such file or directory

I've done some pretty exhaustive searches to try to resolve the issue, but I really can't find anything applicable.

Any clues on what I need to do to get this to work?

Which version of Visual Studio Express 2013 did you install ?

I am using Windows Desktop version (don't know if it makes any difference) and the pvr.mythtv addon builds ok.

Note the pvr.mythtv addon needs updating, Kodi /XBMC changed addon API version a few days ago so the latest ALPHA5 builds are not compatible.

ALPHA 5 Git 20141007- e0db1d8 works ok.


RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - rbuehlma - 2014-10-16

Hi Janbar,

I have another problem with the new plugin but only on two channels of the same broadcaster (SRF 1 & 2). Every few seconds (1-5) I get a corrupt image or sound. In the log, I see always the same error from the demuxer:

AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: [DEMUX] Process: error -3

and some debug log:

This only happens if "Enable MPEG TS-Demuxer" is enabled and does only happen if I watch the stream live. If I afterwards watch the same stream from the recordings, it works perfectly.
My live stream comes from a DVB-C adapter.

Thanks anyway

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - janbar - 2014-10-16

(2014-10-16, 19:52)Natronch Wrote: Hi Janbar,

I have another problem with the new plugin but only on two channels of the same broadcaster (SRF 1 & 2). Every few seconds (1-5) I get a corrupt image or sound. In the log, I see always the same error from the demuxer:

AddOnLog: MythTV PVR Client: [DEMUX] Process: error -3

and some debug log:

This only happens if "Enable MPEG TS-Demuxer" is enabled and does only happen if I watch the stream live. If I afterwards watch the same stream from the recordings, it works perfectly.
My live stream comes from a DVB-C adapter.

Thanks anyway

There is an error during parsing of the stream. Please could you post a sample of the stream or all the stream for analyzing. Thanks.

(2014-10-16, 17:55)MikeB2013 Wrote:
(2014-10-16, 14:15)jrhamilt Wrote: I'm having trouble getting this build for Kodi 14.0-ALPHA5 on a Windows 8.1 machine...

1) I installed VS 2013 Express,
2) downloaded the mythtv addons from the master branch in zip format from here:
3) extracted the zip
4) downloaded dependencies using the bat file
5) opened solution in VS

However, when I try to build, it gives me a ton of these build errors:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\um\winsock2.h(882): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'qos.h': No such file or directory

I've done some pretty exhaustive searches to try to resolve the issue, but I really can't find anything applicable.

Any clues on what I need to do to get this to work?

Which version of Visual Studio Express 2013 did you install ?

I am using Windows Desktop version (don't know if it makes any difference) and the pvr.mythtv addon builds ok.

Note the pvr.mythtv addon needs updating, Kodi /XBMC changed addon API version a few days ago so the latest ALPHA5 builds are not compatible.

ALPHA 5 Git 20141007- e0db1d8 works ok.


Weird. I sugger to generate only pvr.mythtv. Also i never bold all the solution ! Like Mike i use Windows Desktop only. And as Mike said we wait the merge for the GUI version update. So for now it is usable with ALPHA 5 Git 20141007- e0db1d8.

EDIT: I merged the update for GUI version. Master branch is uptodate.

(2014-10-16, 03:30)allan87 Wrote: Here it is. I am puzzled by the order.
| sourceid | channum | callsign |
|        1 | 41_1    | CIII-HD  |
|        1 | 5_1     | CBLT-DT  |
|        1 | 29_2    | TCN      |
|        1 | 7_1     | WKBW-HD  |
|        1 | 2_3     | WGRZ-AT  |
|        1 | 9_1     | CFTO     |
|        1 | 2_1     | WGRZ-HD  |
|        1 | 19_1    | TVO      |
|        1 | 17_2    | Think    |
|        1 | 11_1    | CHCH-DT  |
|        1 | 29_1    | WUTV-HD  |
|        1 | 47_1    | CFMT     |
|        1 | 17_1    | WNED-HD  |
|        1 | 35_1    | CHCJ-DT  |
|        1 | 40_1    | CJMT     |
|        1 | 4_1     | WIVB-HD  |
|        1 | 23_1    | WNLO-HD  |
|        1 | 2_2     | WGRZ-WN  |
|        1 | 49_1    | WNYO-HD  |
|        1 | 57_1    | CITYTV   |
|        1 | 49_2    | GetTV    |
|        1 | 23_2    | Bounce   |
22 rows in set (0.40 sec)
I deleted channels 67-1 to 67-3 from the backend because I normally don't pick them up.

So Allan normally you had all those channels in your epg screen. Is it true ?

To order by channum:
select distinct channel.sourceid, channel.channum, channel.callsign from program join channel on channel.chanid=program.chanid where starttime > now() and starttime < now() + interval 1 day order by channum;

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - rbuehlma - 2014-10-17

Here we go:

This is the raw file as stored by mythtv.

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - janbar - 2014-10-17

(2014-10-17, 00:10)Natronch Wrote: Here we go:

This is the raw file as stored by mythtv.
Many thanks !

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - allan87 - 2014-10-17

(2014-10-16, 23:59)janbar Wrote: So Allan normally you had all those channels in your epg screen. Is it true ?
No. I have never, with either myth or cmyth, had all of these channels on my XBMC EPG:
• If a channel is not multiplexed into several channels( i.e 4-1, 5-1, 7-1, etc) it does appear in the XBMC EPG;
• If a channel is multiplexed into several channels (like 2-1,2-2, 2-3) only one of the multiplexed subchannels appears in the XBMC EPG. Please see chart below:
| sourceid | channum | callsign |
|        1 | 2_1     | WGRZ-HD  |———|
|        1 | 2_2     | WGRZ-WN  |———|———Only one of these three appears in EPG
|        1 | 2_3     | WGRZ-AT  |———|
|        1 | 4_1     | WIVB-HD  |
|        1 | 5_1     | CBLT-DT  |
|        1 | 7_1     | WKBW-HD  |
|        1 | 9_1     | CFTO     |
|        1 | 11_1    | CHCH-DT  |
|        1 | 17_1    | WNED-HD  |———|
|        1 | 17_2    | Think    |———|———Only one of these two appears in EPG
|        1 | 19_1    | TVO      |
|        1 | 23_1    | WNLO-HD  |———|
|        1 | 23_2    | Bounce   |———|———Only one of these two appears in EPG
|        1 | 29_1    | WUTV-HD  |———|
|        1 | 29_2    | TCN      |———|———Only one of these two appears in EPG
|        1 | 35_1    | CHCJ-DT  |
|        1 | 40_1    | CJMT     |
|        1 | 41_1    | CIII-HD  |
|        1 | 47_1    | CFMT     |
|        1 | 49_1    | WNYO-HD  |———|
|        1 | 49_2    | GetTV    |———|———Only one of these two appears in EPG
|        1 | 57_1    | CITYTV   |
I have been using XBMC with the cmyth plugin since Frodo.

All of the channels have, however, always appeared in the XBMC Channel List (as opposed to the EPG), but only displaying the atsc_major_chan.

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - nickr - 2014-10-17

This subchannel issue is because the channels are stored as an integer I think. There is a related thread here it would seem: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=157487

RE: pvr.mythtv add-on - janbar - 2014-10-17

(2014-10-17, 00:30)janbar Wrote:
(2014-10-17, 00:10)Natronch Wrote: Here we go:

This is the raw file as stored by mythtv.
Many thanks !

Fixed. I pushed the commit for master and gotham branches. Tomorrow ubuntu-ppa will be up to date.
