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Ember Media Manager NFO/Poster/FanArt Manager for Movies (Open Source VB.NET) - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: Ember Media Manager NFO/Poster/FanArt Manager for Movies (Open Source VB.NET) (/showthread.php?tid=50348)

- JustinAiken - 2010-03-30

Decided to try using this on some new TV series I downloaded... it is very nice!!!

No more using XBMC scrapers for me! Smile

- nul7 - 2010-03-30

JDizzy Wrote:Mine was new install, same system, same error.

How long ago did you attempt to install? If it was more than, oh 30-45 mins ago, please delete the old installation and run EmberSetup again. I think Nuno fixed this problem.

- nul7 - 2010-03-30

clock2113 Wrote:Decided to try using this on some new TV series I downloaded... it is very nice!!!

No more using XBMC scrapers for me! Smile


- JDizzy - 2010-03-30

nul7 Wrote:How long ago did you attempt to install? If it was more than, oh 30-45 mins ago, please delete the old installation and run EmberSetup again. I think Nuno fixed this problem.

Just delete the "Ember Media Manager.exe" and the System.Data.SQLite.dll from the installation destination folder

Deleted "Ember Media Manager" (System.Data.SQLite.dll was not there?)
Re-ran installation and am up and running.


- Balthazar2k4 - 2010-03-30

I have been a long time user of Media Companion and thought I would give EMM a try as I do like the interface better. I just scraped and tagged a few TV shows and noticed that EMM is not grabbing the Director info for each episode from TVDB. Is anyone else having this problem?

Bug? - matthuisman - 2010-03-30


String was not recognized as a valid Boolean.Couldn't store <Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, The> in NeedsSave Column. Expected type is Boolean.

Not sure if bugs wanted in here, if not - please point me in right direction Big Grin

- sphere - 2010-03-30

stanley87 Wrote:http://embermm.pastebin.com/x69s0kDq

String was not recognized as a valid Boolean.Couldn't store <Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, The> in NeedsSave Column. Expected type is Boolean.

Not sure if bugs wanted in here, if not - please point me in right direction Big Grin

Hi stanley,

I had this bug a few times but everytime I try to force it, it doesn't happen.
Can you reproduce it everytime? How do you do it?

Please report bugs here: http://www.embermm.com Smile


- Tolriq - 2010-03-30

I had the same bug yesterday when trying the last mods by nuno about translation (see report #390).
it appears between 1956 and 1965 i did not push too much on this thinking it was a bad compil / install from me

Title: Error
Message: La chaîne n'a pas été reconnue en tant que Boolean valide.Impossible de stocker <9> dans la colonne NeedsSave. Type attendu est Boolean.
StackTrace: à System.Data.DataColumn.set_Item(Int32 record, Object value)
à System.Data.DataRow.set_Item(DataColumn column, Object value)
à System.Data.DataRow.set_Item(Int32 columnIndex, Object value)
à Ember_Media_Manager.frmMain.SetListItemAfterEdit(Int32 iID, Int32 iRow)
Date/Time: 30/03/2010 10:43:19

Well same result on my proper 1.1 installation Sad it says can"t save the title (a string) in the needsave column.

I open ticket.

- jsimo01 - 2010-03-30

Firstly; Thank you to the developers, this is a vast improvement over the last metadata utility I was using (a hangover from my XPMCE era).

I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask but I've tried searching the forums about how to set the fanart for movie sets that I created in EMM; great feature btw! From XBMC I can set the thumb, but no option for fanart, is it missing or just doesn't work with sets?

Many Thanks,


- Nuno - 2010-03-30

stanley87 Wrote:http://embermm.pastebin.com/x69s0kDq

String was not recognized as a valid Boolean.Couldn't store <Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, The> in NeedsSave Column. Expected type is Boolean.

Not sure if bugs wanted in here, if not - please point me in right direction Big Grin

Seems like this can be a issue from failed db upgrade. If still have the issue just delete Media.emm.

PS: If you still have the install.log, please open a issue in tracker and post it there

- Tolriq - 2010-03-30

Nuno Wrote:Seems like this can be a issue from failed db upgrade. If still have the issue just delete Media.emm.

PS: If you still have the install.log, please open a issue in tracker and post it there

Yes deleting the database correct the problem Smile

See : tracker 397 i have upload the install log.

- jerhui - 2010-03-30

Hi, does anyone know if multiple tv episodes in one file are supported within Ember, because I can not get it to work?

Like: FlashForward.s01.e11.e12.avi

- sphere - 2010-03-30

jerhui Wrote:Hi, does anyone know if multiple tv episodes in one file are supported within Ember, because I can not get it to work?

Like: FlashForward.s01.e11.e12.avi

Multiepisode Files are generally supported.
You can change the tv show regex or rename the files to something like "Flash.Forward.S01E11S01E12.avi" or "Flash.Forward.S01E11E12.avi" (no dot between it).


- jerhui - 2010-03-30

sphere Wrote:Multiepisode Files are generally supported.
You can change the tv show regex or rename the files to something like "Flash.Forward.S01E11S01E12.avi" or "Flash.Forward.S01E11E12.avi" (no dot between it).

Thanks, I will give it a try.

- craigd - 2010-03-30

I'm still having the same issues with absolute order for anime shows after 1.1

I have always used following file structure for absolute anime "tv shows anime\show name\show name - s01exxx.mkv"

This was the naming structure originally advised for xbmc as xbmc needed a season number to scrape shows.

Scraping with ember it finds show and downloads first seasons episode details correctly but all subsequent episodes remain under season 1 with no episode details scraped.

I have tested with shows Bleach, Naruto, Naruto Shippuden & Pokemon all have same results.

I can scrape shows successfully within xbmc so assume it is my naming convention not working with ember.

Can anyone advise if they've successfully used absolute ordering and how they are naming files?

slighlty related to this, just wanted to check if folder sorting works for tv shows to seperate into seasons, was awsome tool for updating movies.