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- Ravester - 2011-10-07

MariusTh86 Wrote:This might be annoying, but could you try doing a search for a movie with umlauts while removing the umlauts? so the "Die Affäre" would be just "Die Affare", and see if it returns any results then

Thank @MariusTh86 for quick reply.

By the way, removing the umlauts did the Job for me !!!


- MariusTh86 - 2011-10-07

"*.ts" and ".m2ts" should be added in the next release.

So translating special characters to normal characters is a start, i might be able to use that.

- demosthien - 2011-10-07

Since there seems to be a lot of interest in ViMM & I couldn't develop an app even if you held a gun to my head, I thought I'd throw a quick bit of promo Marius' way...

If you like ViMM & appreciate Marius' hard work then please consider buying him a drink or something. Use the "Donate" button in the top right corner of the ViMM app.

- MariusTh86 - 2011-10-07

Thanks for the promotion demosthien! Wink

- Linusorg - 2011-10-08

Hi there
Here the link to the nfo file http://pastebin.com/tnS3xenH
in the meantime i took the freedom to reset to factory defaults and everything is working just fine, incl. this nfo file.
looks a bit strange, maybe during the manual search and switch to another show the program got confused a bit ?

Special local charsets : i guess all these movies collection will be played on xbmc or other devices ( i just looked into HDI Dune for living room and xbmc for other places ) and there should be local support for local charset.
we do all this collection to make our Hometheater pretty and increase the WAF ( Wife acceptance factor ) grow :-)

Feature request :
Deep directory scan :-)
got most movies scanned, but still lots of deep directories missing
Again, pls display the path in the manual search but more important also in the info dialog of a movie
Situation :
a) if you have 2 versions of a movie ( DVD Strukture and MKV for streaming to tablet ), nice to know what are your editing
b) to do a quick verifcation if everything got correctly recognized is quit handy to see the filepath directly, so you can confirm that everyting is ok, without being forced to use "display in filer " ( This feature is great to manuel editing your structure and shouldnt go :-) )
multible edit of genre, Studio,........
Sort movie list by : Name, year, Rating, Genre, Studio
( to easly see where you have to do manual editing )
Flag to protect movie from being rescrapped ( specially you you can rescrap multiple selected movies )
just a thought
Export to ........
Lets say you export one xml for Movie and another one for TV.
to enable everyone to format the xml in a way they want you could make :
1) Selction for fields for output
2) the xml tags for the output fields editable.
3) Store this in lets say 3 or for sets so every user can define different exports ( Webpage, third party player, etc. )

If i should stop creating ideas pls let me know :-)

Thanks for listining

- MariusTh86 - 2011-10-08

There is a file path at least in the edit metadata window on the left most tab at the bottom.
And you can sort your movie list by movie title and premier date already by going to the preferences window and selecting a different sort order.

I'm not sure what you mean by multiple edit of genre and studio? because you can already add multiple genres and studios to movies.

Generally a movie doesn't get rescraped unless you select the movie in the list and press the 'fetch metadata' option, so protection would be to just not do that?

First I'll have to build an export function before i can think about exporting selected data to different formats. Wink
You do make some great lists with some pretty good ideas, but it will take some time to implement any of them since i'm working on the new version. ^^

- Linusorg - 2011-10-08

Hi there,
thanks, the ideas are comming from the need to handle some DVD's :-)

Let me explain :
Right now i am in the status of having the main bunch scrappetd ( with the exceptions of sequels, featurerrets, .... subdirectories ).
now we come to the manual "cleaning task".

So basicly to do is review the scrapped movies if they are done correctly and do manual corrections, always keep in mind that we are talking 1000+ Movies
So sorting first :
i like to sort the list on the fly by different sort order :
lets say by rating to make sure that all the high quality movies ( for my wife of cause ) are entered correctly where my trash collection can be edited later :-)
Maybe afterwards sorted by genry to see waht genre we have and if everthing in the right genre
here we touch the area of multible selection :
In case i like to move a bunch of movies from one wrongly entered genre to another i like to select all movies to like to change on the left side, press enter and enter at once the correct "new" genre.
File path :
You are rigth that the filepath are shown vor avi, mkv files while you are in edit mode ( for dvd i got "no movie found" )
but thats exactly the point.
I would like to see upfront if there is a need to go to the Edit Mode.
So basicly i scroll through the Window and all Posters, text etc. show up, but no path where i can see that i have to do some corrections, maybe change the movie, because it was wrongly recognized, etc.
Rescrapping Protection :
Here i was back to the idea with multible selections on the left side and let the programm lookup missing information, maybe even not recognized movies etc., but if you ( as a ...... user ) select the wrong movie al your former manual entries might be overwritten.
aka this is the "whatever happens this Entry stays switch" :-)
you find something similar f.e. in the manual entry section of the plex media manager, or other similar programms.
You are right that if you do a single handish action that migth be protection enough, but aren't we happy that even osx forced us to enter a passwort if we do something that we set to be protected ? :-)
pls take your time its already a great Programm that saves a lot of time and enables us to work on this WAF Facto.
it was juts some thought about exporting, right now i am still in the manual edit mode and havent bought this Dune player.

Looking forward to the new version whenever it show up.

Thanks for listening

- Linusorg - 2011-10-08

Just a small errorreport :
Movie : "....and justice for all"
manual search -> invalid content format

anyway : Language is set to german and i like to scrap german content
Removing the dots and the right film shows up ( .... and justice for all )
but selecting this or enter the imdb directly you only got english content information.

If there is no german content maybe a small indicator would be nice that this movie was switched to default, but i guess there is german content for this movie, or i am wrong here ?
Anyway need to rush and do some shopping first
Have a great time

- onionpalac - 2011-10-08

MariusTh86 - Awesome work and thank you SO MUCH for this!
I registered to the community just to say that to you.
Really - so far this is working wonderfully.
I just got it working now so I'll get back when I figure the whole app out - but so far - YES YES YES!

- MariusTh86 - 2011-10-08

You're welcome. Wink

Sorting by genre is not easy, since there are generally more then one genre tags that apply, such as 'family', 'comedy' or 'horror', 'science-fiction', and editing multiple entries at once isn't as logical as it is for music where a bunch of tracks might have more then one thing in common such as album, artist and a single genre.
I'm not sure if I can implement such a 'bulk' edit mode.

I'm thinking what you want is a file browser while I'm in the process of building a movie browser, and I'm not sure where a file path would fit in besides in the info dialog...
This is also what makes different sorting options more difficult, i'm showing just one column out of a few hidden ones instead of showing an excel like overview of metadata, i pick and choose only very few relevant items for quick access, but i generally don't want to show users a lot of cells with texts such as file path information to keep it stupidly simple. Wink
You can also open the movie folder in the Finder from the 'File' menu to see exactly which files you're trying to edit the metadata for.

It's probably searching thinking the three dots are a single character if it's not returning any results since it seems to work for me when using regular dots, but for the movie mentioned, there doesn't seem to be an 'Überblick' for it on TMDB.

- cbr600ds2 - 2011-10-08

How's the push for V1.0? (I only ask because I'm having issues with XBMC scraping/not scraping some tv episodes.)

- MariusTh86 - 2011-10-08

too early to tell ^^

- Linusorg - 2011-10-08

Hi there,
as i said sorting and bulk edit comes to play when you really have to handle a big collection and like to order this and i guess that in most application you expect that you can resort a given list by clicking on a column header.
sorting them by different cirterias would allow you to update ( or even bulk update ) your collection faster. That just my view cents based on my collection here.
File path display
right now you could display the path right in the mail Movie window. move the rating stars a little bit up, or make them smaller and put the filepath over Duration. Doing this you have all Stats in one place and would look quite nice. I totally agree with you that things like dimensions, codec, or even imdb id are not really needed here.
I only say that if you have a movie Browser you should do your work within this programm and do not have the need of switching to the filer, just to lookup a path
( if i remember my programming right the information about the path must be already there :-) )
in the edit box the location is just perfect ( but did you saw that if you like to edit DVD Movies the filepath in edit mode is set to "No movie found " ? )
bulk editing ;
You re right that music usually have more fields in common and i totally agree with you here, but i big drawback ( still talking about big collections ) is adding and or changing gengre, and other categories.
If not via sorting the list maybe in some other way, this would be a HUGHE timesaver ( comapre it to open up 400 Comedies one after the other and change this to "Komödie" ) just du name one example

Pls get me right i am very happy having such a "Movie Browser and NFO Editor" finally for Mac OSX and i am willing to pay for it or help to make it better, no problem.
i just try to have some features added, that would really help "movie fanatics" like me to have this collection updated.

Thanks for listening

- MariusTh86 - 2011-10-08

No worries, user input is always highly appreciated. ^^

I'll have at least 'sort by rating' ready in the next release, and i'll see if i have more room for others.

A file path can be really really long though, if at all, than i'd rather show something like a 'breadcrumb' path at the bottom of the list, like the Finder does when you go to the "View" menu and choose to "Show Path Bar" option.
But i'm not sure yet if i can put something like that together.

I've just been thinking as the list to be like the iTunes and Finder sidebar list, which is also 'select one, open one' styled, yet very simple to understand and work with.
Maybe I can add a 'Tool' menu item to mass add certain genre tags to one or more items.

- Linusorg - 2011-10-08

i am in the it industry quite a bit and and designing User interfaces is always quite a challenge.
f.e. if you design things familiar to xyz, people will expect a similar function,
you have in itunes multiple selections for tracks and to be hones that was the first thing i tried to see what can be changed with multiple selections :-)
You are also right that filer dont do that,but i see your programm more like itunes for movies.
You are right that filepath can be quite long and you need to avoid to clutter the interface, but at the bottom of the list frame there is even less space and specially the path is important to choose what you are editing
( getway original vs getway remake, indicator will be the year in the directory name /
Streaming vs DVD indicator might be even a different volume ( Plexserver for streaming, smb for atv2&xbmc ) )
if you like to have it at the buttom, maybe use the buttom of the movie content frame for it. how's that ?
in addition : showing the total amount of movies / shows in the buttom is quite usefull

thanks for listening & looking forward to the next version :-)