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fanart.tv - Request and share ClearLOGO, ClearART and more Fan Artwork / Thumbs - Printable Version

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- Kode - 2011-04-21

NeoRame: I don't mean there is no interest in the services the site provides, in the last 30 days there has been over a quarter million hits to the API (268,926 to be exact) and I'm very grateful for all the contributors.

The problem seems to be noone is interested in helping me improve the site, if I could do it myself, I would.

As it stands now, if there is no help forthcoming the site will plod along as it is now, there will be occasional bug fixes, sporadic updates, people will continue to bitch and moan about things.

If we can get 1 or 2 designers on board helping with the actual site, users can be armed with all the information they need to produce better images, first time, meaning less work for the mods. The site could be redesigned to be much easier for people to actually use.

If we can get 1 or 2 developers on board bug fixes will be quicker, functionality can be improved, there are new avenues we can explore.

If we can get some people on board who aren't designers, aren't developers, but are good at producing copy, we could have regular updates on the state of things, where we are going, proper documentation, better help files.

But as I have said, doesn't appear anyone wants to help with that.

- Kode - 2011-04-21

ppic: I have updated the feed, it now looks like <clearlogo id="2112" url="http://fanart.tv/fanart/75682/clearlogo/Bones-75682.png"/>

All you need to do is hit something like:


It should work fine.

- ppic - 2011-04-21

ok, you've tested the script with this change?
should be no problem.

- Kode - 2011-04-21

I've not tested your script, I wouldn't know what to change.

What I did was where it looks for your scripts user agent did your user agent or my ip.

Then tested that exact link, first time it created a new entry with a vote of 1, then each time I refreshed the link it incremented the vote by 1.

So as soon as you add it to your script it should work straight away Smile

- ppic - 2011-04-21

yes, but i just want to know if the change in xml break the current script, so just to know if you've tried it.

- Kode - 2011-04-21

oh, no I haven't tried it, just had a quick look at your source again, I'm 99% sure it will break your current script, so I have changed it again.

To use the new type you need to put v=3 on it so for example

fanart.tv/api/fanart.php?id=75682 will return the old style so the old script will still work

fanart.tv/api/fanart.php?v=3&id=75682 will return the new style

- ppic - 2011-04-21

yes, sounds good like that, it won't break the current script.

- Kode - 2011-04-21

meh, I've been wondering why show pages are taking over 2 mins to load, trawled through all the code.

Turns out trakt.tv is down, lol.

I need to change the code to load the page, THEN load in 3rd party data.

So for now I've removed the trakt.tv stats until the site is back up.

- ppic - 2011-04-21

what were you using from there?

- Kode - 2011-04-21

It displayed the shows rating, how many people love it, how many hate it and the top 5 episodes from the show

- NeoRame - 2011-04-21

cant upload images Sad

- Kode - 2011-04-21

NeoRame Wrote:cant upload images Sad

Crap, what have I broken? lol, any error mesage?

*edit* also are you uploading from front end or backend?

- Kode - 2011-04-21

I've tried uploading images on the front end and backend, both seem to work fine for me?

- Kode - 2011-04-21

Right, if any of you have irc join #fanart.tv on undernet

If you dont have IRC, go to mirc.com download the client, fill in your user information, then go to

/server irc.undernet.org -j #fanart.tv


connect to Undernet from the server list, then type #fanart.tv in the channel prompt or /j #fanart.tv from the commandline

- NeoRame - 2011-04-22

cant upload it from the front libriry Image