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Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again - Printable Version

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RE: Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again - phunkyfish - 2019-07-10

If you can supply as many unique genre text examples (i.e. the <e2eventdescription> values) as possible it would be easier to tell which possible solution would work best.

RE: Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again - Dumyat - 2019-07-10

(2019-07-10, 10:28)phunkyfish Wrote: Ok, so it doesn't use Genre IDs at all you need to use some kind of genre text mappings. There is one implemented for Rytec which assumes the the genre text is in between square brackets. 
In the above snippet you will see the first 3 items all map to targetId 0x10 (which is the kodi genre Movie/Drama), this is the ID that kodi understands. If the addon finds the text "General Movie/Drama" or "Film" or "Animated Movie/Drama" they will all get mapped to this ID. Make sense?
Yeah, I think what was maybe confusing me was the theme file from the Radiotimes plugin has a GenreID for each of these new genres and since they didn't appear on my STB or in Kodi inside square brackets, I just assumed (incorrectly as it turned out), that I was probably taking the right approach   Blush
Using the above example, the movie genres I mentioned previously should now be configured something like this:- 
<mapping targetId="0x10">Movie</mapping> <!-- 0x10 Movie/Drama -->
<mapping targetId="0x10">Movie - Drama</mapping> <!-- 0x10 Movie/Drama -->
<mapping targetId="0x11">Movie - Thriller</mapping> <!-- 0x11 Detective/Thriller -->
<mapping targetId="0x12">Movie - Action</mapping> <!-- 0x12 Adventure/Western/War -->

So would that mean the genre 'Movie - Thriller' would appear in the genre field in Kodi like this, or would it appear as 'Detective/Thriller'?
You can find all the new text based genres for the <e2eventdescription> value on the 'theme file' I included on the previous link. Just open in notepad and you will see them all. This is how they are now appearing in Kodi before the main programme description. 

What's really nice is they are very specific for each programme. Also, each genre group seems to include a main genre heading like Movie, Entertainment, Music, New & Documentaries, etc. Ideally, it would great if we could show the main genre heading in the genre field, then the more specific genre to be shown as part of the description like I'm seeing currently.
I'm not sure the DVB genre standards that Kodi uses actually give enough scope to achieve this though.
Let me know if you need anything else.

RE: Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again - phunkyfish - 2019-07-10

Kodi will only ever show the DVB standard genres if you want the colouring, the only other option is just displaying genre text (but no colouring in this case).

So one or the other but not both. Customising genres beyond this is not possible I’m afraid.

Your sample about is correct now but if you map text to an ID you get the text in the comment (the DVB genre), not the mapping text.

RE: Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again - Dumyat - 2019-07-10

Oki doki. Bit of a bummer, but nothing we can do.

RE: Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again - phunkyfish - 2019-07-11

I assume currently you just prepend the outline to the plot using advanced addon settings?

RE: Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again - Dumyat - 2019-07-11

Yeah, correct. 
Worth remembering there was a time where we never got any genre info until you worked your magic with the addon, so it's a big improvement either way.  
Think I'm just stickler, but have to confess I'm not fan of multi-genre items like 'Soap / Melodrama / Folkloric' or 'Serious/Classical/Religious/Historical Movie/Drama' being returned.
Maybe the DVB genre standards will get updated someday and become more relevant and specific for a 21st century audience, but since they've been using the same standards for nearly 25 years, I suspect that's not going to happen any day soon....if ever.  Wink

RE: Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again - phunkyfish - 2019-07-11

The issue is that there are many different sets of genres, sky, DVB, oz, NZ to name but a few. They all have to map to something, plus there are only so many colours.

I did ask previously about using the genre ids for the colouring and using the custom text but in kodi it’s one or the other. I also see why it wouldn’t be changed, it’s not massively useful and mostly are happy to just see the colours more than anything.

RE: Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again - Dumyat - 2019-07-14

Problem solved!.... Smile


RE: Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again - phunkyfish - 2019-07-14

Nice, luckily you have your own skin 😉

RE: Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again - phunkyfish - 2019-07-26

v3.27.0 released
- Allow creation of epg based repeating timer rules if autotimers are not available

RE: Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again - ManiacKill - 2019-08-03

Good morning, sir,

I have the problem that a new TV station with a new picon with the same TV station ID is 1_0_16_192_B_85_C00000_0_0_0_0, but I still get the old picon displayed ! Does Kodi save the Picon in a folder ? 

maybe under thumbnails?

RE: Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again - phunkyfish - 2019-08-03

Yes, the old icon will be need to be removed. It works like this for all the pvr addons i believe. I don’t remember the command but they can be removed via SSH. Have a search on the forum and you should be able to find how to remove them.

If you could post the solution back here I’ll add it to the docs in the next release.

RE: Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again - phunkyfish - 2019-08-10

Here’s what you need to do:


rm $HOME/.kodi/userdata/Thumbnails/*/*.png
rm $HOME/.kodi/userdata/Database/Textures13.db

Then restart kodi. Note that your Textures*.db file may have a different number.

RE: Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again - phunkyfish - 2019-08-31

@Dumyat in Matrix you will be able to set EPG colour and display custom text: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/16541

Will add to Matrix version of the addon soon.

RE: Vu+ PVR addon is getting updates again - Dumyat - 2019-09-01

That's great. Excellent stuff.
My current solution is quite a bad hack. Basically, instead of using the genre infolabel to populate and colourise the guide items on the EPG, it occurred to me that I might be able to use the 'PlotOutline' info label to do the same job, since this is the field where my genres are appearing. It actually works like a charm and just how I had imagined. So I now have 10 main genre colours that appear in the guide and each colour has multiple sub-genre categories that are described under the genre heading at the top of the guide screen. My plan had been to have switches in the PVR sidebar to enable/disable Regular Genres and one to enable text based genres only that specifically use the plotoutline field.

Your PR for Matrix should do away with having to do things this hacky way.... Smile  
Happy Days!