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Ember Media Manager NFO/Poster/FanArt Manager for Movies (Open Source VB.NET) - Printable Version

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Cleaning Database - Ava_lon - 2011-01-08

He Guys,

i've got a little Problem with my emm.
Since today it dosen't show any movies.
When I upadte my database he scans the movies from my movie folder.
After scanning the movies it displays "cleaning database" an no movie is addet to my list.
I've allready deaktivated/aktivated the option "clean database after update".
couldn't find any helpfull content in the net.
Does anyone know an answer?

I found out that the problem only exist on my Main PC.
On my HTPC where also ember is installed the problem doesn't appear.
For the moment...

Found the Problem.
Somtimes ist to easy to find out...
My Date/Time was wrong, set to something near 3000 Smile
Now everything works fine again Smile

- xysm - 2011-01-09

jonte511 Wrote:Got the solution for you guys! Smile

Well at least this worked for me... Had the issue that EMM didn't save anything to the HDD.

1. Unpack the EMM Revisited archive and run the basic automated setup. http://sourceforge.net/projects/emm-revisited/

2. Download this EMM port for PortableApps http://portableapps.com/node/26016

3. Unzip the contents of that file anywhere. I used 7zip for this, might also work with WinRAR or similar as well.

4. Go to the folder "\$_OUTDIR\Ember Media Manager\" and copy the contents to your EMM Revisited folder, overwriting all files when asked.

5. Start the new "Ember Media Manager.exe" and you're good to go!

Edit: Don't forget to use this new scraper by Rogue, since EMM's is outdated. Unzip to Modules directory. http://www.mediafire.com/?b130dvbk7iqsehy

hi jonte511 ! your fix work ,thank you ...Smile

i check all the Modules all working , only the multi.Compatibility module seams not working ...

thank's again .

Ember Fixed Error Msg, No Saved NFO, Fanart, etc to HDD, Not Seeing Old NFO, No Scrap - kysersosai - 2011-01-09

What I did

Download = Telecharger the following

1. Ember 1.3.2441 - Extract

2. Ember Revisited - Extract > Copy and overwrite everything in the Ember Portable\$_OUTDIR\Ember Media Manager to Ember 1.3.2441.

3. Rogue Scraper - Copy the Rogue Scraper .dll into Ember 1.3.2441\module

(below credit to jonte511)
4. Download this EMM port for PortableApps

5. Unzip the contents of that file anywhere. I used 7zip for this, might also work with WinRAR or similar as well.

6. Go to the folder "\$_OUTDIR\Ember Media Manager\" and copy the contents to your EMM Revisited folder, overwriting all files when asked.

7. Start the new "Ember Media Manager.exe" and you're good to go!

Change a few setting to reflect language preferences

Ember Fixed Error Msg, No Saved NFO, Fanart, etc to HDD, Not Seeing Old NFO, No Scraper Data

Thanks To everyone who posted any kind of solution

Nod Kyser Sosai

- Jocker_Boy - 2011-01-09

I have done a clean install to my PC, and now i can't install EMM.
This is the end of EMM?
How can i install EMM?

- Rygrath - 2011-01-09

This has been answered a few times now. Would suggest reading the last few pages of this thread to answer your questions.

Subtitles - brettstid - 2011-01-09

I havent found any info on this yet. I have a large movie collection with different file types, ie - mkv, avi, iso, and VOB files. The issues I have run in to is that EMM doesnt detect a DVD movie as having subtitles, which it obviously does. I try to keep my collection complete as far as having EMM mark everything from trailer to subs to NFO.

Is there a way to have EMM mark movies with VOB files or DVD movies as having subs or does it only detect a seperate srt or sub file in the directory?

- JustinAiken - 2011-01-09

Go to the metadata section, add a subtitle stream, choose a language...

Now it will be marked as having a sub on your skin.

You'll have to do it individually for each movie though..

subtitles - brettstid - 2011-01-09

Tried that. It added another English subtitle at the end of the list in the meta data section but does not show the movie as having a subtitle when viewing it in the list of EMM.

Any other ideas?

- JustinAiken - 2011-01-09

Ahh... No idea there... I'm more concerned with the subtitle showing up in my skin.

- kysersosai - 2011-01-09

Anyone with the scraper data not being saved?

- SOLVED See my above post

EMM built from source, mostly working. - shufton - 2011-01-09

It's a little early to announce that EMM is back from the dead, but I downloaded the sourcecode, successfully built it, and have got it downloading (some) movie and TV show information. Movie scraping not currently working, and haven't worked out why though.

If we are to assume that that the embermm site will not reappear I need to do some remediation work on it, as the app checks the site for updates etc, and more importantly some information for first run - without this a fresh install won't work. Hopefully I will be able to get something built over the next few weekends (as long as work doesn't take too much time...) and zipped up so that at least new users can get going again.

New features and bug fixes might take a little bit longer to get going of course, and you never know the site may be back up before long (devs on an extended Christmas holiday?)



- kysersosai - 2011-01-09

shufton Wrote:It's a little early to announce that EMM is back from the dead, but I downloaded the sourcecode, successfully built it, and have got it downloading (some) movie and TV show information. Movie scraping not currently working, and haven't worked out why though. "etc"



Steve , My Ember is fully working. Try the method I posted above maybe you can find out why my Frankenstein Ember is working and sort out your issue


- jason28 - 2011-01-10

brettstid Wrote:I havent found any info on this yet. I have a large movie collection with different file types, ie - mkv, avi, iso, and VOB files. The issues I have run in to is that EMM doesnt detect a DVD movie as having subtitles, which it obviously does. I try to keep my collection complete as far as having EMM mark everything from trailer to subs to NFO.

Is there a way to have EMM mark movies with VOB files or DVD movies as having subs or does it only detect a seperate srt or sub file in the directory?

You can try updating the mediainfo dll that EMM uses and see if that fixes it for you.

- tranceology3 - 2011-01-10

IS there a way EMM can auto scrape new movies after a download has finished. Sorta like watching a folder.

- soundbyte - 2011-01-10

^ You can use EventGhost to run a macro everytime a download is complete. Check out the Lifehacker article on the fully-automated xbmc system. Its a great starting point that should set you up nicely