RE: MovieLib - Your movie database on web - Regss - 2016-01-14
Enable debugging in Movielib addon. Go to admin panel on site in movie list section delete a few movies, then go do KODI and run Movielib addon from program section. Send mi a kodi.log file.
RE: MovieLib - Your movie database on web - b0mb - 2016-01-14
(2016-01-14, 09:09)Regss Wrote: Enable debugging in Movielib addon. Go to admin panel on site in movie list section delete a few movies, then go do KODI and run Movielib addon from program section. Send mi a kodi.log file. Thanks for the quick reply...
I will send you the file later this day :-)
RE: MovieLib - Your movie database on web - Regss - 2016-01-20
I do some small fixes and new features
Movielib 2.8.2:
- Now when start playing a movie banner title change from "last played" to "now watching"
To update web script replace all files without install.php
Movielib Addon 1.4.8:
- Added: when start playing movie banner title change from "last played" to "now watching"
- Added: trying to copy image if PIL module not exist (for OpenELEC users. Thx, B0mb for help)
Movielib Service Addon 1.0.3:
- Add options to disable triggers that Movielib starts
- on KODI start
- on player stop
- on library scan finished
- on library clean finished
- on system wake
To disable trigger go to Movielib Service Addon settings.
RE: MovieLib - Your movie database on web - Plotin - 2016-01-29
Hey there,
I installed the latest version of both the web application and the addon, but things are not working as expected. There are multiple issues:
- Web Application
The admin page shows, that sync.php and functions.php are not the right version. I assume that is because of the file changes 10 days ago?
- Addons / Sync
I installed the Addon and configured it to the best of my knowledge. Synchronization starts and I get multiple progress dialogs (movies, tv-shows, etc). Butn when the process is finished, there are not movies etc. in the webapp. A look into the kodi log shows, that there seem to be problems concerning the POST data:
Code: 9:26:37 T:152 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
19:26:37 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< XBMC: AuthLogin:
19:26:37 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< XBMC: URL: http://<SITEURL>/videos
19:26:37 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< XBMC: AuthPass:
19:26:37 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< XBMC: Auth: false
19:26:37 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< XBMC: Token: y4cxsd
19:26:37 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< XBMC: CheckSource: true
19:26:37 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< XBMC: Notify: true
19:26:37 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< XBMC: Debug: true
19:26:37 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [REQUEST]: http://<SITEURL>/videos/sync.php?token=y4cxsd&option=checksettings
19:26:37 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [REQUEST]:
19:26:37 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [REQUEST DATA SIZE]: 0 bytes
19:26:41 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [RESPONSE]: {"site_name":"MovieLib","language":"en","theme":"default","select_media_header":"0","view":"0","per_page":"50","default_sort":"1","default_watch":"0","panel_top_limit":"10","panel_top_time":"5","panel_top":"1","panel_view":"1","watched_status":"1","show_playcount":"1","live_search":"1","live_search_max_res":"10","panel_overall":"1","panel_genre":"1","panel_year":"1","panel_country":"1","panel_set":"1","panel_studio":"1","show_fanart":"1","fadeout_fanart":"0","show_trailer":"1","show_facebook":"1","banner":"0","protect_site":"0","mod_rewrite":"0","xbmc_thumbs":"1","xbmc_posters":"1","xbmc_fanarts":"1","xbmc_exthumbs":"1","xbmc_exthumbs_q":"853x480","xbmc_auto_conf_remote":"0","xbmc_master":"0","xbmc_host":"","xbmc_port":"","xbmc_login":"","xbmc_pass":"","version":"2.8.2","token_md5":"d2a14e4fc85305f02b0501938b2f2f28","GD":"On","CURL":"On","MAX_EXECUTION_TIME":"30","UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE":"20M","POST_MAX_SIZE":"8M","ALLOW_URL_FOPEN":"true"}
19:26:41 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< Server: <SHORTENED>
19:26:41 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< Version is valid
19:26:41 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< Token is valid
19:26:41 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [REQUEST]: http://<SITEURL>/videos/sync.php?token=y4cxsd&option=showhash
19:26:41 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [REQUEST]:
19:26:41 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [REQUEST DATA SIZE]: 0 bytes
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [RESPONSE]: {"movies":"","tvshows":"","episodes":"","images":""}
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [hashSITE]: {u'images': u'', u'movies': u'', u'episodes': u'', u'tvshows': u''}
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [imagesMoviesXBMC]: <SHORTENED>
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [imagesEpisodesXBMC]: <SHORTENED>
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [imagesTvshowsXBMC]: {'fanart': {}, 'poster': {}}
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [videosMoviesXBMC]: <SHORTENED>
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [videosEpisodesXBMC]: {}
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [videosTvshowsXBMC]: {}
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< === SYNC VIDEOS ===
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [MOVIES UPDATE NEEDED]
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [REQUEST]: http://<SITEURL>/videos/sync.php?token=y4cxsd&option=showvideo&table=movies
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [REQUEST]:
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [REQUEST DATA SIZE]: 0 bytes
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [RESPONSE]: {}
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [moviesSITE]: {}
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [moviesToAdd]: set(['1', '3', '2', '4'])
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [moviesToRemove]: set([])
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [moviesToUpdate]: []
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< === ADDING MOVIES VIDEOS ===
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< {'play_count': '0', 'rating': '6.8', 'hash': 'c061246522f006f199caa271ebd2d724', 'stream[]': [u'v;xvid;1.81818199158;640;352;73;;;;', u'a;;;;;;ac3;6;;'], 'date_added': u'2015-12-23 16:39:42', 'title': "Besser geht's nicht", <SHORTENED, contains german Umlaute>
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [REQUEST]: http://<SITEURL>/videos/sync.php?token=y4cxsd&option=addvideo&t=movies
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [REQUEST]: {'play_count': '0', 'rating': '6.8', 'hash': 'c061246522f006f199caa271ebd2d724', 'stream[]': [u'v;xvid;1.81818199158;640;352;73;;;;', u'a;;;;;;ac3;6;;'], 'date_added': u'2015-12-23 16:39:42', 'title': "Besser geht's nicht", <SHORTENED, contains german Umlaute>
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [REQUEST DATA SIZE]: 2899 bytes
19:26:42 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [RESPONSE]: No POST data
This repeats for every movie I've got.
Image uploads look like:
Code: 19:26:46 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< === ADDING MOVIES POSTER IMAGES ===
19:26:46 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [REQUEST]: http://<SITEURL>/videos/sync.php?token=y4cxsd&option=addimages
19:26:46 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [REQUEST]: {'name': 'movies_1.jpg', 'img': '/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABA...<SHORTENED>
19:26:46 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [REQUEST DATA SIZE]: 12862 bytes
19:26:46 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [RESPONSE]:
No images get uploaded :-(
Updating the hash does not work either:
Code: 19:27:31 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [REQUEST]: http://<SITEURL>/videos/sync.php?token=y4cxsd&option=updatehash
19:27:31 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [REQUEST]: {'images': 'd643ec599b9751345a69e0d42575a6e9'}
19:27:31 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [REQUEST DATA SIZE]: 39 bytes
19:27:32 T:152 NOTICE: >>>> Movielib <<<< [RESPONSE]: <br>ERROR: MySQL - Query was empty
Are those errors in the Addon or the WebApp from the last update or is there anything wrong with my setup?
Thanks in advance!
RE: MovieLib - Your movie database on web - Plotin - 2016-01-30
I'll reply to my own post with the solution:
The problem has been my setup. I ran into this bug/feature of urllib2 used in the addon
Python URLLib / URLLib2 POST
The URL http://<SITEURL>/videos/sync.php got 302 redirected and in the process, the POST data got lost.
You can delete the original post or let it live for others who might run into the same problem ;-)
RE: MovieLib - Your movie database on web - failstorm - 2016-02-17
Great work!
RE: MovieLib - Your movie database on web - gulp - 2016-03-15
on next release is possible to add the h265 (HEVC) tag?
Great work and thank you!
RE: MovieLib - Your movie database on web - Axel Foley - 2016-03-26
What a great addon. Everything working fine, beautiful to show your collection to friends/parents on the internet. Great job Regss, thank you so much.
Only issue I noticed, in the "File Checksums" section I have a mismatch on function.php and sync.php. I reuploaded the files, but same issue. Everything seems to be working fine though.
I also have a request: is it possible to not require a password for the users that want to access the collection?
RE: MovieLib - Your movie database on web - Cy4n1d3 - 2016-03-26
Hey Regss,
had quite a bit of trouble today to get MovieLib running on my system ![Smile Smile](
In the end I forked the PHP script on Github and changed a lot of code - I'm running PHP7 on my webserver and mysql functions are not only deprecated but entirely gone in the current iteration of PHP.
Surely I have missed quite a lot of problematic code occurences but at least the webinterface is running now!
I might refactor those changes into a pull request someday if you're interested - mysqli is part of PHP since version 5 and should be a plug-and-play replacement for most of the users.
Another problem I encountered: 'POST_MAX_SIZE' on current PHP versions (>=PHP5) can actually be set to 0, meaning no limit on POST size.
The kodi addon however interprets this as no POST possible (due to any request being greater than 0 bytes). Might need another safety check there.
Something else which came to my attention:
the debug function in was not working for me, apparently the syntax needed a change (I'm on Krypton though, not sure if that's the reason for it):
xbmc.log(msg='>>>> Movielib <<<< ' + msg, level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG
I'll see how things work out the next days, synching at least started for now
RE: MovieLib - Your movie database on web - b0mb - 2016-05-29
Is there any way to get movielib running when using Emby with Kodi?
RE: MovieLib - Your movie database on web - saeros - 2016-07-13
Hi, love this addon! any chance it will run with Kodi 17?
RE: MovieLib - Your movie database on web - Regss - 2016-07-13
I don't try on kodi 17 yet but you can try
RE: MovieLib - Your movie database on web - Poci - 2016-08-18
Translation into Czech language complete :-).
RE: MovieLib - Your movie database on web - gulp - 2016-09-08
(2016-03-15, 23:17)gulp Wrote: Hello,
on next release is possible to add the h265 (HEVC) tag?
Great work and thank you!
Ok, the HEVC is already in github, but the v_codec id is "hevc" (in all my x265 coded films)
so if you can insert this mod in config.php, the codec shows correctly in library.
old line
Code: $vtype_assoc['hevc'] = array('h265', 'x265');
new line
Code: $vtype_assoc['hevc'] = array('h265', 'x265', 'hevc');
RE: MovieLib - Your movie database on web - d0zer - 2016-09-13
Does MovieLib update the HTML-File in realtime?
So if i add a movie to my database, will it be immediately shown on Web Server?
And how does the Dropbox Integration works?