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Movie Info Plus - Manage Icons, Posters, FanArt, .NFO's & more for Movies & TV Shows - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Movie Info Plus - Manage Icons, Posters, FanArt, .NFO's & more for Movies & TV Shows (/showthread.php?tid=41129)

- fekker - 2008-12-10

stanley87 Wrote:So, before i change to all my movies being in folders.... should i wait for your next release so I can name them movie.tbn etc?

It will allow you to select the tbn and/or folder.jpg in the next release so it may be easier to start with that version, but since all data is cached, changing the icons/posters/fanart/etc is easy

- fekker - 2008-12-10

JiveTalker Wrote:Sorry to keep distracting you, you're doing great work! Smile

In an ideal world for each movie I would like to store 4 images in each movie folder:

These could be stored as:

With the current version of XBMC only supporting fanart plus 2 other images (ie movietitle.tbn and folder.jpg, which could be different but are currently the same in MIP) then MIP could allow the user to select 4 images (as above) and then chose which 2 image types to duplicate in movietitle.tbn and folder.jpg.

If XBMC was ever expanded to allow the use of all 4 images types (a very good idea in my personal opinion) then each MIP user would already have all of their collection organised and it would be very easy to create a button on MIP that renamed/duplicated/deleted such that the entire collection conformed to the new standard and no image files were duplicated unnecessarily.

I'm not sure how the tv episode images work, I'm looking forward to having a play with that soon! :-)

Does anyone know where I can find details of the folder structure and naming standards that I would need to use to process my tv shows? I'd quite like to get started on that in preparation for when Fekker adds the tv function shortly.

I'm guessing that it would be something like this:

\Tv Shows\Heroes
\Tv Shows\Heroes\Season 1
\Tv Shows\Heroes\Season 1\Heroes S01E01xxxxxxx.avi
\Tv Shows\Heroes\Season 1\Heroes S01E02xxxxxxx.avi

where xxxxxxxx is random text including possibly source type, ripper etc.

Would other variations of the season and episode number format also work? Presumable it wouldn't matter whether things were in the correct case?

Is there an image library somewhere that has screen shots from each episode of popular tv series of recent years?

Since all the icons are cached, any changes to the supported platforms allowable images only requires the application to be updated. Granted the icons and fanart and posters will take up some room on the drive, but since it's geared for movie collections, even with 11,000 movies worth of data, the space is similar to just 1 stored dvd quality movie. With that in mind, add a feature request and I can see about getting that in after the first major revision is done.

Your tvshow folder structure is perfect. There will be details about what's required for MIP to scan in tvshows when I have the feature finished up.
Here's the short list
Root Folder - Name of TVShow
Must have at least 1 sub folder with the episodes in it
I recommend one per season with the season number, i.e. Season 1, Season 2, etc.. for those with only 1 season, "All" seems logical. The names don't matter in the current revision of code but I may require them later, just that no show files are in the root folder. This is different then XBMC's requirement, but allows for expansion of content, images, fanart, etc.

The tv data is pulled from http://www.thetvdb.com/ .. if you look on this page, you can see an example of the show image.. http://www.thetvdb.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=80348&seasonid=27985&id=332179&lid=7

For the first version, tvshows content will be editable, fanart will be selectable, posters selectable, and anything that thetvdb.com has. Mediaicons.org icons will be added later.

- fekker - 2008-12-12

Update: Build 2276 posted, fixed multiple tvshow issues, added basic episode information to gui

I've posted a test build of beta 2 and the svn is up to date.

Please rename your movieinfoplus folder prior to install.. at a minimum, you must remove your old config file (c:\program files\movieinfoplus\config.xml)

The test build is missing alot of the Tv Show gui items still, but basic features should work. Details on that are in the release notes on sourceforge.

I reworked alot of the movie code to add in the movie.tbn support and allowing selection of different icons for folder versus library view (folder.jpg is for file view, movie.tbn (or <moviename>.tbn) is for the library view. to try this option, uncheck use folder.jpg for tbn file in the settings. Please report any movie bugs you find, there's a lot of internal changes to the movies that I did in this version.

Tv show episodes must be in sXXeXX format... i.e. House.s01e01.avi for season 1 episode 1 and they must be in a subfolder of the tvshow folder


- fekker - 2008-12-12

It looks like once movie content is scanned into the database, the .tbn file is used for the icon, even in file mode.

Having a shortcut to xmbc uses a different database then launching the .exe file from the folder, that seems abit odd.

I'll have to look into an option to not do that in file mode, as part of my idea was to use the folder.jpg in file mode, always. If the content is not scanned into the library it works fine.

So it does give a way to use a smaller version of the image for the folder.jpg (for use with lower power systems, like the xbox in the list mode, and gives a high rez version when the folder is opened, (using file mode) and a high rez version for the .tbn file in library mode.

- spartacus51 - 2008-12-13

This all looks... great. Can't wait to start playing around. There's so much I'd have to say, but I won't waste your time. One thing that's really important to me though is naming convention for TV shows. Please, please, if possible don't require something specific. I have a lot of shows that I have the title name for. ie T:\TV\Weeds\Season 1\01 You Can't Miss the Bear.avi. I much prefer that; I like having the title, it looks cleaner in some views, and besides, I don't need to be told in the filename that it's weeds-- it's in the weeds folder, that's pretty obvious.

One other thing, there's no program listed in this thread and I did some searching and cannot find one that will create individual folders for each movie from one big movie folder. If you have or know of one please link.

- fekker - 2008-12-13

spartacus51 Wrote:This all looks... great. Can't wait to start playing around. There's so much I'd have to say, but I won't waste your time. One thing that's really important to me though is naming convention for TV shows. Please, please, if possible don't require something specific. I have a lot of shows that I have the title name for. ie T:\TV\Weeds\Season 1\01 You Can't Miss the Bear.avi. I much prefer that; I like having the title, it looks cleaner in some views, and besides, I don't need to be told in the filename that it's weeds-- it's in the weeds folder, that's pretty obvious.

the important part is the s01e01 part of the filename, the rest can be pretty much anything the os supports. But this does mean that you need the season number and episode number in the filename.

Here's a cool screen shot, Ubuntu 8.04, wine with .net 2.0, using vista settings.. there's some issues, install is manual, but it's a start.

- Rocky5 - 2008-12-13

ok this will make folder named the same as your files then put your files in the correct folders.
copy and save this as what ever you want .bat then place it in your folder with all your Movies and double click it don't mind the errors just wait and it will be done.

But just to be on the safe side Backup your files first or test it first with some of them.

i just done it and it works fine.

@echo off

dir /b "*.avi">>list.txt
dir /b "*.bin">>list.txt
dir /b "*.mkv">>list.txt
dir /b "*.rmvb">>list.txt
dir /b "*.mp4">>list.txt

SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F "tokens=* delims=" %%A in (list.txt) Do (
Set TxtLine=%%A
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.avi=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.rmvb=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.mkv=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.mp4=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.bin=!
echo !TxtLine!>>tmp.txt)
ren "tmp.txt" "DirList.txt"

For /F "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (DirList.txt) do md "%%a"

for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%b in (DirList.txt) do set Folders=%%b
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%c in (List.txt) do set Files=%%c

move "%Files%" "%Folders%"

del /q "List.txt"
del /q "DirList.txt"

if exist "*.avi" goto start
if exist "*.mp4" goto start
if exist "*.rmvb" goto start
if exist "*.bin" goto start
if exist "*.mkv" goto start

Now if you fined you dont like it then you can undo it with this batch file. when you get the error windows cant find the file specified then its done.

@echo off
Del /q "move.txt"
dir /b /s "*.avi">>move.txt
dir /b /s "*.bin">>move.txt
dir /b /s "*.mkv">>move.txt
dir /b /s "*.rmvb">>move.txt
dir /b /s "*.mp4">>move.txt

for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%c in (move.txt) do set Files=%%c

move "%Files%" "../new"

goto start

youtube video of them working.
Folderize your video collection

- spartacus51 - 2008-12-13

fekker Wrote:the important part is the s01e01 part of the filename, the rest can be pretty much anything the os supports. But this does mean that you need the season number and episode number in the filename.
Oh, good, a little less work on 707 files...

If all the numbers are already there can someone write something to change the filename from \TV\%SeriesName%\%Season ##%\## -%EpisodeName% to \...\Season ##\%S##E## - EpisodeName%

- spartacus51 - 2008-12-13

I'm pretty sure the batch file is going to work... It did a test of 5 and 15 files great. I think I've come up against a bit of a wall though. I'm now running it against 600+ files and after creating the folders perfectly in just a few loops I'm getting an error of "Maximum setlocal recursion level reached" and only 2 movie files are moved into their respective new folders at a time. This means the whole loop is going to have to run 300 some times. I haven't timed it but I'm guessing that means a couple hours. I guess it's too late to do anything about it now, but if there's something that could be done it may help the next guy.

EDIT: Batch is also not a fan of exclamation points... I assume that goes for the whole set of goofy characters. Just remove them from filenames and it keeps chuggin.

- pmontanari - 2008-12-13

First, let me thank you for your work.

Is is possible to dissociate the "Title" tag in the NFO file from the folder(filename) so that if the Title tag is different from the foldername (french translation for example), the script will take the tbn and fanart matching the foldername ?

|_ foldername.mkv
|_ foldername.tbn
|_ foldername.nfo
|_ <title>Nom du dossier</title>
|_ <alttitle>foldername</alttitle>
|_ foldername-fanart.jpg

- Doxic - 2008-12-13

Great app, was looking for something like that for a long time...
I was trying out some custom texts in the movie filter, but i wasn't able to get it working. My folder structure looks like this:

* Movies
*--- Aeon Flux (DVDRip Ger-AC3)
*--- 300 (DVDRip Eng)
*--- Eagle Eye (R5 Eng-LD)

So I need an option to ignore everything within the brackets to get the imdb lookup right... could you help me with that? thx a lot

- Rocky5 - 2008-12-13

spartacus51 Wrote:I'm pretty sure the batch file is going to work... It did a test of 5 and 15 files great. I think I've come up against a bit of a wall though. I'm now running it against 600+ files and after creating the folders perfectly in just a few loops I'm getting an error of "Maximum setlocal recursion level reached" and only 2 movie files are moved into their respective new folders at a time. This means the whole loop is going to have to run 300 some times. I haven't timed it but I'm guessing that means a couple hours. I guess it's too late to do anything about it now, but if there's something that could be done it may help the next guy.

EDIT: Batch is also not a fan of exclamation points... I assume that goes for the whole set of goofy characters. Just remove them from filenames and it keeps chuggin.

Let me know if it does the job ok please cheers.

- spartacus51 - 2008-12-13

Rocky5 Wrote:Let me know if it does the job ok please cheers.

Yup, let it run over night and it did eventually get the job done. Thanks a ton, never would have gotten that done by hand.

HA! Did all but Road Trip and LA Confidential... wonder what was different with those two...

- fekker - 2008-12-13

pmontanari Wrote:Hi,
First, let me thank you for your work.

Is is possible to dissociate the "Title" tag in the NFO file from the folder(filename) so that if the Title tag is different from the foldername (french translation for example), the script will take the tbn and fanart matching the foldername ?

|_ foldername.mkv
|_ foldername.tbn
|_ foldername.nfo
|_ <title>Nom du dossier</title>
|_ <alttitle>foldername</alttitle>
|_ foldername-fanart.jpg

I'll add a field that allows you to edit the title.

Quote: Great app, was looking for something like that for a long time...
I was trying out some custom texts in the movie filter, but i wasn't able to get it working. My folder structure looks like this:

* Movies
*--- Aeon Flux (DVDRip Ger-AC3)
*--- 300 (DVDRip Eng)
*--- Eagle Eye (R5 Eng-LD)

I'll add another filter that, if enabled, will ignore everything within ( ) 's

I also will add in the option to select the TV Show lang, it's coded for it, i just forgot to add the field to the gui.

Thanks for the feedback everyone, it really does help to make the app better.
- thanks everyone for the feedback!!

- Hitcher - 2008-12-14

For renaming lots of files you can use BulkRenameUtility or for TV Shows use TVRename.