RE: Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - [RC2 Revision 0.9.1] 30/05 - pletopia - 2017-02-20
One more thing, anyone else having problems setting a background for the home screen for an item? In the past I used Multi-image to point to a local folder full of backgrounds. I can't seem to be able to do that anymore. When I click on multi-image it opens up a window that I only see "fusion" as an option and thats it. No way to access a folder browser of local directories.
RE: Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - [RC2 Revision 0.9.1] 30/05 - pletopia - 2017-02-20
And one final thing .. It looks that at some point I used quotes to put in a Director's Cut tag into a movie title and its working fine with the mini poster in Episode view (I assume it will work with all the views that I found that this bug is affecting).
![Full sized picture Image](
It just doesn't like asterix when I use them (which I would prefer as it looks nicer I feel plus going through and fixing all those NFO files).
RE: Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - [RC2 Revision 0.9.1] 30/05 - zorg2000k - 2017-02-20
The latest git for Kodi 17 has broken being able to show a logo.png for the artist name at the bottom in Music on Showcase2 view. Has anyone else noticed ?
RE: Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - [RC2 Revision 0.9.1] 30/05 - Pr.Sinister - 2017-02-20
(2017-02-19, 19:15)homerjs Wrote: Thanks for that.
One last question, I have noticed that the tv banners are shortened, causing cut off of text in the banner, also it seems in this version that movie poster are slightly more this a known thing ?
![Full sized picture Image](
Since everyone is saying it looks good for them, my suggestion is to make sure your video calibration is set properly.
When you set the pixel ratio (the big square in the middle), i STRONGLY suggest you use a ruler. It is virtually impossible to guess that you have a perfect square. On computer monitors, the default usually is a square but on a TV it almost never is.
EDIT: Just saw in a later post that you fixed it..
RE: Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - [RC2 Revision 0.9.1] 30/05 - darkside281 - 2017-02-20
(2017-02-19, 21:08)relayer35 Wrote: Thanks to everyone for all the work they've done on this skin. Still the best skin available for Kodi, and I have it working great with Krypton. I'm a novice at skin mods, but was able to figure out how to add the PVR information to DialogPlayerProcessInfo.xml. If anyone is interested here it is:
Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<control type="button" id="5001">
<visible allowhiddenfocus="true">false</visible>
<control type="group">
<description>Player Process Information</description>
<visible>![Window.IsActive(OSDVideoSettings) | Window.IsActive(OSDAudioSettings) | Window.IsActive(VideoBookmarks) | Window.IsVisible(PVROSDChannels) | Window.IsVisible(PVROSDGuide) | Window.IsActive(subtitlesearch) | Window.IsActive(osdcmssettings)]</visible>
<animation effect="fade" start="0" end="100" time="300">VisibleChange</animation>
<animation effect="fade" start="0" end="100" time="300">WindowOpen</animation>
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="300">WindowClose</animation>
<control type="image">
<texture border="8">panels/panel.png</texture>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<description>Video Label</description>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">[UPPERCASE]$INFO[Player.Process(videodecoder)][/UPPERCASE]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[Player.Process(videowidth)]$INFO[Player.Process(videoheight),x, px]$INFO[Player.Process(videodar), (, $LOCALIZE[31154])]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[Player.Process(videofps),, FPS]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>PIXEL FORMAT:</label>
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">[UPPERCASE]$INFO[Player.Process(pixformat)][/UPPERCASE]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>DEINTERLACE METHOD:</label>
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">[UPPERCASE]$INFO[Player.Process(deintmethod)][/UPPERCASE]</label>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<description>Audio Label</description>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">[UPPERCASE]$INFO[Player.Process(audiodecoder)][/UPPERCASE]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>AUDIO CHANNELS:</label>
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[Player.Process(audiochannels)]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[Player.Process(audiosamplerate),, Hz]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>BITS PER SAMPLE:</label>
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[Player.Process(audiobitspersample),, Bit]</label>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<description>System Label</description>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Hardware Decoding</description>
<control type="label">
<description>Hardware Decoding</description>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[System.CpuUsage]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[System.Memory(used.percent)]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>CACHE LEVEL:</label>
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[Player.CacheLevel,,%]</label>
<control type="group">
<visible>[[Pvr.IsPlayingTv + Window.IsActive(FullscreenVideo)] | [Pvr.IsPlayingRadio | Window.IsActive(visualisation)]] + system.getbool(pvrplayback.signalquality) +
![Player.ShowInfo | Window.IsActive(OSDVideoSettings) | Window.IsActive(OSDAudioSettings) | Window.IsActive(VideoBookmarks) | Window.IsVisible(PVROSDChannels) | Window.IsVisible(PVROSDGuide) | Window.IsActive(subtitlesearch) | Window.IsActive(osdcmssettings)]</visible>
<control type="image">
<texture border="8">panels/panel.png</texture>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Backend value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Device value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Status value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="progress">
<control type="label">
<description>Signal value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="progress">
<control type="label">
<description>SNR value</description>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>BER value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>UNC value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Service value</description>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Encryption value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Provider value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Mux value</description>
NextPVR doesn't actually return the signal values, so I can't tell how this looks with other PVR backends that actually do, but I think it should be okay, Hope this helps!
thanks for this looks great. but as you can see from my screenshot the percentage is cut off, how could i change this?
watch gallery
RE: Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - [RC2 Revision 0.9.1] 30/05 - relayer35 - 2017-02-21
Nice to see it in action with actual values. Try this. I increased the width value on line 442 & 469. See if that works.
Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<control type="button" id="5001">
<visible allowhiddenfocus="true">false</visible>
<control type="group">
<description>Player Process Information</description>
<visible>![Window.IsActive(OSDVideoSettings) | Window.IsActive(OSDAudioSettings) | Window.IsActive(VideoBookmarks) | Window.IsVisible(PVROSDChannels) | Window.IsVisible(PVROSDGuide) | Window.IsActive(subtitlesearch) | Window.IsActive(osdcmssettings)]</visible>
<animation effect="fade" start="0" end="100" time="300">VisibleChange</animation>
<animation effect="fade" start="0" end="100" time="300">WindowOpen</animation>
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="300">WindowClose</animation>
<control type="image">
<texture border="8">panels/panel.png</texture>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<description>Video Label</description>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">[UPPERCASE]$INFO[Player.Process(videodecoder)][/UPPERCASE]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[Player.Process(videowidth)]$INFO[Player.Process(videoheight),x, px]$INFO[Player.Process(videodar), (, $LOCALIZE[31154])]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[Player.Process(videofps),, FPS]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>PIXEL FORMAT:</label>
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">[UPPERCASE]$INFO[Player.Process(pixformat)][/UPPERCASE]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>DEINTERLACE METHOD:</label>
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">[UPPERCASE]$INFO[Player.Process(deintmethod)][/UPPERCASE]</label>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<description>Audio Label</description>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">[UPPERCASE]$INFO[Player.Process(audiodecoder)][/UPPERCASE]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>AUDIO CHANNELS:</label>
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[Player.Process(audiochannels)]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[Player.Process(audiosamplerate),, Hz]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>BITS PER SAMPLE:</label>
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[Player.Process(audiobitspersample),, Bit]</label>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<description>System Label</description>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Hardware Decoding</description>
<control type="label">
<description>Hardware Decoding</description>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[System.CpuUsage]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[System.Memory(used.percent)]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>CACHE LEVEL:</label>
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[Player.CacheLevel,,%]</label>
<control type="group">
<visible>[[Pvr.IsPlayingTv + Window.IsActive(FullscreenVideo)] | [Pvr.IsPlayingRadio | Window.IsActive(visualisation)]] + system.getbool(pvrplayback.signalquality) +
![Player.ShowInfo | Window.IsActive(OSDVideoSettings) | Window.IsActive(OSDAudioSettings) | Window.IsActive(VideoBookmarks) | Window.IsVisible(PVROSDChannels) | Window.IsVisible(PVROSDGuide) | Window.IsActive(subtitlesearch) | Window.IsActive(osdcmssettings)]</visible>
<control type="image">
<texture border="8">panels/panel.png</texture>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Backend value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Device value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Status value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="progress">
<control type="label">
<description>Signal value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="progress">
<control type="label">
<description>SNR value</description>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>BER value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>UNC value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Service value</description>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Encryption value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Provider value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Mux value</description>
RE: Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - [RC2 Revision 0.9.1] 30/05 - bobrap - 2017-02-21
Just updated to the latest Krypton nightly and am now getting skin helper service error. Just me or someone else getting the same. Using the skin helper from git. Thanks
RE: Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - [RC2 Revision 0.9.1] 30/05 - relayer35 - 2017-02-21
(2017-02-21, 01:26)bobrap Wrote: Just updated to the latest Krypton nightly and am now getting skin helper service error. Just me or someone else getting the same. Using the skin helper from git. Thanks
I had my install going fine for a couple of weeks now, but now just today I'm getting the skin helper service error popup every few minutes:
19:06:08.080 T:2240 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>
Error Contents: No module named metadatautils
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\", line 10, in <module>
from resources.lib.plugin_content import PluginContent
File "C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\lib\", line 17, in <module>
from metadatautils import KodiDb, Tmdb, get_clean_image, process_method_on_list
ImportError: No module named metadatautils
-->End of Python script error report<--
Looks like something must have updated that caused this.
EDIT: So I rolled back the Skin Helper Service to the previous version 1.0.100 was what I had. That made the constant Skin Helper Service error go away.
I am still getting this one on startup for Skin Helper Backgrounds, but not any other time. I don't see this one listed as a separate Addon:
19:17:37.788 T:5572 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>
Error Contents: No module named metadatautils
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\", line 9, in <module>
from resources.lib.backgrounds_updater import BackgroundsUpdater
File "C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\lib\", line 20, in <module>
from smartshortcuts import SmartShortCuts
File "C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\lib\", line 15, in <module>
from metadatautils import detect_plugin_content, KodiDb
ImportError: No module named metadatautils
-->End of Python script error report<--
When I was initially setting up this skin on Krypton, I ran into the skin helper service over and over. That's the worse part of installing this skin, as it is very confusing what version of some of these scripts need to be installed. Some were beta, some were from github, and other had to be through a repository. I had a lot of trouble getting this all to work initially. Seems the confusion continues now.
RE: Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - [RC2 Revision 0.9.1] 30/05 - scarfa21 - 2017-02-21
Hello all,
Trying to get this installed on an android box running Jarvis. Installing from Zip but it never installs. Tried a fresh install also with just Jarvis installed with no luck. Is there something special I need to do here as I really want to try this.
RE: Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - [RC2 Revision 0.9.1] 30/05 - darkside281 - 2017-02-21
(2017-02-21, 00:40)relayer35 Wrote: Bummer!
Nice to see it in action with actual values. Try this. I increased the width value on line 442 & 469. See if that works.
Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<control type="button" id="5001">
<visible allowhiddenfocus="true">false</visible>
<control type="group">
<description>Player Process Information</description>
<visible>![Window.IsActive(OSDVideoSettings) | Window.IsActive(OSDAudioSettings) | Window.IsActive(VideoBookmarks) | Window.IsVisible(PVROSDChannels) | Window.IsVisible(PVROSDGuide) | Window.IsActive(subtitlesearch) | Window.IsActive(osdcmssettings)]</visible>
<animation effect="fade" start="0" end="100" time="300">VisibleChange</animation>
<animation effect="fade" start="0" end="100" time="300">WindowOpen</animation>
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="300">WindowClose</animation>
<control type="image">
<texture border="8">panels/panel.png</texture>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<description>Video Label</description>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">[UPPERCASE]$INFO[Player.Process(videodecoder)][/UPPERCASE]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[Player.Process(videowidth)]$INFO[Player.Process(videoheight),x, px]$INFO[Player.Process(videodar), (, $LOCALIZE[31154])]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[Player.Process(videofps),, FPS]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>PIXEL FORMAT:</label>
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">[UPPERCASE]$INFO[Player.Process(pixformat)][/UPPERCASE]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>DEINTERLACE METHOD:</label>
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">[UPPERCASE]$INFO[Player.Process(deintmethod)][/UPPERCASE]</label>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<description>Audio Label</description>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">[UPPERCASE]$INFO[Player.Process(audiodecoder)][/UPPERCASE]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>AUDIO CHANNELS:</label>
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[Player.Process(audiochannels)]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[Player.Process(audiosamplerate),, Hz]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>BITS PER SAMPLE:</label>
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[Player.Process(audiobitspersample),, Bit]</label>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<description>System Label</description>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Hardware Decoding</description>
<control type="label">
<description>Hardware Decoding</description>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[System.CpuUsage]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[System.Memory(used.percent)]</label>
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>CACHE LEVEL:</label>
<control type="label">
<label fallback="31001">$INFO[Player.CacheLevel,,%]</label>
<control type="group">
<visible>[[Pvr.IsPlayingTv + Window.IsActive(FullscreenVideo)] | [Pvr.IsPlayingRadio | Window.IsActive(visualisation)]] + system.getbool(pvrplayback.signalquality) +
![Player.ShowInfo | Window.IsActive(OSDVideoSettings) | Window.IsActive(OSDAudioSettings) | Window.IsActive(VideoBookmarks) | Window.IsVisible(PVROSDChannels) | Window.IsVisible(PVROSDGuide) | Window.IsActive(subtitlesearch) | Window.IsActive(osdcmssettings)]</visible>
<control type="image">
<texture border="8">panels/panel.png</texture>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Backend value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Device value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Status value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="progress">
<control type="label">
<description>Signal value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="progress">
<control type="label">
<description>SNR value</description>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>BER value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>UNC value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Service value</description>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Encryption value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Provider value</description>
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<description>Mux value</description>
Thanks for that, works perfect..
watch gallery
RE: Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - [RC2 Revision 0.9.1] 30/05 - gorx76 - 2017-02-21
(2017-02-20, 02:18)pletopia Wrote: Is there an addon i have to enable to have library stats displaying on home screen? Currently nothing is displaying. Krypton RC4, up2date Madnox.
Skin settings -> Customizers -> Setup the Aeon Madnox main menu -> Choose infoline
RE: Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - [RC2 Revision 0.9.1] 30/05 - gorx76 - 2017-02-21
I don't know if it depends on skin or something else but kodi won't display anymore typed numbers in FullscreenVideo when I want to seek a certain duration.
RE: Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - [RC2 Revision 0.9.1] 30/05 - pletopia - 2017-02-21
(2017-02-21, 17:19)gorx76 Wrote: (2017-02-20, 02:18)pletopia Wrote: Is there an addon i have to enable to have library stats displaying on home screen? Currently nothing is displaying. Krypton RC4, up2date Madnox.
Skin settings -> Customizers -> Setup the Aeon Madnox main menu -> Choose infoline
Sweet. That works. I thought I only had to enable library statistics.
Now if only I could figure out why I can't set a local folder full of images as a choice for multi-image in Skin settings -> Customizers -> Setup the Aeon Madnox main menu -> Select background
RE: Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - [RC2 Revision 0.9.1] 30/05 - tymmy - 2017-02-21
(2017-02-20, 15:23)zorg2000k Wrote: The latest git for Kodi 17 has broken being able to show a logo.png for the artist name at the bottom in Music on Showcase2 view. Has anyone else noticed ?
Don't Know the answer but I have same problem.
RE: Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - [RC2 Revision 0.9.1] 30/05 - bsoriano - 2017-02-21
I think that the skin helper service errors have to do with the new version needing a new script that is probably not in the Kodi repo yet, script.module.metadautils. I'm pretty sure it is in Marcel's (skin helper service author) repo, so be sure o install it from there or from his GitHub.