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WIP S W A N (alpha , updated April-2022) - Printable Version

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RE: S W A N (alpha , updated February-2022) - User 405025 - 2022-02-28

(2022-02-27, 22:21)corus Wrote: Hey @mardukL first thanks for this amazing skin, for me it looks like it's almost ready as a daily skin on my Kodi devices Smile

I would love to see an fallback for music artwork (like in the titan skin), if the user disable music artwork (or no artwork is available)
and the user has defined a folder with custom music background pictures, they will shown as a global slideshow background and of course as background in the music player.

Maybe you could add this feature to your list Smile
(2022-02-28, 01:12)kobyboy Wrote: Yes and yes that would be awesome

 OK, so.

I need to sort things out.And currently will consider the following.

backgroundbuilding common :
- if artwork background enabled ( is based on currently focused item, i dont like to show an image which is not item related in that case )
TODO : will use a global fallback* image, which is not related to any artist/album , if album/song and artist art missing** - use album thumb (can be ugly if resolution is low, but only compromise)
* custom
** optional (due to low resolution possiblity), if disabled , use custom fallback

- if artwork background disabled : currently you can set a global fallback image
Questions : @corus , @kobyboy , and may @Others

a) Should i provide an option to show a slideshow of latest albumartist fanart ( rotating background of 10 images, which may contain the same artist , as it'll be based on latest 10 albums added and the belonging artist fanart, rotating multimage which can diffenciate between video,music )
or / and
b) Should i provide an option to show artwork of a user nominated folder (rotating multimage, which can diffenciate between video,music,picture,games )

backgroundbuilding musicplayer / musicvisualisation :
Question : @corus , @kobyboy , and may @Others

a) Should i also provide an option to show artwork of a user nominated folder (rotating multimage) here, when musicplayer background-artwork is disabled (which is than not song/artist , but music related)?
   (  currently it show at least 1 image which is the album thumb )

Did i miss something else ??


EDIT: @corus , @kobyboy, also please test the new settings , if they matching one part (backgroundbuilding common, optiona a - as descriped above ) of the request

Pushed Update: v *.1.40

    • fanartbackground / skinsettings
        - when disbaled fanartbackground (item related) disabled, you can toggle settings to enable item unrelated rotating fanart as background
            MUSIC : rotating artist fanart of latest 10 albums
            VIDEO : rotating fanart of latest 10 movies,episodes,musicvideos
    • home
        - able to use rotating fanart (item related)
    • pictureinformation dialog
        - fix (experimental) next/previouspic when hit up/down in pictureinfo / Dialogpictureinfo.xml
    • some code cleanup,refactoring
        - change window open animation for media windows (zoom-fade,instead slide) - inkclude: Animation_OpenClose_MediaWindow

RE: S W A N (alpha , updated February-2022) - corus - 2022-02-28

backgroundbuilding common :
Because of the low resolution of thumbs I wouldn't do the work therefore, it would just look ugly, so in this case I would get back to the fallback.

a) I like the idea of the latest albums, I could imagine some people would like this feature.
b) Definitely, that's something I've added as a custom option in my current skin, I listen a lot to internet radio and it often happens that the station,
does not send the metadata for the current song, that's why I just disabled artwork and use a custom folder with music related backgrounds.

I couldn't test the new option "rotating artist fanart of latest 10 albums" not sure where the option should impact but the movie option worked, not sure
if this is intended behavior but it's only in the library not for movie widgets?
It's cool but maybe show only movie backgrounds for movies and episodes/tvshows background for episodes/tvshows, It's a bit strange to see rick and morty background when focusing black widow Smile

backgroundbuilding musicplayer / musicvisualisation :
a) Yes, that would be awesome that the music player behaves like video in the background, this means everywhere, where no artwork is focused, you would have the music backgrounds (of course when music is playing^^) but imho I would do that also for normal player artwork too.

I will install the skin on my living room Kodi this week, so I can play a bit more with it, I think this skin will have a great future Smile

RE: S W A N (alpha , updated February-2022) - User 405025 - 2022-03-01

(2022-02-28, 22:43)corus Wrote: backgroundbuilding common :
Because of the low resolution of thumbs I wouldn't do the work therefore, it would just look ugly, so in this case I would get back to the fallback.

a) I like the idea of the latest albums, I could imagine some people would like this feature.
b) Definitely, that's something I've added as a custom option in my current skin, I listen a lot to internet radio and it often happens that the station,
does not send the metadata for the current song, that's why I just disabled artwork and use a custom folder with music related backgrounds.

I couldn't test the new option "rotating artist fanart of latest 10 albums" not sure where the option should impact but the movie option worked, not sure
if this is intended behavior but it's only in the library not for movie widgets?
It's cool but maybe show only movie backgrounds for movies and episodes/tvshows background for episodes/tvshows, It's a bit strange to see rick and morty background when focusing black widow Smile

backgroundbuilding musicplayer / musicvisualisation :
a) Yes, that would be awesome that the music player behaves like video in the background, this means everywhere, where no artwork is focused, you would have the music backgrounds (of course when music is playing^^) but imho I would do that also for normal player artwork too.

I will install the skin on my living room Kodi this week, so I can play a bit more with it, I think this skin will have a great future Smile

Thanks for the feedback.
really overlooked the prv/no art aspect.

will do some changes.

current changes on git hub files:
• Music Player Background behaviour
if NOT USING rotating Fanart BG: - Change Fallback artwork ( indicate that music playing :p,
:: TODO control with diff images showing different albumthumbs of db, if no musicdb setup show a fallback image) ::

if USING rotating Fanart BG
- if none Artist/Album Art existing - fallback to rotating ARTISTS of Library ( if Lib has music/musicvideos - not ITEM but MUSIC ARTIST CONTENT unrelated )
:: TODO - fallback if no musicdb is set up ::

- add skinsetting ( skinsettings -> player -> MUSIC ) be able force showing rotating artwork of a user nominated folder ( ITEM and maybe CONTENT unrelated ) - DONE

• Global Background Behaviour
- Media Window :Section Backgrounds (rotating lib art, user nominated folder(s)) WIP
- Home : Main Item Backgrounds , (rotating lib art based on target property if not set a bg image ) WIP

RE: S W A N (alpha , updated February-2022) - corus - 2022-03-01

Thanks I'm really looking forward.
I just installed your skin on my main Kodi and setting it up right now. Is it possible that the custom widget menu is not finished? The  entries "set target" and "set path" still shows the same (kodi.wiki), and when I want to add a target or path it only shows me "Bitte eine neue Bezeichnung eingeben"  (I'm german so this should be correct^^) but still a bit confusing. I would presume it means I have to add a description and a next window would appear to set my widget path?

In this particular case I just want to add a youtube channel with a special option at the end to hide the folders:

It's not that important I know the skin is still in a Alpha stage, and I can wait, just wanted to mentioned it. Maybe I just don't understand how this should work Big Grin

RE: S W A N (alpha , updated February-2022) - User 405025 - 2022-03-02

(2022-03-01, 21:43)corus Wrote: Thanks I'm really looking forward.
I just installed your skin on my main Kodi and setting it up right now. Is it possible that the custom widget menu is not finished? The  entries "set target" and "set path" still shows the same (kodi.wiki), and when I want to add a target or path it only shows me "Bitte eine neue Bezeichnung eingeben"  (I'm german so this should be correct^^) but still a bit confusing. I would presume it means I have to add a description and a next window would appear to set my widget path?

In this particular case I just want to add a youtube channel with a special option at the end to hide the folders:

It's not that important I know the skin is still in a Alpha stage, and I can wait, just wanted to mentioned it. Maybe I just don't understand how this should work Big Grin

Thanks for asking ;-) , understandable confusion ( therefore under the 'advanced' section with wiki links.

it is intended to work the following way

- when hit set target ( suposed to set a single window identifier definition , window 'name' id [ e.g. 'settings' , or 'videos' ] )
- it clears 'path' and 'executebuiltin' string(s)
- it set 'path' as skin string

*item action is then doing :
<onclick condition="!Skin.String(mainmenuitem$PARAM[nr]_path)">ActivateWindow($INFO[Skin.String(mainmenuitem$PARAM[nr]_target)],return)</onclick>
which is translated to
ActivateWindow(settings,return) or ActivateWindow(videos,return)

- when hit set path ( suposed to append to an existing target , needed when going to a specific path for windows which supports such 'urls', at least all media windows )
- it clears just 'executebuiltin' string(s)
- it set 'target' as skin string

NOTE: 'path' should be fit to a given window ('target' string)

*item action is then doing :
<onclick condition="Skin.String(mainmenuitem$PARAM[nr]_path)">ActivateWindow($INFO[Skin.String(mainmenuitem$PARAM[nr]_target),,$COMMA]$INFO[Skin.String(mainmenuitem$PARAM[nr]_path)],return)</onclick>
which is translated to

RE: S W A N (alpha , updated February-2022) - User 405025 - 2022-03-04

Pushed Update v *.1.41


    • Music Player Background behaviour
        if NOT USING rotating Fanart BG: - Change Fallback artwork  ( indicate that music playing :p,
                :: TODO control with diff images showing different albumthumbs of db, if no musicdb setup show a fallback image) ::
        if USING rotating Fanart BG and none Artist/Album Art existing
            - first fallback to rotating ARTISTS Fanart of Music/MusicVideo Library ( not ITEM but MUSIC ARTIST CONTENT unrelated )
            - second fallback - show predefined images (resource addon or optional usernominated artwork folder)
        - add setting to set a user nominated artwork folder for musicplayer backgrounds
        - add skinsetting ( skinsettings -> player -> MUSIC ) be able force showing rotating artwork of a user nominated folder ( ITEM and maybe CONTENT unrelated ) which is showing
    • re add fanart slideshow dialog (custom dialog where you can look,slide trough,let auto slide trough item fanart at fullcreen)
        - open within musicinfo, videoinfo dialaog (added new button to open) - button can be disabled, library -> videoinfo button settings
        - open within media views from premenu icon bar - icon button can be disabled , menucontrol settings

    • view520:
        - fix songsheet color usage, itemlabel height
    • dialogvideoinfo:
        - fix extras lookup (working again,dont lookup if plugin.* in source ), change lyout for extras container - simple bg n text
    • dialogselect
        - change layout of bottom button group ( better visibilty , not a final layout overall, but working)

RE: S W A N (alpha , updated March-2022) - Aaiemron - 2022-03-06

I just want to say thank you for this amazing skin and the fact that you are still improving it.

RE: S W A N (alpha , updated March-2022) - User 405025 - 2022-03-06

(2022-03-06, 16:34)Aaiemron Wrote: I just want to say thank you for this amazing skin and the fact that you are still improving it.

Thanks alot,though still a lot of work ...

next update is near...
beside other stuff i improved the 'current musicplaylist' dialog, which can be slided within the media windows.

RE: S W A N (alpha , updated March-2022), update changelog - User 405025 - 2022-03-06

Recent Changes


       • dialogselect
            - got tickmark/roundbox indicator
        • nextup continue watching dialog
            - triangle ( re-add missing images )
        • widget/mediaitem:
            - add content(files) to use white text on 'black' bg
        • view520:
            - label for 'total seasons|episodes' 'tvshow status' count value - use themoviedb.helper property labels as fallback
            - be able to focus currently playing playlist on click 'right' when no scrollbar visible
            - differ lates content overlay music | video

        • dialogmusicinfo | dialogfullscreeninfo
            - sort musicvideo content by year
        • currentplaylist dialog 
            - colors correction (hub | spotlight colors)
            - if not hub
                - get artwotk of currently playing item top (dimmed, get some labels of current item)
                - added player control (play,next, etc.)  NOTE: info button is for the currently plaing item not for a list item - use 'i' key or contextmenu there instead if wished
            - hub call the dialog instead load the whole panel in the window itself (faster)
                - scrollbar is hidden - hit right to focus it,it'll then be visible when focused
                - hit right closes dialog
                - hit left either bring up player controls if you are in a media window, when in music hub it [currently] close itself
                - activate possibilitys: media windows -> via menucontrol icon button (optional), view 520 additional got a touch control button (not optional, show whole touch group or nothing - set up in viewtype settings in menucontrol, when in a view which is vertical layoud out - go right)
        • cleanup/add some localized infolabels here and there, adjust skinsettings (startup - go into kodi core election, adjust initial start settings/strings)


    • view520:    
        - latest_*movie|episode|musicvideo* ... info panel get hidden buttons which when clicked update the container to latest*content* items
        - fix? issue with visibility of doubled artwork tope left
        - fix infolabels when in season content (due to prev batch ren procedere)


    • button controls get hard edged by default again, later individual change to rounded for wished controls
    • videoinfo:
        - custom onclick action fixed for matrix, when use force open info
    • dialogkeyboard:
        - change layout n colors for keys (square)

RE: S W A N (alpha , updated March-2022) - Romik2505 - 2022-03-12

Can I suggest a little change to the video player. The point is that when you press the button on the Play remote control, the image will immediately stop, and pressing again will start playback and close the OSD

RE: S W A N (alpha , updated March-2022) - User 405025 - 2022-03-13

(2022-03-12, 23:26)Romik2505 Wrote: Can I suggest a little change to the video player. The point is that when you press the button on the Play remote control, the image will immediately stop, and pressing again will start playback and close the OSD

hm. i may not get you by 'image'

When play/pause video - and osd becomes/is active you can use a skinsetting (skinsettings - player - video ) - so that when you hit a key the osd closes after wished time frame ( kodi nexus implement somthing similar by core , at least on android in interface -> there is a new  osd setting section  )

RE: S W A N (alpha , updated March-2022) - User 405025 - 2022-03-16

Pushed Update: v*1.47

    • shutdonmenu item shortcuts
        - fix issue :itemaction' could'nt be moved down, due to typo

    • change layout for selectdialog, add conditional layout for filebrowser window
        - used for disaply artwork
        - when select / manage item artwork, its easier to compare the current vs a candidate for replacement/set art  (current used art if exist show left, comparison img show right)
- you can toggle trough 3 states of background color usage ,when hit 'info key' when an artwork item has focus


watch gallery

RE: S W A N (alpha , updated March-2022) - User 405025 - 2022-03-24

Pushed Update v.*1.49:

    You need to uninstall / disable 'script.playlist.helper' manually (go to Addons -> ContextMenu Addons -> Lookup for  'Playlist Helper' and uninstall it)

    If not, you'll get double menu entry , as  script.playlist.helper share/had same functions from 'script.playlist.helper'


Changelog v.*1.49
• dialog(multi)select:
        - selected items got tickmarks
    !! MERGED function of 'script.playlist.helper' into 'script.swan.helper' which is now used as dependencie.

RE: S W A N (alpha , updated March-2022) - THX-1138 - 2022-03-25

Quote:- the supports booklet artwork
**this require a images with naming of booklet1 , booklet2 , booklet3 ...**
in the album folder.
You'll also need to define them in the advancedsettings.xml
Unfortunately this doesn' work.
The only artwork that is shown is: front, back, disc and spine

And is it possible just to show albumartwork in fullscreen mode?

RE: S W A N (alpha , updated March-2022) - User 405025 - 2022-03-25

(2022-03-25, 15:08)THX-1138 Wrote:
Quote:- the supports booklet artwork
**this require a images with naming of booklet1 , booklet2 , booklet3 ...**
in the album folder.
You'll also need to define them in the advancedsettings.xml
Unfortunately this doesn' work.
The only artwork that is shown is: front, back, disc and spine

And is it possible just to show albumartwork in fullscreen mode?
Did you check your advancedsettings.xml   OR   set up KODI settings for music artwork.

So that artwork can recognized by scraping?
I checked and it working fine.

There are 2 ways to look music artwork in  in fullscreen - video example
- via menucontrol button ( can be disabled)
- in musicinfodialog, scroll up / down trough pages (last page is artwork, so you can simple click up on first page, just hit 'enter/select' to view it in fullscreen, move left right , if no input it auto scrolls trough available art)

kodi settings >v19

e.g. for advancedsettings

        <itemseparator> • </itemseparator>
            <separator> ; </separator>
            <separator> : </separator>
            <separator> | </separator>
            <separator> feat </separator>
            <separator> feat. </separator>
            <separator> ft. </separator>

also be sure your artwork is placed in album folder and using the correct naming convention, e.g.:

Report back if still something missing.