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Ember Media Manager NFO/Poster/FanArt Manager for Movies (Open Source VB.NET) - Printable Version

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- nul7 - 2009-06-08

Radikaltimes Wrote:just upgreaded .. and i got the following error if i try to right click over the movie list

... snip ...

Hmmm.... when you first opened the new version did it pop up the wizard?

EDIT: And which version did you upgrade from?

EDIT2: Can you test this version to see if it works for you: http://www.cube3studios.com/EMM/EMM_pre.zip

EDIT3: Just FYI to anyone thinking about downloading this version.... it's compiled for x86.

EDIT4: And for anyone else who had the same error and tries the test version, pleeeeease let me know the results so I know whether or not it worked.

- Silverxxx - 2009-06-08

Just to let you know, you might have to delete the media.emm and / or settings.xml when upgrading, mine crashed today when updating from v227. Now that I fully read your post it was also when right clicking.

- nul7 - 2009-06-08

Silverxxx Wrote:Just to let you know, you might have to delete the media.emm and / or settings.xml when upgrading, mine crashed today when updating from v227

It would be Media.emm that you would delete.... but I'm trying to make it where it will upgrade the database properly if there are any changes to it so you don't have to do that. Just can't seem to get it right. lol I think I had the default and "not null" backwards the first time which caused problems with upgrading because it wasn't setting values for the "not null" columns..... then took out "not null" for r263 but that seems to not account for the default values..... in that pre version I posted above I added "not null" back in, but put it before the default value (which I think is the correct way). Hopefully that will fix it.

- Silverxxx - 2009-06-08

nul7 Wrote:... lol I think I had the default and "not null" backwards the first time which caused problems with upgrading because it wasn't setting values for the "not null" columns..... then took out "not null" for r263 but that seems to not account for the default values..... in that pre version I posted above I added "not null" back in, but put it before the default value (which I think is the correct way)
I'm glad you cleared that up for me.

- nul7 - 2009-06-08

Silverxxx Wrote:I'm glad you cleared that up for me.


You're riding down the tree in a four-door canoe, so how many pancakes fit in a dog house? Black, because a snake has armpits.

Does that make more sense then what I said before?

- bidossessi - 2009-06-08

not much, but getting closer, Smile
When are you planning to start work on a cross-platform version of your beautiful app?

- nul7 - 2009-06-08

bidossessi Wrote:not much, but getting closer, Smile
When are you planning to start work on a cross-platform version of your beautiful app?

I think once I finish the movies section I'll dedicate some time to working out the quirks when running it on Mono. Just FYI, it almost works with Mono. I didn't play with it much, but from what I saw it actually functions but there are some quirks with the gui that need to be worked out, some issues with case sensitive file naming, and, of course, some changes are needed for the code around mediainfo.dll and ffmpeg.

- Doraemonn - 2009-06-08

I just had to give props to Jason. Good work, man. Really impressive.

So good - touf99 - 2009-06-08

I HAVE a problem witheh the lateste version R263
it doesn't work with parrallel desktop on OSX
but $the old works well

please can you see it
whne i launch it it stop

- nul7 - 2009-06-08

Doraemonn Wrote:I just had to give props to Jason. Good work, man. Really impressive.

Wow. Shocked Thank you. I have to say, this project is growing MUCH faster than I expected it to. When I made the first post in this thread a month ago I never imagined I would get as much support as I am, and especially not on a website such as yours. I figured a handful of users and a couple of new features at the most. So, thanks goes to you and everyone else in this thread for giving me the motivation to keep going. In the same respect, it's a little frightening because it's a reminder that people are relying on and have expectations for it. I guess I'd better "step up my game" so users aren't toooooo disappointed with Ember.

- nul7 - 2009-06-08

touf99 Wrote:EMBER IS SO GOOD
I HAVE a problem witheh the lateste version R263
it doesn't work with parrallel desktop on OSX
but $the old works well

please can you see it
whne i launch it it stop

Did you download Extras 06 and extract into your Ember directory?

- touf99 - 2009-06-08

yes i extraxt it

i have a folder withe

extract 06

- nul7 - 2009-06-08

touf99 Wrote:yes i extraxt it

i have a folder withe

extract 06

Your folder contents should look like this:

Bin (Directory)
Images (Directory)
Ember Media Manager.exe
Ember Media Manager.exe.manifest

EDIT: And after you've run it for the first time, you should also have Settings.xml and Ember.emm, as well.

- touf99 - 2009-06-08

i have exactly this folder
$what do you say about settings.xml

- touf99 - 2009-06-08

settings.xml and emmber.emm
cannot create beacause it doesn't want to run