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Movie Info Plus - Manage Icons, Posters, FanArt, .NFO's & more for Movies & TV Shows - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Movie Info Plus - Manage Icons, Posters, FanArt, .NFO's & more for Movies & TV Shows (/showthread.php?tid=41129)

- Hitcher - 2008-12-14

Rocky5 Wrote:
@echo off

dir /b "*.avi">>list.txt
dir /b "*.bin">>list.txt
dir /b "*.mkv">>list.txt
dir /b "*.rmvb">>list.txt
dir /b "*.mp4">>list.txt

SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F "tokens=* delims=" %%A in (list.txt) Do (
Set TxtLine=%%A
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.avi=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.rmvb=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.mkv=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.mp4=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.bin=!
echo !TxtLine!>>tmp.txt)
ren "tmp.txt" "DirList.txt"

For /F "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (DirList.txt) do md "%%a"

for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%b in (DirList.txt) do set Folders=%%b
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%c in (List.txt) do set Files=%%c

move "%Files%" "%Folders%"

del /q "List.txt"
del /q "DirList.txt"

if exist "*.avi" goto start
if exist "*.mp4" goto start
if exist "*.rmvb" goto start
if exist "*.bin" goto start
if exist "*.mkv" goto start
Worked great. I've added .iso, .img and .vob for my collection but would like to know how I can also move the .nfo, .tbn and -fanart.jpg into the new folders as well please?

Double Episodes and "No TV Show Data Exsists" Error - JiveTalker - 2008-12-14

fekker Wrote:the important part is the s01e01 part of the filename, the rest can be pretty much anything the os supports. But this does mean that you need the season number and episode number in the filename.

Do you think any extra logic will be needed for double episodes?
e.g. Lost.S04E13-E14

I guess this may also appear as Lost.S04E13-14 or Lost.S04.E13.S04.E14

I'm having big problems (with 2276 Test Build) at the moment which won't find ANY of my tv series! My folder structure is right with subfolders for each season (e.g. Z:\H D T V\Lost\Season 4) but clicking on the "Load TV Shows" button displays "No TV Show data exsists for: H D T V". Each series has a basic NFO file at the top level (created from IMDb MyMovies page, using your utility) and (most) files are named TVShow.SxxExxRandomText.mkv but nothing is found.

Do you have any suggestions as to where I might be going wrong? Setting a "Movie Folder Location" and clicking on "Load Movies "still works fine.

- fekker - 2008-12-14

JiveTalker Wrote:Do you think any extra logic will be needed for double episodes?
e.g. Lost.S04E13-E14

I guess this may also appear as Lost.S04E13-14 or Lost.S04.E13.S04.E14

I'm having big problems (with 2276 Test Build) at the moment which won't find ANY of my tv series! My folder structure is right with subfolders for each season (e.g. Z:\H D T V\Lost\Season 4) but clicking on the "Load TV Shows" button displays "No TV Show data exsists for: H D T V". Each series has a basic NFO file at the top level (created from IMDb MyMovies page, using your utility) and (most) files are named TVShow.SxxExxRandomText.mkv but nothing is found.

Do you have any suggestions as to where I might be going wrong? Setting a "Movie Folder Location" and clicking on "Load Movies "still works fine.

I still have to code the dual episode portion

for your tv shows, add the z:\H D T V\Lost folder for z:\H D T V\Lost\Season 4

Here's the example from the getting started screen, i'll have to add a help system as there are alot of different options and 0 documentation.

Directory layout example:

|-- Movies
| |-- Movie 1
| | |___> Movie 1 Media Files
| |
| |-- Movie 2
| | |___> Movie 2 Media Files
| |
| |-- Movie 3
| | |___> Movie 3 Media Files
| |
| |-- Movie 4
| |___> Movie 4 Media Files
|-- TVShows
|---- TV Show 1
| |---- Season 1
| | |___> TV Show 1 - Season 1 Media files
| |
| |---- Season 2
| | |___> TV Show 1 - Season 2 Media files
| |
| |---- Season 3
| | |___> TV Show 1 - Season 3 Media files
| |
| |
|---- TV Show 2
| |---- Season 1
| | |___> TV Show 1 - Season 1 Media files
| |
| |---- Season 2
| |___> TV Show 1 - Season 2 Media files
|---- TV Show 3
| |---- All Seasons
| |
| |___> TV Show 3 - All Media files

For Movies you would add

For TV Shows you would add the following folders (each shows folder)
c:\media\TVShows\Tv Show 1
c:\media\TVShows\Tv Show 2
c:\media\TVShows\Tv Show 3

- matthuisman - 2008-12-14

can someone explain Trailers for movies to me?
Thers an option in XBMC to play a trailer but i don't have trailers :-S
Do you actually have to have the downloaded trailer in the folder with the -trailer extension?

I thought it was something like, you have a -trailer.txt file and inside it has the url of the trailer at apple trailers and then xbmc just streams this video... ??

TV Shows Function Working Well - JiveTalker - 2008-12-14

fekker Wrote:I still have to code the dual episode portion

Fair enough. How should a special such as "24 Redemption" be handled? I tried creating it as HDTV\24\Redemption\24-Redemption.720p.mkv but that didn't work. From what you've said before I assume the season folder name itself isn't important but how should the file be named if it doesn't fit nicely into the SxxExx structure?

fekker Wrote:for your tv shows, add the z:\H D T V\Lost folder for z:\H D T V\Lost\Season 4
Thanks, that worked a treat! I've successfully scanned through my HD TV episodes folder and MIP retieved data for every episode (over 300 of them!). There were a couple of exceptions with obscure or unusual structures but overall it went very, very well. Big Grin

I know this is early days for the tv shows function so forgive me if I raise issues that are already on your todo list! :o

The interface to tv shows seems to work in a competely different way to the movies interface. Firstly with movies I only need to specify the top level folder but with tv shows I have to add each show individually. Movies allows me to tick and untick individual entries in the folder selection list but tv shows doesn't. With movies I can click on the "Load Movies" button and it scans though my folders and builds up a list in a couple of seconds. With Tv Shows clicking on the "Load TV Shows" button goes off and gets images and show summaries immediately, even if the application is in "Display" mode. Also, once the data has been downloaded there doesn't seem to be any way to choose which of the artwork I prefer, it just automatically chooses it for me. Are all these issues because your movies interface has evolved over the last couple of months and the tv shows interface is just at the "getting it to work" stage?

What does the "Update TV Shows" button do? Is the idea that once I've added the paths to all my TV series I can just click on this button periodically to get any new episodes that have been added without having to reload all the existing ones? Will "Icons and Box Shots", "Fanart" and "Posters" be redundant with tv shows? If so it may be better to hide those tabs.

Overall it's looking really good!

Minor Bugs:
1. Clicking on an episode that has data but no image generates a file not found error (e.g. Currently "Samantha Who?" Season 2 episodes)

Other Issues:
1. When Viewing TV episodes the episode screen shot is stretched to a very large size although usually the actual image is very small. Perhaps the images should be displayed at a maximum size of twice the actual resolution or even just actual size?

2. There is no option to remove a TV Show from Folder Selection other than to remove all of them. It would be nice if the interface allowed a parent folder to be selected (e.g. "Z:\HDTV\") and then it listed all of the folders directly within that folder with a checkbox next to each, similar to the option for movies to select individual folder trees to process. That way an individual series or list of series could be processed ignoring all the ones that have been off air for a while.

For a first stab at the tv show mode this is looking very, very good. Well done! Smile

- Rocky5 - 2008-12-14

OK here is a better one works better than before now includes NFO, ISO, IMG, TBN, and VOB though not sure how VOB will work as i don't have any also it will only add files that exist to the list.txt.

how is fanart named for films? Filmname-Fanart.jpg

@echo off
:: removes old files first if pressent
del /q "List.txt"
del /q "DirList.txt"

:: will add files that only exist to the list.txt
if exist "*.avi" dir /b "*.avi">>list.txt
if exist "*.bin" dir /b "*.bin">>list.txt
if exist "*.mkv" dir /b "*.mkv">>list.txt
if exist "*.rmvb" dir /b "*.rmvb">>list.txt
if exist "*.mp4" dir /b "*.mp4">>list.txt
if exist "*.iso" dir /b "*.iso">>list.txt
if exist "*.img" dir /b "*.img">>list.txt
if exist "*.vob" dir /b "*.vob">>list.txt
if exist "*.tbn" dir /b "*.tbn">>list.txt
if exist "*.nfo" dir /b "*.nfo">>list.txt

:: removes the extensions of the files so that when creating folders it works
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F "tokens=* delims=" %%A in (list.txt) Do (
Set TxtLine=%%A
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.avi=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.rmvb=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.mkv=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.mp4=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.bin=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.iso=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.img=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.vob=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.tbn=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.nfo=!
echo !TxtLine!>>tmp.txt)
ren "tmp.txt" "DirList.txt"

:: does the hard work of creating and naming the files to match the folder
for /F "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (DirList.txt) do md "%%a"
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%b in (DirList.txt) do set Folders=%%b
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%c in (List.txt) do set Files=%%c

:: moves the files into there folders
move "%Files%" "%Folders%"

:: removes the files to start again
del /q "List.txt"
del /q "DirList.txt"

:: if a file of this type still exist it will try again
if exist "*.avi" goto start
if exist "*.mp4" goto start
if exist "*.rmvb" goto start
if exist "*.bin" goto start
if exist "*.mkv" goto start
if exist "*.iso" goto start
if exist "*.img" goto start
if exist "*.vob" goto start
if exist "*.tbn" goto start
if exist "*.nfo" goto start

:: cleans up after its done
del /q "List.txt"
del /q "DirList.txt"

undo batch.
should read File Not Found constant once finished you will get an other error then close the batch.

@echo off
Del /q "move.txt"
md "../Undo Create Folders"


dir /b /s "*.avi">>move.txt
dir /b /s "*.bin">>move.txt
dir /b /s "*.mkv">>move.txt
dir /b /s "*.rmvb">>move.txt
dir /b /s "*.mp4">>move.txt
dir /b /s "*.iso">>move.txt
dir /b /s "*.img">>move.txt
dir /b /s "*.vob">>move.txt
dir /b /s "*.tbn">>move.txt
dir /b /s "*.nfo">>move.txt

for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%c in (move.txt) do set Files=%%c

move "%Files%" "../Undo Create Folders"

Del /q "move.txt"

goto start

- Hitcher - 2008-12-14

Rocky5 Wrote:how is fanart named for films? Filmname-Fanart.jpg


- Hitcher - 2008-12-14

Fanart added -

@echo off
:: removes old files first if pressent
del /q "List.txt"
del /q "DirList.txt"

:: will add files that only exist to the list.txt
if exist "*.avi" dir /b "*.avi">>list.txt
if exist "*.bin" dir /b "*.bin">>list.txt
if exist "*.mkv" dir /b "*.mkv">>list.txt
if exist "*.rmvb" dir /b "*.rmvb">>list.txt
if exist "*.mp4" dir /b "*.mp4">>list.txt
if exist "*.iso" dir /b "*.iso">>list.txt
if exist "*.img" dir /b "*.img">>list.txt
if exist "*.vob" dir /b "*.vob">>list.txt
if exist "*.tbn" dir /b "*.tbn">>list.txt
if exist "*.nfo" dir /b "*.nfo">>list.txt
if exist "*-fanart.jpg" dir /b "*-fanart.jpg">>list.txt

:: removes the extensions of the files so that when creating folders it works
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F "tokens=* delims=" %%A in (list.txt) Do (
Set TxtLine=%%A
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.avi=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.rmvb=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.mkv=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.mp4=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.bin=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.iso=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.img=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.vob=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.tbn=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.nfo=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:-fanart.jpg=!
echo !TxtLine!>>tmp.txt)
ren "tmp.txt" "DirList.txt"

:: does the hard work of creating and naming the files to match the folder
for /F "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (DirList.txt) do md "%%a"
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%b in (DirList.txt) do set Folders=%%b
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%c in (List.txt) do set Files=%%c

:: moves the files into there folders
move "%Files%" "%Folders%"

:: removes the files to start again
del /q "List.txt"
del /q "DirList.txt"

:: if a file of this type still exist it will try again
if exist "*.avi" goto start
if exist "*.mp4" goto start
if exist "*.rmvb" goto start
if exist "*.bin" goto start
if exist "*.mkv" goto start
if exist "*.iso" goto start
if exist "*.img" goto start
if exist "*.vob" goto start
if exist "*.tbn" goto start
if exist "*.nfo" goto start
if exist "*-fanart.jpg" goto start

:: cleans up after its done
del /q "List.txt"
del /q "DirList.txt"

- Rocky5 - 2008-12-14

@echo off
:: removes old files first if present and unhides them all
attrib -h "*.*"
del /q "List.txt"
del /q "DirList.txt"

:: will add files that only exist to the list.txt
if exist "*.avi" dir /b "*.avi">>list.txt
if exist "*.bin" dir /b "*.bin">>list.txt
if exist "*.mkv" dir /b "*.mkv">>list.txt
if exist "*.rmvb" dir /b "*.rmvb">>list.txt
if exist "*.mp4" dir /b "*.mp4">>list.txt
if exist "*.iso" dir /b "*.iso">>list.txt
if exist "*.img" dir /b "*.img">>list.txt
if exist "*.vob" dir /b "*.vob">>list.txt
if exist "*.tbn" dir /b "*.tbn">>list.txt
if exist "*.nfo" dir /b "*.nfo">>list.txt
if exist "*-fanart.jpg" dir /b "*-fanart.jpg">>list.txt

:: removes the extensions of the files so that when creating folders it works
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F "tokens=* delims=" %%A in (list.txt) Do (
Set TxtLine=%%A
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.avi=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.rmvb=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.mkv=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.mp4=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.bin=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.iso=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.img=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.vob=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.tbn=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:.nfo=!
Set TxtLine=!TxtLine:-fanart.jpg=!
echo !TxtLine!>>tmp.txt)
ren "tmp.txt" "DirList.txt"

:: does the hard work of creating and naming the files to match the folder
for /F "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (DirList.txt) do md "%%a"
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%b in (DirList.txt) do set Folders=%%b
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%c in (List.txt) do set Files=%%c

:: moves the files into there folders
move "%Files%" "%Folders%"

:: removes the files to start again
del /q "List.txt"
del /q "DirList.txt"

:: if a file of this type still exist it will try again
if exist "*.avi" goto start
if exist "*.mp4" goto start
if exist "*.rmvb" goto start
if exist "*.bin" goto start
if exist "*.mkv" goto start
if exist "*.iso" goto start
if exist "*.img" goto start
if exist "*.vob" goto start
if exist "*.tbn" goto start
if exist "*.nfo" goto start
if exist "*-fanart.jpg" goto start

:: cleans up after its done
del /q "List.txt"
del /q "DirList.txt"

ok i hide my files so this wont work if you do that so made it unhide all files first before doing anything or you will be stuck in a loop.

as i forgot to lol and was sitting for like 30mins waiting.

- Hitcher - 2008-12-14

Thanks for that Rocky5, now to give Movie Info Plus a go.

- fekker - 2008-12-15

a few new MIP features added (not yet released), but in the SVN
- right click to remove a source folder
- checked list box for TV Shows, just like the movies one.
- filter for anything in ( * )
- option to edit title, that one was abit tricky, so please test in the next release

Some new features that I'm sorting out
- Monitoring a root folder (like in movies) and automatically adding new items so that single shows no longer have to be added, but still can be. This part will require some stricker naming conventions.. I'm thinking \TVShows\<tvshowname> .. will only scan 1 level deep off \TVShows\ .. so \TVShows\Drama\House would not work, but \TVShows\House would

- Renaming of movie files and folders - i have a plan to fix the current feature, just have to write it
- Flagging content based on quality and sound. Read up the movie file itself, or manually select the options, that overlay on the folder.jpg and/or the .tbn file with SD, HD, 480p, 720p, 1080p, and audio using the functions from TOG python script here in the forums or something similar.

- ability to autogenerate a full tv show set, even without all the files
-- this would create a 0k avi file, notvshow.sXXeXX.avi in the folder with the .nfo and .tbn file
---- The .nfo would have the title appended to {missing} + Title so it's easy to tell in xbmc
-- if a future scan finds an avi for that, it will remove the temporary file and .nfo and .tbn, the new .nfo file would have the title appended to {New} + title (or something simliar)
-- now this isn't a perfect solution, but i want it as I hate skipping a show of a series and thinking "wtf", when did that happen.

Now to answer some questions.. the TV Show portion of MIP is just getting started, alot of features aren't there, and I'm sure the end product will look different then what's in there now. The first revision of MIP looks nothing like today's application, and I think the movie side of it is good now and TV shows is about a 2.

Icons will work the same as movies, with something in place to figure out what part of the show is being modified, or a dialog box that asks (prob the dialog box asking what to save this item as), fanart for the tvshow will also be like the movies.

I'm not sure i like the current layout of tv shows, or how the data is displayed. When it's all said and done, download / display will work and it should be similar to how movies currently work. Right now it's more of a grab everything now approach. Load Shows should be more like the load movies option, and update would scan for new episodes, i'm sure there will be alot of gui changes to tv shows coming, just don't know what they are yet Big Grin

If anyone has some ideas on how it TV Shows should look, feel free to do mockup's in image format with a description of what feature does what.

example of description
- when i click on seasons, it displays X,Y, and Z and if you click on X, it does XX, if you right click, it does XY.

I try to implement as much as I can, and want to get the windows version wrapped up before I try the linux port, it's easier for me to test and try new functions in the windows version. If i can get it running stable under WINE, that's a big plus as well.

- fekker - 2008-12-16

I posted a doc on how to configure movie info plus under Ubuntu (using wine)

Theres a patch for it that fixes the icon display issue, the best results under Ubuntu and wine are to run pre-cache icons two or three times. It appears its wget loosing some of the parameters to auto-resume or the threads spawning too fast so it doesn't get all the icons on the first run. TMDB posters are not being displayed, but will be in the next revision.

It does work under wine 1.1.8 as well, I dont know about other versions, i did testing with 1.1.10 under 8.04 ubuntu

Here's the document:

Install this version of movie info plus: rev 2276

After install, go into the wine drive and move the movieinfoplus folder to c:\program files from c:\progra~1
Download this patch: rev 2283a and extract the movieinfoplus.exe file to the desktop and then put it in c:\program files\movieinfoplus (in the .wine directory)

You have to edit the config.xml to add new folders, it will crash the app if you use the gui for that part using wine 1.1.10 version, seems to work fine in 1.1.8 (odd)

to start MIP with wine via the terminal window in X:
wine "c:\\program files\\movieinfoplus\\movieinfoplus.exe"

Great Ideas Fekker! - JiveTalker - 2008-12-16

fekker Wrote:- option to edit title, that one was abit tricky, so please test in the next release
I can imagine, especially as there are a number of files to rename and it is also contianed inside the NFO files.

fekker Wrote:Some new features that I'm sorting out - Monitoring a root folder (like in movies) .. will only scan 1 level deep off \TVShows\ ..
That sounds quite sensible. However, you could make it slightly more flexible by allowing the user to specify how many levels to drill down so that if they wanted to use "\Drama\" in their folder tree then they could select "drill down 2 levels" rather than 1, if that makes sense? Obviously they would have to consistently store all titles at the same drill down level. This would also work for people that like to store things by year, format, source or various combinations of categories.

fekker Wrote:- Flagging content based on quality and sound. Read up the movie file itself, or manually select the options, that overlay on the folder.jpg and/or the .tbn file with SD, HD, 480p, 720p, 1080p, and audio using the functions from TOG python script here in the forums or something similar.

That sounds really cool. So would you actually change the image files to have these details in them? I guess you could make these labels look like a sticker. The resolution logos used on the Apple Trailers site look quite nice.

fekker Wrote:- ability to autogenerate a full tv show set, even without all the files-- this would create a 0k avi file, notvshow.sXXeXX.avi in the folder with the .nfo and .tbn file

This would be a great feature! It might be worth having an option to not get any episode details for episodes earlier than the first genuine video file or for the user to specify a minimum year for missing episodes. For some long running series there could potentially be over 100 previous episodes and the old ones might not be of interest.

fekker Wrote:the TV Show portion of MIP is just getting started, alot of features aren't there, and I'm sure the end product will look different then what's in there now. The first revision of MIP looks nothing like today's application, and I think the movie side of it is good now and TV shows is about a 2.

That's what I thought but I just wanted to check. I think you're taking the right approach, get the basics working then add the bells and whistles.

fekker Wrote:If anyone has some ideas on how it TV Shows should look, feel free to do mockup's in image format with a description of what feature does what

I'll give it some thought. I think the biggest difficulty at present with the interface is that the sequence of steps isn't necessarily obvious. It might be nice to have a "Movie Wizard" and a "TV Wizard" that guide the user through the basic steps and allow them to get perhaps 90% of the work done without much manual involvement. Also when a large number of folders are processed it would be good if those that it couldn't deal with (e.g. NO IMDb data found or Tv Series title not unique) could be put to one side and the others processed and then return to the problem ones at the end. That way if there was a long list to process the user could go away and come back later knowing that most of the processing had been done and there were just a handful of manual things to deal with. I appreciate that this would be quite fiddly. It's always quite frustrating when you leave a computer to spend hours doing something but after 5 minutes a dialog box popped up suspending the whole process until you get back.

- pmontanari - 2008-12-16

I would like to use XBMC MC with YAMJ for the popcornhour.
But I would need to be able to add some extra tags that are not available (yet) in MovieInfoPlus such as <id moviedb="allocine">.
Is it possible to allow user to add custom tags ?

Logic For TV Shows at Different Folder Levels - JiveTalker - 2008-12-17

fekker Wrote:Monitoring a root folder (like in movies) and automatically adding new items so that single shows no longer have to be added, but still can be. This part will require some stricker naming conventions.. I'm thinking \TVShows\<tvshowname> .. will only scan 1 level deep off \TVShows\ .. so \TVShows\Drama\House would not work, but \TVShows\House would

As I said in my previous post, people may wish to organise their tv shows in different ways, not necessarily having the tv show titles as the second folder level.

Here's an example of how someone may wish to store some of their tv shows:

\TV Shows\UK\Comedy\Fawlty Towers\Series 1
\TV Shows\UK\Comedy\Fawlty Towers\Series 1\Outtakes
\TV Shows\US\Comedy\Friends\Season 1
\TV Shows\US\Comedy\Friends\Season 1\Sample
\TV Shows\US\Comedy\Friends\Season 2
\TV Shows\US\Comedy\Friends\Season 2\Sample
\TV Shows\US\Comedy\Worst Week\Season 1
\TV Shows\US\Comedy\Worst Week\Season 1\Trailer
\TV Shows\US\Drama\Life On Mars\Season 1\Sample

If we use the "\" character as a level divider then these paths could be stored in an array or table as follows:

|Level 1.|2.|3.....|4............|5.......|6
|TV Shows|UK|Comedy|Fawlty Towers|Series 1|
|TV Shows|UK|Comedy|Fawlty Towers|Series 1|Outtakes
|TV Shows|US|Comedy|Friends......|Season 1|
|TV Shows|US|Comedy|Friends......|Season 1|Sample
|TV Shows|US|Comedy|Friends......|Season 2|
|TV Shows|US|Comedy|Friends......|Season 2|Sample
|TV Shows|US|Comedy|Worst Week...|Season 1|
|TV Shows|US|Comedy|Worst Week...|Season 1|Trailer
|TV Shows|US|Drama |Life On Mars.|Season 1|Sample

I think that all you would need to do to find which column had the show titles in would be to count how many different values were in each column and whichever had the most different values would be the level with the show titles. It is possible that in the above example layout that column 5 could have more values than column 4 if the collection consisted of (for example) all 10 seasons of Friends and nothing else. This miscalculation could be avoided if any title begining with "Season" or "Series" were excluded from the unique value count or perhaps just ignoring anything where the last character is a number would be sufficient. Another way to find the show titles would be to identify whichever column has the most entries with the last character being numeric and then assume that is the "Season" column and pick the one before it.

Although this logic allows any number levels to be used it does make the assumption that all show titles in the collection are at one particular level. I don't think there is a simple or reliable rule that would work for a complete mixture of levels in one collection. Some "season" folders may contain sub-folders with samples, trailers, out-takes etc. so it couldn't be assumed that season is the last level. Additionally some shows won't have standard season names (e.g. 24 has a special called "Redemption") so variable levels in a collection would be chaotic!