RE: [FORK] "PseudoTV Live" w/ LiveTV, InternetTV and added Strm Support - azrael17 - 2015-02-03
(2015-02-03, 18:56)kizz Wrote: When its going to be released?
Only Luna really knows when it'll be released. I was in no way insinuating that I knew when it would be released. I was merely speculating based on the disappearance of the templates that it could suggest a release is close. My words should in no way be interpreted to suggest that a release IS imminent.
Like bry- said:
(2015-02-03, 19:17)bry- Wrote: when its good and ready.
RE: [FORK] "PseudoTV Live" w/ LiveTV, InternetTV and added Strm Support - Lunatixz - 2015-02-03
Configuration Examples:
# = PTV Channel Number
- LiveTV:
Use this chtype to pair media sources with EPG data from xmltv listings.Code: <setting id="Channel_#_type" value="8" />
<setting id="Channel_#_1" value="" />
<setting id="Channel_#_2" value="hdhomerun://xxxxxxxD-1/tuner1?channel=qam256:399000000&program=2" />
<setting id="Channel_#_3" value="xmltv" />
<setting id="Channel_#_4" value="" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rulecount" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_changed" value="True" />
<setting id="Channel_#_time" value="0" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_id" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_opt_1" value="NY1 Live" />
_type" value="8" --- LiveTV w/ XMLTV EPG Chtype
_1" value="" --- Zapit XMLTV Channel ID found in your XMLTV file.
_2" ]value="hdhomerun://..." --- This is the source of your LiveTV stream; Examples include:- _2" value="hdhomerun://..." --- Direct Hdhomerun
- _2" value="smb://XXX/Hdhomerun XBMC/NY1.strm" --- Direct strm file (currently only one tuner is supported).
- _2" value="pvr://channels/tv/All TV channels/##.pvr" --- Direct link to your XBMC LiveTV plugin
- _2" value="plugin://feedlink"
- _2" value="upnp://feedlink"
- _2" value="rtmp://feedlink"
- _2" value="http://feedlink"
- _2" value="mms://feedlink or rtsp://feedlink" --- VLC streaming"
_3" value="xmltv" --- name of xmltv file used for this source. Example: if you use "listings", ptvl will look for listings.xml and parse data from that source. This allows multiple sources depending on the channel. "ustvnow" is reserved for USTVnow channels and can only be used with a USTVnow source.
_opt_1" value="NY1 Live" --- Channel Name
Similar to chtype 8, except that this chtype does not offer EPG data. Its designed for a single 24/7 type stream.Code: <setting id="Channel_#_type" value="9" />
<setting id="Channel_#_1" value="5400" />
<setting id="Channel_#_2" value="smb://xxx/strms/VevoTV.strm" />
<setting id="Channel_#_3" value="VevoTV" />
<setting id="Channel_#_4" value="Sit back and enjoy a 24/7 stream of music videos on VEVO TV." />
<setting id="Channel_#_rulecount" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_changed" value="True" />
<setting id="Channel_#_time" value="0" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_id" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_opt_1" value="VevoTV" />
_type value="9" --- InternetTV Chtype, meant for 24/7 type steams
_1" value="5400" --- 90min runtime; This is the default runtime for InternetTV EPG Data. You can chose whatever value you prefer.
_2" value="smb://xxx/strms/VevoTV.strm" --- This is the source of your InternetTV; Examples include:- _2" value="smb://strmfile.strm"
- _2" value="rtmp://feedlink"
- _2" value="upnp://feedlink"
- _2" value="http://feedlink"
- _2" value="mms://feedlink"
- _2" value="rtsp://feedlink"
- _2" value="plugin://plugin.scriptname/feedlink"
_3" value="VevoTV" --- Show Title
_4" value="Sit back and enjoy VEVO TV..." --- Show Description
_opt_1" value="VevoTV" --- Channel Name
REQUIRES XBMC YOUTUBE ADDON- Channel/User Upload Example:
Code: <setting id="Channel_#_type" value="10" />
<setting id="Channel_#_1" value="MotorTrend" />
<setting id="Channel_#_2" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_3" value="#" />
<setting id="Channel_#_4" value="0" />
<setting id="Channel_#_changed" value="True" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rulecount" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_id" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_opt_1" value="MotorTrend - User Upload" />
User Playlist Example:
Useful YouTube playlist tool
Useful YouTube playlist tool
Code: <setting id="Channel_#_type" value="10" />
<setting id="Channel_#_1" value="PL9bsPVRSg1sl0kSa99jrim69esS0lQrkF" />
<setting id="Channel_#_2" value="2" />
<setting id="Channel_#_3" value="" />
<setting id="Channel_#_4" value="0" />
<setting id="Channel_#_changed" value="True" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rulecount" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_id" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_opt_1" value="User Playlist" />
New Subscription Example:
Code: <setting id="Channel_#_type" value="10" />
<setting id="Channel_#_1" value="YOUR YOUTUBE USERNAME" />
<setting id="Channel_#_2" value="3" />
<setting id="Channel_#_3" value="#" />
<setting id="Channel_#_4" value="0" />
<setting id="Channel_#_changed" value="True" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rulecount" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_id" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_opt_1" value="User Playlist" />
User Favorites Example:
Code: <setting id="Channel_#_type" value="10" />
<setting id="Channel_#_1" value="YOUR YOUTUBE USERNAME" />
<setting id="Channel_#_2" value="4" />
<setting id="Channel_#_3" value="#" />
<setting id="Channel_#_4" value="0" />
<setting id="Channel_#_changed" value="True" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rulecount" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_id" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_opt_1" value="User Playlist" />
Multi Youtube Example:
Code: <setting id="Channel_#_type" value="10" />
<setting id="Channel_#_1" value="WatchMojo|HybridLibrarian" />
<setting id="Channel_#_2" value="8" />
<setting id="Channel_#_3" value="25" />
<setting id="Channel_#_4" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_changed" value="False" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rulecount" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_id" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_opt_1" value="Top Tens" />
value="10" ---YoutubeTV Chtype
_1" value="MotorTrend" --- Channel info (Username, Playlist, Channel, Search term, Raw gdata url).
_2" value="1" --- Youtube Channel information; Examples include:- "1" Channel/User Uploads = Channel or Username that has videos you want
- "2" User Playlist = Your username playlist (Log into your youtube account, click playlist, select a playlist... copy the url information ( COPYME ))
- "3" New Subscription = USERNAME *Your youtube usernames newest subscriptions.
- "4" User Favorites = USERNAME *Your youtube usernames newest favorites.
- "5" Search Query w/SafeSearch = Search pattern or term, examples (Football+Soccer) & (Football Soccer). For SafeSearch use one of the two options (moderate or strict), No option disables SafeSearch ! Example: (strict|Dick+Cheney).
- "7" Multi Youtube Playlists = Multiple Playlists that has videos you want
- "8" Multi Youtube Channels = Multiple Channels or Usernames that has videos you want
- "9" Raw gdata url = Example:
_3" value="1" --- Media limit: Set to one of these values (50|100|150|200|250|500|1000).
_4" value="0" --- Sort Ordering: 0 = default, 1 = random, 2 = reverse.
_opt_1" value="MotorTrend" --- Channel Name
Feed must complie with RSS/Atom standards, Validator found hereCode: <setting id="Channel_#_type" value="11" />
<setting id="Channel_#_1" value="" />
<setting id="Channel_#_2" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_3" value="100" />
<setting id="Channel_#_4" value="0" />
<setting id="Channel_#_changed" value="True" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rulecount" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_id" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_opt_1" value="HD Nation" />
_type" value="11" --- RSS Chtype
_1" value="" --- RSS feed, must be RSS/Atom Compliant link
_2" value="1" --- Default value, Switch reserved for later development.
_3" value="100" --- Media limit: Set to one of these values (50|100|150|200|250|500|1000).
_4" value="0" --- Sort Ordering: 0 = default, 1 = random, 2 = reverse.
_opt_1" value="HD Nation" --- Channel Name
Music Videos:
MyMusicTV REQUIRES XBMC MyMusicTV ADDONCode: <setting id="Channel_#_type" value="13" />
<setting id="Channel_#_1" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_2" value="LastFM Username" />
<setting id="Channel_#_3" value="50" />
<setting id="Channel_#_4" value="0" />
<setting id="Channel_#_changed" value="True" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rulecount" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_id" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_opt_1" value="LastFM" />
Code: <setting id="Channel_#_type" value="13" />
<setting id="Channel_#_1" value="2" />
<setting id="Channel_#_2" value="Channel_#" />
<setting id="Channel_#_3" value="50" />
<setting id="Channel_#_4" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_changed" value="True" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rulecount" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_id" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_opt_1" value="Music Videos" />
_type" value="13" --- Music Videos
_1" value="1" --- 1 = Last.Fm, 2 = MyMusicTV
_2" value="LastFM Username" --- LastFM Username, must have scrobbler data. or MyMusic Channel info (ie, Channel_1, Channel_2, etc...)
_3" value="100" --- Media limit: Set to one of these values (50|100|150|200|250|500|1000).
_4" value="0" --- Sort Ordering: 0 = default, 1 = random, 2 = reverse.
_opt_1" value="LastFM" --- Channel Name
Donor Exclusive!
Bring The PopcornCode: <setting id="Channel_#_type" value="14" />
<setting id="Channel_#_1" value="popcorn" />
<setting id="Channel_#_2" value="pop|action" />
<setting id="Channel_#_3" value="480" />
<setting id="Channel_#_4" value="2010-Now" />
<setting id="Channel_#_changed" value="True" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rulecount" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_id" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_opt_1" value="BringthePopcorn" />
_type" value="14" --- Extras Chtype (Donor Exclusive Media aggregation).
_1" value="popcorn" --- 'popcorn' indicates Media Source "Bring The Popcorn". More sources to coming soon!
_2" value="pop|action" --- 'pop|' indicates filter by Popularity, "action" = Genre, examples include.
_3" value="480" --- Resolution to parse, examples include.
_4" value="2010-Now" --- Year to parse movies by, examples include.
_opt_1" value="BringthePopcorn " --- Channel Name
Cinema ExperienceCode: <setting id="Channel_#_type" value="14" />
<setting id="Channel_#_1" value="cinema" />
<setting id="Channel_#_2" value="special://profile/playlists/videos/myplaylist.xsp" />
<setting id="Channel_#_3" value="IMAX" />
<setting id="Channel_#_4" value="" />
<setting id="Channel_#_changed" value="True" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rulecount" value="5" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_id" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_opt_1" value="Cinema Experience" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_2_id" value="8" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_3_id" value="14" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_3_opt_1" value="No" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_4_id" value="17" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_4_opt_1" value="No" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_5_id" value="13" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_5_opt_1" value="1" />
_type" value="14"" --- Extras Chtype (Donor Exclusive Media aggregation).
_1" value="cinema" --- 'cinema' indicates Media Source "Cinema Experience". More sources to coming soon!
_2" value="" --- Custom XBMC Smartplaylist location and name.
_3" value="" --- CE Theme, either "IMAX" or "Default", Custom themes are available @
_4" value="" --- Unused
_opt_1" value="Cinema Experience" --- Channel Name
Direct Plugin:
Gotham and up Only!!
Use this chtype to automatically parse plugins for media, similar process to "xbmc.mylibrary".
In order for this chtype to work, the plugin must store it's "media" as "files" not "directories". From a users perspective there isn't a easy way to test for this. So you will have go through trial and error. Please report your success stories!Code: <setting id="Channel_#_type" value="15" />
<setting id="Channel_#_1" value="plugin://" />
<setting id="Channel_#_2" value="VEVO TV (US: Nashville),VEVO TV (Germany),Custom (All videos),Custom (Live videos),Custom (Playlists),Custom (Artists)" />
<setting id="Channel_#_3" value="25" />
<setting id="Channel_#_4" value="0" />
<setting id="Channel_#_changed" value="True" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rulecount" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_id" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_opt_1" value="VevoTV Plugin" />
Code: <setting id="Channel_#_type" value="15" />
<setting id="Channel_#_1" value="plugin:// Planet/Bad Dog!" />
<setting id="Channel_#_2" value="" />
<setting id="Channel_#_3" value="25" />
<setting id="Channel_#_4" value="0" />
<setting id="Channel_#_changed" value="True" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rulecount" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_id" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_opt_1" value="Bad Dog!" />
Code: <setting id="Channel_#_type" value="15" />
<setting id="Channel_#_1" value="plugin://" />
<setting id="Channel_#_2" value="[ TV Shows ],[ Categories ],[ Search ]" />
<setting id="Channel_#_3" value="25" />
<setting id="Channel_#_4" value="0" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rulecount" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_id" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_opt_1" value="ESPN" />
<setting id="Channel_#_changed" value="True" />
_type" value="15" --- Direct Plugin Chtype
_1" value=" --- plugin path; Requires a prefix "plugin://", real pathname, then subfolders that contain media. or root level folder that contains media (ie. plugin:// All folders must match what is seen on screen exactly. You need to match the appropriate strings but can ignore "bold", "color" code strings.. If you are unsure, add the folder as a xbmc favorite, then open favorite.xml with a text editor. Use the example found there!
_2" value= '' --- Exclude list, can be files or directories (No spaces, separate with ",")
_3" value="25" --- File limit, Example 25 will parse 25 files per 25 directories found.
_4" value="0" --- Sort Ordering: 0 = default, 1 = random, 2 = reverse.
_opt_1" value=" --- Channel Name
Super Favourite
Gotham Only!! In Heavy Development, Check back for updates!Code: <setting id="Channel_#_type" value="15" />
<setting id="Channel_#_time" value="0" />
<setting id="Channel_#_1" value="plugin://plugin.program.super.favourites/PseudoTV_Live/Channel_#" />
<setting id="Channel_#_2" value="'create new super folder,explore favourites,explore favourites,explore xbmc favourites,explore kodi favourites,isearch,search" />
<setting id="Channel_#_3" value="25" />
<setting id="Channel_#_4" value="0" />
<setting id="Channel_#_changed" value="False" />
_type" value="15" --- Direct Plugin Chtype
_1" value=""plugin://plugin.program.super.favourites/PseudoTV_Live/Channel_#" --- plugin path; Requires a prefix "plugin://", You can either have the "Channel_#" folder in the root ie (plugin://plugin.program.super.favourites/Channel_1) or organized into one folder which has to be "PseudoTV_Live"
_2" value= '' --- Exclude list, can be files or directories (No spaces, separate with ",")
_3" value="25" --- File limit, Example 25 will parse 25 files per 25 directories found.
_4" value="0" --- Sort Ordering: 0 = default, 1 = random, 2 = reverse.
_opt_1" value=" --- Channel Name
Direct Playon:
Gotham and up Only!!
Use this chtype to automatically parse playon for media, similar process to "xbmc.mylibrary".
In order for this chtype to work, the plugin must store it's "media" as "files" not "directories". From a users perspective there isn't a easy way to test for this. So you will have go through trial and error. Please report your success stories!
For Playon to work either through manual configuration or autotune you will need to create a XBMC Video Source titled "PlayOn"
Add new source, navigate to upnp sources and select playon... it should appear as a source upnp://09324908320948230948320498.
Title it "PlayOn" <- Name is important! without PTVL will not know what source is actually playon.
Also don't forget to properly configure playons settings as well!! ie, Hulu login information, etc...Code: <setting id="Channel_#_type" value="16" />
<setting id="Channel_#_1" value="hulu/Recently Added/Recently Added Feature Films" />
<setting id="Channel_#_2" value="" />
<setting id="Channel_#_3" value="25" />
<setting id="Channel_#_4" value="0" />
<setting id="Channel_#_changed" value="True" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rulecount" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_id" value="1" />
<setting id="Channel_#_rule_1_opt_1" value="Hulu Recent Movies" />
_type" value="16" --- Direct Playon Chtype
_1" value=" --- plugin path; Plugin path, paths match what you see when navigating the plugin.
_2" value= '' --- Exclude list, can be files or directories (No spaces, separate with ",")
_3" value="25" --- File limit, Example 25 will parse 25 files per 25 directories found.
_4" value="0" --- Sort Ordering: 0 = default, 1 = random, 2 = reverse.
_opt_1" value=" --- Channel Name
RE: [FORK] "PseudoTV Live" w/ LiveTV, InternetTV and added Strm Support - TheGame1986 - 2015-02-03
Thanks for re-posting this Luna, much appreciated.
RE: [FORK] "PseudoTV Live" w/ LiveTV, InternetTV and added Strm Support - peglegtv - 2015-02-04
(2015-02-03, 08:22)tromy Wrote: (2015-02-03, 04:23)peglegtv Wrote: @tromy I'm wanting to use your skin, I think it looks great, however every time i try to load with your skin it gets stuck here:
Checking to see if there is anything you could recommend I'm waiting for Lunatixz stable release in order to update custom skin"Titian" because he said there will be manu changes in PLTV overlay:
but if you or anyone else want to use it with the dev version 0.5.7f I can post a link with a fixed version that works fine on my end.
if you would that would be great we should be moving soon so it may be a while before i have a chance to get back on here to get the updated skin
RE: [FORK] "PseudoTV Live" w/ LiveTV, InternetTV and added Strm Support - Reb313 - 2015-02-04
Great work!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: [FORK] "PseudoTV Live" w/ LiveTV, InternetTV and added Strm Support - Bbold - 2015-02-04
I see this not for your average joe because all this look like chinese to me.
RE: [FORK] "PseudoTV Live" w/ LiveTV, InternetTV and added Strm Support - azrael17 - 2015-02-04
(2015-02-04, 15:19)Bbold Wrote: I see this not for your average joe because all this look like chinese to me.
The basics are actually pretty simple once you get playing around with it. Just test some stuff out and read the posts of the main page and eventually it'll become clear.
What Luna just posted are templates for how to modify your settings2.xml file to create non-local content channels.
RE: [FORK] "PseudoTV Live" w/ LiveTV, InternetTV and added Strm Support - scotty_b_goode - 2015-02-04
I appreciate all the configuration guides here, and they have worked for me to get the video to play, but not 'resume' at the correct time when changing to their particular channel.
I have autotuned and then edited the XML file to include the Plugins, PlayOn folders, and LiveTV I want included. Everything works. My HBO GO, Netflix, LiveTV, EPG, etc, pulls up and plays just fine. However I can't seem to find any info on the fact that most of these videos start from the beginning each time I go to that channel, even though the guide shows it as halfway done. Then if I go to that channel, it changes the EPG and shows it as if that show/movie had just started. This is only a problem with streaming video like Plugins/Playon. Locally stored shows will start at the correct time upon choosing their channel, it's just the internet sourced videos.
I've tried "force real time" setting on these channels with no luck. My default setting for PTVL is real-time mode. I've tried scraping all these playon videos with PseudoLibrary and then using Ember to create NFOs with duration/runtime to see if that helped, but nothing is working. NOTE: I have also gone into the PlayOn folder and opened the option to change playback to resume, and that did not affect anything.
Does anybody have anything that worked with your set up?
[FORK] "PseudoTV Live" w/ LiveTV, InternetTV and added Strm Support - kizz - 2015-02-05
Update coming soon?it says on tweeter
[FORK] "PseudoTV Live" w/ LiveTV, InternetTV and added Strm Support - kizz - 2015-02-05
Update coming soon?it says on tweeter
RE: [FORK] "PseudoTV Live" w/ LiveTV, InternetTV and added Strm Support - Lunatixz - 2015-02-05
(2015-02-04, 23:34)scotty_b_goode Wrote: I appreciate all the configuration guides here, and they have worked for me to get the video to play, but not 'resume' at the correct time when changing to their particular channel.
I have autotuned and then edited the XML file to include the Plugins, PlayOn folders, and LiveTV I want included. Everything works. My HBO GO, Netflix, LiveTV, EPG, etc, pulls up and plays just fine. However I can't seem to find any info on the fact that most of these videos start from the beginning each time I go to that channel, even though the guide shows it as halfway done. Then if I go to that channel, it changes the EPG and shows it as if that show/movie had just started. This is only a problem with streaming video like Plugins/Playon. Locally stored shows will start at the correct time upon choosing their channel, it's just the internet sourced videos.
I've tried "force real time" setting on these channels with no luck. My default setting for PTVL is real-time mode. I've tried scraping all these playon videos with PseudoLibrary and then using Ember to create NFOs with duration/runtime to see if that helped, but nothing is working. NOTE: I have also gone into the PlayOn folder and opened the option to change playback to resume, and that did not affect anything.
Does anybody have anything that worked with your set up?
PTVL set to real-time mode will emulate livetv, meaning shows will start offset... But sometime ago I added a "Smart Seek" feature to online content... if the offset time for a strm, playon, plugin, etc is more than 6/10 the total duration, the show will start from the beginning... reason being it takes so long "sometimes" to load online content... no point in waiting for it to only play for 10mins.
RE: [FORK] "PseudoTV Live" w/ LiveTV, InternetTV and added Strm Support - scotty_b_goode - 2015-02-05
(2015-02-05, 01:32)Lunatixz Wrote: (2015-02-04, 23:34)scotty_b_goode Wrote: I appreciate all the configuration guides here, and they have worked for me to get the video to play, but not 'resume' at the correct time when changing to their particular channel.
I have autotuned and then edited the XML file to include the Plugins, PlayOn folders, and LiveTV I want included. Everything works. My HBO GO, Netflix, LiveTV, EPG, etc, pulls up and plays just fine. However I can't seem to find any info on the fact that most of these videos start from the beginning each time I go to that channel, even though the guide shows it as halfway done. Then if I go to that channel, it changes the EPG and shows it as if that show/movie had just started. This is only a problem with streaming video like Plugins/Playon. Locally stored shows will start at the correct time upon choosing their channel, it's just the internet sourced videos.
I've tried "force real time" setting on these channels with no luck. My default setting for PTVL is real-time mode. I've tried scraping all these playon videos with PseudoLibrary and then using Ember to create NFOs with duration/runtime to see if that helped, but nothing is working. NOTE: I have also gone into the PlayOn folder and opened the option to change playback to resume, and that did not affect anything.
Does anybody have anything that worked with your set up?
PTVL set to real-time mode will emulate livetv, meaning shows will start offset... But sometime ago I added a "Smart Seek" feature to online content... if the offset time for a strm, playon, plugin, etc is more than 6/10 the total duration, the show will start from the beginning... reason being it takes so long "sometimes" to load online content... no point in waiting for it to only play for 10mins.
That must be it. My computer seems very quick to start the streams, usually just 2-4 seconds, and with local media (mkv 1080p ~4.65gb files) it starts in about 1-2 seconds.
If there was ever a chance to include an option in the settings for PTVL to enable/disable the Smart Seek feature, that would be phenomenal. I need my friends to be able to use this - and they are fooled when using it because it looks so good and is more or less quick, but they get very confused when the show starts at the beginning when they thought it was at the end. Anyway I hope you'll consider it. PseudoTV Live has hands down made the biggest impact on my HTPC, so thanks for all your work on this.
RE: [FORK] "PseudoTV Live" w/ LiveTV, InternetTV and added Strm Support - spyder - 2015-02-05
(2015-02-05, 02:59)scotty_b_goode Wrote: If there was ever a chance to include an option in the settings for PTVL to enable/disable the Smart Seek feature, that would be phenomenal. I need my friends to be able to use this - and they are fooled when using it because it looks so good and is more or less quick, but they get very confused when the show starts at the beginning when they thought it was at the end. Anyway I hope you'll consider it. PseudoTV Live has hands down made the biggest impact on my HTPC, so thanks for all your work on this. +1 on this, I only notice the 'jump to start' on play on channels(could be because it's only episodes?), but sometimes I change to the channel of an upcoming show. Also, catching part of a show that 'airs' before your show sometimes leads to discovering something new.
RE: [FORK] "PseudoTV Live" w/ LiveTV, InternetTV and added Strm Support - vdopeyv - 2015-02-05
this update looks pretty big and i think im gonna have to send you another beer for all these new features.
looks like all things are coming to a nice setup. appears that i will be able to utilize more of all the things i use it for with my hdhomerun prime setup and playon and other addons and playlists more easily.
anyways keep up the great work!
RE: [FORK] "PseudoTV Live" w/ LiveTV, InternetTV and added Strm Support - TheGame1986 - 2015-02-05
I'm having a strange issue. When a streaming show finishes and loads the next show, when the Info bar comes up, it has 'channelled up' one, and believes its now on the next channel, even though it hasn't changed channel. So if I press for the info it will show me what is on another channel, instead of the one I'm watching, and if I press to go to the full guide it will do the same.
I've checked my log and there is no reference to doing this in it, I'm assuming as it isn't actually changing channel, just the stream, so I'm at a loss as to what is going on. Has anyone else experienced this?