RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - bluebug - 2020-02-16
(2020-02-16, 14:20)latts9923 Wrote: @bluebug
It looks like Kodi encountered a problem with the install. Have you tried removing Artwork Beef and installing again?
hi thank you for your advice it seems to be ok now after reinstall artwork beef , can you please advise what is the preset for and copy and apply properties to and from storage is as i am unsure , can you also advise please when you go to options how do you get the icons and images into the relevant category thanks for your help
RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - defleppard - 2020-02-16
hi @latts9923 a question:
were the modifications mentioned in post number 765 proposed by @se2k implemented on last update?
RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - bluebug - 2020-02-17
(2020-02-16, 15:53)latts9923 Wrote: UPDATE #13Additions- I noticed there was code in KodiFlixTV to display the user rating as well as the IMDb rating of a TV Show, but the images were missing. There are two new folders in the media folder...stars and userratings.
- I added code to display the Metacritic rating from the NFO file on a scale of 0-100. Thanks to JanM201 for the request!
- I added code to display the default fanart for Video Add-ons even if you have "EXTRA FANART" or "ARTWORK BEEF FANART" enabled. However, the curtains image will still display. Thanks to halidri for the request!
- I reworked the code for all of the discart animations in MusicVisualisation.xml.
- I added the "HIDE DISCART" option to the Music player Settings window.
- I added the "Logo in CD" code to style5 and style6 of the music player.
- I added the spine and back image to the reflection for List 3D v2.
Bug fixes- I resized the characterart for KodiFlixTV.
- I moved the position of the bottom Season label for KodiFlixTV so that it would no longer overlap the media flags.
- I fixed a problem with the mini weather not sliding all the way off the screen when the Weather widget is displayed.
- I fixed a problem with the discart not displaying in styles 1, 2 and 3 of the music player if you selected "DISCART - IF AVAILABLE". I have also added the discart controls to the rest of the styles. Thanks to Jumpy73 for reporting the bug!
- I fixed a problem with Shelf 3D not displaying the TV Show's status. Thanks to Bruce_Banner for reporting the bug!
- I fixed a problem with Shelf 3D and Shelf 3D v2 not displaying the complete video fanart image on the back of the cases. Thanks to Bruce_Banner for reporting the bug!
- I changed the discart aspectratio for List 3D and List 3D v2 for music so it would display the full image.
- I fixed a problem with the position of the recently added IMDb rating for KodiFlix.
Download02-16-20 update hi i have used this update by over writting the orignal files what i have noticed is that themes are not working from blue down thanks
RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - latts9923 - 2020-02-17
I forgot all about that one. I'll look at it again. Thanks for reminding me!
(2020-02-16, 17:28)bluebug Wrote: can you please advise what is the preset for and copy and apply properties to and from storage is as i am unsure , can you also advise please when you go to options how do you get the icons and images into the relevant category thanks for your help
Sorry, I'm not following you on both of these. Can you better describe what you're wanting to accomplish?
Also, on your latest post, download the "Additional themes" file from the first post of this thread? Then copy the folders under "resources" into the same folder of the Add-on's location (Kodi\addons\resource.images.skinthemes.aeonmq\resources). That should fix it.
RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - bluebug - 2020-02-17
hi thanks for your reply in customization i have seen copy and apply properties , is this used for copying a cat accross to option so its not lost , can you advise what customization preset is it just says create preset unsure , if i go to skin settings icon and images then you see things like mpaa rating etc how do you put this items in i am trying to get media flags etc in colour thanks
RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - robyn68 - 2020-02-19
(2020-02-16, 14:28)latts9923 Wrote: @hay19000
Check if SKIN SETTINGS > OPTIONS MENU > PUT PROGRESS INFORMATION IN VIEW is enabled. That controls the watched flag for the Right List view. As the user hay19000 pointed out to me, the problem of not displaying flags is only using the right view (the one I prefer). The other problem that I am always finding with the view on the right is that in the movies it doesn't even show me the posters, while with all the other views everything works.
RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - jasn - 2020-02-19
Greetings all. My primary focus for this great skin & MOD is for music playback. Recent problems with Artist Slideshow prompted @latts9923 to Publish a fix last December, which allowed the primary Artist Fanart to display but, for me at least, not to cycle multiple Fanart shots. Snooping into the code for Musicvisualisation.xml and Latts' fix I found on Line 60:
Code: <visible>String.IsEqual(skin.string(vis_bg),slideshow) | String.IsEqual(skin.string(vis_bg),slideshowmix) + !String.IsEmpty(Window(Visualisation).Property(ArtistSlideshow.ArtworkReady))</visible>
Note the "+" symbol towards the end of the line. Changing it to a "|" fixed the problem for me and now my Artist Fanart will cycle. Here's a corrected Line 60:
Code: <visible>String.IsEqual(skin.string(vis_bg),slideshow) | String.IsEqual(skin.string(vis_bg),slideshowmix) | !String.IsEmpty(Window(Visualisation).Property(ArtistSlideshow.ArtworkReady))</visible>
BTW, the same error was used for CustomOSD.xml Line 48 The correct code should be:
Code: <visible>String.IsEqual(skin.string(vis_bg),slideshow) | String.IsEqual(skin.string(vis_bg),slideshowmix) | !String.IsEmpty(Window(Visualisation).Property(ArtistSlideshow.ArtworkReady)</visible>
RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - jasn - 2020-02-19
Me again... . I've (neurotically) tweaked the current Layout 3 for MusicVisualisation.xml to my liking. Here's a screenshot (click on image for large detail) :
Tweaks and changes in order as listed in MusicVisualisation.xml are:
- Added Info time out as included in other Layouts;
- Removed the little "notch" in the CoverArt
- Modified code to show MultiLogos (mid-cycle in screenshot);
- Modified TrackNumber to show PlaylistPosition, thereby allowing Tracks 1-9 to display without a "0"
- Deleted Genre from Album Info line
- Changed Track Star Rating to change color based on Rating, similar to format used in RightView;
- Rearranged file data to (properly) display as BitRate/SampleRate/BitsPerSample;
- Changed Next Track display to same as used in #4 above AND added total # of Playlist tracks to data line;
- Changed Next Track Star Rating from "UserRating" to "Rating" data included in MyMusic72.db (still an unfixed problem in Kodi);
- Moved the AudioCodec symbol up a smidge (was too low);
- Removed Channel logo, as all of my music is 2-CH (when Kodi can someday play multi-channel iso files I will restore); and
- Removed the "Track # of Total #" line (see 8 above).
If any interested in these you can replace the entire listing of code for Layout 3 (lines 559-892) with the code below. If you'd like some but not all of these changes PM me.
Code: <!-- Layout 3 -->
<control type="group">
<visible>[Player.ShowInfo | Window.IsActive(MusicOSD) | !Visualisation.Enabled] + ![Window.IsVisible(AddonSettings) | Window.IsVisible(SelectDialog) | Window.IsVisible(VisualisationPresetList)]</visible>
<animation effect="fade" time="500">VisibleChange</animation>
<animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="0,-200" time="400" tween="cubic" easing="inout" condition="Window.IsVisible(musicosd)">Conditional</animation>
<animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="0,-50" time="400" tween="cubic" easing="inout" condition="Player.Rewinding | Player.Forwarding">Conditional</animation>
<animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="0,450" time="700" tween="cubic" easing="out" condition="Skin.HasSetting(novisfurniture)">Conditional</animation>
<animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="-1350,0" time="400" tween="cubic" easing="inout" condition="Skin.HasSetting(furniture_cdart)">Conditional</animation>
<animation effect="slide" start="0,1080" end="0,-450" time="700" tween="cubic" easing="out" delay="400">WindowOpen</animation>
<animation effect="slide" start="0,-450" end="0,0" time="400" tween="cubic" easing="in" delay="400">WindowClose</animation>
<control type="image">
<control type="group">
<animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="210,0" time="800" delay="2000" tween="sine" easing="inout">WindowOpen</animation>
<!--* MULTI-MOD *-->
<animation effect="slide" end="-210,0" time="800" tween="sine" easing="inout" condition="Skin.HasSetting(noviscdart)">Conditional</animation>
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0,0" time="300" delay="500" condition="Skin.HasSetting(noviscdart)">Conditional</animation>
<!--* MULTI-MOD *-->
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="center" aligny="center">keep</aspectratio>
<texture diffuse="cdart_diffuse.png" background="true">$VAR[audiodisc_layout]</texture>
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="center" aligny="center">keep</aspectratio>
<texture diffuse="cdart_diffuse.png" background="true">$VAR[media_discart]</texture>
<visible>String.IsEqual(skin.string(visdiscart),always) | [String.IsEqual(skin.string(visdiscart),ifavailable) + !String.IsEmpty(Player.Art(discart))]
| [String.IsEqual(skin.string(visdiscart),ifavailable) + !String.IsEmpty(Window(home).Property(SkinHelper.Player.Art.DiscArt))]</visible>
<control type="image">
<texture fallback="DefaultAudio.png" background="true">$INFO[MusicPlayer.Cover]</texture>
<aspectratio align="left">keep</aspectratio>
<control type="image">
<!-- reflexo -->
<texture flipy="true" fallback="DefaultAudio.png" diffuse="thumb_reflect.png" background="true">$INFO[MusicPlayer.Cover]</texture>
<aspectratio align="left" aligny="top">keep</aspectratio>
<!-- logo artista -->
<!-- L O G O -->
<control type="multiimage" id="5060">
<aspectratio align="right" aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
<imagepath fallback="blanc.png" background="true">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.Player.Art.ClearLogo)]</imagepath>
<visible>!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.Player.Art.ClearLogo)) + String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.Player.Art.ClearLogos))</visible>
<!-- L O G O S -->
<control type="multiimage" id="5060">
<aspectratio align="right" aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
<imagepath fallback="blanc.png" background="true">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.Player.Art.ClearLogos)]</imagepath>
<!-- nome do artista -->
<control type="label" id="880041">
<visible>String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.Player.Art.ClearLogo)) + String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.Player.Art.ClearLogos))</visible>
<!-- Nome da faixa -->
<control type="label">
<!--* MULTI-MOD *-->
<label>[COLOR=$INFO[skin.string(colorheader)]]$INFO[MusicPlayer.PlaylistPosition,,: ]$INFO[MusicPlayer.Title][/COLOR]</label>
<!--* MULTI-MOD *-->
<!-- Nome do album -->
<control type="label">
<!--* MULTI-MOD *-->
<!--* MULTI-MOD *-->
<label>$INFO[MusicPlayer.Album] $INFO[MusicPlayer.Year,| ,]</label>
<!--* MULTI-MOD *-->
<!-- Track Rating -->
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="right" aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
<!--* MULTI-MOD *-->
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[MusicPlayer.BitRate,, [COLOR=88DDDDDD]Kbps[/COLOR]][COLOR=50FFFAF0] | [/COLOR]$INFO[MusicPlayer.SampleRate,, [COLOR=88DDDDDD]KHz[/COLOR]][COLOR=50FFFAF0] | [/COLOR]$INFO[MusicPlayer.BitsPerSample,, [COLOR=88DDDDDD]Bits[/COLOR]]</label>
<!-- Barra de cache -->
<control type="progress">
<animation effect="fade" end="70" condition="true">Conditional</animation>
<!-- Barra de progresso -->
<control type="progress">
<animation effect="fade" end="70" condition="true">Conditional</animation>
<!-- Duracao -->
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[MusicPlayer.Time] / $INFO[MusicPlayer.Duration]</label>
<!-- Proxima faixa - proximo artista -->
<control type="label">
<control type="label">
<label>[COLOR=$INFO[skin.string(colorheader)]]$INFO[MusicPlayer.offset(1).PlaylistPosition,, of ]$INFO[MusicPlayer.PlaylistLength]: $INFO[MusicPlayer.offset(1).Title][/COLOR]</label>
<control type="label">
<!--* MULTI-MOD *-->
<control type="image" id="880057">
<texture fallback="$VAR[styleratingstars,,0.png]">$VAR[styleratingstars]$INFO[MusicPlayer.offset(1).Rating,,.png]</texture>
<aspectratio align="right" aligny="center">stretch</aspectratio>
<!--control type="image">
<texture colordiffuse="AA000000">arrow_right.png</texture>
<aspectratio align="right" aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
<control type="image">
<texture colordiffuse="AADDDDDD">arrow_right.png</texture>
<aspectratio align="right" aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
<!--* MULTI-MOD *-->
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="left" aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
<texture colordiffuse="ff3a3a3a">$VAR[recordlabels_path]$INFO[MusicPlayer.Property(Album_Label),,.png]</texture>
<control type="image">
<!--* MULTI-MOD *-->
<!--* MULTI-MOD *-->
<aspectratio align="left" aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
<!--* MULTI-MOD *-->
<texture colordiffuse="ffbababa">$VAR[audiocodec_path]$INFO[MusicPlayer.Codec,,.png]</texture>
<!--* MULTI-MOD *-->
<!--control type="label">
<!--* MULTI-MOD *-->
<!--* MULTI-MOD *-->
<!--* MULTI-MOD *-->
<!--control type="image">
<texture fallback="subtitle_rating_0.png">$INFO[Player.StarRating]</texture>
<aspectratio align="left" aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
<!--* MULTI-MOD *-->
<control type="image">
<texture fallback="DefaultAudio.png" background="true">$INFO[MusicPlayer.offset(1).Cover]</texture>
<aspectratio align="left" aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - defleppard - 2020-02-19
hi @jasn
My be you can give me an advise.. because, i can´t make discart work.
I can't make AB work well. regardless of the configuration the silver cd is always shown. In your case, everything works fine?
RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - jasn - 2020-02-19
(2020-02-19, 20:59)defleppard Wrote: hi @jasn
My be you can give me an advise.. because, i can´t make discart work.
I can't make AB work well. regardless of the configuration the silver cd is always shown. In your case, everything works fine?
Questions for you @defleppard, likely too simple...
Do you have discart enabled in the Settings (Visualizations Window)? (I guess ogt must be because you are showing a silver disc)
What name and where is your discart? I am still naming my discs "cdart.png". I also store my artwork in the album folder.
All has been working well for me, including latts' fix for displaying cdart when available.
RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - defleppard - 2020-02-19
(2020-02-19, 21:28)jasn Wrote: (2020-02-19, 20:59)defleppard Wrote: hi @jasn
My be you can give me an advise.. because, i can´t make discart work.
I can't make AB work well. regardless of the configuration the silver cd is always shown. In your case, everything works fine?
Questions for you @defleppard, likely too simple...
Do you have discart enabled in the Settings (Visualizations Window)? (I guess ogt must be because you are showing a silver disc)
What name and where is your discart? I am still naming my discs "cdart.png". I also store my artwork in the album folder.
All has been working well for me, including latts' fix for displaying cdart when available. thanx @jasn for your reply
1) yes, it is set to "always enable"
2) In each album I have 3 files just in case. "cdart" "discart" and "disc", all in png format.
3)To be more exact, the problem is overcome with compilations (various artist). If I am playing a compilation and change to aeonmq7 mod, the disk image appears normally. Also if I change to ACE2 skin. So it is not a problem related to kodi and aeonmq8 and mod.
RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - Buzniak - 2020-02-20
Sorry Guys n Girls, this may have be brought up, but there's no art in info view in MOVIES....I mean the info view when you press "I" at movie selection.
RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - jasn - 2020-02-20
(2020-02-19, 23:59)defleppard Wrote: (2020-02-19, 21:28)jasn Wrote: (2020-02-19, 20:59)defleppard Wrote: hi @jasn
My be you can give me an advise.. because, i can´t make discart work.
I can't make AB work well. regardless of the configuration the silver cd is always shown. In your case, everything works fine?
Questions for you @defleppard, likely too simple...
Do you have discart enabled in the Settings (Visualizations Window)? (I guess ogt must be because you are showing a silver disc)
What name and where is your discart? I am still naming my discs "cdart.png". I also store my artwork in the album folder.
All has been working well for me, including latts' fix for displaying cdart when available. thanx @jasn for your reply
1) yes, it is set to "always enable"
2) In each album I have 3 files just in case. "cdart" "discart" and "disc", all in png format.
3)To be more exact, the problem is overcome with compilations (various artist). If I am playing a compilation and change to aeonmq7 mod, the disk image appears normally. Also if I change to ACE2 skin. So it is not a problem related to kodi and aeonmq8 and mod. Sorry @defleppard, are you saying in #3 that the problem is only with MQ8, not with MQ7 and Ace2, and only for compilations? Discart shows for singular artist releases? If only for compilations it may be a file tagging issue?
RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - kicker46 - 2020-02-20
Hi I have been using the mod and have been enjoying it a lot. Thanks for the great work and effort.
I especially like the recent feature of the played percentage and watched flags to the video.
However for this particular feature I have only been able to get it to work for the native KODI player and any external player is unfortunately not working.
Is there anything I can do to make this work for external players as well?
Thanks for your hard work.
RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - defleppard - 2020-02-20
(2020-02-20, 18:55)jasn Wrote: (2020-02-19, 23:59)defleppard Wrote: (2020-02-19, 21:28)jasn Wrote: Questions for you @defleppard, likely too simple...
Do you have discart enabled in the Settings (Visualizations Window)? (I guess ogt must be because you are showing a silver disc)
What name and where is your discart? I am still naming my discs "cdart.png". I also store my artwork in the album folder.
All has been working well for me, including latts' fix for displaying cdart when available. thanx @jasn for your reply
1) yes, it is set to "always enable"
2) In each album I have 3 files just in case. "cdart" "discart" and "disc", all in png format.
3)To be more exact, the problem is overcome with compilations (various artist). If I am playing a compilation and change to aeonmq7 mod, the disk image appears normally. Also if I change to ACE2 skin. So it is not a problem related to kodi and aeonmq8 and mod. Sorry @defleppard, are you saying in #3 that the problem is only with MQ8, not with MQ7 and Ace2, and only for compilations? Discart shows for singular artist releases? If only for compilations it may be a file tagging issue?
EXACTLY-- in compilations and bootlegs..
the question is.. Why 7 and ace 2 yes?
Im intalling all again right now..