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Transparency! Translations - Printable Version

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- ronie - 2010-09-18

bignjato Wrote:Croatian updated

cheers mate, much appreciated!

Dutch translation fully updated - Verberzerk - 2010-09-21

Just gone through the whole set, after testing locally. Tried to adopt the terms used in the latest Dutch translatioons for XBMC, as included in SVN 33956.

Hope you Dutch users are happy with this!

- ronie - 2010-09-21

Verberzerk Wrote:Just gone through the whole set, after testing locally. Tried to adopt the terms used in the latest Dutch translatioons for XBMC, as included in SVN 33956.

Hope you Dutch users are happy with this!

thanx for the update. :-)

Dutch translation fixed - Verberzerk - 2010-10-01

Fixed a few typos and inconsistencies.

- ronie - 2010-10-01

Verberzerk Wrote:Fixed a few typos and inconsistencies.

thanx for the fix-up!

- taxigps - 2010-10-14

Chinese (Simple) translation update !

and i suggest that make Arial fontset only use arial.ttf like default skin confluence do. arial.ttf build in xbmc is a full unicode range font now. In this way the skin can support almost all the languages with Arial fontset.

- ronie - 2010-10-14

taxigps Wrote:Chinese (Simple) translation update !

and i suggest that make Arial fontset only use arial.ttf like default skin confluence do. arial.ttf build in xbmc is a full unicode range font now. In this way the skin can support almost all the languages with Arial fontset.

thanx, will look into it.

- taxigps - 2010-10-18

Chinese (Simple) here:

Transparency! 一个充分展示同人画的XBMC皮肤


- ashlar - 2010-10-18


Transparency! una skin fanart per XBMC

Cos'è Transparency!? Risposta breve: una skin ottimizzata per fanart. L'obiettivo principale di Transparency! è mostrare le vostre fanart, a pieno schermo, in tutte le viste, in ogni momento. Oltre a questo, cerca di supportare tutte le funzionalità più recenti che XBMC può offrire. Per consentire a tutti di risparmiare tempo e fatica, evitando gli interventi sul codice xml, queste nuove funzionalità sono già incluse nella skin, preconfigurate e attivate di default (ogni qualvolta questo sia possibile).

- willynuisance - 2010-10-19

Hello !
Updates for the French Translation available on the wiki. New strings Translation and few corrections.
I have an issue with the string id="31400" which is supposed to be 'Nouveautés :' but there is not enought space anymore on the video view of the home page. So I set it back to 'New :'

- taxigps - 2010-10-22

Chinese (Simple) translation update again!

- willynuisance - 2010-10-24

New update for fr file !

- Zrino - 2010-10-26


Quote:Transparency! fanart skin za XBMC

Što je Transparency!? Ukratko: fanart skin. Glavni cilj Transparency! skina je prikaz fanart-a, fullscreen, konstantno u svim načinima pregleda. Također, osim toga, pokušava pružiti podršku svakoj novoj mogućnosti koju XBMC podržava. Da bi svima sačuvali vrijeme i spasili ih od problema kod intervencija unutar xml koda, sve nove mogućnosti su unaprijed implementirane u skin, podešene i aktivirane po default-u (gdje god je to bilo moguće).

- Hjord - 2010-10-30


Quote:Transparency! et fanart skin til XBMC

Hvad er Transparency!? Kort fortalt: et fanart skin. Hovedformålet med Transparency! er at vise dit fanart, fullscreen, i alle visningsmulighederne, hele tiden. Ud over dette, vil det også forsøge at understøtte alle smarte nye features XBMC har at tilbyde. For at alle kan spare en masse tid og og besvær ved at hacke XML-koden selv, vil alle disse nye funktioner allerede være inkluderet i dette skin, præ-konfigureret og aktiveret som standard (hvis muligt).

- mastermischke - 2010-10-31


Quote:Transparency! ein fanart skin für XBMC

Was ist Transparency!? Einfach ausgedrückt : ein fanart skin.
Das Hauptaugenmerk von Transparency! liegt darin, eure Fanarts in voller Auflösung, in allen Ansichtsvarianten, zu jeder Zeit anzuzeigen.
Davon abgesehen versucht Transparency! alle neuen Features von XBMC zu unterstützen.
Um dem Nutzer eine Menge arbeit mit dem editieren des xml-codes zu ersparen, sind alle (neuen) Features bereits in den skin integriert, vorkonfiguriert und standardmäßig aktiviert ( soweit möglich ).