RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release (for Isengard) - bobrap - 2015-07-28
Great job on the latest update! Could you have a look at tri-panel view panel layouts 2 & 3. The poster does not seem to fit in the poster outline. It appears to be okay in panel layout 1. Again, thanks for a great job on this.
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release (for Isengard) - KevinSartori - 2015-07-28
I just checked out the update and I especially like that in KodiFlix, you now have the option to raise the title to show more of the information. Great idea!
I did notice an issue with the KodiFlix view in regards to paging up or down.
In the default (poster) view, there are 9 posters displayed onscreen. When you page up or down, the list only shifts 8 places, when it should shift 9. For example, when paging up, the poster displayed last on the far right becomes the first poster on the far left of the screen after the page. I was thinking this might be intentional, but it's not consistent with the other views, where paging up or down doesn't show any overlap in the titles being displayed. For instance, if you can see titles 1-8 on one screen, when you page down, you're shown titles 9-16, not 8-15. When the Center List view is enabled, the list still shifts 8 places even though there are now only 6 posters displayed onscreen.
Similarly, switching to KodiFlix's Landscape view with 6 titles on display, paging shifts the list only 5 places instead of 6. As before, this is carried over to the Center List view, where only 4 titles are displayed, but paging still shifts 5 places.
Beside this minor issue, things look really good! Thanks for the effort!
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release (for Isengard) - meowmoo - 2015-07-28
Thanks for the update, right list looks good now!
I was still missing my loved vinyl when no cdart is present, also the Handwriten CD and the FakeCDart did not work, did it work on your side?
I added Handwriten cd and fakeCDart, i also changed the Logo fade out from right to left so it match the cover/cd
Only thing is the Font on the handwriten cd moves kinde strange...dont know how to fix it :/
here is the code
Code: <!-- Music RightList -->
<include name="Music_RightList">
<control type="group">
<visible>Control.IsVisible(700) + !Window.IsActive(addoninformation)</visible>
<control type="image">
<control type="image">
<texture flipx="true">views/episodebgoverlay.png</texture>
<animation effect="fade" end="65" condition="true">Conditional</animation>
<control type="group">
<control type="image">
<texture background="true">$INFO[Skin.String(ArtistsLogosPath)]$INFO[ListItem.Artist,,/logo.png]</texture>
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="right">keep</aspectratio>
<texture background="true">$VAR[colorcdARTVar]</texture>
<visible>IsEmpty(Control.GetLabel(4172914)) + !Skin.HasSetting(vinylart) + !Skin.HasSetting(blurayart) + !Skin.HasSetting(MusicFakeDisc)</visible>
<animation effect="rotate" end="-360" center="auto" time="4800" loop="true" reversible="false" condition="StringCompare(ListItem.Album,MusicPlayer.Album) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Thumb) + Player.HasAudio">Conditional</animation>
<control type="label">
<label> $INFO[ListItem.AlbumArtist]</label>
<visible>IsEmpty(Control.GetLabel(4172914)) + !Skin.HasSetting(vinylart) + !Skin.HasSetting(blurayart) + !Skin.HasSetting(MusicFakeDisc)</visible>
<animation effect="rotate" end="-360" center="auto" time="4800" loop="true" reversible="false" condition="StringCompare(ListItem.Album,MusicPlayer.Album) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Thumb) + Player.HasAudio">Conditional</animation>
<control type="label">
<label>[CR][CR][CR][CR][CR][CR] $INFO[ListItem.Album]</label>
<visible>IsEmpty(Control.GetLabel(4172914)) + !Skin.HasSetting(vinylart) + !Skin.HasSetting(blurayart) + !Skin.HasSetting(MusicFakeDisc)</visible>
<animation effect="rotate" end="-360" center="auto" time="4800" loop="true" reversible="false" condition="StringCompare(ListItem.Album,MusicPlayer.Album) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Thumb) + Player.HasAudio">Conditional</animation>
<control type="image">
<texture background="true" diffuse="thumbs/sets/cdart-mask.png">$VAR[ListAlbumVar]</texture>
<visible>IsEmpty(Control.GetLabel(4172914)) + !Skin.HasSetting(vinylart) + !Skin.HasSetting(blurayart) + Skin.HasSetting(MusicFakeDisc)</visible>
<animation effect="rotate" end="-360" center="auto" time="4800" loop="true" reversible="false" condition="StringCompare(ListItem.Album,MusicPlayer.Album) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Thumb) + Player.HasAudio">Conditional</animation>
<control type="image" id="4172914">
<aspectratio align="right">keep</aspectratio>
<texture background="true">$VAR[cdARTVar]</texture>
<visible>!Skin.HasSetting(vinylart) + !Skin.HasSetting(blurayart)</visible>
<animation effect="rotate" end="-360" center="auto" time="4800" loop="true" reversible="false" condition="StringCompare(ListItem.Album,MusicPlayer.Album) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Thumb) + Player.HasAudio">Conditional</animation>
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="right">keep</aspectratio>
<include condition="Skin.HasSetting(vinylart)">vinylartlibrary</include>
<include condition="Skin.HasSetting(blurayart)">blurayartlibrary</include>
<animation effect="rotate" end="-360" center="auto" time="4800" loop="true" reversible="false" condition="StringCompare(ListItem.Album,MusicPlayer.Album) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Thumb) + Player.HasAudio">Conditional</animation>
<visible>Skin.HasSetting(rightlistCD) + !Skin.HasSetting(RightListSlideLeft) + !Stringcompare(ListItem.Label,..) + [Container.Content(albums) | Container.Content(songs)]</visible>
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="right">keep</aspectratio>
<include condition="Skin.HasSetting(vinylart)">vinylartlibrary</include>
<include condition="Skin.HasSetting(blurayart)">blurayartlibrary</include>
<animation effect="rotate" end="-360" center="auto" time="4800" loop="true" reversible="false" condition="StringCompare(ListItem.Album,MusicPlayer.Album) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Thumb) + Player.HasAudio">Conditional</animation>
<visible>Skin.HasSetting(rightlistCD) + Skin.HasSetting(RightListSlideLeft) + !Stringcompare(ListItem.Label,..) + [Container.Content(albums) | Container.Content(songs)]</visible>
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="right">keep</aspectratio>
<texture background="true">$VAR[cdARTVar]</texture>
<animation effect="rotate" end="-360" center="auto" time="4800" loop="true" reversible="false" condition="StringCompare(ListItem.Album,MusicPlayer.Album) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Thumb) + Player.HasAudio">Conditional</animation>
<visible>Skin.HasSetting(rightlistCD) + Skin.HasSetting(RightListSlideLeft) + !Stringcompare(ListItem.Label,..) + [Container.Content(albums) | Container.Content(songs)]</visible>
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="right">keep</aspectratio>
<texture background="true">$VAR[cdARTVar]</texture>
<animation effect="slide" start="0,200" end="0,0" delay="1000" time="800" tween="cubic" easing="inout" condition="!Container.OnNext + !Container.OnPrevious">Conditional</animation>
<animation effect="rotate" end="-360" center="auto" time="4800" loop="true" reversible="false" condition="StringCompare(ListItem.Album,MusicPlayer.Album) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Thumb) + Player.HasAudio">Conditional</animation>
<visible>Skin.HasSetting(rightlistCD) + !Skin.HasSetting(RightListSlideLeft) + !Stringcompare(ListItem.Label,..) + [Container.Content(albums) | Container.Content(songs)]</visible>
<control type="group">
<control type="image">
<texture background="true">thumbs/cd_shadow_light_shadow.png</texture>
<control type="image">
<aspectratio scalediffuse="false">scale</aspectratio>
<texture background="true" diffuse="thumbs/cdcover_mask.png">common/bgcolor.png</texture>
<control type="image">
<aspectratio scalediffuse="false">scale</aspectratio>
<texture background="true" diffuse="thumbs/cdcover_mask.png" fallback="DefaultAlbumCover.png">$VAR[ListAlbumVar]</texture>
<control type="image">
<aspectratio scalediffuse="false" aligny="top">scale</aspectratio>
<texture diffuse="thumbs/cdcover_mask_reflect.png" flipy="true" background="true" fallback="DefaultAlbumCover.png">$VAR[ListAlbumVar]</texture>
<control type="image">
<aspectratio scalediffuse="false" aligny="top">scale</aspectratio>
<texture diffuse="thumbs/cdcover_mask.png">thumbs/cdcover_glass_aa.png</texture>
<bordertexture border="20">thumbs/cd_shadow.png</bordertexture>
<control type="group">
<!--control type="image">
<texture background="true">thumbs/cd_shadow_light_shadow.png</texture>
<control type="image">
<aspectratio scalediffuse="false">scale</aspectratio>
<texture background="true">common/bgcolor.png</texture>
<control type="image">
<aspectratio scalediffuse="false">scale</aspectratio>
<texture background="true" fallback="DefaultAlbumCover.png">$VAR[ListAlbumVar]</texture>
<control type="image">
<aspectratio scalediffuse="false" aligny="top">scale</aspectratio>
<texture flipy="true" background="true" fallback="DefaultAlbumCover.png">$VAR[ListAlbumVar]</texture>
<!--control type="image">
<aspectratio scalediffuse="false" aligny="top">scale</aspectratio>
<texture diffuse="thumbs/cdcover_mask.png">thumbs/cdcover_glass_aa.png</texture>
<bordertexture border="20">thumbs/cd_shadow.png</bordertexture>
<control type="grouplist">
<control type="label">
<label>[COLOR $VAR[FocusTextureColorVar]]$LOCALIZE[557]:[/COLOR][CR][COLOR white]$INFO[ListItem.Artist][/COLOR]</label>
<control type="label">
<label>[COLOR $VAR[FocusTextureColorVar]]$LOCALIZE[515]:[/COLOR][CR][COLOR white]$INFO[ListItem.Genre][/COLOR]</label>
<control type="label">
<label>[COLOR $VAR[FocusTextureColorVar]]$LOCALIZE[180]:[/COLOR][CR][COLOR white]$INFO[ListItem.Duration][/COLOR]</label>
<control type="label">
<label>[COLOR $VAR[FocusTextureColorVar]]$LOCALIZE[21894]:[/COLOR][CR][COLOR white]$INFO[ListItem.Property(Artist_Formed)][/COLOR]</label>
<visible>!IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(Artist_Formed)) + IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(Artist_Genre)) + IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(Artist_Born))</visible>
<control type="label">
<label>[COLOR $VAR[FocusTextureColorVar]]$LOCALIZE[21893]:[/COLOR][CR][COLOR white]$INFO[ListItem.Property(Artist_Born)][/COLOR]</label>
<visible>!IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(Artist_Born)) + IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(Artist_Genre))</visible>
<control type="label">
<label>[COLOR $VAR[FocusTextureColorVar]]$LOCALIZE[515]:[/COLOR][CR][COLOR white]$INFO[ListItem.Property(Artist_Genre)][/COLOR]</label>
<control type="textbox">
<label>[COLOR $VAR[FocusTextureColorVar]]$LOCALIZE[569]:[/COLOR][CR][COLOR white]$INFO[ListItem.Comment][/COLOR]</label>
<autoscroll time="3000" delay="4000" repeat="5000">Skin.HasSetting(Enable.AutoScroll) + !Control.HasFocus(62)</autoscroll>
<control type="group">
<control type="textbox" id="70">
<autoscroll time="3000" delay="4000" repeat="5000">!Control.HasFocus(63)</autoscroll>
<control type="scrollbar" id="63">
<texturesliderbarfocus border="1">scrollbar/texturesliderbar2.png</texturesliderbarfocus>
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="500" delay="500" condition="!Control.HasFocus(63) + !Container.Scrolling">Conditional</animation>
<control type="list" id="700">
<onleft condition="Control.IsVisible(63)">63</onleft>
<onleft condition="!Control.IsVisible(63)">SetProperty(MediaMenu,True,home)</onleft>
<onleft condition="!Control.IsVisible(63)">SetFocus(9000)</onleft>
<viewtype label="RightList">list</viewtype>
<visible>Container.Content(artists) | Container.Content(albums) | Container.Content(songs)</visible>
<scrolltime tween="quadratic" easing="out">200</scrolltime>
<itemlayout height="68" width="806">
<control type="image">
<texture border="1">separator2.png</texture>
<control type="label">
<visible>[!Container.Content(songs) | Stringcompare(ListItem.Label,..)]</visible>
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[ListItem.Tracknumber]: $INFO[ListItem.Title]</label>
<visible>Container.Content(songs) + !Stringcompare(ListItem.Label,..)</visible>
<focusedlayout height="68" width="806">
<control type="image">
<texture border="1">separator2.png</texture>
<control type="image">
<texture border="4">listselect_fo_clear.png</texture>
<control type="label">
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="70" time="300" tween="sine" easing="inout" condition="!Control.HasFocus(501)">Conditional</animation>
<visible>[!Container.Content(songs) | Stringcompare(ListItem.Label,..)]</visible>
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[ListItem.Tracknumber]: $INFO[ListItem.Title]</label>
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="70" time="300" tween="sine" easing="inout" condition="!Control.HasFocus(501)">Conditional</animation>
<visible>Container.Content(songs) + !Stringcompare(ListItem.Label,..)</visible>
<control type="scrollbar" id="60">
<texturesliderbackground border="1">-</texturesliderbackground>
<texturesliderbar border="6,0,6,0">scrollbar/texturesliderbar_hor.png</texturesliderbar>
<texturesliderbarfocus border="6,0,6,0">scrollbar/texturesliderbarfocus_hor.png</texturesliderbarfocus>
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="500" delay="500" condition="!Control.HasFocus(60) + !Container.Scrolling">Conditional</animation>
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release (for Isengard) - guandms - 2015-07-28
meowmoo - where do i save the code and what is the name of the file ?
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release (for Isengard) - FonziQ - 2015-07-28
Thank you Thank you Thank you !!!!
They should change the add to LIFE IS GOOD MadNox !!! lol
Is it possible to have more than one startup intro and play 1 random each time kodi starts.
Also i would like to have character set (Subtitles) for sub menu in movies home screen, no idea if thats possible.
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release (for Isengard) - schimi2k - 2015-07-28
(2015-07-28, 05:18)bobrap Wrote: Great job on the latest update! Could you have a look at tri-panel view panel layouts 2 & 3. The poster does not seem to fit in the poster outline. It appears to be okay in panel layout 1. Again, thanks for a great job on this. ![Smile Smile](
thx bob
can confirm that and will fix it
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release (for Isengard) - Deki - 2015-07-28
hi all, this skin is FANTASTIC
i just have a bug with the Rightlist. When i launch a movie since Righlist view, movie start, but i don't view movie, the view stay on Righlist (the view is blocked), I must return to the main menu to see movie
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release (for Isengard) - Mike_Doc - 2015-07-28
(2015-07-28, 05:25)KevinSartori Wrote: I just checked out the update and I especially like that in KodiFlix, you now have the option to raise the title to show more of the information. Great idea!
I did notice an issue with the KodiFlix view in regards to paging up or down.
In the default (poster) view, there are 9 posters displayed onscreen. When you page up or down, the list only shifts 8 places, when it should shift 9. For example, when paging up, the poster displayed last on the far right becomes the first poster on the far left of the screen after the page. I was thinking this might be intentional, but it's not consistent with the other views, where paging up or down doesn't show any overlap in the titles being displayed. For instance, if you can see titles 1-8 on one screen, when you page down, you're shown titles 9-16, not 8-15. When the Center List view is enabled, the list still shifts 8 places even though there are now only 6 posters displayed onscreen.
Similarly, switching to KodiFlix's Landscape view with 6 titles on display, paging shifts the list only 5 places instead of 6. As before, this is carried over to the Center List view, where only 4 titles are displayed, but paging still shifts 5 places.
Beside this minor issue, things look really good! Thanks for the effort!
Thanks will take a look, for the center list, I think the view requires a substantial re-write to control the number of titles, at the moment I simply re-position the normal list which isn't great i know. They are both on the list to look into.
(2015-07-28, 05:29)meowmoo Wrote: Thanks for the update, right list looks good now!
I was still missing my loved vinyl when no cdart is present, also the Handwriten CD and the FakeCDart did not work, did it work on your side?
I added Handwriten cd and fakeCDart, i also changed the Logo fade out from right to left so it match the cover/cd
Only thing is the Font on the handwriten cd moves kinde strange...dont know how to fix it :/
My bad meowmoo, missed doing the vinyl and didn't have time to pull in fake cd stuff, Thanks very much for doing that, I'll merge it and add the relevant controls and sort out the vinyl as well, might be today or tomorroe.
(2015-07-28, 06:12)FonziQ Wrote: Thank you Thank you Thank you !!!!
They should change the add to LIFE IS GOOD MadNox !!! lol
Is it possible to have more than one startup intro and play 1 random each time kodi starts.
Also i would like to have character set (Subtitles) for sub menu in movies home screen, no idea if thats possible.
Hi FonzIq, not sure exactly what you mean so if you can give me some more info then please do?
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release (for Isengard) - Namoi - 2015-07-28
Hi Mike, Hi schimi2k,
I was always annoyed in Shednox that the MPAA description which is available in the movie/Show info windows through the option ("Enable MPAA rating description") was kind of broken.
As far as i understand, the way it is implemented retrieve ListItem.mpaa which isn't a description as it is the MPAA rating of the currently selected movie.
So if you don't mind to change this I modified DialogVideoInfo.xml and variables.xml to get a proper description. I grabbed them from Wikipedia for the available ratings existing in Madnox (I didn't made the Hungarian and what looks like Korean though).
In DialogVideoInfo.xml just replace these lines (start at 2399)
Code: <control type="label">
<label fallback="This movie is Unrated.">$INFO[ListItem.mpaa]</label>
by these ones (I had to create a new variable and expand the width of the label)
Code: <control type="label">
<label fallback="This movie is Unrated.">$VAR[RatingFlagVar_Description]</label>
And in variables.xml just add these lines (under the RatingFlagVar variable seems to be the obvious place)
Code: <variable name="RatingFlagVar_Description">
<value condition="substring(ListItem.mpaa,TV-G)">Most parents would find this program suitable for all ages.</value>
<value condition="substring(ListItem.mpaa,TV-PG)">This program contains material that parents may find unsuitable for younger children.</value>
<value condition="substring(ListItem.mpaa,TV-14)">This program contains some material that many parents would find unsuitable for children under 14 years of age.</value>
<value condition="substring(ListItem.mpaa,TV-MA)">This program is specifically designed to be viewed by adults and therefore may be unsuitable for children under 17.</value>
<value condition="substring(ListItem.mpaa,TV-Y7)">This program is designed for children age 7 and above.</value>
<value condition="substring(ListItem.mpaa,TV-Y)">This program is designed to be appropriate for all children.</value>
<value condition="SubString(ListItem.mpaa,US:G)">General audiences. All ages admitted.</value>
<value condition="SubString(ListItem.mpaa,PG-13)">Parents strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.</value>
<value condition="Substring(ListItem.mpaa,Rated PG)">Parental guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children.</value>
<value condition="SubString(ListItem.mpaa,US:R)">Restricted. Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian.</value>
<value condition="SubString(ListItem.mpaa,US:NC-17)">Adults only. No One 17 and Under Admitted.</value>
<value condition="SubString(ListItem.mpaa,UK:U)">Suitable for all.</value>
<value condition="SubString(ListItem.mpaa,UK:PG)">General viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children.</value>
<value condition="SubString(ListItem.mpaa,UK:12A)">Cinema release suitable for 12 years and over.</value>
<value condition="SubString(ListItem.mpaa,UK:12)">Video release suitable for 12 years and over.</value>
<value condition="SubString(ListItem.mpaa,UK:15)">Suitable only for 15 years and over.</value>
<value condition="SubString(ListItem.mpaa,UK:18)">Suitable only for adults.</value>
<value condition="SubString(ListItem.mpaa,Germany:6)">Freigegeben ab 6 jahren.</value>
<value condition="SubString(ListItem.mpaa,Germany:12)">Freigegeben ab 12 jahren.</value>
<value condition="SubString(ListItem.mpaa,Germany:16)">Freigegeben ab 16 jahren.</value>
<value condition="SubString(ListItem.mpaa,Germany:18)">Keine jugendfreigabe.</value>
<value condition="SubString(ListItem.mpaa,Germany)">Ohne altersbeschränkung.</value>
<value condition="substring(ListItem.mpaa,France:U)">Tous publics.</value>
<value condition="substring(ListItem.mpaa,France:-10)">Déconseillé aux moins de 10 ans.</value>
<value condition="substring(ListItem.mpaa,France:-12)">Déconseillé aux moins de 12 ans.</value>
<value condition="substring(ListItem.mpaa,France:-16)">Déconseillé aux moins de 16 ans.</value>
<value condition="substring(ListItem.mpaa,France:-18)">Déconseillé aux moins de 18 ans.</value>
<value condition="substring(ListItem.mpaa,Brazil:Livre)">Livre.</value>
<value condition="substring(ListItem.mpaa,Brazil:10">Não recomendado para menores de dez anos.</value>
<value condition="substring(ListItem.mpaa,Brazil:12)">Não recomendado para menores de doze anos.</value>
<value condition="substring(ListItem.mpaa,Brazil:14)">Não recomendado para menores de catorze anos.</value>
<value condition="substring(ListItem.mpaa,Brazil:16)">Não recomendado para menores de dezesseis anos.</value>
<value condition="substring(ListItem.mpaa,Brazil:18)">Não recomendado para menores de dezoito anos.</value>
<value condition="substring(ListItem.mpaa,Rated X)">Rated X.</value>
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release (for Isengard) - FonziQ - 2015-07-28
Hi Mike,
I think it was in shednox someone explained how to get this done: System > submenu >> clean video db
In my case it will be: Movies > submenu >> character set
Dont want to waste your time on personal things like this, but if its simple or if someone can guide me, perfecto.
And for the intro
Possible or not Big thanks Masters of the Universe !!!
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release (for Isengard) - Mike_Doc - 2015-07-28
Thanks Namoi, did see that the other day but forgot to look into it more. Will pull your changes into Madnox. Again thanks.
Thanks Fonziq, will see if I can do that for you and will see if there is a way to play a random video on startup.
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release (for Isengard) - vicmanpergar - 2015-07-28
U guys are making wonders here, thanks a lot for all the work, Mike_doc and Scihimick
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release (for Isengard) - meowmoo - 2015-07-28
Quote:My bad meowmoo, missed doing the vinyl and didn't have time to pull in fake cd stuff, Thanks very much for doing that, I'll merge it and add the relevant controls and sort out the vinyl as well, might be today or tomorroe.
Forgot to say, i added vinyl and bluray disc also, i missed the <visible>Skin.HasSetting(rightlistCD) on all the CDArt, i added it now, also I changed the position of the Handwritten Names, its still not 100% ok, but you will only notice it when you look at the cd like mad ![Tongue Tongue](
the switches where there already, so the Music view should be "done".
now its time to change the MusicVisualisation.xml to my needs ![Tongue Tongue](
watch gallery
Edit: I teset the changes on my main setup (openelc) and noticed that the "plot" pops up for a sec when you press back on the right list view, i will take a look if i can change it
would it be ok if I do a pull request via github windows, or should i just past the code here
@guandms, view_700_rightlist.xml starting at line 1552 <!-- Music RightList -->
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release (for Isengard) - ceekay011 - 2015-07-28
Great skin
Did the update, and now the disc is out in front of de case instead of in it.
How can i fix this ?
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release (for Isengard) - Namoi - 2015-07-28
(2015-07-28, 12:44)Mike_Doc Wrote: Thanks Namoi, did see that the other day but forgot to look into it more. Will pull your changes into Madnox. Again thanks.
Thanks Fonziq, will see if I can do that for you and will see if there is a way to play a random video on startup.
Mike, i edited my post as i made a mistake in some descriptions. It's corrected now. Sorry.
EDIT: Can you also replace the french MPAA logos by these ones ? This set matches the skinned ones. Just extract the zip in the root of the skin and it will replace all of them (included the ones in the extra folder).
Thanks and sorry for the extra work