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Mod Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - Printable Version

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RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - MANswers - 2020-03-31

(2020-03-31, 20:01)latts9923 Wrote: @MANswers
Let me try it on my Linux laptop and I'll get back with you.

Please, thank you so much!!

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - wags1 - 2020-03-31

@latts9923 Thank you very much sir!

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - latts9923 - 2020-04-01

I just installed Aeon MQ 8 and copied the Multi-Mod files to the skin folder on my Linux laptop and it works just fine.

You're welcome!

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - Amjak - 2020-04-02

@latts9923 I have one question, is it possible to handle the Extra Art separately in right list view in series and movies ? When I set the right list view in series to show characterart it also do it for movies.
but I want to show characterart in series and Actress Art in movies.
is this possible? 
thanks for your answer and stay healthy

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - MANswers - 2020-04-02

(2020-04-01, 15:48)latts9923 Wrote: @MANswers
I just installed Aeon MQ 8 and copied the Multi-Mod files to the skin folder on my Linux laptop and it works just fine.

You're welcome!
Thank you. I re-installed Kodi with the original mod and then your mod, and it worked now. Thanks for looking into this and confirming, if you had not done this test, I had not re-installed the OS and reinstalled Kodi to try it out again.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - latts9923 - 2020-04-02

That's a good idea...there are now separate controls for Movies and TV Shows and will default to "OFF" when installing/resetting the skin. It will be part of the next update. Thanks for the request!

You're welcome...glad you got it working!

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - latts9923 - 2020-04-19


  • I added code for the following buttons in the Top Menu to default to the first option when installing/resetting the skin..."CASE ART:" for the Right List View, "VIEW LAYOUT:" and "PLOT:" for the KodiFlix View, and "SHOW TITLE ON TOP AS:", "LANGUAGE FLAGS STYLE" and "DIALOGUE TOP ART" under "COLLECTION/CHANGE VIEW".
  • I added new cases for List 3D, List 3D v2, Shelf 3D, and Shelf 3D v2. I also added case animations for Sets, TV Shows and Seasons to List 3D v2 and Shelf 3D v2. The new cases are available in media/views/shelf3DR. This folder already exists, and I had to change/create a lot of the images, so make sure to copy/replace all the images in the update. Thanks to Bruce_Banner for the idea on the new cases!
  • I added fanart options for Seasons and Episodes.
  • I added three buttons to the music viz screen that allows you to enable/disable the Similar Artist mod. These buttons were available for Layout 7, but not for the other Layouts. You can disable the similar artist, albums and banners. I added code to Layouts 5 and 3D to keep the logo from sliding down if you disable all three. I also removed the Similar Artist Mod from the top of Layout 7 since it is already displayed on the bottom. Thanks to wags1 for the request!

ImageBug fixes
  • The curtains image for videos was not displaying when selected in the Top Menu. There is a new image named "curtains.jpg" in "backgrounds/extras" that needs to be copied.
  • A font was missing from Font.xml for the clock in style7 of the music viz screen.

  • I removed the cd diffuse image on the top right corner of style7 of Music Viz and also increased the size of the clock and removed the fade animation from the clock. Thanks to wags1 for the request!

04-19-20 update

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - wags1 - 2020-04-19

@latts9923 Thanks for the update! Can you do a quick check of the files that you put in the update zip package. I'm seeing issues with both Layout 6 and 7. For example, the three Disc Art switches don't seem to do anything. I get no Disc Art no matter how those switches are set. Also, in Layout 7 I'm still seeing the Artist Albums scroll at the bottom right and the top right. The good news is that the clock display in Layout 7 now looks great... Big Grin

Just for clarity, on Layout 7 I did not see that behavior (Artist albums scroll at bottom right and top right) prior to the update (with JONYEE BEE off).

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - wags1 - 2020-04-19

@latts9923 I located the problem with the artist album and banner display showing up at both the top and the bottom in Layout 7. In the settings screen for Layout 6 their is a switch for the Johnybee mod. If you switch that on, then switch to Layout 7, their is no Johnyee Bee Mod switch in the settings screen for Layout 7. But since you left it on in the settings screen for Layout 6 you get the problem where the artist album and banner display shows up at the top and the bottom of the screen in Layout 7. If you switch the Johnybee Bee Mod off in the Layout 6 settings screen, then switch to Layout 7, it works fine in Layout 7 (you then don't get the artist album and banner displays at top and bottom). Hopefully you can follow all that.... Blush

In Layout 7 the Disc Art switches do not seem to work at all. I don't get any Disc Art at all no matter how I set those switches (although obviously the "Disc Art - Off" switch works perfectly...LOL). In layout 6, same issue for the 3 Disc Art switches but also the "Logo In CD" switch does nothing (although it didn't work previously either).

Hope that all makes sense. Let me know if I can help in any way!

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - billmartian - 2020-04-20


Hey dear Sir,
Thanks again for this nice upgrade.
I do have a question, I saw that there is a "netflix.png" casecover in the media folder.
I was wondering when will that case be used ? Will it be used for Movies, and if so. Does it work with a special "tag" that has to be in the Movie File name ?

I was looking through the xml files, and could find a netflix.png in there, so i was wonderering how the system will do a call on for that cover case.

Best Regards,

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - jinux - 2020-04-20

I did a fresh install but i still do not see the animated surrounding when in tv shows and set to kodiflix. Is it me, or is it just not there ?

I downloaded the mod in the first post, but when reading the thread about music visual 7 i do not have this. So now i am confused.
What i am doing now is i copy the files over from the multimod zip on the first page and then, now i am downloading all the updates and i will copy all the update zips to the mq8 skin folder in chronological order? Maybe this is how it must be done ?

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - latts9923 - 2020-04-21

I see why the Similar Artist Mod is still displaying in the top right of Layout 7. I forgot to change a line in MusicVisualisation.xml...sorry about that. If you open that file, look for...


<include condition="Skin.HasSetting(Similar_Artist_JohnyBee) + ![Skin.String(vis_layout,style6) | Skin.String(vis_layout,karaoke)]">JB_PodobniArtysci_v3</include>

Replace it with this...

<include condition="Skin.HasSetting(Similar_Artist_JohnyBee) + ![Skin.String(vis_layout,style6) | Skin.String(vis_layout,style7) | Skin.String(vis_layout,karaoke)]">JB_PodobniArtysci_v3</include>

The disc art is displaying for me in Layouts 6 & 7. The "Logo in CD" setting will only display when disc art is missing and "DISC ART - ALWAYS VISIBLE" is enabled. I just made a few tweaks to this as well...I noticed the artist and album name on the blank CD was displaying if "DISC ART - IF AVAILABLE" was set.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - latts9923 - 2020-04-21

You're welcome!

The Netflix case is only available in that folder, so it would only display for the 3D views. If I added code to display that case, you wouldn't see a case when using some of the other views.

The animated surround should be working for KodiFlix...make sure you copy all the contents of the media folder to the skin. I update the main Multi-Mod download from the first post at the same time that I post a new update, so if you download that there is no need to download any of the update files up to the time of the most recent update (UPDATE #14). With any future updates, all you have to do is download each new update and copy the included files. I hope I haven't thoroughly confused you.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - billmartian - 2020-04-21

(2020-04-21, 15:05)latts9923 Wrote: @billmartian
You're welcome!

The Netflix case is only available in that folder, so it would only display for the 3D views. If I added code to display that case, you wouldn't see a case when using some of the other views.

The animated surround should be working for KodiFlix...make sure you copy all the contents of the media folder to the skin. I update the main Multi-Mod download from the first post at the same time that I post a new update, so if you download that there is no need to download any of the update files up to the time of the most recent update (UPDATE #14). With any future updates, all you have to do is download each new update and copy the included files. I hope I haven't thoroughly confused you.

Ok i think i understand, but when will the netflix case shown, what will the criteria be when this case will be called upon ?

Like for normal Bluray movies i get the standanrd bluray case, for 4K movies i gete the black UltraHD 4K case.


RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - vansai - 2020-04-21

(2020-04-19, 15:08)latts9923 Wrote: 04-19-20 update

Good day. After the update, I can’t switch groups in the PVR