RE: One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC - Spinalcrack - 2012-08-06
(2012-08-06, 19:38)Aros Wrote: (2012-08-06, 19:32)Spinalcrack Wrote: (2012-08-06, 19:28)Aros Wrote: The folder is empty in Windows. There are no special characters in Etikettt, Etikett is the word. I have tried 4 DVD's including a small, home made DVD with the same result. The script seems to be working properly as I can see the mkv-file building up, but when it's finished something makes the mkv-file dissapear. Rights issue? This is very strange.
Do you have handbrake compression turned on?
That does seem very strange. The way the script works is it rips to your drive with a file called title0.mkv, when it's finished it renames that file with the volume name of the disc which should also be the folder name. The only time it should delete a file is if compression is turned on. This is because when it re-encodes the file it makes a new file during the encoding process and then deletes the original when done.
If handbrake is turned on in AutoRipDVD.bat but handbrake is not actually installed it will fail on the re-encode but continue to delete the original file. The encoding section will only be called if that is set to encode in the options, otherwise it should never make it to that section of the code.
So if it's deleting the file with handbrake turned off, then something is up. Is there enough space on your drive? Something silly like that.
Can you please do two things. One, do a disc rip by running AutoRipDVD.bat from a terminal window to see if it gives any errors while running. Two, paste your AutoRipDVD.bat file here so I can take a look at it.
RE: One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC - Aros - 2012-08-06
(2012-08-06, 20:05)Spinalcrack Wrote: That does seem very strange. The way the script works is it rips to your drive with a file called title0.mkv, when it's finished it renames that file with the volume name of the disc which should also be the folder name. The only time it should delete a file is if compression is turned on. This is because when it re-encodes the file it makes a new file during the encoding process and then deletes the original when done.
If handbrake is turned on in AutoRipDVD.bat but handbrake is not actually installed it will fail on the re-encode but continue to delete the original file. The encoding section will only be called if that is set to encode in the options, otherwise it should never make it to that section of the code.
So if it's deleting the file with handbrake turned off, then something is up. Is there enough space on your drive? Something silly like that.
Can you please do two things. One, do a disc rip by running AutoRipDVD.bat from a terminal window to see if it gives any errors while running. Two, paste your AutoRipDVD.bat file here so I can take a look at it.
I'm ripping as we speak and here is my .bat for you to look at in the meantime.
Code: @Echo offSetlocal enableextensions
::*** AutoRipDVD is brought to you by Spinalcracker
::*** Change the following variables to match your setup
::*** DriveLetter=The drive letter of your DVD or Blu-Ray drive ie. D: or G: etc
Set DriveLetter=E:
::*** RipDir=Where you want your DVD ripped to ie. your xbmc movie folder *BE SURE TO INCLUDE TRAILING \
Set RipDir=V:\Filmer\
::*** IntDir=Where you installed MakeMKV to
Set IntDir=C:\Program Files\MakeMKV\
::*** ScriptPath=Where the files for this script are located with trailing "\" ie. Where AutoRipComplete.vbs & Beep.vbs are located *BE SURE TO INCLUDE TRAILING \
Set ScriptPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD\
::*** RipMinSeconds=Minimum time in seconds that should be ripped off disk to avoid getting previews etc. Default is 3600 seconds or 1 hour
Set RipMinSeconds=3600
::*** Using Handbrake to compress - Yes or No?
Set Handbrake=No
::*** Sets the install path to handbrake
Set Handbrakepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Handbrake\
::*** Sets the level of compression in Handbrake so unless you really know what you are doing, do NOT adjust this next setting!
Set X264=b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50:me=umh:bframes=5:ref=6:direct=auto:trellis=2:subq=10:psy-rd=1.0,0.10:analyse=all
::*** Sets the format of the new compressed file, so again, unless you know what you are doing, please leave it as mkv!
Set FORMAT=--optimize --format mkv
::*** Sets the quality to something visually appealing but in a small files size - play with this if your outcome isn't to your liking
Set QUALITY=--ab 64 --mixdown mono --quality 23 -e x264 -x %X264%
::*** Sets the output to 720p resolution - change if you prefer something else
Set SIZE=--width 1280 --height 720
::******* DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS!!!!!!************************************************
::For /f %%# In ('Mountvol^|Findstr [d-z]:\\') Do (
:: Fsutil fsinfo drivetype %%#|Find "CD-ROM">Nul&&(Set "CDROM=%%~d#"))
::If Not Defined CDROM call :NoDrive
for /f "tokens=1-5*" %%1 in ('vol %CDROM%') do (
set volid=%%6 & goto processcontd
set nospace=%volid%
echo [%nospace%]
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%A in ('echo %nospace% ') do set nospace=%%A
set nospace=%nospace:~0,-1%
echo [%nospace%]
set volid=%nospace%
echo: %volid%
set str=%volid%
set str=%str:_= %
set volid=%str%
If "%volid%"=="_= " call :NoDrive
Echo:Ripping %volid% now...
mkdir "%RipDir%%volid%"
cd /d "%ScriptPath%"
cd /d "%IntDir%"
makemkvcon.exe --minlength=%RipMinSeconds% mkv disc:0 all "%RipDir%%volid%"
SET _tmpPath="%RipDir%%volid%"
cd /d %_tmpPath%
for %%i in ("title*.mkv") do (set fname=%%i) & call :rename
If %Handbrake%==Yes call :HBEncode
cd /d "%ScriptPath%"
cscript Beep.vbs
cd /d "%ScriptPath%"
cscript Beep.vbs
::Cuts off 1st 5 characters of fname, then appends prefix
ren %fname% "%volid%"_%fname:~5%
cd /d "%Handbrakepath%"
HandBrakeCLI -v0 -i "%RipDir%%volid%" -o "%RipDir%%volid%\%volid% 720p.mkv" %FORMAT% %QUALITY% %SIZE%
cd /d %_tmpPath%
del "%volid%_*.mkv"
RE: One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC - Spinalcrack - 2012-08-06
Ok.. I see a bug. No idea how this didn't happen during my testing when I released the Handbrake compression version, but I definitely see it now. Thank you for helping me troubleshoot this.
Fix will be ready soon.
(2012-08-06, 20:55)Aros Wrote: (2012-08-06, 20:05)Spinalcrack Wrote: That does seem very strange. The way the script works is it rips to your drive with a file called title0.mkv, when it's finished it renames that file with the volume name of the disc which should also be the folder name. The only time it should delete a file is if compression is turned on. This is because when it re-encodes the file it makes a new file during the encoding process and then deletes the original when done.
If handbrake is turned on in AutoRipDVD.bat but handbrake is not actually installed it will fail on the re-encode but continue to delete the original file. The encoding section will only be called if that is set to encode in the options, otherwise it should never make it to that section of the code.
So if it's deleting the file with handbrake turned off, then something is up. Is there enough space on your drive? Something silly like that.
Can you please do two things. One, do a disc rip by running AutoRipDVD.bat from a terminal window to see if it gives any errors while running. Two, paste your AutoRipDVD.bat file here so I can take a look at it.
I'm ripping as we speak and here is my .bat for you to look at in the meantime.
Aros, Please copy the code below and use it to replace everything in the AutoRipDVD.bat file. This should resolve your problem.
Code: @Echo offSetlocal enableextensions
::*** AutoRipDVD is brought to you by Spinalcracker
::*** Change the following variables to match your setup
::*** DriveLetter=The drive letter of your DVD or Blu-Ray drive ie. D: or G: etc
Set DriveLetter=E:
::*** RipDir=Where you want your DVD ripped to ie. your xbmc movie folder *BE SURE TO INCLUDE TRAILING \
Set RipDir=V:\Filmer\
::*** IntDir=Where you installed MakeMKV to
Set IntDir=C:\Program Files\MakeMKV
::*** ScriptPath=Where the files for this script are located with trailing "\" ie. Where AutoRipComplete.vbs & Beep.vbs are located *BE SURE TO INCLUDE TRAILING \
Set ScriptPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD\
::*** RipMinSeconds=Minimum time in seconds that should be ripped off disk to avoid getting previews etc. Default is 3600 seconds or 1 hour
Set RipMinSeconds=3600
::*** Using Handbrake to compress - Yes or No?
Set Handbrake=No
::*** Sets the install path to handbrake
Set Handbrakepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Handbrake\
::*** Sets the level of compression in Handbrake so unless you really know what you are doing, do NOT adjust this next setting!
Set X264=b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50:me=umh:bframes=5:ref=6:direct=auto:trellis=2:subq=10:psy-rd=1.0,0.10:analyse=all
::*** Sets the format of the new compressed file, so again, unless you know what you are doing, please leave it as mkv!
Set FORMAT=--optimize --format mkv
::*** Sets the quality to something visually appealing but in a small files size - play with this if your outcome isn't to your liking
Set QUALITY=--ab 64 --mixdown mono --quality 23 -e x264 -x %X264%
::*** Sets the output to 720p resolution - change if you prefer something else
Set SIZE=--width 1280 --height 720
::******* DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS!!!!!!************************************************
::For /f %%# In ('Mountvol^|Findstr [d-z]:\\') Do (
:: Fsutil fsinfo drivetype %%#|Find "CD-ROM">Nul&&(Set "CDROM=%%~d#"))
::If Not Defined CDROM call :NoDrive
for /f "tokens=1-5*" %%1 in ('vol %DriveLetter%') do (
set volid=%%6 & goto processcontd
set nospace=%volid%
echo [%nospace%]
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%A in ('echo %nospace% ') do set nospace=%%A
set nospace=%nospace:~0,-1%
echo [%nospace%]
set volid=%nospace%
echo: %volid%
set str=%volid%
set str=%str:_= %
set volid=%str%
If "%volid%"=="_= " call :NoDrive
Echo:Ripping %volid% now...
mkdir "%RipDir%%volid%"
cd /d "%ScriptPath%"
cd /d "%IntDir%"
makemkvcon64.exe --minlength=%RipMinSeconds% mkv disc:0 all "%RipDir%%volid%"
SET _tmpPath="%RipDir%%volid%"
cd /d %_tmpPath%
for %%i in ("title*.mkv") do (set fname=%%i) & call :rename
If %Handbrake%==Yes call :HBEncode
cd /d "%ScriptPath%"
cscript Beep.vbs
cd /d "%ScriptPath%"
cscript Beep.vbs
cd /d "%Handbrakepath%"
HandBrakeCLI -v0 -i "%RipDir%%volid%" -o "%RipDir%%volid%\%volid% 720p.mkv" %FORMAT% %QUALITY% %SIZE%
cd /d %_tmpPath%
del "%volid%_*.mkv"
::Cuts off 1st 5 characters of fname, then appends prefix
ren %fname% "%volid%"_%fname:~5%
*** Major Bug Fix *** - Spinalcrack - 2012-08-06
**** Major bug fixed - Thanks to Aros for helping troubleshoot ***
AutoRipDVD was deleting files after completion where Handbrake was disabled or not. It's now fixed. You can either download a new copy and re-install from the links in the first post, or you can copy and paste this AutoRipDVD.bat file, set your paths again and be gtg.
Code: @Echo offSetlocal enableextensions
::*** AutoRipDVD is brought to you by Spinalcracker
::*** Change the following variables to match your setup
::*** DriveLetter=The drive letter of your DVD or Blu-Ray drive ie. D: or G: etc
Set DriveLetter=D:
::*** RipDir=Where you want your DVD ripped to ie. your xbmc movie folder *BE SURE TO INCLUDE TRAILING \
Set RipDir=E:\Movies\
::*** IntDir=Where you installed MakeMKV to
Set IntDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\MakeMKV
::*** ScriptPath=Where the files for this script are located with trailing "\" ie. Where AutoRipComplete.vbs & Beep.vbs are located *BE SURE TO INCLUDE TRAILING \
Set ScriptPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD\
::*** RipMinSeconds=Minimum time in seconds that should be ripped off disk to avoid getting previews etc. Default is 3600 seconds or 1 hour
Set RipMinSeconds=3600
::*** Using Handbrake to compress - Yes or No?
Set Handbrake=No
::*** Sets the install path to handbrake
Set Handbrakepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Handbrake\
::*** Sets the level of compression in Handbrake so unless you really know what you are doing, do NOT adjust this next setting!
Set X264=b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50:me=umh:bframes=5:ref=6:direct=auto:trellis=2:subq=10:psy-rd=1.0,0.10:analyse=all
::*** Sets the format of the new compressed file, so again, unless you know what you are doing, please leave it as mkv!
Set FORMAT=--optimize --format mkv
::*** Sets the quality to something visually appealing but in a small files size - play with this if your outcome isn't to your liking
Set QUALITY=--ab 64 --mixdown mono --quality 23 -e x264 -x %X264%
::*** Sets the output to 720p resolution - change if you prefer something else
Set SIZE=--width 1280 --height 720
::******* DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS!!!!!!************************************************
::For /f %%# In ('Mountvol^|Findstr [d-z]:\\') Do (
:: Fsutil fsinfo drivetype %%#|Find "CD-ROM">Nul&&(Set "CDROM=%%~d#"))
::If Not Defined CDROM call :NoDrive
for /f "tokens=1-5*" %%1 in ('vol %DriveLetter%') do (
set volid=%%6 & goto processcontd
set nospace=%volid%
echo [%nospace%]
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%A in ('echo %nospace% ') do set nospace=%%A
set nospace=%nospace:~0,-1%
echo [%nospace%]
set volid=%nospace%
echo: %volid%
set str=%volid%
set str=%str:_= %
set volid=%str%
If "%volid%"=="_= " call :NoDrive
Echo:Ripping %volid% now...
mkdir "%RipDir%%volid%"
cd /d "%ScriptPath%"
cd /d "%IntDir%"
makemkvcon64.exe --minlength=%RipMinSeconds% mkv disc:0 all "%RipDir%%volid%"
SET _tmpPath="%RipDir%%volid%"
cd /d %_tmpPath%
for %%i in ("title*.mkv") do (set fname=%%i) & call :rename
If %Handbrake%==Yes call :HBEncode
cd /d "%ScriptPath%"
cscript Beep.vbs
cd /d "%ScriptPath%"
cscript Beep.vbs
cd /d "%Handbrakepath%"
HandBrakeCLI -v0 -i "%RipDir%%volid%" -o "%RipDir%%volid%\%volid% 720p.mkv" %FORMAT% %QUALITY% %SIZE%
cd /d %_tmpPath%
del "%volid%_*.mkv"
::Cuts off 1st 5 characters of fname, then appends prefix
ren %fname% "%volid%"_%fname:~5%
RE: One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC - Aros - 2012-08-06
Well, before I used your new .bat I installed Handbrake and the MKV did not get deleted, so the problem was properly the lack of Handbrake.
BUT there is still the issue of the DVD title. Here's the content of my cmd.exe after running the (old) autoripdvd.bat:
Code: C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>autoripdvd.bat
offSetlocal enableextensions
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set DriveLetter=E:
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set RipDir=V:\Filmer\
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set IntDir=C:\Program Files\MakeMKV\
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set ScriptPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipD
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set RipMinSeconds=3600
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set Handbrake=No
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set Handbrakepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Handb
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set X264=b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50:me=umh:bfra
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set FORMAT=--optimize --format mkv
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set QUALITY=--ab 64 --mixdown mono --quality 2
3 -e x264 -x b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50:me=umh:bframes=5:ref=6:direct=auto:trelli
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set SIZE=--width 1280 --height 720
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>for /F "tokens=1-5*" %1 in ('vol ') do (set vo
lid=%6 & goto processcontd )
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>(set volid=ingen etikett. & goto processcont
d )
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set nospace=ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>echo [ingen etikett. ]
[ingen etikett. ]
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>echo.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>for /F "tokens=* delims= " %A in ('echo ingen
etikett. ') do set nospace=%A
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set nospace=ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set nospace=ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>echo [ingen etikett.]
[ingen etikett.]
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set volid=ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>echo: ingen etikett.
ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set str=ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>echo.ingen etikett.
ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set str=ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>echo.ingen etikett.
ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set volid=ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>If "ingen etikett." == "_= " call :NoDrive
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Echo:Ripping ingen etikett. now...
Ripping ingen etikett. now...
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>mkdir "V:\Filmer\ingen etikett."
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>cd /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD\"
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>OSDAutoRip.hta
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>cd /d "C:\Program Files\MakeMKV\"
C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>makemkvcon.exe --minlength=3600 mkv disc:0 all "V:\Film
er\ingen etikett."
MakeMKV v1.7.6 win(x86-release) startades
Anv+Ònder direkt +—tkomstl+Òge
Titel #0 har lagts till (16 cell(er), 2:17:10)
Titel #1 har en l+Òngd p+— 525 sekunder som +Òr mindre +Òn l+Ògsta l+Òngd p+— 36
00 sekunder och hoppas d+Òrf+¬r +¬ver
Titel #2 har en l+Òngd p+— 21 sekunder som +Òr mindre +Òn l+Ògsta l+Òngd p+— 360
0 sekunder och hoppas d+Òrf+¬r +¬ver
Titel #3 har en l+Òngd p+— 21 sekunder som +Òr mindre +Òn l+Ògsta l+Òngd p+— 360
0 sekunder och hoppas d+Òrf+¬r +¬ver
Titel #4 har en l+Òngd p+— 21 sekunder som +Òr mindre +Òn l+Ògsta l+Òngd p+— 360
0 sekunder och hoppas d+Òrf+¬r +¬ver
Titel #5 har en l+Òngd p+— 21 sekunder som +Òr mindre +Òn l+Ògsta l+Òngd p+— 360
0 sekunder och hoppas d+Òrf+¬r +¬ver
Titel #6 har en l+Òngd p+— 11 sekunder som +Òr mindre +Òn l+Ògsta l+Òngd p+— 360
0 sekunder och hoppas d+Òrf+¬r +¬ver
+‡tg+Òrden har framg+—ngsrikt slutf+¬rts
Sparar 1 titel till mapp V:\Filmer\ingen etikett.
1 titel sparades
Kopiering klar. 1 titel sparades.
C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>_tmpPath="V:\Filmer\ingen etikett."
_tmpPath ‰r inte ett internt kommando, externt kommando,
program eller kommandofil.
C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>cd /d
Felaktig syntax fˆr filnamn, katalognamn eller volymetikett.
C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>for %i in ("title*.mkv") do (set fname=%i ) & call :re
C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>If No == Yes call :HBEncode
C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>cd /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD\"
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>AutoRipComplete.vbs
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>cscript Beep.vbs
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. Med ensamr‰tt.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>goto:eof
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>
I will try and translate:
"C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>_tmpPath="V:\Filmer\ingen etikett."
_tmpPath ‰r inte ett internt kommando, externt kommando,
program eller kommandofil."
= _tmpPath is not a internal command, external command, program och command file.
"C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>cd /d
Felaktig syntax fˆr filnamn, katalognamn eller volymetikett."
= Wrong syntax for filename, directory name or volume label.
The foldername is still "etiketten + THE NAME OF THE DVD" and the MKV-file name is "title00.mkv".
Using the new .bat file the ripped filename is now "etiketten FILMMAPP_00.mkv" where FILMMAPP is the name of the DVD
RE: One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC - Spinalcrack - 2012-08-06
(2012-08-06, 22:00)Aros Wrote: Well, before I used your new .bat I installed Handbrake and the MKV did not get deleted, so the problem was properly the lack of Handbrake.
BUT there is still the issue of the DVD title. Here's the content of my cmd.exe after running the (old) autoripdvd.bat:
Code: C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>autoripdvd.bat
offSetlocal enableextensions
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set DriveLetter=E:
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set RipDir=V:\Filmer\
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set IntDir=C:\Program Files\MakeMKV\
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set ScriptPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipD
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set RipMinSeconds=3600
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set Handbrake=No
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set Handbrakepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Handb
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set X264=b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50:me=umh:bfra
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set FORMAT=--optimize --format mkv
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set QUALITY=--ab 64 --mixdown mono --quality 2
3 -e x264 -x b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50:me=umh:bframes=5:ref=6:direct=auto:trelli
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Set SIZE=--width 1280 --height 720
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>for /F "tokens=1-5*" %1 in ('vol ') do (set vo
lid=%6 & goto processcontd )
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>(set volid=ingen etikett. & goto processcont
d )
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set nospace=ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>echo [ingen etikett. ]
[ingen etikett. ]
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>echo.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>for /F "tokens=* delims= " %A in ('echo ingen
etikett. ') do set nospace=%A
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set nospace=ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set nospace=ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>echo [ingen etikett.]
[ingen etikett.]
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set volid=ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>echo: ingen etikett.
ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set str=ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>echo.ingen etikett.
ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set str=ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>echo.ingen etikett.
ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>set volid=ingen etikett.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>If "ingen etikett." == "_= " call :NoDrive
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>Echo:Ripping ingen etikett. now...
Ripping ingen etikett. now...
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>mkdir "V:\Filmer\ingen etikett."
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>cd /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD\"
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>OSDAutoRip.hta
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>cd /d "C:\Program Files\MakeMKV\"
C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>makemkvcon.exe --minlength=3600 mkv disc:0 all "V:\Film
er\ingen etikett."
MakeMKV v1.7.6 win(x86-release) startades
Anv+Ònder direkt +—tkomstl+Òge
Titel #0 har lagts till (16 cell(er), 2:17:10)
Titel #1 har en l+Òngd p+— 525 sekunder som +Òr mindre +Òn l+Ògsta l+Òngd p+— 36
00 sekunder och hoppas d+Òrf+¬r +¬ver
Titel #2 har en l+Òngd p+— 21 sekunder som +Òr mindre +Òn l+Ògsta l+Òngd p+— 360
0 sekunder och hoppas d+Òrf+¬r +¬ver
Titel #3 har en l+Òngd p+— 21 sekunder som +Òr mindre +Òn l+Ògsta l+Òngd p+— 360
0 sekunder och hoppas d+Òrf+¬r +¬ver
Titel #4 har en l+Òngd p+— 21 sekunder som +Òr mindre +Òn l+Ògsta l+Òngd p+— 360
0 sekunder och hoppas d+Òrf+¬r +¬ver
Titel #5 har en l+Òngd p+— 21 sekunder som +Òr mindre +Òn l+Ògsta l+Òngd p+— 360
0 sekunder och hoppas d+Òrf+¬r +¬ver
Titel #6 har en l+Òngd p+— 11 sekunder som +Òr mindre +Òn l+Ògsta l+Òngd p+— 360
0 sekunder och hoppas d+Òrf+¬r +¬ver
+‡tg+Òrden har framg+—ngsrikt slutf+¬rts
Sparar 1 titel till mapp V:\Filmer\ingen etikett.
1 titel sparades
Kopiering klar. 1 titel sparades.
C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>_tmpPath="V:\Filmer\ingen etikett."
_tmpPath ‰r inte ett internt kommando, externt kommando,
program eller kommandofil.
C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>cd /d
Felaktig syntax fˆr filnamn, katalognamn eller volymetikett.
C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>for %i in ("title*.mkv") do (set fname=%i ) & call :re
C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>If No == Yes call :HBEncode
C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>cd /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD\"
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>AutoRipComplete.vbs
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>cscript Beep.vbs
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. Med ensamr‰tt.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>goto:eof
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD>
I will try and translate:
"C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>_tmpPath="V:\Filmer\ingen etikett."
_tmpPath ‰r inte ett internt kommando, externt kommando,
program eller kommandofil."
= _tmpPath is not a internal command, external command, program och command file.
"C:\Program Files\MakeMKV>cd /d
Felaktig syntax fˆr filnamn, katalognamn eller volymetikett."
= Wrong syntax for filename, directory name or volume label.
The foldername is still "etiketten + THE NAME OF THE DVD" and the MKV-file name is "title00.mkv".
Take the slash off the end of this line
Code: Set IntDir=C:\Program Files\MakeMKV\
so it reads
Code: Set IntDir=C:\Program Files\MakeMKV
One of the lines needs the trailing slash but not that one. That is why it is naming incorrectly. I copied and pasted part of the code I gave earlier in the thread and didn't notice you had added a slash there.
Let me know how that goes
RE: One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC - Aros - 2012-08-06
OK, tomorrow. It's bedtime here in Sweden. Thanks!
RE: One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC - Spinalcrack - 2012-08-06
Add this to your AutoRipDVD.bat file
Code: set volid=%volid:etiketten =%
1 line above
Code: mkdir "%RipDir%%volid%"
So it looks like this
Code: Echo:Ripping %volid% now...
set volid=%volid:etiketten =%
mkdir "%RipDir%%volid%"
cd /d "%ScriptPath%"
That will remove "etiketten " any time it is present in the disc name which as it means "label", is probably always. That should allow the new folder and file name to be scrapper friendly (the 00 part shouldn't be a problem for the scrapper's).
Even if it's not always present as part of the volume name, it should not hurt anything.
RE: One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC - Willy Stroker - 2012-08-07
Hey Spinal thanks for the quick reply. I restarted the process and logged it all with 64-bit Handbreak installation. I tried changing to the 32-bit installation to see if that changed anything, but it's still the same result.
This is my copied cmd prompt.
RE: One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC - Spinalcrack - 2012-08-07
(2012-08-07, 01:40)Willy Stroker Wrote: Hey Spinal thanks for the quick reply. I restarted the process and logged it all with 64-bit Handbreak installation. I tried changing to the 32-bit installation to see if that changed anything, but it's still the same result.
This is my copied cmd prompt.
I just pushed out a major bug fix today, that I believe will solve your issue as well. Download a new copy of AutoRipDVD and reset your paths, or see this post here for the new AutoRipDVD.bat that you can copy and paste (you will still need to set your paths and change the Handbrake flag).
RE: One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC - wints - 2012-08-07
(2012-08-06, 08:29)wints Wrote: (2012-08-06, 03:08)Spinalcrack Wrote: Also, for everyone using handbrake with AutoRipDVD, please make sure you have the latest CLI version. It can be downloaded from here:
The link in the first post was pointing to the gui version (they changed their site ), but it is updated now. The latest release has a number of bug fixes, so definitely get it.
Ok thanks for the headsup mate
Right feel like a right idiot now lol i have the GUI version of handbrake installed already (from when i first started to use this addon) then you posted the above so i downloaded the CLI version now my silly question is what do i do with it? do i point the path to handbrake in the AutoRipDVD.bat to where i downloaded the CLI version too? cheers
RE: One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC - Aros - 2012-08-07
(2012-08-06, 22:04)Spinalcrack Wrote: Take the slash off the end of this line
Code: Set IntDir=C:\Program Files\MakeMKV\
so it reads
Code: Set IntDir=C:\Program Files\MakeMKV
One of the lines needs the trailing slash but not that one. That is why it is naming incorrectly. I copied and pasted part of the code I gave earlier in the thread and didn't notice you had added a slash there.
Let me know how that goes
Just wanted to say that everything seems to work just fine now.
Glad i could help trobleshooting and thank's for your great work and rapid respons!
RE: One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC - Spinalcrack - 2012-08-07
(2012-08-07, 07:55)wints Wrote: (2012-08-06, 08:29)wints Wrote: (2012-08-06, 03:08)Spinalcrack Wrote: Also, for everyone using handbrake with AutoRipDVD, please make sure you have the latest CLI version. It can be downloaded from here:
The link in the first post was pointing to the gui version (they changed their site ), but it is updated now. The latest release has a number of bug fixes, so definitely get it.
Ok thanks for the headsup mate
Right feel like a right idiot now lol i have the GUI version of handbrake installed already (from when i first started to use this addon) then you posted the above so i downloaded the CLI version now my silly question is what do i do with it? do i point the path to handbrake in the AutoRipDVD.bat to where i downloaded the CLI version too? cheers
Extract the cli files out of the zip to where ever you like and then set the path in the AutoRipDVD.bat file. Make sure you are using the latest version of AutoRipDVD as I just updated it yesterday.
RE: One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC - wints - 2012-08-07
(2012-08-07, 13:56)Spinalcrack Wrote: (2012-08-07, 07:55)wints Wrote: (2012-08-06, 08:29)wints Wrote: Ok thanks for the headsup mate
Right feel like a right idiot now lol i have the GUI version of handbrake installed already (from when i first started to use this addon) then you posted the above so i downloaded the CLI version now my silly question is what do i do with it? do i point the path to handbrake in the AutoRipDVD.bat to where i downloaded the CLI version too? cheers
Extract the cli files out of the zip to where ever you like and then set the path in the AutoRipDVD.bat file. Make sure you are using the latest version of AutoRipDVD as I just updated it yesterday. Cheers for that mate
RE: One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC - wints - 2012-08-09
ok a couple of things why does AutoRipDVD eject the disk after ripping but then tell you that theres no disc in the drive please insert the disk? and second just noticed that when i watch the rip in XBMC the sound is flagged as 1.0? any ideas what im doing wrong? cheers