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Release Google Play Music - From scratch - Printable Version

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RE: Google Play Music - From scratch - Ikem - 2016-03-18

(2016-03-17, 00:49)Tadly Wrote: Alrighty...
Same procedure as before

Download that...
...and extract it etc.

Go through the setup again.
This time you should get a different dialog (one that asks you to use your pcs mac-address instead) <- hit Yes

After that you should be up and running Smile (I hope)
Let me know either way Wink
This worked flawlessly. Christian is very excited about the addon. I like it too. Smile

A few notes:


(2016-03-17, 00:49)Tadly Wrote: Go through the setup again.
This time you should get a different dialog (one that asks you to use your pcs mac-address instead) <- hit Yes

I suggest to drop that dialog and use the pc mac-address as default.

And to put an option in the settings "[x] Use pc mac-address for verification".

I suggest to use "Addon settings" > "Actions" > "Clear search history" and add that point to the "Search" context menu.

And Christian wanted an option to disable the messages which appear when the addon connect to a stream.


Christian and me encountered some bugs:

When you go to "Listen Now" > "I'm feeling lucky radio" it trys to open them and closes them immediately.

When you go to "Listen Now" > "It's thursday evening" it trys to open them, shows an error message, and closes them.

I uploaded the kodi.log here:



I want to see the addon translated into german.

I would volunter to translate it, if you tell me how.

RE: Google Play Music - From scratch - tadly - 2016-03-18

(2016-03-18, 00:57)Ikem Wrote: This worked flawlessly. Christian is very excited about the addon. I like it too. Smile
Finally! Smile
Happy to hear it worked out now

(2016-03-18, 00:57)Ikem Wrote: I suggest to drop that dialog and use the pc mac-address as default.
And to put an option in the settings "[x] Use pc mac-address for verification".
Hm, not a 100% sure on that one but I for myself don't care as I've a bunch of android devices connected anyway.
So yeah, I could do that.
I'll consider that as low prio though as you run the setup only once and than you'r pretty much fine for quite some

(2016-03-18, 00:57)Ikem Wrote: I suggest to use "Addon settings" > "Actions" > "Clear search history" and add that point to the "Search" context menu.
Good point, will do that Smile

(2016-03-18, 00:57)Ikem Wrote: And Christian wanted an option to disable the messages which appear when the addon connect to a stream.
That's how the Kodi core works and is the same for everything streaming related. I, as add-on, can't change that.

(2016-03-18, 00:57)Ikem Wrote: Bugs:

Christian and me encountered some bugs:

When you go to "Listen Now" > "I'm feeling lucky radio" it trys to open them and closes them immediately.

When you go to "Listen Now" > "It's thursday evening" it trys to open them, shows an error message, and closes them.

I uploaded the kodi.log here:


"Listen Now" > "I'm feeling lucky radio"
I'm feeling lucky (IFL in short) should start music playback straight away (without listing the songs beforehand).
For me that works just fine.
So I'm not sure if I misunderstood something.
The kodi.log does say...
ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/play/station?station_id=IFL
ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/play/station?station_id=IFL) failed
...however that's fine (same for me on linux)

"Listen Now" > "It's thursday evening"
Yap, that was a silly silly bug. Fixed on master branch Smile

(2016-03-18, 00:57)Ikem Wrote: Others:

I want to see the addon translated into german.

I would volunter to translate it, if you tell me how.

I probably shouldn't say that I'm actually from germany and speak german just fine and that I could translate it myself.
I use all my stuff in english though so I don't really care about german translations at all :>

But if you volunteer, than go ahead Smile

Do you know how to use git/github? (I'd prefer proper pull-request but if you don't, than we'll start slow and easy)

Slow and easy:
1. Get that file -> https://github.com/linuxwhatelse/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/blob/master/resources/language/English/strings.po
2. For each string, add the translated value to "msgstr"
Before your translation:
msgctxt "#30000"
msgid "General"
msgstr ""

After your translation:
msgctxt "#30000"
msgid "General"
msgstr "Allgemein"
3. To test your translation, create a folder plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resource/language/German, throw your new strings.po in there
and start kodi Wink
4. send that file to me and I'll include it

If you know how to use git.
1. fork my project
2. create the previously mentioned folder
3. do your translation
4. send a pull request

RE: Google Play Music - From scratch - Win a 2 - 2016-03-18

(2016-03-10, 22:38)Tadly Wrote:
(2016-03-10, 22:24)Win a 2 Wrote: latest version throws exception after start:

21:23:46 T:139763503490816  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
21:23:46 T:139764962543488   ERROR: Control 51 in window 10502 has been asked to focus, but it can't
21:23:46 T:139763503490816  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
21:23:46 T:139763503490816   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>
                                            Error Contents: No module named lib2to3.pgen2.parse
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/default.py", line 28, in <module>
                                                from routes import listen_now
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/routes/listen_now.py", line 12, in <module>
                                                from gmusic import GMusic
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/gmusic.py", line 9, in <module>
                                                from gmusicapi import Mobileclient, Webclient
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resources/libs/lib/gmusicapi/__init__.py", line 4, in <module>
                                                from gmusicapi.clients import Webclient, Musicmanager, Mobileclient
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resources/libs/lib/gmusicapi/clients/__init__.py", line 2, in <module>
                                                from gmusicapi.clients.webclient import Webclient
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resources/libs/lib/gmusicapi/clients/webclient.py", line 4, in <module>
                                                from past.builtins import basestring
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resources/libs/lib/past/__init__.py", line 88, in <module>
                                                from past.translation import install_hooks as autotranslate
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resources/libs/lib/past/translation/__init__.py", line 41, in <module>
                                                from lib2to3.pgen2.parse import ParseError
                                            ImportError: No module named lib2to3.pgen2.parse
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
21:23:46 T:139764962543488   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/
21:23:46 T:139764962543488   ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/) failed
21:23:46 T:139763503490816  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false

What system are you on?

Can you try something?
Download http://kodi.linuxwhatelse.com/tmp/lib2to3.zip and extract it to:

You should end up with:
and than try again.

If it works, let me know and I'll include it with the plugin in future versions.

Does not fix it:
15:34:38 T:139947172407040  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
15:34:38 T:139947172407040   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>
                                            Error Contents: No module named lib2to3.pgen2.parse
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/default.py", line 28, in <module>
                                                from routes import listen_now
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/routes/listen_now.py", line 12, in <module>
                                                from gmusic import GMusic
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/gmusic.py", line 9, in <module>
                                                from gmusicapi import Mobileclient, Webclient
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resources/libs/lib/gmusicapi/__init__.py", line 4, in <module>
                                                from gmusicapi.clients import Webclient, Musicmanager, Mobileclient
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resources/libs/lib/gmusicapi/clients/__init__.py", line 2, in <module>
                                                from gmusicapi.clients.webclient import Webclient
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resources/libs/lib/gmusicapi/clients/webclient.py", line 4, in <module>
                                                from past.builtins import basestring
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resources/libs/lib/past/__init__.py", line 88, in <module>
                                                from past.translation import install_hooks as autotranslate
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resources/libs/lib/past/translation/__init__.py", line 41, in <module>
                                                from lib2to3.pgen2.parse import ParseError
                                            ImportError: No module named lib2to3.pgen2.parse
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
15:34:38 T:139947771520896   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/
15:34:38 T:139947771520896   ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/) failed
15:34:38 T:139947172407040  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
NUC:~/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resources/libs/lib-sys #  ls lib2to3
Grammar.txt                          btm_matcher.py                       fixer_util.pyc                       pygram.py
Grammar2.7.11.final.0.pickle         btm_matcher.pyc                      fixer_util.pyo                       pygram.pyc
PatternGrammar.txt                   btm_matcher.pyo                      fixes                                pygram.pyo
PatternGrammar2.7.11.final.0.pickle  btm_utils.py                         main.py                              pytree.py
__init__.py                          btm_utils.pyc                        main.pyc                             pytree.pyc
__init__.pyc                         btm_utils.pyo                        main.pyo                             pytree.pyo
__init__.pyo                         fixer_base.py                        patcomp.py                           refactor.py
__main__.py                          fixer_base.pyc                       patcomp.pyc                          refactor.pyc
__main__.pyc                         fixer_base.pyo                       patcomp.pyo                          refactor.pyo
__main__.pyo                         fixer_util.py                        pgen2                                tests

RE: Google Play Music - From scratch - tadly - 2016-03-18

(2016-03-18, 16:39)Win a 2 Wrote: Does not fix it:
15:34:38 T:139947172407040  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
15:34:38 T:139947172407040   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>
                                            Error Contents: No module named lib2to3.pgen2.parse
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/default.py", line 28, in <module>
                                                from routes import listen_now
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/routes/listen_now.py", line 12, in <module>
                                                from gmusic import GMusic
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/gmusic.py", line 9, in <module>
                                                from gmusicapi import Mobileclient, Webclient
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resources/libs/lib/gmusicapi/__init__.py", line 4, in <module>
                                                from gmusicapi.clients import Webclient, Musicmanager, Mobileclient
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resources/libs/lib/gmusicapi/clients/__init__.py", line 2, in <module>
                                                from gmusicapi.clients.webclient import Webclient
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resources/libs/lib/gmusicapi/clients/webclient.py", line 4, in <module>
                                                from past.builtins import basestring
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resources/libs/lib/past/__init__.py", line 88, in <module>
                                                from past.translation import install_hooks as autotranslate
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resources/libs/lib/past/translation/__init__.py", line 41, in <module>
                                                from lib2to3.pgen2.parse import ParseError
                                            ImportError: No module named lib2to3.pgen2.parse
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
15:34:38 T:139947771520896   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/
15:34:38 T:139947771520896   ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/) failed
15:34:38 T:139947172407040  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
NUC:~/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resources/libs/lib-sys #  ls lib2to3
Grammar.txt                          btm_matcher.py                       fixer_util.pyc                       pygram.py
Grammar2.7.11.final.0.pickle         btm_matcher.pyc                      fixer_util.pyo                       pygram.pyc
PatternGrammar.txt                   btm_matcher.pyo                      fixes                                pygram.pyo
PatternGrammar2.7.11.final.0.pickle  btm_utils.py                         main.py                              pytree.py
__init__.py                          btm_utils.pyc                        main.pyc                             pytree.pyc
__init__.pyc                         btm_utils.pyo                        main.pyo                             pytree.pyo
__init__.pyo                         fixer_base.py                        patcomp.py                           refactor.py
__main__.py                          fixer_base.pyc                       patcomp.pyc                          refactor.pyc
__main__.pyc                         fixer_base.pyo                       patcomp.pyo                          refactor.pyo
__main__.pyo                         fixer_util.py                        pgen2                                tests

Damn it :/
I guess you restarted kodi before trying?

Also, what system are you on?
Linux, Windows, Openelec, something else?

/storage sound like Openelec (I'm slowly getting annoyed but that dist especially as I can't even test it in KVM because they don't support it -.-)

RE: Google Play Music - From scratch - C-Quel - 2016-03-20

It is failing on OpenELEC here as well...

i extracted the contents of the zip as advised as well with the same result... exception being thrown at startup! This does work on my windows based system perfectly!

RE: Google Play Music - From scratch - Ikem - 2016-03-21

(2016-03-18, 10:45)Tadly Wrote: Hehe.
I probably shouldn't say that I'm actually from germany and speak german just fine and that I could translate it myself.
I use all my stuff in english though so I don't really care about german translations at all :>

But if you volunteer, than go ahead Smile

Do you know how to use git/github? (I'd prefer proper pull-request but if you don't, than we'll start slow and easy)

Slow and easy:
1. Get that file -> https://github.com/linuxwhatelse/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/blob/master/resources/language/English/strings.po
2. For each string, add the translated value to "msgstr"
Before your translation:
msgctxt "#30000"
msgid "General"
msgstr ""

After your translation:
msgctxt "#30000"
msgid "General"
msgstr "Allgemein"
3. To test your translation, create a folder plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/resource/language/German, throw your new strings.po in there
and start kodi Wink
4. send that file to me and I'll include it

Here they are:

addon.xml: http://pastebin.com/YscfAF03
strings.po: http://pastebin.com/MTEad9Rb

Typos in the original strings.po file:

msgctxt "#30047"
msgid "Username and Password are _required_..."

msgctxt "#30091"
msgid "No All-_Access_ subscription"

Don't know if I translated that properly:

msgctxt "#30083"
msgid "In this case your PC's MAC-Address can be used which might add up to the device limit and is not guaranteed to work.\nProceed?"
msgstr "In diesem Fall kann deine PC MAC-Adresse benutzt werden, was möglicherweise zur Geräte Grenze hinzugezählt wird und nicht garantiert ist das es funktioniert.\Fortfahren?"

msgctxt "#30092"
msgid "You don't seem to have a Google Play Music All Access subscription meaning this add-on will not work for you."
msgstr "Du scheinst kein Google Play Music All Access Abonnement zu haben, bedeutet, dieses Addon wird für dich nicht funktionieren."

msgctxt "#30097"
msgid "No devices found.\nYour PC's MAC-Address can be used instead which might add up to the device limit and is not guaranteed to work.\nProceed?"
msgstr "Keine Geräte gefunden.\nDeine PC MAC-Adresse kann stattdessen benutzt werden, was möglicherweise zur Geräte Grenze hinzugezählt wird und nicht garantiert ist das es funktioniert.\Fortfahren?"

Untranslated strings:

Addon Einstellungen > Wiedergabe > Streamingqualität > [hi|med|low]

Stationen durchsuchen > [Activities|Moods|Decades]

How do I translate them? There is no "msgctxt" for them.

RE: Google Play Music - From scratch - tadly - 2016-03-21

(2016-03-21, 00:40)Ikem Wrote: Here they are:

addon.xml: http://pastebin.com/YscfAF03
strings.po: http://pastebin.com/MTEad9Rb
Awesome, thanks (I know that can be tedious, so I really appreciate it Smile)

(2016-03-21, 00:40)Ikem Wrote: Typos in the original strings.po file:

msgctxt "#30047"
msgid "Username and Password are _required_..."

msgctxt "#30091"
msgid "No All-_Access_ subscription"
Thanks for letting me know. Will fix that Smile

(2016-03-21, 00:40)Ikem Wrote: Don't know if I translated that properly:

msgctxt "#30083"
msgid "In this case your PC's MAC-Address can be used which might add up to the device limit and is not guaranteed to work.\nProceed?"
msgstr "In diesem Fall kann deine PC MAC-Adresse benutzt werden, was möglicherweise zur Geräte Grenze hinzugezählt wird und nicht garantiert ist das es funktioniert.\Fortfahren?"

msgctxt "#30092"
msgid "You don't seem to have a Google Play Music All Access subscription meaning this add-on will not work for you."
msgstr "Du scheinst kein Google Play Music All Access Abonnement zu haben, bedeutet, dieses Addon wird für dich nicht funktionieren."

msgctxt "#30097"
msgid "No devices found.\nYour PC's MAC-Address can be used instead which might add up to the device limit and is not guaranteed to work.\nProceed?"
msgstr "Keine Geräte gefunden.\nDeine PC MAC-Adresse kann stattdessen benutzt werden, was möglicherweise zur Geräte Grenze hinzugezählt wird und nicht garantiert ist das es funktioniert.\Fortfahren?"
Will do Wink

(2016-03-21, 00:40)Ikem Wrote: Untranslated strings:

Addon Einstellungen > Wiedergabe > Streamingqualität > [hi|med|low]

Stationen durchsuchen > [Activities|Moods|Decades]

How do I translate them? There is no "msgctxt" for them.

Yeah, those are tricky ones.
Streamingquality you can't change (I need those exactly the way they are as it's what I have to send to google).
This is a part I'm not to happy about either (in terms of implementation) which I might change at some point. <- Low prio though

Google sends those strings so we can't really affect them :/
ATM, gmusicapi (the lib I'm using) doesn't send any form of locale with there requests (AFAIK) and therefore google assumes english (My guess at least).

Here you go, now it's on github Wink

Will be in the repo with the next release (whenever that will be)

RE: Google Play Music - From scratch - Ikem - 2016-03-21

(2016-03-21, 10:33)Tadly Wrote: Awesome, thanks (I know that can be tedious, so I really appreciate it Smile)

Gern geschehen. Wink

(2016-03-21, 10:33)Tadly Wrote: Yeah, those are tricky ones.
Streamingquality you can't change (I need those exactly the way they are as it's what I have to send to google).
This is a part I'm not to happy about either (in terms of implementation) which I might change at some point. <- Low prio though

Google sends those strings so we can't really affect them :/
ATM, gmusicapi (the lib I'm using) doesn't send any form of locale with there requests (AFAIK) and therefore google assumes english (My guess at least).

You could catch it programmatically:

If you get the string "Activities" from the google server, check the strings.po for translation and show them if there is one.

(2016-03-21, 10:33)Tadly Wrote: Here you go, now it's on github Wink


I am on github too:


I don't make much use of it, because it is to tedious for me to (re-)learn all the git commands. Especially the whole "branch"/"tags" thing. Else I would had done it the way you suggested.

And recently I use my Windows machine more, then my Linux machine. And git for Windows, is there one? I don't know... I use git mainly under Linux.

RE: Google Play Music - From scratch - tadly - 2016-03-21

(2016-03-21, 13:58)Ikem Wrote: You could catch it programmatically:

If you get the string "Activities" from the google server, check the strings.po for translation and show them if there is one.
That'd be a hacky solution ;P

(2016-03-21, 13:58)Ikem Wrote: Smile

I am on github too:


I don't make much use of it, because it is to tedious for me to (re-)learn all the git commands. Especially the whole "branch"/"tags" thing. Else I would had done it the way you suggested.

And recently I use my Windows machine more, then my Linux machine. And git for Windows, is there one? I don't know... I use git mainly under Linux.

Sure there's git for Windows.
There's even a official UI client for the ones who don't know how to use a cli properly Big Grin (well for merging a ui might be nice but I'm fine with cli all the way)

For something as simple as translations, you could even use the github website to do everything you need.
Especially now that the "German" directory and the "strings.po" file exist.

There's a pen at the top right (to edit the file).
If you hit that one, github will guide you through everything you need to do.
It will:
1. fork the project
2. create a new branch (patch-1 per default)
3. than you'll be presented with an online edit where you make your changes and "save" them (save = commit. Or does it say "commit"? Don't remember)
4. than it will ask you if you want to make a pull request

Pretty straight forward and even though I think one shouldn not be doing git via web, in this case it's fine

RE: Google Play Music - From scratch - tadly - 2016-03-22

(2016-03-20, 16:53)C-Quel Wrote: It is failing on OpenELEC here as well...

i extracted the contents of the zip as advised as well with the same result... exception being thrown at startup! This does work on my windows based system perfectly!

Still not sure how to test Openelec tbh *sigh*

The problem is, OE removed some "default" python modules (e.g. python unittest is another one that is missing which exists on EVERY OTHER installation of python).
That's why it works just fine for you on windows (and for me on linux)
Now lib2to3 is another one (and I bet there are even more)

Me having to ship those modules with the add-on itself is just a pain in the butt and is something I shouldn't be doing :/

Openelec doesn't work with KVM or Virtualbox so I'm slowly out of options...

I'll try and get some old hardware up-and-running with OE (at some point when I have the time and feel like it).

RE: Google Play Music - From scratch - C-Quel - 2016-03-28

(2016-03-22, 14:39)Tadly Wrote:
(2016-03-20, 16:53)C-Quel Wrote: It is failing on OpenELEC here as well...

i extracted the contents of the zip as advised as well with the same result... exception being thrown at startup! This does work on my windows based system perfectly!

Still not sure how to test Openelec tbh *sigh*

The problem is, OE removed some "default" python modules (e.g. python unittest is another one that is missing which exists on EVERY OTHER installation of python).
That's why it works just fine for you on windows (and for me on linux)
Now lib2to3 is another one (and I bet there are even more)

Me having to ship those modules with the add-on itself is just a pain in the butt and is something I shouldn't be doing :/

Openelec doesn't work with KVM or Virtualbox so I'm slowly out of options...

I'll try and get some old hardware up-and-running with OE (at some point when I have the time and feel like it).

do not suppose you have a list of the missing modules? would not mind getting it running on openelec as i much prefer this solution to the other one on offer... thank you

RE: Google Play Music - From scratch - tadly - 2016-03-29

(2016-03-28, 21:05)C-Quel Wrote: do not suppose you have a list of the missing modules? would not mind getting it running on openelec as i much prefer this solution to the other one on offer... thank you

If I would, I'd have included them with the add-on a long time ago Wink
Especially lib2to3 not working confuses me the most as it really should the way I described in #84 :/

I'll include it myself and host a complete bundle (add-on you can install from zip) later today.

RE: Google Play Music - From scratch - tadly - 2016-03-29

Gosch, I'm so stupid.
I forgot about something essential that'd make lib2to3 work.

  1. Delete .kodi/addons/plugin.audio.linuxwhatelse.gmusic/
  2. Download me
  3. Unzip it to .kodi/addons/ (remove -openelec from the extracted folder)
  4. Restart Kodi
  5. Try again

As I said before, I'm guessing more stuff will be missing.
So if you get an error again, send me the kodi.log so I know what's up

RE: Google Play Music - From scratch - C-Quel - 2016-03-30

should lib2to3 not be in the lib folder? not lib/lib-sys? i find it starts when i move it in your package

RE: Google Play Music - From scratch - tadly - 2016-03-30

(2016-03-30, 11:26)C-Quel Wrote: how i got to this error...


installed from repo 1.4.2 then extracted lib2to3 to the directory as suggested above... failed

removed plugin.* folder from addons and exracted plugin.*-openelec folder to the same location and removed -openelec

attempted to load addon same issue

Just to make sure you really have the right setup now.
Check two things for me:
  1. Does the new downloaded version have resources/libs/lib-sys/lib2to3
  2. Does resources/libs/__init__.py contain following code at the very bottom
    import lib2to3
except ImportError:
    site.addsitedir( os.path.join(lib_sys_dir, 'lib2to3') )