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Win HOW-TO get uTorrent to tell XBMC to update its library - Printable Version

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- reta - 2012-02-02

Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you.

One question before I get started, if I don't append labels to my downloads and simply have a directory set for all my RSS Downloader filters will it still work? (just adding your script to the "Run program" feature without doing anything else or does the script use the labels somehow)

Thank in advance!

edit: looked at the script for a brief moment and also saw the following in your post: "The %L passes the label of the completed torrent." etc. so I'm assuming it's not possible to do it for the way I have it set up, but since I have my TV shows on different hard drives I can't really use one common download place and then just append a label, since the label can't change directory to a different hard drive, right?

- Pillzbury - 2012-02-02

You can set up your RSS filter to save the files wherever you like. Mine is set to save each show in "//server/videos/television/showname/seasonxx/" I only need to change the filter at the end of each season in preparation for the next. As for labels, if you set the download location in your RSS filter, the label won't affect the directory name of the torrent. The easiest thing you can do is define a filter for each show you download. This will have the added benefit of organizing your television folder for you.

- reta - 2012-02-03

Pillzbury Wrote:You can set up your RSS filter to save the files wherever you like. Mine is set to save each show in "//server/videos/television/showname/seasonxx/" I only need to change the filter at the end of each season in preparation for the next. As for labels, if you set the download location in your RSS filter, the label won't affect the directory name of the torrent. The easiest thing you can do is define a filter for each show you download. This will have the added benefit of organizing your television folder for you.

Wait... I've done all this, this thread is about "HOW-TO get uTorrent to tell XBMC to update its library" and that's what I want to figure out how to do without using labels etc, because from what I understand the script used is sending information like labels to XBMC. Basically I want to know how to get uTorrent to tell XBMC to update its library when having each filter set to download to different folders (a.k.a. without the use of appending labels)

edit: the script posted (and made?) by watzen won't work because the "sourcePath = "YOUR/PATH/TO/SOURCE/"" would have to be a lot of different folders, one for each filter added in uTorrent, and that is my problem. Anyone got a solution for that?

edit2: Ahh, that seem to be what you have done Pillzbury? Didn't see your solution earlier, only watzen's, will try it out.

- Pillzbury - 2012-02-03

Yes, check out my version posted here: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=120615

It doesn't rely on the label for the directory. It DOES rely on the label to determine if it should alert XBMC and update the library. Need help troubleshooting it? Reply in that thread.

RE: [WINDOWS] HOW-TO get uTorrent to tell XBMC to update its library - svtfmook - 2012-08-02

i have my torrents download directly into the show folders

what script would i need to just send an update notification without moving/renaming files?

RE: [WINDOWS] HOW-TO get uTorrent to tell XBMC to update its library - Pillzbury - 2012-08-02


Few questions.

1. Are your shows downloaded to a local folder (i.e. C:\users\username\downloads\) or to a network share (i.e. //homeserver/videos/television/showname/season02/)
2. Do all your shows go into one folder? (tvshows/dexter101.avi, tvshows/scoobydoo305, etc.) Or does each show have its own folder? If so, are they further divided by seasons?

The script in this thread: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=120615
should work assuming your torrents are downloaded to a network share, OR if your xbmc is on the same computer as utorrent and you download the files to a local folder.

RE: [WINDOWS] HOW-TO get uTorrent to tell XBMC to update its library - svtfmook - 2012-08-03

each show downloads to a local folder corresponding to the show

J:\TV Shows\[name of show]

so the walking dead downloads directly to
J:\TV SHows\the walking dead\

and big bang theory downloads to
J:\TV Shows\the big bang theory\

RE: [WINDOWS] HOW-TO get uTorrent to tell XBMC to update its library - Pillzbury - 2012-08-03

Is your XBMC on the same PC? Do you have any other XBMCs on other devices or PCs that share the same library? If your XBMC is on another pc, what is the full network share to your tv shows? (//pcname/TV Shows/)

RE: [WINDOWS] HOW-TO get uTorrent to tell XBMC to update its library - svtfmook - 2012-08-04

xbmc is on the same computer as utorrent and the files.

RE: [WINDOWS] HOW-TO get uTorrent to tell XBMC to update its library - Pillzbury - 2012-08-04

Just use the script in this thread: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=120615

Everything should work once you edit the settings section. Remember, XBMC must be running in order for the library update to occur.

RE: [WINDOWS] HOW-TO get uTorrent to tell XBMC to update its library - achaw - 2012-08-05

Someone else are losing xbmc focus when the script es executed?

PS: I response myself, is a utorrent problem....when a toorrent is added xbmc lose focus...

RE: [WINDOWS] HOW-TO get uTorrent to tell XBMC to update its library - crimsonfury - 2012-08-09

How do I auto unpack my rar TV files so I can get this to work? I like to have all of video files unpacked...

RE: [WINDOWS] HOW-TO get uTorrent to tell XBMC to update its library - crimsonfury - 2012-08-11


RE: [WINDOWS] HOW-TO get uTorrent to tell XBMC to update its library - achaw - 2012-08-13

(2012-08-09, 05:52)crimsonfury Wrote: How do I auto unpack my rar TV files so I can get this to work? I like to have all of video files unpacked...

Probably you just modify this script to use some command line rar application...
If you search in this post ther is an user who modifi this script to use tvrenamer....you should use a similar concept

RE: [WINDOWS] HOW-TO get uTorrent to tell XBMC to update its library - Hack_kid - 2012-09-21

(2011-11-26, 14:55)Hack_kid Wrote: Hey as per the suggestion in the above post i checked out wget for windows. for some reason i couldnt get the --spider command to work i think there is a bug so i used a workaround by telling it to only download .pdf and there are none so it effectively does the same thing. just a workaround. but anyways i got it all set up here after installing wget to its default directory and using this batch script i made


Repeat as many times as you like. I'm not gonna explain the script in great detail here because i did in the comments but basically you need to define at least one client at the SET CLIENT1= line and define the path at SET SOURCE= line. If you want you can change what the Notification in xbmc says by editng SET MSG= just remember you have to use + to represent a space. if you dont it breaks the script.

This has been tested on:

Host Machine: Windows XP
HTPC:ubuntu 11.04 and ubuntu 10.10 with latest xbmc git (11.25.11)

Hope this helps!

heres the link to the download: http://www.multiupload.com/QDA7SKNZ1V

Updated my script to work with Linux. it Also can parse the Source path rom the command line so if your app suports it you can dynamicly pass/load Source paths to be send to XBMC.

#! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#! XBMC Library Auto-Update Commander v3.0
#! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#! Info: Replacement for watzens's old .vbs script
#! based on wget for use in Linux :)
#! Switched my fileserver to Linux so i needed a new (old)
#! way of sending the update library command along with
#! the source path, and i came up with this. Now with an
#! added option of parsing source path and update msg
#! from command line.
#! Significance of this is that you can now dynamicly set
#! the source path. if the porgram you use to launch this
#! supports wildcards for source path (SCRU, uTorrent)
#! you can have the calling app parse the filepath of the
#! media in question to the script. mimimizing errors and
#! making it much easier to use with multiple source paths.
#! Usage: Pretty similar to the old script minus the Queued
#! torrent functions. Simply fill out at least one client and
#! your path to the source. if you want it to parse from
#! command line no need to change from default.
#! SOURCE is the first arg ($1) and MSG is the 2nd arg ($2)
#! Example: ./update-xbmc.sh "/Media/Movies/DVDRips/" "New DVDRips"
#! or:            ./update-xbmc.sh /Media/TVs/Weeds Weeds
#! Albinoman887

#! Runtime Options. Set Clients and path below
#! ==================================================
#! Set your clients.


#! Set static Source Path (or $! to call from command line)


#! Set a message to display to the user (or $2 to call from command line)


#! ===================================================
#! ---------------DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE---------

#! Set Variables

#! Begin Script
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo      XBMC Library Update Commander Invoked....
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sleep 5

#! Client 1
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo     Sending NotifyString $MSG to $CLIENT1
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo                  Sleep 3 secs...
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sleep 3
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo     Sending UpdateString $SOURCE to $CLIENT1
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo                 Sleep 10 secs...
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sleep 10
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo                    Done
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#! Client 2
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo     Sending NotifyString $MSG to $CLIENT2
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo                  Sleep 3 secs...
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sleep 3
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo     Sending UpdateString $SOURCE to $CLIENT2
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo                 Sleep 10 secs...
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sleep 10
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo                   Complete.
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
I use this with ubuntu sever 12.04 along with utserver, and SCRU running inside wine1.5 with dotnet installed via winetricks and scru monitors my Finished folder for utorrent unrars my media to folders based on media type (DVDRip R5 TVShows) then SCRU launches the script (yes you can launch a linux script with a windows app in wine) and parses the destination of the unrared media and the profile name wich in this case is the name of the media type to the command line while launching this script thus telling xbmc to check just that path for updated media speeding up the update process and keeping it clean as well as display a message to the xbmc user about the new media being added.

Let me know what you guys think