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[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - Printable Version

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RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - TweekDash - 2014-05-20

Yeah simulation mode is not enabled. When you say manually sync you mean going to programs and just clicking the addon?

I'm running the plugin on xbmc 12 on a gbox midnight running j1nx's linux build

RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - markcs - 2014-05-20

I've a small issue with 1channel and trakt and not sure where the problem lies.

21:07:56 T:140405685344000 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'url': '/tv-2732820-Scandal', 'img': 'http://www.thetvdb.com/banners/graphical/248841-g5.jpg', 'mode': 'TVShowSeasonList', 'video_type': 'tvshow', 'title': 'Scandal'}
21:07:56 T:140405685344000 NOTICE: 1Channel: ['plugin://plugin.video.1channel/', '10', '?img=http%3a%2f%2fwww.thetvdb.com%2fbanners%2fgraphical%2f248841-g5.jpg&mode=TVShowSeasonList&title=Scandal&url=%2ftv-2732820-Scandal&video_type=tvshow']
21:07:59 T:140405685344000 NOTICE: 1Channel: Title: Scandal Old IMDB: Old TVDB: New IMDB tt1837576 Year:
21:08:49 T:140407691855616 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] watching(url: https://api.trakt.tv/show/watching/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9, data: {'episode': 15, 'title': u'Scandal', 'season': 3, 'tvdb_id': None, 'year': None, 'duration': 44.0, 'progress': 1.0})

You can see that 1channel identifies the show using both tvdb (the jpg banner with the show id 248841) and IMDB (tt1837576 identifies Scandal in this case).

In the URL sent to trakt, there is no tvdb_id. Can trakt use the IMDB id instead of the tvdb id for TV shows? The problem is that there are a number of TV shows called Scandal, and the wrong one is being identified and the episode does not exist.



RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - -SPK- - 2014-05-20

same problem, no scrooble via XBMC, impossible conect to trak.tv, every time

RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - nate1280 - 2014-05-20

@TweekDash yes.

@markcs, streaming plugins aren't 100% supported, if they work, its a bonus. The data it gets is from infolabels, and the IMDB id or TVDB id aren't exposed this way so it relies on title/year. If the year had been set properly, it would pickup the right one.

And finally, if you have problems post logs, I can't give any help if there's nothing I can work with.

RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - TweekDash - 2014-05-20

it started to scrobble last night at 4 AM as we left continuous play on and then i saw the rate prompt Smile

thanks for answering my questions too nate

RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - TweekDash - 2014-05-21

Interesting sodenote both my clients only started working after also installing trakt list manager addon for xbmc. When using just the standard trakt xbmc addon it never syned.. not sure if related but that's what independently fixed my issues with each of my clients

RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - nate1280 - 2014-05-21

Since they have nothing to do with each other, dunno why that would be the case.

Like I said, a log file is the only way I can help.

And also, there's a tag/list management feature built into this addon.

RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - bigbadrabbit - 2014-05-23

I want to sync watched and partially watched status between XBMC and Plex:

1) Plex should act as master library.

2) Stuff that gets added to Plex' library should get pushed to trakt and then get pushed/pulled to/from XBMC.

3) Watched and partially watched status should work in both directions. So if i watch an episode or movie with XBMC it should reflect the status within Plex and vice versa.

Is this all possible with this plugin and if yes what settings are to setup within Plex and XBMC?
Also are library updates in XBMC needed any more if XBMC gets newly added content from trakt?


RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - Marx1 - 2014-05-23

I don't think its possible. First Trakt as i know can't mark position in movie. It can only say what is played now or was completed in the past. Next you can't add movie from Trakt you haven't in library

RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - apb0703 - 2014-05-25

I have Gotham installed for my Pivos running the Android firmware. I also have the trakt addon installed. Ever since upgrading from frodo (which I had installed on the Linux firmware) I noticed I no longer get the pop up to rate what I just watched. Before when I finished watching something I would get a pop up asking me to rate for trakt. It would be a box with hearts and the top rating would be 10(ninja).

Anyone else having the issue? Anyone know of a fix? The stuff I am watching is still being marked as watched on trakt. Just not getting the option to rate.

Thank you.

RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - Nemrod - 2014-05-25


Great jobs Big Grin


RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - Ben91 - 2014-05-25

(2014-05-11, 14:30)Ben91 Wrote: Hi again.

This time I'm using XBMC 13.0 Gotham (stable) and last trak.tv version from Github 2.3.2. Nothing works.

- Now it never scrobbles. (Before it worked at least for TV Shows). My widgets are useless now and never updated.

- Watched status is not sent before exiting XBMC. These days, I have to manually start the trakt addon sync to have sync with my XBMC/trakt history.

Here you are my logs :

Test 1 with a movie : http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=198781
Test 2 with a TV show : http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=198782

What can I do more ?


(2014-05-11, 15:22)nate1280 Wrote: @Ben91, try re-installing the addon, delete it then install. Not sure whats going on there, I see it loading but after that, it doesn't even pickup the playback start for some reason, so I have no idea. Other then re-installing the addon, double check all the scrobbling settings, etc. Watched status is only ever sent after a library sync (if configured), or by manually triggering it.

Also, don't know if it matters any, by rename the folder from script.trakt-master to just script.trakt

Hi again

So I finally found the problem !

The trakt addon doesn't like anymore.... my external player ! I use MPC-HC. So actually nothing works (scrobbling and watched flags) with an external player. But everything seems to work with the internal XBMC player.

I made new logs :

Test 1 : External player (MPC-HC) : http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=210556
Test 2 : Internal player (XBMC) TVShow : http://pastebin.com/kMkXMbXf (...xbmclogs doesn't want my log)
Test 3 : Internal player (XBMC) Movie : http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=210558
My playercorefactory.xml for MPC-HC : http://pastebin.com/yZ28DH17

I just want to add that scrobbling always worked for my TV Shows with XBMC 12 (Frodo) and MPC-HC (but never did for Movies !). Watched flags worked pretty well too and for movies too. As far I can remember for the last few months.

Seems recent changes in the python code in the trakt addon doesn't handle well if it's not the XBMC internal player which is used. Which is really sad... A lot of people doesn't use the XBMC player and use external players.

Hope these issues will be solved.

What can I do more ?


RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - nate1280 - 2014-05-26

Like I mentioned before, its not even picking up the playback start (when using the external player) which should still happen regardless if its internal or external player, as far as I'm aware, unless this changed in XBMC itself at some point.

RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - Ben91 - 2014-05-26


So I tried digging into the logs, trakt python code and XBMC code.

What I've found :

The first difference for the trakt addon in the XBMC logs when it works :

XBMC Logs - Internal player (working) :
NOTICE: [trakt] [traktPlayer] onPlayBackStarted() - {u'item': {u'type': u'movie', u'id': 269, u'label': u'Welcome To The Jungle'}}

The trakt function "onPlayBackStarted(self)" in service.py in the trakt addon code is never called with the external player.

XBMC Logs - Internal player (working) :

DEBUG: CApplication::OnPlayBackStarted : play state was 1, starting 1
DEBUG: CApplication::PlayFile : OpenFile succeed, play state 2
DEBUG: CApplication::OnPlayBackStarted : play state was 2, starting 0
DEBUG: CApplication::OnPlayBackStopped : play state was 2, starting 0

XBMC Logs - External player (not working) :

DEBUG: CApplication::PlayFile : OpenFile succeed, play state 1
DEBUG: CApplication::OnPlayBackEnded : play state was 1, starting 0

It seems it corresponds to the XBMC function : "CApplication::OnPlayBackStarted()".
I found these "CApplication::OnPlayBack*" XBMC functions in https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master/xbmc/Application.cpp.

void CApplication::OnPlayBackEnded()
void CApplication::OnPlayBackStarted()
void CApplication::OnPlayBackStopped()
+ PlayBackRet CApplication::PlayFile(const CFileItem& item, bool bRestart)

These "CApplication::OnPlayBack*" functions have a python call in their code.

The calls of "OnPlayBackStarted()", "OnPlayBackStopped()" and "OnPlayBackEnded()" are all only made once and in a switch on "m_ePlayState".

XBMC code - Application.cpp :
// play state: none, starting; playing; stopped; ended.
// last 3 states are set by playback callback, they are all ignored during starting,
// but we recorded the state, here we can make up the callback for the state.
CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"%s : OpenFile succeed, play state %d", __FUNCTION__, m_ePlayState);
switch (m_ePlayState)
      // FIXME: it seems no meaning to callback started here if there was an started callback
      //        before this stopped/ended callback we recorded. if we callback started here
      //        first, it will delay send OnPlay announce, but then we callback stopped/ended
      //        which will send OnStop announce at once, so currently, just call stopped/ended.
      case PLAY_STATE_ENDED:
        // neither started nor stopped/ended callback be called, that means the item still
        // not started, we need not make up any callback, just leave this and
        // let the player callback do its work.

With none = 0, starting = 1; playing = 2; stopped = 3; ended = 4 ?!

And now what ? Big Grin


RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - nate1280 - 2014-05-26

I think an XBMC dev needs to weigh in on this part of it, especially if it use to work.