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Maraschino (formerly HTPC Frontend) - a summary web interface for your XBMC HTPC - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Maraschino (formerly HTPC Frontend) - a summary web interface for your XBMC HTPC (/showthread.php?tid=113136)

- aegis123 - 2012-01-24

I cant seem to load the sickbeard module. Sickbeard is configured to run behind a reverse proxy. Making the hostname http://hostname.dyndns-at-home.com/sickbeard/. When I go to http://hostname.dyndns-at-home.com/sickbeard/api/apikey I get a json page from sickbeard, so I know that should work.

I also tried the hostname like http://hostname.dyndns-at-home.com/ and port set to 8081 but that didn't work also.

I'm running Lightppd as reverse proxy don't know if that is the problem.

when i check the console in chrome I get this error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (NOT FOUND)

In the console on the server when running in dev mode I get this:
* Running on
* Restarting with reloader - - [24/Jan/2012 18:24:54] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [24/Jan/2012 18:24:54] "GET /static/images/applications/sickbeard HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [24/Jan/2012 18:24:54] "GET /static/images/clean.png HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [24/Jan/2012 18:24:55] "GET /xhr/diskspace HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [24/Jan/2012 18:28:04] "GET /xhr/recently_added HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [24/Jan/2012 18:31:13] "GET /xhr/recently_added_movies HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [24/Jan/2012 18:31:14] "GET /xhr/sickbeard HTTP/1.1" 200 -

- mrkipling - 2012-01-24

aegis123 Wrote:I cant seem to load the sickbeard module. Sickbeard is configured to run behind a reverse proxy. Making the hostname http://hostname.dyndns-at-home.com/sickbeard/. When I go to http://hostname.dyndns-at-home.com/sickbeard/api/apikey I get a json page from sickbeard, so I know that should work.

I also tried the hostname like http://hostname.dyndns-at-home.com/ and port set to 8081 but that didn't work also.

I'm running Lightppd as reverse proxy don't know if that is the problem.

when i check the console in chrome I get this error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (NOT FOUND)

In the console on the server when running in dev mode I get this:
* Running on
* Restarting with reloader - - [24/Jan/2012 18:24:54] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [24/Jan/2012 18:24:54] "GET /static/images/applications/sickbeard HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [24/Jan/2012 18:24:54] "GET /static/images/clean.png HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [24/Jan/2012 18:24:55] "GET /xhr/diskspace HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [24/Jan/2012 18:28:04] "GET /xhr/recently_added HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [24/Jan/2012 18:31:13] "GET /xhr/recently_added_movies HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [24/Jan/2012 18:31:14] "GET /xhr/sickbeard HTTP/1.1" 200 -

I could be wrong, but the 404 looks like it's from an icon. Do you have the applications module set up? If so, is the icon for Sickbeard entered as "sickbeard" instead of "SickBeard.png"? Regardless, this shouldn't be affecting the loading of the Sickbeard module.

Have you tried entering the hostname as hostname.dyndns-at-home.com/sickbeard (no http://, no trailing slash)? If not then I'm at a loss for now; perhaps gugahoi (the author of the module) will have a better handle on what's happening.

- N3MIS15 - 2012-01-24

mrkipling Wrote:Looks useful! Is there a pull request for this? I'm planning on going through a bunch of requests this weekend.

Its a part of my music library pull request

- aegis123 - 2012-01-24

yeah i fixed the sickbeard.png error thx for that Smile.

I tried hostname.dyndns-at-home.com/sickbeard in firefox and it worked.
I got the login prompt and once logged in the url changed to hostname.dyndns-at-home.com/sickbeard/home/

- castortray - 2012-01-25

N3MIS15 Wrote:I got sidetracked while working on queueing directories for the media module and decided to make queueing look prettier first.


pressing the plus toggles queueing. After clicking it, clicking a file will be queued insted of played and clicking it again will return to normal.

it is possible to change sidebar on the right ?
It's not in maraschino stle Sad

- N3MIS15 - 2012-01-25

castortray Wrote:it is possible to change sidebar on the right ?
It's not in maraschino stle Sad

I am sure its possible. i just wouldnt know where to start Big Grin

- DejaVu - 2012-01-25

castortray Wrote:it is possible to change sidebar on the right ?
It's not in maraschino stle Sad

I'm going to make an attempt at styling the scrollbars in Maraschino. Wink

- castortray - 2012-01-25

DejaVu Wrote:I'm going to make an attempt at styling the scrollbars in Maraschino. Wink

Great !
Pls add support for new scrollbars for iPad also Smile

Many thanks

- DejaVu - 2012-01-25


Did not take too long. Might re-add the scroll buttons in by request but -

Google Chrome and Safari only due to Firefox lack of support for Webkit.
It can be done using a JQuery plugin, but I think it's pointless and overkill.

Hoping this will bring more over to a decent browser too. Wink

ANY module that loads a tool bar will look like this one.

- castortray - 2012-01-25

DejaVu Wrote:Hmmm.

Did not take too long. Might re-add the scroll buttons in by request but -

Google Chrome and Safari only due to Firefox lack of support for Webkit.
It can be done using a JQuery plugin, but I think it's pointless and overkill.

Hoping this will bring more over to a decent browser too. Wink

ANY module that loads a tool bar will look like this one.

that was really fast, it's looks beautifull Smile

just tell me where I can download it, or when this will be as default scrollbar on:

- DejaVu - 2012-01-25

castortray Wrote:that was really fast, it's looks beautifull Smile

just tell me where I can download it, or when this will be as default scrollbar on:

You can test it on my Repo http://github.com/dejavu/maraschino
It's on the Master at the moment, but I'm hoping to split my Repo out into Branches when I work out how.

Hopefully, when put in a proper pull request on Github, and it's approved by MrK, the weekend. Smile

- mrkipling - 2012-01-25

DejaVu Wrote:Hopefully, when put in a proper pull request on Github, and it's approved by MrK, the weekend. Smile

Affirmative Smile

P.S. Looks awesome!

- mrkipling - 2012-01-26

It was a super-quick auto merge, so it's on master now...

- oneadvent - 2012-01-26

Can I get a guide on how to run this on port 80?

- TeKo - 2012-01-26

First time I updated since I set it up.
That new scrollbar looks awesome and the filter function is great.

How can I get the couchpotato module?

Is the trakt panel only there to login and its normal that it doesnt show?
trakt Recommends are ok.

Oh btw only took me weeks till I found out that I can controll XBMC with my keyboard, why would I ever move my mouse to the right edge? Wink