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Mod Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - Printable Version

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RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - latioboy - 2020-11-26


did you test this with Kodi 18.9 or with Kodi 19 Matrix?

Very strange, why doesn't this function work for me then?

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - latts9923 - 2020-11-26

It works fine with Kodi 18.9, I just tested it and had to tweak the code for Kodi 19.

Well...it was working with Kodi 19. Now it's not working again...hmm.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - Vimmelthevampire - 2020-11-27

A couple of bugs found.
In shelf3d album view, long track names run into the album review.
In kodiflix TV tvart view, there is no fanart shadow in the center of the screen. It is difficult to read the plot with light fanarts.
The cast widget banner in TVart however is a great thing, not seen that anywhere else.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - latioboy - 2020-11-27

(2020-11-26, 00:26)latioboy Wrote: @latts9923

did you test this with Kodi 18.9 or with Kodi 19 Matrix?

Unfortunately that doesn't work for me.

I tested the whole thing on my media player Nvidia Shield Tv and also on my computer

Do not understand how it works for you with Kodi 18.9

I've been trying for days, even deleted and reinstalled Kodi, unfortunately that didn't work either.

I think that's funny

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - wags1 - 2020-11-27

If, when listening to music, I'm using "Background set by user" and using multiple images, I can't seem to change the duration between images. It seems to be permanently set at about 5 seconds. When listeing to music and the images are changing I can hit "menu" and select "settings" and it takes me to "Playback settings" where in "Pictures" there is a setting for "Amount of time to display each image" but no matter what you set that to it always seems to default to about 5 seconds. Am I looking in the wrong place or is this setting just not implemented? Is there somewhere in the  MusicVisualization xml file that I can just manually change the value? Thanks.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - latts9923 - 2020-11-27

I lowered the width of the textbox in Shelf3D and Shelf3D v2 to keep the track name from bleeding over into the album description. You won't see the entire track name right now if it's too long...still trying to get the scroll to work.

I also added a shadow box behind the plot to KodiFlix TV if you are using the "TV ART" layout. Both of these will be part of the next update.

I think the library status is being displayed by using the service.library.data.provider Add-on. My version in 18.9 is v0.3.2...is that the same for you?

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - latioboy - 2020-11-27

(2020-11-27, 18:28)latts9923 Wrote:  

I think the library status is being displayed by using the service.library.data.provider Add-on. My version in 18.9 is v0.3.2...is that the same for you?

I just installed the addon here service.library.data.provider 0.3.2 without "v"

but has not fixed my problem.

Can you please upload service.library.data.provider add-on with "v" version here?
Unfortunately v.0.3.2 does not find in the network.

would love your testing.

I would love to do your testing because this function is very important and useful for my films.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - latts9923 - 2020-11-27

Open the file Includes.xml and find "backgroundspecs_multi".

The timeperimage setting is 6000 (6 seconds). Drop that to a lower value and the images will change at a faster rate. This also affects a few other artwork options for music viz.

You're using the same version as I am. The "v" in front of 0.3.2 just meant "version".

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - latioboy - 2020-11-27


I installed that earlier, unfortunately that didn't cause my problem.

do you know how to solve the problem maybe?

this function is really important to me in movies

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - wags1 - 2020-11-28

@latts9923 Brilliant, that is it ... thank you!

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - wags1 - 2020-11-28

@latts9923 Manually changing the Timeperimage value worked a treat. Was wondering, for the next update would it be possible to use the value as set in "Playback settings" / "Pictures" / "Amount of time to display each image" ? It looks like whatever value you set there is stored in the guisettings.xml file for the profile you are using (as an example for me it's userdata/profiles/Mark/guisettings.xml) in:

<setting id="slideshow.staytime">15</setting>

where in the above example I had set it to 15 seconds thru the menu. You would of course have to convert it to milliseconds ( value * 1000). I played around with it but could not figure it out...LOL.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - Vimmelthevampire - 2020-11-28

Now playing screen 7 for music is by far my favorite as it runs both a cycling artist thumb and a cycling banner. ( banner cycles in view 6 too )
Now for another suggestion ( on top of everything else you've got to do ).
Could you add the cycling artist thumb and banner to the slide mod in the other now playing screens?
Thanks again Latts.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - latts9923 - 2020-11-29

I can look at adding a control to let you change the time between 1 and 6 seconds.

The other music styles display the Similar Artist info at the top right. There's a setting to enable/disable in the music viz settings.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - wags1 - 2020-11-29

That would be great. Any chance to increase the range. Currently I have it set for 20 seconds.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod - latts9923 - 2020-11-29

It seems that you can't use a variable with <timeperimage>, so I will see if I can come up with another way.