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Night Release Thread - Printable Version

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- mcborzu - 2010-09-08

Flomaster Wrote:what does this mean? I don't recall making any local changes to this file

xbmc@XBMCLive:~/.xbmc/addons/skin.night$ git pull
remote: Counting objects: 35, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (15/15), done.
remote: Total 19 (delta 12), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (19/19), done.
From git://github.com/bartowski/skin.night
   bab5a66..b3be8a9  master     -> origin/master
Updating bab5a66..b3be8a9
error: Your local changes to '720p/MusicVisualisation.xml' would be overwritten by merge.  Aborting.
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.


Usually you get that if you modded a .xml, odd that you got it and you didn't changed the .xml, just delete that .xml and redo a git pull

- mcborzu - 2010-09-08

Update 9/7/2010
-Added Global Ken Burns, Rotating/zoom, fanart option available underneath the main setting
-Filebrowser now a larger 2x2 grid instead of a smaller 3x3 grid
-Conditional Weather is set by an option underneath the main option

**Only git updated**

Notice the two sub-settings for conditional weather on global 'Ken Burns':


**You will need to re-input your conditional weather folder, as it uses a new setting path**

I started skinning that Rom Browser script, so if you use that addon and Night it might look little off

- Flomaster - 2010-09-08

mcborzu Wrote:Usually you get that if you modded a .xml, odd that you got it and you didn't changed the .xml, just delete that .xml and redo a git pull

I modded the DialogFullScreenInfo.xml hrm well I'll delete it and proceed then


- mcborzu - 2010-09-08

Flomaster Wrote:I modded the DialogFullScreenInfo.xml hrm well I'll delete it and proceed then


If you still want to use your modifed file just crtl+x and put on desktop, then do a git pull. Then re-paste your modded DialogFullScreenInfo.xml...

- Flomaster - 2010-09-08

mcborzu Wrote:If you still want to use your modifed file just crtl+x and put on desktop, then do a git pull. Then re-paste your modded DialogFullScreenInfo.xml...

I had to shit can the whole folder and do another git clone

xbmc@XBMCLive:~/.xbmc/addons/skin.night$ git pull
remote: Counting objects: 55, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (37/37), done.
remote: Total 38 (delta 22), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (38/38), done.
From git://github.com/bartowski/skin.night
   b3be8a9..27b6ac1  master     -> origin/master
Updating bab5a66..27b6ac1
error: Your local changes to '720p/MusicVisualisation.xml' would be overwritten by merge.  Aborting.
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.
xbmc@XBMCLive:~/.xbmc/addons/skin.night$ rm 720p/MusicVisualisation.xml
xbmc@XBMCLive:~/.xbmc/addons/skin.night$ git pull
Updating bab5a66..27b6ac1
error: Your local changes to '720p/Viewtype_MusicShowcase.xml' would be overwritten by merge.  Aborting.
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.
xbmc@XBMCLive:~/.xbmc/addons/skin.night$ git pull
Updating bab5a66..27b6ac1
error: Your local changes to '720p/Viewtype_MusicShowcase.xml' would be overwritten by merge.  Aborting.
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.
xbmc@XBMCLive:~/.xbmc/addons/skin.night$ rm -r 720p/
xbmc@XBMCLive:~/.xbmc/addons/skin.night$ git pull
Updating bab5a66..27b6ac1
error: Your local changes to 'addon.xml' would be overwritten by merge.  Aborting.
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.

I have my musicgenre folder and that one file in my home folder so I can just copy them back over.

I though that DialogFullScreenInfo.xml file went into the 720p folder, but after moving it there and restarting xbmc i am not getting clearart Sad when pressing info button

- mcborzu - 2010-09-08

Flomaster Wrote:EDIT:
I though that DialogFullScreenInfo.xml file went into the 720p folder, but after moving it there and restarting xbmc i am not getting clearart Sad when pressing info button

Open up DialogFullScreenInfo.xml 2x check that it's modded. If not either re-paste the .xml, and refresh the skin if XBMC is running, or that code block we talked about is what 2 pages back...Just re-do the mod.

- Flomaster - 2010-09-08

I duno what I did must not have had a modified xml in my home folder, I recopied the code and now im good to go Smile

I have added a few more musicgenres from the other thread to my folder care to include them in the future?

- joshhansen - 2010-09-08

i pulled the git file and when i select the ken burns effect it opens up the area where the new selection should be and i can select the new option, however, there is no text. Its just a blank area with one of the selectable bullets.

- KOROR - 2010-09-08

A quick question, how do I get the skin (in Movies) to look like in the trailer 1.06?

- User 55003 - 2010-09-08

mcborzu Wrote:**SIDE NOTE**
I started skinning that Rom Browser script, so if you use that addon and Night it might look little off

Hi mcborzu, great news, some views look a little off as you said, but its great that your giving it a go and I can't wait to see what you pull off.
The landscape view is already looking cool Big Grin

Keep up the good work, this is the best skin out there in my opinion Nod

- Danielocean - 2010-09-08

mcborzu Wrote:Update 9/7/2010
-Added Global Ken Burns, Rotating/zoom, fanart option available underneath the main setting
-Filebrowser now a larger 2x2 grid instead of a smaller 3x3 grid
-Conditional Weather is set by an option underneath the main option


I love the (non-rotating) Ken Burns Effect on music and movie database!!! looks great! Now i wish you could find a way to activate extrafanart for music too... that would make it perfect! but the current way is extremely great!

- malte - 2010-09-10

mcborzu Wrote:**SIDE NOTE**
I started skinning that Rom Browser script, so if you use that addon and Night it might look little off

Woohoo! Really great news (at least for me). I will check out what I can learn from it;-)

If you have any requests that could make skinning this script more easy, please let me know.

- zwat - 2010-09-10

mcborzu: have u planed any changes to the library update window and clan library window? do anyone like to see what it updates or just that it updates?
is there possible to make clean library work in the background? it is so insane slow on big libraries so being able to brows or play stuff while it cleans would be awesome.

in stead of gray background with text i would suggest maybe a dot blinking to let u know that it's working on something. if that is possible at all

- Oddsodz - 2010-09-10

zwat Wrote:mcborzu: have u planed any changes to the library update window and clan library window? do anyone like to see what it updates or just that it updates?
is there possible to make clean library work in the background? it is so insane slow on big libraries so being able to brows or play stuff while it cleans would be awesome.

in stead of gray background with text i would suggest maybe a dot blinking to let u know that it's working on something. if that is possible at all

Just go to

>> Settings>>Video>>Update library in background

You then never see the top right update notify thingy again.

- mcborzu - 2010-09-11

Update 9/10/2010
-Fix a terrible error in Music Library where in Song level could only choose 2 views not the 4 available
-Minor spacing changes to "Song" view, mostly fix title and plot overlap issues
-Fanart option in Music "Files" view now also removes the Cover

**Only git updated**