Cirrus Extended mods - a couple of comments - el_Paraguayo - 2011-05-15
I've been tweaking the skin to match my needs, but there are a couple of things that you may wish to update in the main code (or you could just say I'm being a perfectionist!). I've shown my crude fixes below.
(In all code below, watch out for the spaces in the "[ COLOR]" boxes.)
Home.xml - the time/date/weather text is not centered in the screen.
Code: <!-- Weather, time etc -->
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<description>time label</description>
[b] <posx>-400</posx>
<!-- Changes End Butchabay MOD 1.2.0 -->
ViewsVideoCompact.xml: The duration field has "mins" outside of the InfoLabel so, when there's no duration (e.g. on the parent folder link) the box still shows "mins" i.e.:
Code: <label>$INFO[ListItem.Duration,\[ COLOR=orange]$LOCALIZE[31054]:[ /COLOR][b] , mins][/b]</label>
I've also tweaked DialogSeekBar.xml as follows so it looks like this:
I added the "Current time" and "End time" if you didn't see it...
(I haven't used the $LOCALIZE on this, so if you want to incorporate it, that'll need some work).
My code is:
Code: <control type="group">
<control type="image"> <!-- background -->
[b]<!-- el_Paraguayo Mod -->
<control type="group">
<control type="label">
<label>Current Time: [ COLOR=orange]$INFO[System.Time][ /COLOR]</label>
<control type="label">
<label>End Time: [ COLOR=orange]$INFO[Player.FinishTime][ /COLOR]</label>
<!-- end mod -->[/b]
There's another thread about showing additional info for MythTV recordings in the List view, but here's how it looks again:
and here's the code. NB. This works with MythTV recordings as the thumbnails are landscape images. I may need to group these controls with a <visible> tag to restrict this...
Code: [b]<!-- el_Paraguayo mods -->
<!-- Add plot -->
<control type="textbox">
<autoscroll delay="3000" time="1000" repeat="5000">true</autoscroll>
<!-- Show duration -->
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[ListItem.Duration,[ COLOR=white]Duration: [ /COLOR]]</label>
<!-- Title -->
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[ListItem.TVShowTitle,[ COLOR=white]Title: [ /COLOR]]</label>
<!-- MythTV Episode Title -->
<!-- (for some reason this is in the PlotOutline infolabel) -->
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[ListItem.PlotOutline,[ COLOR=white]Episode: [ /COLOR]]</label>
<!-- All other episode titles -->
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[ListItem.Episode,[ COLOR=white]Episode: [ /COLOR]]</label>
<!-- Recording Date -->
<control type="label">
<label>$INFO[ListItem.Date,[ COLOR=white]Recording Date: [ /COLOR]]</label>
<!-- End mods -->[/b]
<!-- GenreFanart Mod -->
Next up, I'd like to take on the window that appears when I enter a time to seek to in videos (no idea what the function's called or which xml file to edit) - this window seems a bit too plain for the rest of the skin.
- N.O.W.A.L.L - 2011-05-15
Thanks for the END TIME function, I was really missing this one!
- el_Paraguayo - 2011-05-15
No problem.
I just remembered that I also had to shorten the progress bar in DialogSeekBar.xml to do that.
Code: <control type="group"> <!-- progress bar -->
<control type="progress" id="23">
- butchabay - 2011-05-15
Thanx for that, i'll see if i'll get the time to implement your additions for the next update.
- N.O.W.A.L.L - 2011-05-17
I hope you'll have time, the END TIME function in the progress bar is definitely a must-have
- butchabay - 2011-05-18
N.O.W.A.L.L Wrote:I hope you'll have time, the END TIME function in the progress bar is definitely a must-have
Already DONE !