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Cycling Fanart on "Movies" homepage in Frodo - Printable Version

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Cycling Fanart on "Movies" homepage in Frodo - aptalca - 2012-12-14

Hi ronie,

I just upgraded a second htpc to Frodo. I started out with no thumbs and I am letting it pull the thumbs from sources as needed

However, one thing I noticed is that in Frodo, there is no longer a fanart folder under Thumbnails and the fanart thumbs are sort of mixed in with all the other thumbs in the numbered folders.

How are we supposed to get cycling fanart on the homepage? I tried selecting the Thumbnails folder to no avail


RE: Cycling Fanart on "Movies" homepage in Frodo - PatK - 2012-12-14

Check Post: #715 http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=83643&page=18

Quote:yes, things changed in xbmc and due to this, you have to select a custom folder containing your fanart images.
you can use the artwork organizer script to create such a folder.

RE: Cycling Fanart on "Movies" homepage in Frodo - aptalca - 2012-12-20

Thanks PatK

It kinda sucks that you have to copy them to a new location. I already have gigabytes of artwork. Last thing I need is more space taken up by duplicates

And I guess as one adds more items to the library they will have to run the artwork downloader again to update

RE: Cycling Fanart on "Movies" homepage in Frodo - winestock - 2012-12-20

(2012-12-20, 00:54)aptalca Wrote: Thanks PatK

It kinda sucks that you have to copy them to a new location. I already have gigabytes of artwork. Last thing I need is more space taken up by duplicates

And I guess as one adds more items to the library they will have to run the artwork downloader again to update

A while ago I wrote a shell script that creates symbolic links that point to the fanart images stored in userdata/Thumbnails folder. The reason I wrote this is because I did not want to duplicate the storage space by having duplicate copies of the fanart images. Take a look at the script and see if it meets your needs.

A couple of things to note:
  1. The script accesses MyVideos stored in the mysql database.
  2. The script will make sure that the symbolic links only point to unique fanart entries. It ignores duplicate fanart entries.
  3. The script randomly picks fanart entries to use.
  4. The script is written in shell script.

# How many linked images to create.

# Setup for MySQL Access
MySQLOptions="-s -h ${MySQLHost} -u ${MySQLUser} -p${MySQLPassword}"

# Define where the image links will be stored.
userDataPath=~/Library/'Application Support'/XBMC/userdata

# Get the name of the MyVideos and Textures DBs.
MyVideosDB=`${MySQL} ${MySQLOptions} -e "show databases" | grep MyVideos | tail -n 1`
TexturesDB=`find "${dataBasePath}" -name 'Textures*.db' -print | tail -n 1`
MySQLOptions="${MySQLOptions} -D ${MyVideosDB}"

# Define the command that will be used to access art table entries in MyVideos DB.
MyVideosDbCmd="select url from art where media_type='movie' and type='fanart'"

# How many entries are there in the MyVideos DB.
dbCount=`${MySQL} ${MySQLOptions} -e "${MyVideosDbCmd}" | wc -l`

# Remove all previous linked fanart images.
mkdir -p "${fanartPath}"
cd "${fanartPath}"
rm -f *.*

# Function to check if an image is unique.
   # The name of the image to compare.

   # Check if the image is unique in the directory.
   ls | while read nextImageName
       # Compare the image to the next entry in the directory.
       cmp "${imageName}" "${nextImageName}" 2>&1 >/dev/null

       # If the image already exists (cmp returns 0), then the image is not unique.
       if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
           # Indicate that the image is not unique and break out of the loop.
           exit 1

    # Is the image unique?
    return $?

# Create the linked image entries.
while [ $count -lt ${maxCount} ]
    # Get a random number in the range of 0..dbCount - 1.
    dbIndex=$(( RANDOM % ( dbCount - 1 ) ))

    # Get a URL entry from the MyVideos DB at dbIndex.
    url=`${MySQL} ${MySQLOptions} -e "${MyVideosDbCmd} limit 1 offset ${dbIndex}"`

    # Get the cachedUrl entry that directly pertains to the the MyVideos url.
    cachedUrl=`sqlite3 "${TexturesDB}" "select cachedurl from texture where url='${url}';"`

    # Get the linked image name.
    linkname=`basename ${cachedUrl}`

    # Does the linked image name already exists?
    if [ ! -e ${linkname} ]
        # Does the image already exist in the directory?
        isImageUnique ${cachedUrl}

        if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
            # Create a linked image that points to the actual image.
            ln -fs ${cachedUrl} ${linkname}

            # Keep track of how entries have been created.
            count=$(( count + 1 ))