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OS X MythTV cmyth PVR client: When backend server is down it complains incesssantly! - Printable Version

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MythTV cmyth PVR client: When backend server is down it complains incesssantly! - xbmcliveuser - 2012-12-31

I just installed Frodo on my OS X machine in order to test it and I am running a MythTV backend on another computer on my local network. When the backend computer is up it works fine, but when it's down XBMC complains approximately once every 25 seconds, popping up a warning that says:

MythTV cmyth PVR Client
Connect: Failed to connect to MythTV backend

The warning popup never actually goes away and the error sound continually replays over and over and over...

I can understand wanting it to keep retrying to connect to the server but is there any way to disable the popup and that EXTREMELY ANNOYING sound after the first time? Note the sound is really not THAT annoying until you're heard it about 50 times in a row, then it start to become annoying like a dripping faucet! There may be occasions when the backend server is down but I'd syll like to use XBMC without being driven crazy!

RE: MythTV cmyth PVR client: When backend server is down it complains incesssantly! - fetzerch - 2012-12-31

This should be fixed now in our development version.
Try building it from github.com/fetzerch/xbmc-pvr-addons (http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=PVR/Backend/MythTV/BuildFromSource)
or be patient until we release it into the official xbmc addon builds.

RE: MythTV cmyth PVR client: When backend server is down it complains incesssantly! - deadite66 - 2012-12-31

in livetv settings/general there is a 'Do not show connection lost warnings' option

RE: MythTV cmyth PVR client: When backend server is down it complains incesssantly! - xbmcliveuser - 2012-12-31

(2012-12-31, 10:53)deadite66 Wrote: in livetv settings/general there is a 'Do not show connection lost warnings' option
I tried that and it doesn't help in this situation.

RE: MythTV cmyth PVR client: When backend server is down it complains incesssantly! - teeedubb - 2013-02-07

Just found this thread while googling. I have the same problem and here is the thread I started


Quote:Using it a bit more and it seems like if xbmc wakes from suspend after previously being connected to the back end it does not show the failed to connect messages but if I then restart xbmc while the back end is suspended it will start to show the messages. I need to look into this more closely.

I'm guessing that the 'show lost connections' option is working as should and will only suppress messages if xbmc has been previously connected to the mythtv back end, but say xbmc is restarted it will show the messages as the connection has never been lost as it was never connected in the first place.

Curious if there is anyway to disable all connection error messages?

RE: MythTV cmyth PVR client: When backend server is down it complains incesssantly! - Juan234 - 2013-03-28

gosh this is annoying. Using OpenELEC 3 (Frodo 12.1) & mythtv 0.26. If you can't disable it, I wish the warning would just stay on instead of blinking constantly.

RE: MythTV cmyth PVR client: When backend server is down it complains incesssantly! - teeedubb - 2013-03-29

Ive managed to compile the mythtv addon ( namely 1.6.9 with OE 3.0, but it should work on all versions) with out the popup message. If the mythtv backend is down you get no popups and if you select the 'Live TV' main menu option while its down you get the popup telling you that no pvr addon has been started.

Compile OE as normal.

In the compile directory (OpenELEC.tv) navigate to sources/xbmc-pvr-addons/ and open xbmc-pvr-addons-590f862.tar.xz then within the archive navigate to addons/pvr.mythtv.cmyth/src/ and edit pvrclient-mythtv.cpp. Line 189 of pvrclient-mythtv.cpp contains
XBMC->QueueNotification(QUEUE_ERROR, XBMC->GetLocalizedString(30300));
which should be underneath the line containing the text XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR,"Failed to connect to MythTV backend on %s:%d", g_szMythHostname.c_str(), g_iMythPort);. Delete the entire line 189 and exit and save the file and make sure that the archive xbmc-pvr-addons-590f862.tar.xz is updated.

Now from a terminal whilst in the OpenELEC.tv compile directory run
rm -rf ./build.OpenELEC*/.stamps/xbmc-pvr-addons ./build.OpenELEC*/xbmc-pvr-addons-* ./build.OpenELEC*/image/.stamps/xbmc-pvr-addons
and recompile Openelec (it will be alot faster the second time).

Now in target/ you have a archive containing the completed OE build, install it how you wish.

In the next few days Ill ask in the dev thread about the possibility of this being removed so all builds will no longer spam the user with popups when the backend is suspended or you are away from your local network.