n00b question: fixing script failure - adisolar - 2014-03-02
I am not entirely certain as to the validity of the question in this forum, so I it doesn't belong here, kindly refer me.
I have a script failure for an important add-on for me.
Could anyone kindly assist me in finding the problem and correcting it?
This is what the log tells me:
1. one of the script files has failed (providing the line in code).
2. another script failed when attempting to call the above failed script.
Windows 7 64bit sp1
XBMC: Frodo
Python version: untouched, as it came with the release / maybe updated automatically by XBMC after installation.
Relevant log content:
Code: 11:47:57 T:6788 DEBUG: Instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.video.rurem" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
11:47:57 T:6788 ERROR: EXCEPTION: Could not get AddonPtr given a script id of plugin.video.brtv.If you are trying to use 'os.getcwd' to set the path, you cannot do that in a Version: 2.1.0 plugin.
11:47:57 T:6788 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>
Error Contents: Could not get AddonPtr given a script id of plugin.video.brtv.If you are trying to use 'os.getcwd' to set the path, you cannot do that in a Version: 2.1.0 plugin.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Solar\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\plugin.video.rurem\brtv.py", line 5, in <module>
import ClientService, ContentService, MediaService, Content, GetBest, RusKeyboard, ArcSearch, VodSearch
File "C:\Users\Solar\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\plugin.video.rurem\ContentService.py", line 27, in <module>
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon("plugin.video.brtv")
RuntimeError: Could not get AddonPtr given a script id of plugin.video.brtv.If you are trying to use 'os.getcwd' to set the path, you cannot do that in a Version: 2.1.0 plugin.
-->End of Python script error report<--
11:47:57 T:6788 INFO: Python script stopped
11:47:57 T:6788 DEBUG: Thread XBPyThread 6788 terminating
11:47:57 T:9112 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::WaitOnScriptResult - plugin exited prematurely - terminating
11:47:57 T:14668 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.rurem/
11:47:57 T:14668 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.rurem/) failed
This is the script that fails:
Code: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys, datetime, time, calendar, thread, threading
import xbmc, xbmcgui, xbmcplugin, urllib
import ClientService, ContentService, MediaService, Content, GetBest, RusKeyboard, ArcSearch, VodSearch
import archive, vod, asx, radio
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
# new XBMC 10.05 addons:
import xbmcaddon
except ImportError:
# old XBMC - create fake xbmcaddon module with same interface as new XBMC 10.05
class xbmcaddon:
""" fake xbmcaddon module """
__version__ = "(old XBMC)"
class Addon:
""" fake xbmcaddon.Addon class """
def __init__(self, id):
self.id = id
def getSetting(self, key):
return xbmcplugin.getSetting(key)
def openSettings(self):
def setSetting(self, key, value):
return xbmcplugin.setSetting(key, value)
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon("plugin.video.rurem")
Username = addon.getSetting("username")
Password = addon.getSetting("password")
iconpath = os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath(addon.getAddonInfo('path')), 'icon')
def addItem(name = '', mode = '', isFolder = False, id='', description = '', icon = '', page = '1', rating = 0, duration = '', year = '', month = '', day = '', date = '', type = '', keyword = '', stream = ''):
url = sys.argv[0] + '?name=' + urllib.quote_plus(name) + '&mode=' + mode + '&id=' + id + '&page=' + page + '&year=' + year + '&month=' + month + '&day=' + day + '&icon=' + urllib.quote_plus(icon) + '&type=' + type + '&keyword=' + keyword + '&date=' + date + '&stream=' + urllib.quote_plus(stream)
if description != '':
url = url + '&description=' + urllib.quote_plus(description)
if icon == '':
if isFolder == True:
liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage = "DefaultFolder.png")
liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage = "DefaultVideo.png")
liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, thumbnailImage = icon)
liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": name, "Plot": description, "Rating": rating, "Duration": duration })
return xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle = int(sys.argv[1]), url = url, listitem = liz, isFolder = isFolder)
if addon.getSetting('imageTemp') == '':
imageUrl = MediaService.MediaImageUrlTemplate()
addon.setSetting('imageTemp', imageUrl)
def getImage(id, t):
imageUrl = addon.getSetting('imageTemp')
imageUrl = imageUrl.replace('{0}',id).replace('{1}',t).replace('&n={2}','').replace('&', '&')
return imageUrl
def loop(seconds):
while xbmc.Player().isPlaying()==False:
def SessionID():
if Username != "" and Password != "":
x = ClientService.Login(Username, Password)
xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("RUREMTV", "Нет соединения с сервером", "")
if x.appSettings.sessionID != "":
return x.appSettings.sessionID
xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("RUREMTV", "Неверный Логин или Пароль", "")
xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.Resolution(' + addon.getSetting('resolution') + ')')
x = ClientService.Login(addon.getSetting("username"), addon.getSetting("password"))
if x.appSettings.sessionID !='':
return x.appSettings.sessionID
xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("RUREMTV", "Неверный Логин или Пароль", "")
xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("RUREMTV", "Введите Логин и Пароль", "")
xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.Resolution(' + addon.getSetting('resolution') + ')')
x = ClientService.Login(Username, Password)
return x.appSettings.sessionID
def GetInHMS(seconds):
hours = seconds / 3600
seconds -= 3600*hours
minutes = seconds / 60
seconds -= 60*minutes
ti = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
ti = str(ti)
return ti
def dayweek(y, m, d):
return datetime.date(y, m, d).weekday()
def timeplay(n):
if ('.' in n):
n = n[:19]
t = time.strptime(n, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
t = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", t)
return t
def get_params():
if len(paramstring) >= 2:
params = sys.argv[2]
cleanedparams = params.replace('?','')
if (params[len(params)-1] == '/'):
params = params[0:len(params)-2]
pairsofparams = cleanedparams.split('&')
param = {}
for i in range(len(pairsofparams)):
splitparams = {}
splitparams = pairsofparams[i].split('=')
if (len(splitparams)) == 2:
param[splitparams[0]] = splitparams[1]
return param
params = get_params()
name = ''
mode = None
id = ''
page = '1'
year = ''
month = ''
day = ''
icon = ''
date = ''
type = ''
keyword = ''
description = ''
stream = ''
#cont = 'false'
try: name = urllib.unquote_plus(params["name"])
except: pass
try: description = urllib.unquote_plus(params["description"])
except: pass
try: stream = urllib.unquote_plus(params["stream"])
except: pass
try: mode = params["mode"]
except: pass
try: id = params["id"]
except: pass
try: page = params['page']
except: pass
try: year = params['year']
except: pass
try: month = params['month']
except: pass
try: day = params['day']
except: pass
try: date = params['date']
except: pass
try: type = params['type']
except: pass
try: keyword = params['keyword']
except: pass
try: icon = urllib.unquote_plus(params['icon'])
except: pass
#try: cont = params['cont']
#except: pass
daysofweek = ["Понедельник", "Вторник", "Среда", "Четверг", "Пятница", "Суббота", "Воскресенье"]
months = ["Январь","Февраль", "Март", "Апрель", "Май", "Июнь", "Июль", "Август" ,"Сентябрь" ,"Октябрь" ,"Ноябрь" ,"Декабрь"]
monthday = ["Января","Февраля", "Марта", "Апреля", "Мая", "Июня", "Июля", "Августа" ,"Сентября" ,"Октября" ,"Ноября" ,"Декабря"]
if mode == None or mode == "":
list = ""
#channels = Content.Channels()
#channels.Invoke(ContentService.GetClientChannel(SessionID(), type = 'LiveTV'))
#for channel in channels.items:
#list = list + channel.name + ','
addon.setSetting('chlist', list)
addon.setSetting('imageTemp', '')
addItem('Прямой эфир', 'LiveTV', True, icon=os.path.join(iconpath, 'icon_tv_live.png'))
addItem('Архив', 'archive', True, icon=os.path.join(iconpath, 'icon_tv_archive.png'))
addItem("Видеотека", "vod", True, icon=os.path.join(iconpath, 'icon_movies.png'))
addItem('Телетека', 'ArcPlus', True, icon=os.path.join(iconpath, 'icon_teleteka.png'))
addItem("Радио", "radio", True, icon=os.path.join(iconpath, 'icon_radio.png'))
addItem('Поиск', 'Search', True)#, icon=os.path.join(iconpath, 'icon_tv_live.png'))
addItem("Настройки", "setting", False, "")
elif mode == "setting":
xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.Resolution(' + addon.getSetting('resolution') + ')')
elif mode == 'LiveTV':
datnow = ContentService.GetUTC()
channels = Content.Channels()
sessID = SessionID()
channels.Invoke(ContentService.GetClientChannel(sessID, type = 'LiveTV', pagItems = '13', pagNum = page))
for channel in channels.items:
playnow = ContentService.NowPlay(sessID, channel.id, datnow)
icon = getImage(channel.id, '4')
name = channel.name + ' - ' + playnow.time + ' ' + playnow.name
addItem(name, 'LiveStream', False, channel.id, playnow.description, icon)
if int(channels.TPage) > int(page):
p = int(page) + 1
print channels.TPage + ' - ' + page
addItem("...Следующая страница...","LiveTV",True, icon=os.path.join(iconpath, 'icon_tv_live.png'), page=str(p))
if int(channels.TPage) == int(page) or int(channels.TPage) > int(page):
addItem("На главную", "", True, "0")
elif mode == 'LiveStream':
playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO)
video = MediaService.GetClientStreamUri(SessionID(), 'LiveTV' ,id)
if video.startswith('http://'):
video = urllib.unquote(video)
video = video.replace('http://','mms://').replace('&','&') + '&MSWMExt=.asf'
video = urllib.unquote(video)
video = video.replace('&','&')
cat = description.replace('\n', ". ")
cat = name + ". " + cat
icon = getImage(id, '4')
listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(cat, thumbnailImage=icon)
listitem.setInfo('video', {'title' : cat})
playlist.add(url=video, listitem=listitem, index=7)
elif mode == 'ArcPlus':
addItem('Каналы', 'ArcPlusCh', True)
addItem('Жанры', 'ArcPlusGenre', True)
addItem('Лучшее', 'ArcBest', True)
elif mode == 'ArcPlusCh':
channels = Content.Channels()
channels.Invoke(ContentService.GetClientChannel(SessionID(), type = 'ArcPlus', pagItems = '200', pagNum = '1'))
for channel in channels.items:
icon = getImage(channel.id, '4')
addItem(channel.name, 'ArcTimes', True, channel.id, icon = icon)
elif mode == 'ArcTimes':
today = datetime.date.today()
addItem('Сегодня', 'ArcDay', True, id, icon = icon, year=str(today.year), month=str(today.month), day=str(today.day))
addItem('За неделю', 'ArcWeek', True, id, icon = icon)
addItem('За месяц', 'ArcMonth', True, id, icon = icon)
for i in range(2009, today.year + 1):
addItem(str(i) + " год", "ArcYear", True, id, "", icon, year=str(i))
elif mode == 'ArcWeek':
today = datetime.date.today()
for i in range (0, 7):
day1 = today - datetime.timedelta(days=i)
daten = daysofweek[dayweek(day1.year, day1.month, day1.day)]
addItem(daten + ", " + str(day1.day) + " " + monthday[(int(day1.month)-1)], "ArcDay", True, id, "", icon, year=str(day1.year), month=str(day1.month), day=str(day1.day))
elif mode == 'ArcMonth':
today = datetime.date.today()
for i in range (0, 30):
day1 = today - datetime.timedelta(days=i)
daten = daysofweek[dayweek(day1.year, day1.month, day1.day)]
addItem(daten + ", " + str(day1.day) + " " + monthday[(int(day1.month)-1)], "ArcDay", True, id, "", icon, year=str(day1.year), month=str(day1.month), day=str(day1.day))
elif mode == 'ArcDay':
date = datetime.date(int(year), int(month), int(day))
channels = ContentService.Search(SessionID(), "0", page=1, date=date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), id=id)
for channel in channels.items:
icon = getImage(channel.id, '16')
addItem(channel.name, "ArcPlusPlay", False, channel.id, channel.descr, icon = icon, duration=GetInHMS(int(channel.length)))
elif mode== 'ArcYear':
today = datetime.date.today()
if year == str(today.year):
for i in range(0, today.month):
addItem(months[i] + ", " + year, "ArcMonth", True, id, "", icon, year=year, month=str(i+1))
for i in range(0,12):
addItem(months[i] + ", " + year, "ArcMonth", True, id, "", icon, year=year, month=str(i+1))
elif mode == 'ArcMonth':
today = datetime.date.today()
if month == str(today.month):
if year == str(today.year):
for i in range(1, today.day + 1):
daten = daysofweek[dayweek(today.year, today.month, i)]
year = str(today.year)
month = str(today.month)
addItem(daten + ", " + str(i) + " " + monthday[(int(month)-1)], "ArcDay", True, id, "", icon, year=year, month=month, day=str(i))
lastday = calendar.monthrange(int(year), int(month))[1]
for i in range(1, lastday + 1):
daten = daysofweek[dayweek(int(year), int(month), i)]
addItem(daten + ", " + str(i) + " " + monthday[(int(month)-1)], "ArcDay", True, id, "", icon, year=year, month=month, day=str(i))
lastday = calendar.monthrange(int(year), int(month))[1]
for i in range(1, lastday + 1):
daten = daysofweek[dayweek(int(year), int(month), i)]
addItem(daten + ", " + str(i) + " " + monthday[(int(month)-1)], "ArcDay", True, id, "", icon, year=year, month=month, day=str(i))
elif mode == 'ArcPlusGenre':
channels = ContentService.GetClientGenres(ContentService.GenreRequest(SessionID(), 0),"0")
for channel in channels:
addItem(channel.name, "ArcPlusGenreSub", True, channel.id)
elif mode == 'ArcPlusGenreSub':
channels = ContentService.GetClientGenres(ContentService.GenreRequest(SessionID(), 0), id)
if len(channels) == 0:
channels = ContentService.GetClientProgramGuide(SessionID(), id, 0, page=int(page))
for channel in channels.items:
icon = getImage(channel.id, '16')
t = timeplay(channel.startTime)
if channel.cont == 'true':
addItem(channel.name, "ArcPlusGenreMovie", True, channel.id, channel.descr, icon = icon, page = '1')
addItem(t + ' ' + channel.name, "ArcPlusPlay", False, channel.id, channel.descr, icon = icon, duration=GetInHMS(int(channel.length)))
if channels.tpage > int(page):
page = str(int(page) + 1)
addItem("...Следующая страница...","ArcPlusGenreSub",True, id, page=page)
for channel in channels:
addItem(channel.name, "ArcPlusGenreSub", True, channel.id)
elif mode == 'ArcPlusGenreMovie':
channels = ContentService.GetRelProgram(SessionID(), id, page)
for channel in channels.items:
t = timeplay(channel.startTime)
icon = getImage(channel.id, '16')
addItem(t + ' ' + channel.name, "ArcPlusPlay", False, channel.id, channel.descr, icon = icon, duration=GetInHMS(int(channel.length)))
if channels.tpage > int(page):
page = str(int(page) + 1)
addItem("...Следующая страница...","ArcPlusGenreMovie",True, id, page=page)
elif mode == 'ArcBest':
channels = []
if type == "":
addItem("За неделю", "ArcBest", True, "", type = "week")
addItem("За месяц", "ArcBest", True, "", type = "month")
addItem("За все время", "ArcBest", True, "", type = "all")
elif type == "week":
channels = GetBest.GetItem(SessionID(),1)
elif type == "month":
channels = GetBest.GetItem(SessionID(),2)
elif type == "all":
channels = GetBest.GetItem(SessionID(),3)
for channel in channels:
t = timeplay(channel.startTime)
icon = getImage(channel.id, '16')
if id == channel.id:
addItem(t + " " + channel.name, "ArcPlusPlay", False, channel.id, channel.descr, icon, duration=GetInHMS(int(channel.length)))
if channel.cont == "true":
addItem(channel.name, "ArcPlusGenreMovie", True, channel.id, channel.descr, icon)
addItem(t + " " + channel.name, "ArcPlusPlay", False, channel.id, channel.descr, icon, duration=GetInHMS(int(channel.length)))
elif mode == 'ArcPlusPlay':
playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO)
video = MediaService.GetClientStreamUri(SessionID(), 'ArcPlus' ,id)
if video.startswith('http://'):
video = urllib.unquote(video)
video = video.replace('http://','mms://').replace('&','&') + '&MSWMExt=.asf'
cat = description.replace('\n', ". ")
cat = '"' + name + '"' + ". " + cat
icon = getImage(id, '16')
listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, thumbnailImage=icon)
listitem.setInfo('video', {'title' : cat})
playlist.add(url=video, listitem=listitem, index=7)
elif mode == "archive":
#chlist = addon.getSetting('chlist')
#d = chlist.split(',')
channels = Content.Channels()
channels.Invoke(ContentService.GetClientChannel(SessionID(), type = 'LiveTV', pagItems = '200', pagNum = '1'))
lc = archive.GetChannels(Username, Password)
lcr = lc.Request()
for d in channels.items:
#for i in range(0,len(d)-2):
for channel in lcr:
if channel[0][4:]==d.name:
icon = getImage(id, '7')
addItem(channel[0], "archchannel", True, channel[1], "", icon)
elif mode == "archchannel":
for d in range(0, 14):
dt = datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days = d)
addItem(dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, ") + daysofweek[dt.weekday()], "archprograms", True, id=id, icon=icon, date=dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
elif mode == "archprograms":
lc = archive.GetPVREPG(Username, Password, id, date)
for prog in lc.Request():
icon = getImage(prog[1], '4')
addItem(prog[0], "archplay", False, prog[1],icon=icon, description=prog[2])
elif mode == "archplay":
video = MediaService.GetArcStreamUri(SessionID(), id)
soup = BeautifulSoup(video)
starttime = []
pl = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO)
#liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage=icon)
#liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": name[6:] + ". " + description })
for entry in soup('entry'):
sup = BeautifulSoup(entry.prettify())
start = []
start = starttime[0].split(':')
seconds = 0
if len(start) == 3:
seconds = int(start[2]) + (int(start[1])*60) + (int(start[0])*3600)
elif len(start) == 2:
seconds = int(start[1]) + (int(start[0])*60)
#print seconds
#liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage=icon)
#liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": name[6:] + ". " + description })
elif mode == "Search":
#addItem("ТВ Архив", "key", False, "", type="2")
addItem("Телетека", "key", False, "", type="0")
addItem("Видеотека", "key", False, "", type="1")
elif mode == "key":
keyboard = RusKeyboard.Key()
keyboard.type = type
keyboard.urlpath = sys.argv[0]
del keyboard
elif mode == "search1":
if type == '0':
f = ArcSearch.GetItem(SessionID(), type, page=int(page), keyword=keyword)
f = VodSearch.GetItem(SessionID(), page=int(page), keyword=keyword)
k = f.items
for i in k:
if type == '0':
icon = getImage(id, '16')
t = timeplay(i.startTime)
addItem(t + " " + i.name, "ArcPlusPlay", False, i.id, i.descr, icon, duration=GetInHMS(int(i.length)))
icon = getImage(id, '3')
t = ''
if id == i.id:
addItem(t + " " + i.name, "VodPlay", False, i.id, i.descr, icon, duration=GetInHMS(int(i.length)))
if i.cont == "true":
addItem(i.name, "GetRelVOD", True, i.id, i.descr, icon, )
addItem(t + " " + i.name, "VodPlay", False, i.id, i.descr, icon, duration=GetInHMS(int(i.length)))
if f.tpage > int(page):
p = int(page) + 1
addItem("...Следующая страница...","search1",True, "0", page=str(p), keyword=keyword, type=type)
if f.tpage == int(page) or f.tpage > int(page):
addItem("На главную", "", True, "0")
elif mode == 'GetRelVOD':
channels = ContentService.GetRelVod(SessionID(), id, page)
for channel in channels.items:
addItem(channel.name, "VodPlay", False, channel.id, channel.descr, icon, duration=GetInHMS(int(channel.length)))
if channels.tpage > int(page):
p = int(page) + 1
addItem("...Следующая страница...","GetRelVOD",True, "0", page=str(p), keyword=keyword, type=type)
if channels.tpage == int(page) or channels.tpage > int(page):
addItem("На главную", "", True, "0")
elif mode == 'VodPlay':
playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO)
video = MediaService.GetClientStreamUri(SessionID(), 'VOD' ,id)
if video.startswith('http://'):
video = urllib.unquote(video)
video = video.replace('http://','mms://').replace('&','&') + '&MSWMExt=.asf'
cat = description.replace('\n', ". ")
cat = '"' + name + '"' + ". " + cat
icon = getImage(id, '16')
listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(cat, thumbnailImage=icon)
listitem.setInfo('video', {'title' : cat})
playlist.add(url=video, listitem=listitem, index=7)
elif mode == "vod":
addItem("Добавления за неделю", "vodlastweek", True, "")
addItem("Жанры", "vodgenres", True, "")
addItem("Поступления", "vodnewest", True, "")
addItem("Топ 100", "vodtop100", True, "")
elif mode == "vodlastweek":
addItem("Сегодня", "vodbyday", True, "0")
addItem("1 день назад", "vodbyday", True, "1")
addItem("2 дня назад", "vodbyday", True, "2")
addItem("3 дня назад", "vodbyday", True, "3")
addItem("4 дня назад", "vodbyday", True, "4")
addItem("5 дней назад", "vodbyday", True, "5")
addItem("6 дней назад", "vodbyday", True, "6")
addItem("7 дней назад", "vodbyday", True, "7")
elif mode == "vodbyday":
lc = vod.GetVODAddedLastWeekByUser(Username, Password, id)
l = lc.Request()
for prog in l:
icon = getImage(prog[1], '1')
#icon = "http://www2.iptv-distribution.net/ui/ImageHandler.ashx?e=" + prog[1] + "&t=1"
addItem(prog[0], "vodplay", False, prog[1],prog[2], icon)
xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_VIDEO_RATING)
xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL)
xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_VIDEO_RUNTIME)
elif mode == "vodplay":
lc = vod.GetVODStreamURL(Username, Password, id)
streamUrl = lc.Request()
icon = getImage(id, '1')
#icon = "http://www2.iptv-distribution.net/ui/ImageHandler.ashx?e=" + id + "&t=1"
playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO)
liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, thumbnailImage = icon)
liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={"Title": name + ". " + description})
playlist.add(url=streamUrl, listitem=liz, index=1)
elif mode == "vodgenres":
lc = vod.GetVODGenresByUser(Username)
for genre in lc.Request():
addItem(genre[0], "vodsubgenres", True, genre[1])
elif mode == "vodsubgenres":
lc = vod.GetVODSubGenres(id)
for genre in lc.Request():
addItem(genre[0], "vodsubgenres", True, genre[1])
lc = vod.GetVODMoviesBySubGenreUser(Username, Password, id)
for prog in lc.Request():
icon = getImage(prog[1], '1')
#icon = "http://www2.iptv-distribution.net/ui/ImageHandler.ashx?e=" + prog[1] + "&t=1"
if prog[3] > 1:
addItem(prog[0], "vodseries", True, prog[1],prog[2], icon)
addItem(prog[0], "vodplay", False, prog[1], prog[2],icon, rating= prog[4], duration=prog[5])
elif mode == "vodseries":
lc = vod.GetVODSeries(Username, Password, id)
for prog in lc.Request():
icon = getImage(prog[1], '1')
#icon = "http://www2.iptv-distribution.net/ui/ImageHandler.ashx?e=" + prog[1] + "&t=1"
addItem(prog[0], "vodplay", False, prog[1], "", icon, "", prog[2])
xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_VIDEO_RATING)
xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL)
xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_VIDEO_RUNTIME)
elif mode == "vodnewest":
lc = vod.GetVODMoviesNewInVODByUser(Username, Password)
for prog in lc.Request():
icon = getImage(prog[1], '1')
#icon = "http://www2.iptv-distribution.net/ui/ImageHandler.ashx?e=" + prog[1] + "&t=1"
addItem(prog[0], "vodplay", False, prog[1], prog[2], icon)
elif mode == "vodtop100":
lc = vod.GetVODMoviesTOP100ByUser(Username, Password)
for prog in lc.Request():
icon = getImage(prog[1], '1')
#icon = "http://www2.iptv-distribution.net/ui/ImageHandler.ashx?e=" + prog[1] + "&t=1"
addItem(prog[0], "vodplay", False, prog[1],prog[2], icon,rating = prog[3])
elif mode == "radio":
lc = radio.GetRadioStationListByUser(Username)
for prog in lc.Request():
addItem(prog[0], "radioplay", False, prog[1],"", prog[2], stream = prog[3])
elif mode == "radioplay":
if icon == "" or icon == None:
icon = "DefaultAudio.png"
liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage = icon)
liz.setInfo(type="Audio", infoLabels={ "Title": name[4:] })
if stream.startswith('http://'):
ap = asx.Parser()
stream = ap.parseUrl(stream)[0]
xbmc.Player().play(stream, liz)
xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("RUREMTV", "Нет соединения с сервером", "")
#print x.appSettings.sessionID
#print y.get()
RE: n00b question: fixing script failure - Xycl - 2014-03-28
Code: 11:47:57 T:6788 DEBUG: Instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.video.rurem" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
11:47:57 T:6788 ERROR: EXCEPTION: Could not get AddonPtr given a script id of plugin.video.brtv.If you are trying to use 'os.getcwd' to set the path, you cannot do that in a Version: 2.1.0 plugin.
plugin.video.brtv fails but not plugin.video.rurem.