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Empty EPG - Printable Version

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Empty EPG - filthycatbox - 2015-01-13

I have installed and configured the IPTV client using a (working) local m3u. I can see the channels populating the channels list in the menu, but no matter what i DO, THE epg data does not show up. done a fresh install, tried a about 10 different m3u lists (both local and online) but cannot fix this.

Below is the log, I'd hugely appreciate any assistance.
Thanks in advance!


RE: Empty EPG - Ned Scott - 2015-01-13

It looks like the EPG file isn't correctly formatted.

18:18:04 T:5732   ERROR: AddOnLog: PVR IPTV Simple Client: Unable parse EPG XML: expected <

Unfortunately IPTV Simple wasn't any more specific in the log message. Can you give an example EPG XML file that you've tried?

RE: Empty EPG - filthycatbox - 2015-01-13

Thanks Ned, here's the latest one I'm t:rying:


RE: Empty EPG - filthycatbox - 2015-01-13

Edit: Thank you for your help Ned, I have it working now with a regularly updated EPG.

RE: Empty EPG - spudlee - 2015-01-14

Hello Filthycatbox, How did you get your epg to work?

RE: Empty EPG - filthycatbox - 2015-01-15

Sporadically, yes. Then I changed things and it's fine back to not working.

I'm assuming you're in the same position, so if and when I find a fix for it I'll send you a PM.

RE: Empty EPG - learningit - 2015-01-19

I have the same problem. Here is my .3mu:

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="I78.28456220.microsoft.com" tvg-name="CNN" group-title="Group 1",CNN

and here is my .xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <channel id="I78.28456220.microsoft.com">
  <programme start="20150118220000 -0500" stop="20150118230000 -0500" channel="I78.28456220.microsoft.com" >
     <title lang="en">Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown</title>
  <programme start="20150118230000 -0500" stop="20150119000000 -0500" channel="I78.28456220.microsoft.com">
     <title lang="en">Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown</title>

This is the error I get:
22:38:52 T:5732 ERROR: AddOnLog: PVR IPTV Simple Client: Unable parse EPG XML: expected <

I really can't see what I'm doing wrong.

RE: Empty EPG - filthycatbox - 2015-02-08

I discovered recently, that the only way I've gotten this to work is through another add-on. Whilst I added an updated xmltv link, it went back to reading an m3u and XML file from the add-on Israel Live which has listings of around 2000 international channels.

I've still has absolutely zero luck in getting this to work otherwise.

RE: Empty EPG - duppa43 - 2015-02-18

Ok, IM GOING CRAZY!! I hope you guys figured out what is going on. I have kodi installed on my fireTV and have everything working perfectly. I have a HDHomerun hooked up to a antenna in my attic. I happen to get 37 local channels quite well. nonetheless, I have a working m3u file and a working xmltv file for all my local channels. ( i know they work because they work very well in Kodi directly as well as in the TVGuide app) For the life of me I can't get IPTV simple Client to populate the EPG No matter what I try. I don't get an error or anything, just a blank EPG. any help would be GREATLY appreciated... here is a copy of one entry into my m3u file and my xmltv file.

#EXTINF: -1 tvg-id=“I86.28459358.microsoft.com” tvg-name=“KDKADT” tvg-logo="logo1"

my xmltv file

<channel id="I86.28459358.microsoft.com">
<display-name>86 KDKADT</display-name>
<display-name>KDKADT (KDKA-DT)</display-name>
<display-name>CBS Affiliate</display-name>