[Transition] Taskswitch.tra - morte0815 - 2006-10-03
This one is inspired by the Vista-Taskswitch (i dont know how the topmost window gets to the back, so i created my own way)
PHP Code: // Taskswitch.tra // Author - morte0815
float time; Texture background;
void Init() { time = 0; background.LoadTexture("Plasma_edge.jpg");
void DrawFrame() { gfxSetTexture(background); gfxTexRect(-1.1f, 1.1f, 1.1f, -1.1f); }
void TexRect(float top, float bottom, float left, float right, float ttop, float tbottom, float tleft, float tright) { gfxBegin(PRIM_QUADLIST); gfxTexCoord(tleft,ttop); gfxVertex(left,top,0); gfxTexCoord(tright,ttop); gfxVertex(right,top,0); gfxTexCoord(tright,tbottom); gfxVertex(right,bottom,0); gfxTexCoord(tleft,tbottom); gfxVertex(left,bottom,0); gfxEnd(); }
void Render() {
gfxSetAspect(0); time += TIMEPASS; // gfxSetBlendMode(BLEND_ADD); // float angle = time - 1.5f; // if (angle < 0){ angle = -angle;} // angle = 1.5f - angle; // gfxRotate(Pow(360,angle*2),0,0,1); if (time < 1.0f){ gfxTranslate(0, 0, 2.414+time*2); gfxRotate(-65*time,0,1,0); gfxTranslate(0, 0, -time/2.0f); gfxPushMatrix(); gfxTranslate(0, 0, 1); DrawFrame(); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_NEXTPRESET); gfxTexRect(-1, 1, 1, -1); gfxPopMatrix(); DrawFrame(); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_CURRPRESET); gfxTexRect(-1, 1, 1, -1); } if (time > 1.0f && time < 2.0f) { gfxTranslate(0, 0, 4.414); gfxRotate(-65,0,1,0); gfxTranslate(0, 0, -0.5f); gfxPushMatrix(); gfxTranslate(0, 0, 1-(time-1)); DrawFrame(); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_NEXTPRESET); gfxTexRect(-1, 1, 1, -1); gfxPopMatrix(); gfxPushMatrix(); gfxTranslate(0,(time-1)*2,0); gfxSetTexture(background); TexRect(1.1f,0.0f,-1.1f,1.1f,1.0f,0.5f,0.0f,1.0f); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_CURRPRESET); TexRect(1,0,-1,1,1.0f,0.5f,0.0f,1.0f); gfxPopMatrix(); gfxTranslate(0,(1-time)*2,0); gfxSetTexture(background); TexRect(0.0f,-1.1f,-1.1f,1.1f,0.5f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_CURRPRESET); TexRect(0,-1,-1,1,0.5f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); } if (time > 2.0f) { gfxTranslate(0, 0, 4.414-(time-2)*2); gfxRotate(-65+(time-2)*65,0,1,0); gfxTranslate(0, 0, -0.5f); gfxPushMatrix(); DrawFrame(); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_NEXTPRESET); gfxTexRect(-1, 1, 1, -1); }
if (time>=3){ FINISHED = true; } }
In this one there is still a bug (the textures tear when the splitted window is shifted away), but i dont know why, so i cant fix it. Maybe someone else finds the bug.
- MrC - 2006-10-03
I didn't notice any tearing here.
- morte0815 - 2006-10-03
MrC Wrote: Outstanding!
I didn't notice any tearing here. THANKS!!
You can see the tearing if you use this version (it stops at the splitting of the current visualization):
PHP Code: // Taskswitch_tearing.tra // Author - morte0815
float time; Texture background;
void Init() { time = 0; background.LoadTexture("Plasma_edge.jpg");
void DrawFrame() { gfxSetTexture(background); gfxTexRect(-1.1f, 1.1f, 1.1f, -1.1f); }
void TexRect(float top, float bottom, float left, float right, float ttop, float tbottom, float tleft, float tright) { gfxBegin(PRIM_QUADLIST); gfxTexCoord(tleft,ttop); gfxVertex(left,top,0); gfxTexCoord(tright,ttop); gfxVertex(right,top,0); gfxTexCoord(tright,tbottom); gfxVertex(right,bottom,0); gfxTexCoord(tleft,tbottom); gfxVertex(left,bottom,0); gfxEnd(); }
void Render() {
gfxSetAspect(0); time += TIMEPASS; // gfxSetBlendMode(BLEND_ADD); // float angle = time - 1.5f; // if (angle < 0){ angle = -angle;} // angle = 1.5f - angle; // gfxRotate(Pow(360,angle*2),0,0,1); if (time < 1.0f){ gfxTranslate(0, 0, 2.414+time*2); gfxRotate(-65*time,0,1,0); gfxTranslate(0, 0, -time/2.0f); gfxPushMatrix(); gfxTranslate(0, 0, 1); DrawFrame(); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_NEXTPRESET); gfxTexRect(-1, 1, 1, -1); gfxPopMatrix(); DrawFrame(); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_CURRPRESET); gfxTexRect(-1, 1, 1, -1); } if (time > 1.0f ) { gfxTranslate(0, 0, 4.414); gfxRotate(-65,0,1,0); gfxTranslate(0, 0, -0.5f); gfxPushMatrix(); gfxTranslate(0, 0, 1); DrawFrame(); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_NEXTPRESET); gfxTexRect(-1, 1, 1, -1); gfxPopMatrix(); gfxPushMatrix(); gfxTranslate(0,0,0); gfxSetTexture(background); TexRect(1.1f,0.0f,-1.1f,1.1f,1.0f,0.5f,0.0f,1.0f); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_CURRPRESET); TexRect(1,0,-1,1,1.0f,0.5f,0.0f,1.0f); gfxPopMatrix(); gfxTranslate(0,0,0); gfxSetTexture(background); TexRect(0.0f,-1.1f,-1.1f,1.1f,0.5f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_CURRPRESET); TexRect(0,-1,-1,1,0.5f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); }
if (time>=3){ FINISHED = true; } }
- pike - 2006-10-04
maybe add some randomness so it does the transition in more than direction ?
- morte0815 - 2006-10-04
Since i cant edit my posts anymore (ADMIN!!!!!!!! ) here is a version with some randomnes:
PHP Code: // taskswitch.tra // Author - morte0815
float time; Texture background; float angleA; float angleB; float vertical;
void Init() { time = 0; background.LoadTexture("Plasma_edge.jpg"); angleA = Rand() * 180 - 90; angleB = Rand() * 180 - 90; vertical = Rand(); }
void DrawFrame() { gfxSetTexture(background); gfxTexRect(-1.1f, 1.1f, 1.1f, -1.1f); }
void TexRect(float top, float bottom, float left, float right, float ttop, float tbottom, float tleft, float tright) { gfxBegin(PRIM_QUADLIST); gfxTexCoord(tleft,ttop); gfxVertex(left,top,0); gfxTexCoord(tright,ttop); gfxVertex(right,top,0); gfxTexCoord(tright,tbottom); gfxVertex(right,bottom,0); gfxTexCoord(tleft,tbottom); gfxVertex(left,bottom,0); gfxEnd(); }
void Render() {
gfxSetAspect(0); time += TIMEPASS; if (time < 1.0f){ gfxTranslate(0, 0, 2.414+time*2); gfxRotate(angleA*time,0,1,0); gfxRotate(angleB*time,1,0,0); gfxTranslate(0, 0, -time/2.0f); gfxPushMatrix(); gfxTranslate(0, 0, 1); DrawFrame(); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_NEXTPRESET); gfxTexRect(-1, 1, 1, -1); gfxPopMatrix(); DrawFrame(); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_CURRPRESET); gfxTexRect(-1, 1, 1, -1); } if (time > 1.0f && time < 2.0f) { gfxTranslate(0, 0, 4.414); gfxRotate(angleA,0,1,0); gfxRotate(angleB,1,0,0); gfxTranslate(0, 0, -0.5f); gfxPushMatrix(); gfxTranslate(0, 0, 1-(time-1)); DrawFrame(); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_NEXTPRESET); gfxTexRect(-1, 1, 1, -1); gfxPopMatrix(); gfxPushMatrix(); if (vertical >0.5f){ gfxTranslate(0,(time-1)*2,0); } else{ gfxTranslate((time-1)*2,0,0); } gfxSetTexture(background); TexRect(1.1f,0.0f,-1.1f,1.1f,0.0f,0.5f,0.0f,1.0f); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_CURRPRESET); TexRect(1,0,-1,1,0.0f,0.5f,0.0f,1.0f); gfxPopMatrix(); if (vertical>0.5f){ gfxTranslate(0,(1-time)*2,0); } else{ gfxTranslate((1-time)*2,0,0); } gfxSetTexture(background); TexRect(0.0f,-1.1f,-1.1f,1.1f,0.5f,1.0f,0.0f,1.0f); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_CURRPRESET); TexRect(0,-1,-1,1,0.5f,1.0f,0.0f,1.0f); } if (time > 2.0f) { gfxTranslate(0, 0, 4.414-(time-2)*2); gfxRotate(angleA+(time-2)*-angleA,0,1,0); gfxRotate(angleB+(time-2)*-angleB,1,0,0); gfxTranslate(0, 0, -0.5f); gfxPushMatrix(); if (vertical>0.5f){ gfxTranslate(0,(time-1)*2,0); } else{ gfxTranslate((time-1)*2,0,0); } gfxSetTexture(background); TexRect(1.1f,0.0f,-1.1f,1.1f,0.0f,0.5f,0.0f,1.0f); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_CURRPRESET); TexRect(1,0,-1,1,0.0f,0.5f,0.0f,1.0f); gfxPopMatrix(); gfxPushMatrix(); if (vertical>0.5f){ gfxTranslate(0,(1-time)*2,0); } else{ gfxTranslate((1-time)*2,0,0); } gfxSetTexture(background); TexRect(0.0f,-1.1f,-1.1f,1.1f,0.5f,1.0f,0.0f,1.0f); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_CURRPRESET); TexRect(0,-1,-1,1,0.5f,1.0f,0.0f,1.0f); gfxPopMatrix(); DrawFrame(); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_NEXTPRESET); gfxTexRect(-1, 1, 1, -1); } if (time>=3){ FINISHED = true; } }
- MrC - 2006-10-09
When it splits the current preset the textures coords are wrong and it draws it upside down. I am not sure if this is the tearing you are talking about or not. Anyway, the fixed version is below. I have also removed a few gfxTranslate functions as it was jumping at the end due to not being at the correct z position. You will probably have a better idea how to fix that than me.
PHP Code: // Taskswitch.tra // Author - morte0815
float time; Texture background;
void Init() { time = 0; background.LoadTexture("Plasma_edge.jpg");
void DrawFrame() { gfxSetTexture(background); gfxTexRect(-1.1f, 1.1f, 1.1f, -1.1f); }
void TexRect(float top, float bottom, float left, float right, float ttop, float tbottom, float tleft, float tright) { gfxBegin(PRIM_QUADLIST); gfxTexCoord(tleft,ttop); gfxVertex(left,top,0); gfxTexCoord(tright,ttop); gfxVertex(right,top,0); gfxTexCoord(tright,tbottom); gfxVertex(right,bottom,0); gfxTexCoord(tleft,tbottom); gfxVertex(left,bottom,0); gfxEnd(); }
void Render() {
gfxSetAspect(0); time += TIMEPASS; // gfxSetBlendMode(BLEND_ADD); // float angle = time - 1.5f; // if (angle < 0){ angle = -angle;} // angle = 1.5f - angle; // gfxRotate(Pow(360,angle*2),0,0,1); if (time < 1.0f){ gfxTranslate(0, 0, 2.414+time*2); gfxRotate(-65*time,0,1,0); // gfxTranslate(0, 0, -time/2.0f); gfxPushMatrix(); gfxTranslate(0, 0, 1); DrawFrame(); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_NEXTPRESET); gfxTexRect(-1, 1, 1, -1); gfxPopMatrix(); DrawFrame(); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_CURRPRESET); gfxTexRect(-1, 1, 1, -1); } if (time > 1.0f && time < 2.0f) { gfxTranslate(0, 0, 4.414); gfxRotate(-65,0,1,0); // gfxTranslate(0, 0, -0.5f); gfxPushMatrix(); gfxTranslate(0, 0, 1-(time-1)); DrawFrame(); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_NEXTPRESET); gfxTexRect(-1, 1, 1, -1); gfxPopMatrix(); gfxPushMatrix(); gfxTranslate(0,(time-1)*2,0); gfxSetTexture(background); TexRect(1.1f,0.0f,-1.1f,1.1f,1.0f,0.5f,0.0f,1.0f); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_CURRPRESET); TexRect(1,0,-1,1,0.0f,0.5f,0.0f,1.0f); gfxPopMatrix(); gfxTranslate(0,(1-time)*2,0); gfxSetTexture(background); TexRect(0.0f,-1.1f,-1.1f,1.1f,0.5f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_CURRPRESET); TexRect(0,-1,-1,1,0.5f,1.0f,0.0f,1.0f); } if (time > 2.0f) { gfxTranslate(0, 0, 4.414-(time-2)*2); gfxRotate(-65+(time-2)*65,0,1,0); // gfxTranslate(0, 0, -0.5f); gfxPushMatrix(); DrawFrame(); gfxSetTexture(TEXTURE_NEXTPRESET); gfxTexRect(-1, 1, 1, -1); }
if (time>=3){ FINISHED = true; } }