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[iOS] - Kodi remote for iOS - Printable Version

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[iOS] - Kodi remote for iOS - Boobby69 - 2015-08-19

Hi !

Let's begin with a little presentation : I'm a young (22 years old) Android & iOS developer from Lyon, France. My personal phone is a LG G4, and I'm an Android user since the HTC Magic. My professional phone is an iPhone 6 and I own an iPad because no Android tablet was able to be as good as the iPad.

I tried to find on the AppStore a nice iOS application for Kodi. I love Android Kore application works, and there is no application on the AppStore that reach the simplicity and stability of Kore.

Because I'm an iOS developer, why not port the Kore application on iOS ? The code is on open-source, let's see how they do.
I'm working on it for 2 weeks now for 2 reasons :
- The first is that I'd like to publish my app on the AppStore (if there is no limitation due to copyright, or things like this)
- The second one is that I'm not just making the app, I'm making a SDK, so everyone will be able to integrate it an application. I want to make an Automation app and drive my house from a single app.

And now, I want to share my work with you, so here is some images of the interface.


For the moment, only the HTTP connection is working (so there is no TCP connection or Event Server).
The remote works and I can make these actions : UP, LEFT, SELECT, RIGHT, BOTTOM, BACK, HOME, SEND TEXT.

The movie list is correctly fetched as you can see :

What do you think about it ?

Thank you for your returns, and sorry if your eyes are bleeding because of my english.

RE: [iOS] - Kodi remote for iOS - Ned Scott - 2015-08-22

Neat. Mind pointing to the code or putting it on iOS TestFlight so we can see more?

RE: [iOS] - Kodi remote for iOS - Boobby69 - 2015-08-23

Thank you.

The code isn't open-source and I don't know yet if it will be one day.

Concerning beta testing, I used to have a Apple Developer account, but it has expired. And I don't want to pay 100$ at the moment.
And I consider that the app is not ready for beta testing too. Apart the remote that is functional without design, and new screens that I'll post below, you can't do anything. When the movie section, the remote & the authentication will be totally functional, I'll put it in beta testing.

Of course, I appreciate you want to beta test. I'll surely need it to correct bugs.

Top part of a movie: title, tag line, duration, year, votes, rating, plot, directors


Bottom part: casting


Casting when nothing is loaded:


RE: [iOS] - Kodi remote for iOS - Boobby69 - 2015-08-28

Update post :

The movie screen is finished ... well, the most important. I added the remote button in the right top part of the screen.
At the bottom, you can see a toolbar with the play button. Buttons below the title are not all implemented, only "Open in IMDB" actually works.

The casting is fully functional. Clicking the more button now open the complete cast.

The left menu has a new label: the Kodi server you selected Smile
Clicking on the top part of the menu open the media center selection:
Image Image

You can edit, remove or wake up a server by clicking "…" :

Adding a server is as easy as click on the "+". There are missing parameters on the edition screen, it's totally normal. It's not finish yet.
Image Image

I'm currently working on "TV Shows". I'll need some icons (120x120 with only one color) for the tab bar at the bottom (one for the overview section, one for episodes). As you can see, there is something missing Wink


After the "TV Shows", I'll make the main part of the application for me: the REMOTE.
When this will be done (~ 2 weeks), I'll begin a beta-test phase with TestFlight.

Thank you for your feedback. Or in French: "Merci de vos retours".

RE: [iOS] - Kodi remote for iOS - extremeaudio - 2015-09-01

Hey, good job! I love Kore and since the demise of XBMC Commander, I am desperately looking for a substitute for iOS. Thanks for the good work and hope to see more.

Btw, can you share your home automation plans too? Sounds interesting. Maybe in another, more appropriate forum section if not here.

[iOS] - Kodi remote for iOS - jeayese - 2015-09-06

Kor is amazing in android and iOS lacks this amazing app! I'm glad you're bringing it to iOS! Thank you!

RE: [iOS] - Kodi remote for iOS - Boobby69 - 2015-09-06

It's been a while, and great news : the application is available for beta testing \o/
It's the first time I use TestFlight and I hope this will work well.

To do so, if you want to be part of the beta testing, I'll need a couple of information.
Send me with a PM your first name, last name and an email address.
You should receive an email asking you to test the application. If you don't have the TestFlight app, it will automatically bring you to the AppStore to download it. When it's done, you should be able to download the "Kore - Kodi remote" application.

Known issues:
- On the main remote (the cross), the top left, top right & bottom right buttons still not implemented and don't have a message to tell you. If there is an alert with the message "This function is not yet implemented", well ... it's not implemented yet Wink Just wait :p
- Graphic issues on iPad due to rotations, resizing, ...
- TCP connection & Event server connection not implemented yet
- There is nothing to tell you that a list is empty. Just try to "Pull to refresh".
- Some "Pull to refresh" action are not yet implemented, like in "TV Show Overview". If the wheel doesn't stop, it's normal (at the moment, of course).
- The "Playlist screen" on the right side of the remote is not yet implemented.

That's all I remember.

The application is currently in version 0.9.2. I will post update when new features become available.

RE: [iOS] - Kodi remote for iOS - ReducedToZero - 2015-09-20

(Addition in square brackets to the below quotes mine for clarity)

(2015-08-19, 21:51)Boobby69 Wrote: Because I'm an iOS developer, why not port the Kore application on iOS ? The code [original Kore] is on open-source, let's see how they do.

(2015-08-23, 10:02)Boobby69 Wrote: The code [new iOS App] isn't open-source and I don't know yet if it will be one day.

Every time someone does this, a puppy cries Wink

Kore is an excellent App, and open source which has had the effect of motivating you. This is good.

Why not return the favour, pay it forward for good Karma and open source yours too so that you can one day motivate someone else Smile

RE: [iOS] - Kodi remote for iOS - Boobby69 - 2015-09-22

You are right ! And maybe I'll consider making my SDK open-source later.
But I also consider that "every work deserve a salary". It's a french expression & I don't know the real translation in English.

The version 0.9.4 will be soon available (next few days). I didn't know, but even with a test application, Apple makes a verification :/ It generally takes 2 to 3 days.

Changelog :
- TCP connection (it was very complicated, but it seems to work Wink) Because the manual configuration doesn't have a TCP part, you must use the default TCP port (9090) on your Kodi !
- Support of iOS 9 (of course)
- Support of iPhone 6/6S

And don't forget to ask if you want to be part of beta-testers by sending a PM with your first name, last name & your mail address.

RE: [iOS] - Kodi remote for iOS - Boobby69 - 2015-10-07

Hi !

The version 1.0.0 is available for beta-testers (and submitted to the AppStore).

FYI, the application will be available soon at the price of $1,99/1,99 € (Tier 2).
But, for members of the forum, I will provide 100 promo codes to have a free version.

There are movies & TV shows working, and some knows issues.
But, there is already in the pipe a 1.0.1 version waiting Smile

The next feature "Music" will be available in 1.1.0.

RE: [iOS] - Kodi remote for iOS - aesthetiker - 2015-10-07

Hi Bobby,

Awesome work! Can i ask for a promo code? i really like to test the application.

RE: [iOS] - Kodi remote for iOS - bart40140 - 2015-10-18

Salut boobby69, j'ai vu que tu etait francais Smile, c'est une super idée de convertir kore pour ios, je viens de passé depuis peut sur ios et ca me manqué, a tu une idée de la date de validation apple pour l'appli ?

bon dimanche

RE: [iOS] - Kodi remote for iOS - DirtyDogg - 2015-10-20

I would like to get in on this too? It looks great so far!

RE: [iOS] - Kodi remote for iOS - Boobby69 - 2015-11-02

It's been a long time since my last message. I rested a lot, but I'm back again.

And very great news ! The application is available on the AppStore. \o\ /o/
I've just submitted the version 1.0.1 with various fixes & enhancements.

About promo codes, as I said in my previous message, unfortunately, I can't provide them. I don't know why, but I do not have the same buttons as those from Apple website (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/Chapters/ProvidingPromoCodes.html).

I will see with version 1.0.1 if I can do something. Beside, I will ask my colleagues if they know something more. I told you that I will provide promo codes, and I will Wink

Here is how updates will come :
- I will do some fixes to correct crashes & release the app about once every two weeks
- When I finish a new feature (the next one is Music), I will release a major version (1.1.0)
- When all features are done, I will be able to upgrade performances of the app (the database for example is really slow because I do 1 transaction for 1 insertion instead on 1 transaction for all insertions …)

Thank you for everything!

RE: [iOS] - Kodi remote for iOS - bart40140 - 2015-11-02
